Managing Your Calendar

Your Con-nect calendar contains entries for your meetings, appointments, reminders and todos, including all entries in the overlay calendar. As soon as an event has passed, the entry is removed from the calendar information of the Con-nect menu (an appointment or meeting will not be removed from the calendar information until the ending time of the event has passed).

All entries are retained in your calendar for record-keeping purposes until you erase them. There is one exception: a todo is automatically erased from your calendar as soon as it is performed.

Each resource has its own calendar. To display the calendar for a resource, you must DISPLAY the resource.

This document covers the following topics:

Displaying the Calendar

Issue the following command sequence from any point in Con-nect to display a list of your calendar entries starting with the current date (the date which is displayed to the right of the screen name indicates your next calendar entry):

DISPLAY Calendar

Issue the following command sequence from any point in Con-nect to display a list of your calendar entries starting with the date you specify (or with the next calendar entry, if there are no entries for the specified date):

DISPLAY Calendar date

Issue the following command sequence from any point in Con-nect to display a list of your calendar entries starting and ending with the dates you specify:

DISPLAY Calendar from-date to-date

If you do not specify a year with the date, the current year is automatically displayed.

  11:53 AM            * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                 13.Dec.99
  Cabinet LS               Display Calendar 13.Dec.99                     Monday
  Cmd Day Date        Start    End      Type  Subject             Notes Overlay
  --- --- ----------- -------- -------- ----- ------------------------- --------
  __  Mon   13.Dec.99 11:00 PM 11:59 PM   M * Planning                  JE
  __  Tue   14.Dec.99 12:01 AM 12:30 AM   M < Planning                  JE
  __                   9:00 AM 10:00 AM   M   Strategy
  __                   9:00 AM 12:30 PM   M   Marketing                 JE

  __                  10:00 AM 12:00 PM   A   Brunch                  N
  __  Thu   16.Dec.99  9:00 AM 12:30 PM   M   Marketing                 JE
  __                   3:00 PM  5:00 PM ? M   Xmas Party Planning
  __  Sat   18.Dec.99 10:00 AM          ( T   Fiber

  __  Mon   20.Dec.99  9:00 AM          ( R   Call for Doctor Appt
  __  Thu   23.Dec.99  9:00 AM 11:59 PM   A * Vacation
  __                  11:00 AM  2:00 PM x M   more tests              N
  __  Fri   24.Dec.99 12:01 AM 11:59 PM   A > Vacation

 Cmds are 1 or 2 characters from the list below (FLIP for PF-keys)
    Command /                                                              /
  Address  Cancel   Copy     Display  Erase    Info     Modify   Output   Perfor
  Print    Replies  Top      Undo

The "Display Calendar" screen displays the calendar entries chronologically. The columns display the following information:


The name of the day.


The date of the calendar entry.


The starting time of an appointment or meeting; or the time of an event of which you want to be reminded; or the time at which you want to resume a todo.


The time the appointment or meeting ends on that day.


The type of calendar entry:

A Appointment
M Meeting
R Reminder
T Todo

A ( before the type indicates that the calendar entry (appointment, meeting, reminder or todo) does not occupy time in your calendar.

A ! before the type M indicates that the meeting has been initiated by yourself and occupies time in your calendar. It is neither pending nor has it been canceled.

A ? before the type M indicates that the meeting is pending. Either no attendees have been selected or it has not been sent to all selected attendees.

An X (upper-case) before the type M indicates that the meeting, which has been initiated by yourself, has been canceled, but retained in your calendar (i.e. it does not occupy time in your calendar).

An x (lower-case) before the type M indicates that the meeting, which has been initiated by someone else has been canceled, but retained in your calendar (i.e. it does not occupy time in your calendar).

An asterisk (*) after the type indicates the first day of an appointment or meeting which exceeds one day.

> after the type indicates that the appointment or meeting is continued from the previous day and that it continues on the next day.

< after the type indicates that the appointment or meeting is continued from the previous day and that it ends on that day.


The subject of the appointment, meeting, reminder or todo.


This column is marked with A if a meeting or appointment contains an agenda and/or with N if a meeting or appointment contains attached notes.


A user ID in this column indicates a calendar entry (appointment, meeting, reminder or todo) in the calendar of that user.

Commands for Calendar Entries

The command prompting line of the "Display Calendar" screen shows all the commands which apply to calendar entries. The commands are described in section Commands. The following exceptions apply when working with calendar entries:


The ADDRESS command enables both the originator and the attendees to check the reception status of an invitation to a meeting. See the description of the ADDRESS command in section Commands for Meetings for further information.


