Invoking, Debugging, Exiting Con-nect And Other Useful Tips

This document covers the following topics:

How Con-nect is Invoked

Con-nect is normally invoked using the Natural program MENU. This program is supplied in source on the distribution tape; it can be modified as long as the FETCH "MENU" statement is not removed. This facility is provided to allow user processing before Con-nect is invoked.

MENU Parameters

The program MENU can be run using from 0 to 3 parameters. Leave blanks between MENU and first parameter, and between the parameters. If a parameter is a command sequence, separate each word in the sequence with either a semicolon or comma.

If your Natural ID parameter is set to semicolon (;), you must use a comma (,) to separate each word in the command sequence and not a semicolon.

No. of Parameters Action
0 Initialize a private cabinet = *USER. If a cabinet matching *USER is not defined, the user is prompted for a cabinet ID and a password. The example below shows how this is coded.
1 The action described above is taken, and then the parameter is processed as a direct command. The example below shows how this is coded.
MENU DISPLAY;Document;doc-name
2 Parameter 1 is treated as a cabinet ID, parameter 2 as a password for that cabinet. The example below shows how this is coded.
3 Parameter 1 is treated as a cabinet ID, parameter 2 is treated as the password for that cabinet and parameter 3 is processed as a direct command. The example below shows how this is coded.

Specification of Cabinet ID

When 2 or 3 parameters are specified with the program MENU, the first parameter is treated as a cabinet ID and the second parameter as a password - even if no password is required. Password validation varies with the cabinet type:

Cabinet Type Password Validation
Private Password validated if supplied.
Standalone Password always required and validated.
Shared No password validation if *USER is defined as member of the cabinet.
Public No password validation.

A "dummy" password must be supplied using the MENU program for shared and public cabinets. For shared cabinets, this password is validated only if the user is not a member of the cabinet.

Profile Initialization

Normally when a cabinet is used, the following is initialized:

  • the profile, which consists of

    1 command and object table
    2 cabinet profile
    3 user profile
  • the PF-key table.

The initialization of various components of the profile depends on the cabinet type and the access method.

Normally, the user profile (*USER) is initialized, regardless of the type of cabinet accessed. This is to ensure that screen colors, date formats, language, etc., are kept the same in all cabinets in which a user can work.

The system profile is alwaysinitialized for the cabinet being used - regardless of *USER. This is done to allow public, standalone and shared cabinets to be defined with unique sets of menus and commands, thus allowing a Con-nect cabinet to represent a separate Natural application if desired.

Use a Private Cabinet

If a user attempts to use the private cabinet of another user, the profile is initialized as follows:

  • User01 logs on (with the proper password) to Cabinet User02. The complete profile for User02 is initialized. This is effectively the same as if User02 were using Cabinet User02.

  • User01 logs on to Cabinet User02 - which has been shared by User02 with User01. No password is required. The profile for User02 (except for the user profile and PF-keys) is initialized, and then any restrictions as defined by User02 for User01 are applied to that profile (see the Con-nect User's Guide, section Cabinets). The PF-keys for User01 are initialized.

Use a Standalone or Public Cabinet

The user profile (*USER) is initialized and used while accessing the standalone or public cabinet. If no profile for *USER exists (e.g. if *USER is not defined to Con-nect with a private cabinet), the profile for the standalone or public cabinet is initialized.

The user's own PF-key table is initialized, unless the user does not have his own private cabinet - in which case the PF-key table of the cabinet being accessed is used.

Use a Shared Cabinet

Shared Cabinets in this context mean shared cabinets at system level, i.e. cabinets defined as shared by an administrator, not a private cabinet which has been shared.

If the user (*USER) is not defined as a member, the cabinet profile of the shared cabinet is merged with the profile for *USER. If no profile for *USER exists, the profile for the shared cabinet is fully initialized.

If the user (*USER) is defined as a member of the shared cabinet, then the profile is initialized depending on the profile type. Profile types are:

  • the profile defined for the cabinet.

  • the profile defined for the user (user's private cabinet profile).

  • a special profile defined for this member, in this cabinet.

The profile type is specified in the Members function of Cabinet Maintenance.

The user's own PF-key table is initialized.

The Con-nect Banner-Map

The layout of the "Info" screen for a document can be defined with the Natural map named BANNERn0 (n is the language code, e.g. the English map is named BANNER10). This screen contains the document definition criteria, as well as information regarding modifications. The map can be edited using the Natural map editor.

The Print Defaults portion of the user profile can be modified to cause the banner page (i.e. the information from the "Info" screen) to be printed with the document. See Print Defaults.

Special Con-nect Print Modules


A special print module is supported, which provides a condensed printout that does not issue page breaks when the PRINT command is issued with a document. The condensed printout contains the banner page, attached notes/cover notes, list of replies and list of addressees all on one page.

Document information, list of replies, list of addressees, and attached notes/cover notes are printed only if defined in the print defaults. For further information, see Print Defaults.