You cancel a meeting or reminder with the CANCEL command.

To cancel a meeting which exceeds one day, you need not mark each day of the meeting in the "Display Calendar" screen with CA - you can mark any day of the meeting with CA to cancel the whole meeting.

See the description of the CANCEL command in sections Commands for Meetings and Commands for Reminders for further information.


You can add a meeting or an appointment by copying an existing one with the COPY command and changing specifications as necessary. Agenda and attached notes are not copied.

You can specify repeated single-day appointments or meetings. You can also copy an appointment to another cabinet, if its user has given you permission. See the description of the COPY command in sections Commands for Appointments and Commands for Meetings for further information.


When the agenda of a meeting or appointment is displayed, you can COPY or PRINT it.

When you copy the agenda, the "Copy Document" screen appears. The name of your default folder is shown in the "Folder" line. The subject of the meeting or appointment is shown in the "From" line. The name of the original document is shown in the first "Description" line. If the meeting or appointment has a description, it is shown in the next three lines of the description. If the meeting or appointment includes keywords, they are shown in the "Keywords" fields. See the description of the COPY command in section Documents for further information.

When issue the PRINT command in the screen which shows the agenda, the whole meeting or appointment is printed. It is printed according to the criteria that were defined in your user profile (see Print Defaults) or with the OUTPUT command (see the description of the OUTPUT command in section Documents). For a meeting, the following exception applies: when the "Info" field is marked in the "Print Defaults" window or in the "Specify Printer Output Options" screen, the number of attendees and resources that have accepted or declined the meeting is printed as well as the number of all pending invitations.

You can attach notes to a meeting or appointment. See Notes Attached to a Meeting and Notes Attached to an Appointment for further information.


You use the ERASE command to cancel an appointment, reminder or a todo (this command is not allowed with meetings).

As soon as you erase a calendar entry, it is removed from the calendar screens and calendar information. It is not placed in your Wastebasket.

To erase an appointment which exceeds one day, you need not mark each day of the appointment in the "Display Calendar" screen with ER - you can mark any day of the appointment with ER to erase the whole appointment.

If you want to erase repeated single-day appointments, you must mark each appointment you wish to erase with ER. See the description of the COPY command in section Commands for Appointments for further information regarding repeated single-day appointments.


You use the MODIFY command to modify any of your calendar entries. You can modify every specification for appointments, reminders and todos in the resulting "Modify" screen. There is one restriction: in the overlay calendar, you cannot modify the command sequence assigned to the todo.

See the description of the MODIFY command in section Commands for Meetings for information regarding modifying a meeting.

You can attach notes to a meeting or appointment. See Notes Attached to a Meeting and Notes Attached to an Appointment for further information.


When you add a todo, you specify a command, object and parameter. To carry out this command sequence, you must mark the todo with PE. As soon as a todo is performed, it is erased from your calendar. It is not placed in your Wastebasket.

You cannot PERFORM a todo in your overlay calendar.


If you are the originator of the meeting, you can read the replies to your invitation (without having to access your Inbasket) by marking a specific meeting with RE.

If there is only one reply, it is displayed immediately. If there is more than one reply, a list is displayed and you can mark the replies you want to read with DI.

You cannot issue the REPLIES command with a meeting in the overlay calendar.


You issue the UNDO command with a meeting to retract all invitations you have sent. See the description of the UNDO command in section Commands for Meetings for further information.

Printing Your Calendar

You can either print an individual meeting/appointment or a list of all calendar entries within a specified time range.

Printing an Individual Meeting or Appointment

To print the meeting or appointment, you either mark it with PR in a screen which shows a list of calendar entries or you issue PRINT in the command line when the meeting or appointment is displayed. An agenda is always printed with the meeting or appointment.

The meeting or appointment is printed according to the criteria that were defined in your user profile (see Print Defaults) or with the OUTPUT command (see the description of the OUTPUT command in section Documents).

For a meeting, the following exceptions apply: Update messages for a meeting can only be printed from the "Display History of Meeting" screen. When the "Info" field is marked in the "Print Defaults" window or in the "Specify Printer Output Options" screen, the number of attendees and resources that have accepted or declined the meeting is printed as well as the number of all pending invitations.

When you issue the PRINT command in the screen which shows the agenda, the whole meeting or appointment is printed.

Printing a List of Calendar Entries

You can print your calendar any time you want.

Issue the following command sequence from any point in Con-nect:

PRINT Calendar from-date to-date Document

The parameters from-date and to-date are optional; they specify a range of dates to be printed.

The optional parameter "Document" causes the following items associated with a calendar item to be printed as well:

Meeting or appointment

Description, location, agenda (name and text) and attached notes. Attached notes are printed only when the "Attached/Cover Notes" field is marked in your user profile (see Print Defaults) or in the output options (see the description of theOUTPUT command in section Documents). If a meeting or appointment exceeds one day, this information is only printed for the first day of the meeting or appointment.


The first five lines of the description.


Description and command sequence.

The following examples show how this function can be used.

PRINT Calendar 3.Jan Document Print all entries starting from January 3rd with all above-mentioned items.
PRINT Calendar Document Print all entries starting from today with all above-mentioned items.
PRINT Calendar 1.Jan 31.Dec Print all entries from January 1st through December 31st without the above-mentioned items.

If you do not specify a year with the date, the current year is automatically printed.

Displaying the Calendar by the Day

Issue the following command sequence from any point in Con-nect to display the current day:


Issue the following command sequence from any point in Con-nect to display a particular day:

DISPLAY Day date 

The following examples show how this function can be used:

DISPLAY Day 11.Apr Display April 11th of the current year
DISPLAY Day 11.Apr.96 Display April 11th 1996

   4:24 PM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                 2.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS           Display Day 4.Feb.94    Friday                  Wednesday
     8 AM                                 1  3 PM                               
     9 AM                                 1  4 PM                               
    10 AM                                 1  5 PM                               
  1 10:00 AM          (T Fiber                                                  
  1 10:00 AM          (A Visit Alec Jr.      6 PM                               
  1 10:00 AM  5:00 PM  M Internal Traini                                        
  1 11 AM                                                                       
  1 12 PM                                                                       
  1  1 PM                                                                       
  1  2 PM                                                                       
 To display an entry, mark it with the cursor and press ENTER                   
    Command /                                                              /    
       Help  Menu  Quit  In    Send  Foldr Docs  Note  Cal   Flip  Last  Home   

You display the next calendar page by pressing ENTER or the PF-key which has been assigned to the command "+". You display the previous calendar page by pressing the PF-key which has been assigned to the command "-"

You can also enter +n in the command line to page n days forward, or -n to page n days backward.

A number to the left of the time indicates that this period is occupied by n meetings or appointments (reminders, todos, and calendar entries in the overlay calendar are not considered by this number).

Meetings and appointments are characterized by starting time and ending time, or by 12:01 AM to 11:59 PM (0:00 to 23:59) if no time was specified.

Reminders and todos are characterized by the times you specified, or by 12:01 AM (0:00) if no time was specified.

The character to the left of the subject indicates the type of calendar entry: A (appointment), M (meeting), R (reminder) or T (todo).

A ( before the type indicates that the calendar entry does not occupy time in your calendar. Such an appointment or meeting is not included in the number to the left of the time.

A ! before the type M indicates that the meeting has been initiated by yourself and occupies time in your calendar. It is neither pending nor has it been canceled.

A ? before the type M indicates that the meeting is pending. Either no attendees have been selected or it has not been sent to all selected attendees.

An X (upper-case) before the type M indicates that the meeting, which has been initiated by yourself, has been canceled, but retained in your calendar (i.e. it does not occupy time in your calendar).

An x (lower-case) before the type M indicates that the meeting, which has been initiated by someone else has been canceled, but retained in your calendar (i.e. it does not occupy time in your calendar).

An asterisk (*) after the type indicates the first day of an appointment or meeting which exceeds one day.

> after the type indicates that the appointment or meeting is continued from the previous day and that it continues on the next day.

< after the type indicates that the appointment or meeting is continued from the previous day and that it ends on that day.

A cabinet ID to the left of the subject indicates a calendar entry in the overlay calendar.

Your calendar entries are highlighted. Calendar entries in the overlay calendar are not highlighted.

You can display any calendar entry by placing the cursor on the entry and pressing ENTER.

f the display for the day exceeds one display page, this is indicated by ">>>>>>>>>>" at the bottom right of the screen. You press ENTER to display the next page.

You can enter the TOP command in the command line to return to the beginning of a day.

Displaying the Calendar by the Week

Issue the following command sequence from any point in Con-nect to display the current week:


Issue the following command sequence from any point in Con-nect to display a week containing a particular date:

DISPLAY Week date

For example:

DISPLAY Week 11.Oct Display the week of the current year containing October 11th
DISPLAY Week 11.Apr.96 Display the week containing April 11th 1996

Issue the following command sequence from any point in Con-nect to display a particular calendar week:

DISPLAY Week week-number

For example:

DISPLAY Week 41 Display week number 41 of the current year
DISPLAY Week 41/1996 Display week number 41 of the year 1996

When you want to display a specific calendar week not of the current year, you must enter the year in the yyyy format (it is not sufficient to enter yy), and you must use a special character such as the slash (/) or a period (.) to separate the week number from the year.