Printed from  : JS / Inbasket / New 10.Feb.2001 13:51

Sent to       : Smith, John

Sent by       : Simon, Terri       10.Feb.2001 13:20

Subject       : Office Equipment

Cover note -----------------------------------------------------------

John, Here are your new travel arrangements.


United 1164
Leave Washington 13:35
Arrive New York 15:10

United 774
Leave New York 11:30
Arrive Washington 12:55

To use this module you must rename program C0711U in the SYSCNT2 library to C07119. Thereafter, this program is called each time the PRINT command is issued with a document.

To discontinue using this special print module, you simply rename C07119 to C0711U.


A special print module is supported, which provides a condensed printout that does not issue page breaks when the PRINT command is issued with a meeting. This means that meeting basics (e.g. date and time of meeting, location), meeting statistics (e.g. number of attendees accepted, declined), the address list, and notes are all printed in this order, without page breaks. The agenda is printed on a separate page.

Meeting information, addressee list and notes are printed only if defined in the print defaults. For further information, see Print Defaults.

To use this module you must rename program C0716U in the SYSCNT2 library to C07169. Thereafter, this program is called each time the PRINT command is issued with a meeting.

To discontinue using this special print module, you simply rename C07169 to C0716U.

The Con-nect Error Log

The Con-nect error log is available to all users using the module D-TRACE.

Adding the Module D-TRACE as an Application

To access the module D-TRACE directly from your Con-nect session, you must first ADD an application. See the Con-nect User's Guide, section Adding an Application for detailed information.

Specify the following information in the "Add Application" window:

Library Name

Specify "SYSCNT2" as the name of the Natural library in which D-TRACE is catalogued.

Program Name

Specify "D-TRACE" as the name of the Natural program which is to be executed.


Optional - you can specify the following parameters which are passed to the application when it is performed:

To access the Con-nect error log, specify "1" as the first parameter.

To access the multi-node error log, specify "2" as the first parameter.

If you do not specify a parameter, a screen will be displayed when you perform the application. In this screen you can either specify 1 (for Con-nect) or 2 (for Multi-node). You can also specify a user ID.

To display the error log for a specific user, specify the user ID as the second parameter.

Performing the Application to Access the Error Log

To display the error log screen, you must PERFORM the application.

? Library  User ID  Program   Error Sub Line Date       Time       S Page: 1  
- -------- -------- --------- ----- --- ---- ---------- ---------- -          
_ CNT33YB  XSISVG             0082      0000 2004-01-16 14:13:49.0 C          
_ CNT332   XSISAN1            0084      0000 2004-01-16 13:05:55.7 C          
_ CNT341   LS       C0625020  0932      0022 2004-01-16 12:56:52.4 O          
_ CNT33YB  XSISVG   B99050    1016      4590 2004-01-16 12:52:13.8 O          
_ CNT332   XSISAR   N-PCW2B   1016      0210 2004-01-16 12:29:23.5 O          
_ CNT332   XSISAR   N-PCW3B   1016      0650 2004-01-16 12:29:18.6 O          
_ CNT332   XSISAR   N-PCW2B   1016      0210 2004-01-16 12:28:44.5 O          
_ CNT332   XSISAR   N-PCW3B   1016      0610 2004-01-16 12:28:12.1 O          
_ CNT341   XSISAR             0080      0000 2004-01-16 08:07:17.6 C          
_ CNT341   XSISKU   C-29004B  5343      0630 2004-01-15 16:58:10.5 O          
_ CNT341   XSISAN   C01880    0082      0840 2004-01-15 15:48:38.9 O          
_ CNT341   XSISAN   C01880    0082      0000 2004-01-15 15:35:02.8 C          
_ CNT341   XSISAN   STACKER   0082      1850 2001-01-15 13:19:43.7 O          
_ CNT341   XSISAN   C-MRPTOP  1016      0230 2001-01-15 13:03:54.5 O          
_ CNT341   XSISAR   C03011    0936      7170 2004-01-15 12:38:54.4 O          
_ CNT341   XSISSK   C03011    0936      7170 2004-01-15 12:37:07.5 O          
_ CNT341   XSISAN   STACKER   0082      1850 2001-01-15 11:58:16.6 O          
_ CNT341   XSISAR   C03011    0936      7170 2004-01-15 11:57:37.4 O          
_ CNT341   XSISKU   C03011    0936      7170 2004-01-15 11:06:16.3 O          
_ CNT341   XSISAR   C03011    0936      7170 2004-01-15 11:04:29.3 O          
PF1=Help PF2=Print  ****  Errors in Function: 1 = Con-nect   ****  PF12=Delete

The error logs show the last 70 errors in descending, chronological sequence (i.e. the last error that occurred is displayed at the top). The columns in the error log screen display the following information:


Mark with any character and press ENTER to display additional information for that error.


The name of the library in which the error occurred.