   4:24 PM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                 2.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS                 Display Week  6/1994                      Wednesday
  Monday        7.Feb.94                  Friday       11.Feb.94                
   9:00 AM 12:00 PM ?M Workshop            2:00 PM          (R Book Flight to L.
  Tuesday       8.Feb.94                  Saturday     12.Feb.94                
  10:00 AM          (R HQ meeting                                               
                                          Sunday       13.Feb.94                
  Wednesday     9.Feb.94                                                        
   3:00 PM  4:00 PM  M Conference                                               
   3:00 PM  4:00 PM  M ESH Conference                                           
  Thursday     10.Feb.94                                                        
  10:00 AM 12:00 PM  M Last Discussion                                          
  10:00 AM 12:00 PM  M ESH Last Discussi                                        
  12:00 PM  2:00 PM  A Lunch with Thomas                                        
   3:00 PM          (R Call Thomas                                              
 To display an entry, mark it with the cursor and press ENTER                   
    Command /                                                              /    
       Help  Menu  Quit  In    Send  Foldr Docs  Note  Cal   Flip  Last  Home   

You display the next calendar page by pressing ENTER or the PF-key which has been assigned to the command "+". You display the previous calendar page by pressing the PF-key which has been assigned to the command "-"

You can also enter +n in the command line to page n weeks forward, or -n to page n weeks backward.

The time scale of the week begins with the day specified in the profile. If Monday has been specified as the first day of the week, the number of the week appears in the screen name. If another day has been specified as the first day of the week, the date of that day appears in the screen name (see Date and Time Formats).

Meetings and appointments are characterized by starting time and ending time, or by 12:01 AM to 11:59 PM (0:00 to 23:59) if no time was specified.

Reminders and todos are characterized by the times you specified, or by 12:01 AM (0:00) if no time was specified.

The character to the left of the subject indicates the type of calendar entry: A (appointment), M (meeting), R (reminder) or T (todo).

A ( before the type indicates that the calendar entry does not occupy time in your calendar.

A ! before the type M indicates that the meeting has been initiated by yourself and occupies time in your calendar. It is neither pending nor has it been canceled.

A ? before the type M indicates that the meeting is pending. Either no attendees have been selected or it has not been sent to all selected attendees.

An X (upper-case) before the type M indicates that the meeting, which has been initiated by yourself, has been canceled, but retained in your calendar (i.e. it does not occupy time in your calendar).

An x (lower-case) before the type M indicates that the meeting, which has been initiated by someone else has been canceled, but retained in your calendar (i.e. it does not occupy time in your calendar).

An asterisk (*) after the type indicates the first day of an appointment or meeting which exceeds one day.

> after the type indicates that the appointment or meeting is continued from the previous day and that it continues on the next day.

< after the type indicates that the appointment or meeting is continued from the previous day and that it ends on that day.

A cabinet ID to the left of the subject indicates a calendar entry in the overlay calendar.

Your calendar entries are highlighted. Calendar entries in the overlay calendar are not highlighted.

You can display any calendar entry by placing the cursor on the entry and pressing ENTER.

f the display for the week exceeds one display page, this is indicated by ">>>>>>>>>>" at the bottom right of the screen. You press ENTER to display the next page.

You can enter the TOP command in the command line to return to the beginning of the week.

Displaying the Calendar by the Month

Issue the following command sequence from any point in Con-nect to display the current month:


Issue the following command sequence from any point in Con-nect to display a particular month:

DISPLAY Month date

The following examples show how this function can be used.

DISPLAY Month 4 Display April of the current year
DISPLAY Month Apr.96 Display April 1996

   4:25 PM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                 2.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS                Display Month February 1994                Wednesday
  Week Day     8AM ---------------- 7PM   Week Day     8AM ---------------- 7PM 
    5 Tue  1   . . . . . . . . . . . .        Wed 16   . . . . . . . . . . . .  
      Wed  2   . . . . . . . . . T . .        Thu 17   . . . . . . . . . . . .  
      Thu  3   . . . . . . . . . . . .        Fri 18   . . . . . . . . . . . .  
      Fri  4   . . 3 M M M M M M . . .        Sat 19   . . . . . . . . . . . .  
      Sat  5   . . . . . . . T . . . .        Sun 20   . . . . . . . . . . . .  
      Sun  6   . . . . . . . . . . . .      8 Mon 21   . . . . . . . . . . . .  
    6 Mon  7   . M M M . . . . . . . .        Tue 22  *A A A A A A A A A A A A* 
      Tue  8   . . R . . . . . . . . .        Wed 23  *A A A A A A A A A A A A* 
      Wed  9   . . . . . . . M . . . .        Thu 24  *A A A A A A A A A A A A* 
      Thu 10   . . M M A A . R . . . .        Fri 25   . . . . . . . . . . . .  
      Fri 11   . . . . . . R . . . . .        Sat 26   . . . . . . . . . . . .  
      Sat 12   . . . . . . . . . . . .        Sun 27   . . . . . . . . . . . .  
      Sun 13   . . . . . . . . . . . .      9 Mon 28   . . . . . . . . . . . .  
    7 Mon 14   . . . . . . . . . . . .                                          
      Tue 15   . . M M M M . . . . . .                                          
 To display a day, mark it with the cursor and press ENTER                      
    Command /                                                              /    
       Help  Menu  Quit  In    Send  Foldr Docs  Note  Cal   Flip  Last  Home   

You display the next month by pressing ENTER or the PF-key which has been assigned to the command "+". You display the previous month by pressing the PF-key which has been assigned to the command "-"

You can also enter +n in the command line to page n months forward, or -n to page n months backward.

The time scale of the day begins with the time specified in the profile (see Date and Time Formats).

Calendar entries in the "Display Month" screen are marked by characters which indicate the type of entry, or by numbers which indicate that the period is occupied by more than one calendar entry (e.g. 2 indicates two overlapping entries). Calendar entries in the overlay calendar are not considered in the "Display Month" screen.

An asterisk (*) to the left or to the right of the time scale indicates that a calendar entry occurs before or after the period covered by the scale.

You can display a specific day containing calendar entries by placing the cursor on the date and pressing ENTER.

Displaying the Calendar by the Year

Issue the following command sequence from any point in Con-nect to display the current year:


As a result, the "Display Year" screen appears showing the current half of the year.

Issue the following command sequence from any point in Con-nect to display a particular year:

DISPLAY Year year-number

As a result, the "Display Year" screen appears showing the first half of the year. You press ENTER to display the second half of the year.

The following example shows how this function can be used. You can specify the year either as a four-digit- or two-digit-number:

DISPLAY Year 96 Display the first half of the year 1996

   4:25 PM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                 2.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS                  Display Year 1994                        Wednesday
                 January               February              March              
  Monday            3 10 17 24 31         7 14 21 28            7 14 21 28      
  Tuesday           4 11 18 25         1  8 15 22            1  8 15 22 29      
  Wednesday         5 12 19 26         2  9 16 23            2  9 16 23 30      
  Thursday          6 13 20 27         3 10 17 24            3 10 17 24 31      
  Friday            7 14 21 28         4 11 18 25            4 11 18 25         
  Saturday       1  8 15 22 29         5 12 19 26            5 12 19 26         
  Sunday         2  9 16 23 30         6 13 20 27            6 13 20 27         
                 April                 May                   June               
  Monday            4 11 18 25            2  9 16 23 30         6 13 20 27      
  Tuesday           5 12 19 26            3 10 17 24 31         7 14 21 28      
  Wednesday         6 13 20 27            4 11 18 25         1  8 15 22 29      
  Thursday          7 14 21 28            5 12 19 26         2  9 16 23 30      
  Friday         1  8 15 22 29            6 13 20 27         3 10 17 24         
  Saturday       2  9 16 23 30            7 14 21 28         4 11 18 25         
  Sunday         3 10 17 24            1  8 15 22 29         5 12 19 26         
 To display a day, mark it with the cursor and press ENTER                      
    Command /                                                              /    
       Help  Menu  Quit  In    Send  Foldr Docs  Note  Cal   Flip  Last  Home   

You display the next year by pressing ENTER or the PF-key which has been assigned to the command "+" when the last half of the year is displayed. You display the previous calendar page by pressing the PF-key which has been assigned to the command "-"

You can also enter +n in the command line to page n years forward, or -n to page n years backward. As a result, the first half of that year is displayed.

Each day with a calendar entry is highlighted. Calendar entries in the overlay calendar are not considered in the "Display Year" screen.

You can display a specific day which contains calendar entries by placing the cursor on the date and pressing ENTER.