User ID

The ID of the user who produced the error.


The name of the program which produced the error.


The Natural/Adabas error number.


The subcode of the Adabas error number.


The line in the program in which the error occurred.

The following exception applies to Multi-node: if the error number is 3148 (database currently not active), the database number is shown in this column.


The date on which the error occurred.


The time at which the error occurred.


The Natural status code. The status can be one of the following:

C command processing error,
L logon error,
O object-time error, or
S non-correctable syntax error.

The following information applies to the most recent error in the log (i.e. the error that is shown at the top): if an error occurs and only the time, library or status code of the new entry to be made differ, the last entry in the log is updated with the new time, library or the status code.

You can use the following PF-keys:

PF1 Display information on a specific Natural error message. You enter the error number in a window and press ENTER to display the error message and its explanation. Pressing PF3 returns you to the error log screen.
PF2 Print the error log.
PF4 Delete all duplicate error messages. This PF-key is only shown when duplicate error messages exist. It is only available to a system administrator.
PF12 Delete the error log. Only an administrator can delete the error log. For a user who is not an administrator, PF3 (Exit) is shown instead of PF12.

When the error log screen is displayed, press PF3 to return to the Con-nect screen from which you performed the application.

Changing the Cabinet Address/Description Fields

The Con-nect error message 0130 pertains to the cabinet address/description (see Cabinet Address/Description). With this error message, you can rename the default fields "Sex" and "Internet" to, for example, "Salutation" and "Comments". Changes to this error message will be applied to all cabinets.

You use the Natural utility SYSERR to modify error message 0130. To invoke this utility, see the Natural documentation, or your Natural administrator.

When the SYSERR menu is displayed, proceed as follows:

  • Enter the code "MO".

  • Make sure that the library is SYSCNT2.

  • Enter "0130" in the first "Message number" field. Leave the second field blank.

  • Ensure that the correct language code is specified (1 for English).

14:45:47              ***** NATURAL SYSERR UTILITY *****             2002-05-13
                                   - Menu -                                    
                 Code  Function                                                
                 ----  ----------------------------------------                
                  AD   Add new messages                                        
                  DE   Delete messages                                         
                  DI   Display messages                                        
                  MO   Modify messages                                         
                  PR   Print messages                                          
                  SC   Scan in messages                                        
                  SE   Select messages from a list                             
                  TR   Translate messages into another language                
                  ?    Help                                                    
                  .    Exit                                                    
                 ----  ----------------------------------------                
          Code .. mo   Message type .... US                                    
                       Library ......... SYSCNT2_                              
                       Message number .. 130_ - ____                               
                       Language codes .. 1________                             
Please enter code.                                                             
Command ===>                                                                   
      Help        Exit                                                  Canc   

When you press ENTER, only error message 0130 is displayed, as shown below.

14:47:46              ***** NATURAL SYSERR UTILITY *****             2002-05-13
                          - Modify Short Message -                             
Number        Short Message (English)                                          
------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------
SYSCNT20130   Sex          ->             <>Internet     ->             <******
 1 Tx.                                                                         
 4 Ex.                                                                         
18 Ac.                                                                         
Mod               Exit                    -     +                       Canc   

A combination of the current Con-nect library and the error message number.

Short Message

The current error message. The default field names "Sex" and "Internet" are followed by the symbol "->". You enter the new field name after this symbol. Each field can be up to 13 characters in length. To revert back to the default field name you simply leave this area blank.

Press ENTER to save your modifications.

Include User Defined Information Lines in the Con-nect Main Menu

With the use of user-exit USR0010C, up to two lines of special information can be displayed in the user's main menu along with appointments, Inbasket items, etc.

The additional lines are always displayed below the user's Inbasket items. If Inbasket items are not displayed in the main menu the additional lines are not displayed. For further information, see the Con-nect User's Guide, section Defining the Menu Layout.

Furthermore, the layout of the main menu must be text at the left. Otherwise, this user-exit will not be called. See the Con-nect User's Guide, section A Menu with the Text at the Left.

The system automatically verifies that the user-exit exists in the system library and step library each time the main menu is displayed. If USR0010C is found, it is called and the special information is included in the main menu.

It is recommended to consider all security aspects when configuring this user-exit since security checks are not performed when the user-exit is called.

The parameter Info-lines is both an input and output parameter.

Input for the first line of parameter Info-lines is the active cabinet's ID, while input for the second line of parameter Info-lines is the user's ID.

The user-exit returns either the first or both text lines. However, if the text lines are blank, they are not displayed.

Parameters In Format Out Format
Info-lines   A35/1:2   A35/1:2
First-occurrence Active cabinet A8 Free text; optional A35
Second-occurrence Active user A8 Free text; optional A35

Example Program

0010 * 
0020 * Example program for user-exit USR0010C 
0030 * 
0040 * 
0060 1 #PARMS (A35/2) 
0080 2 #PARM1 (A35) 
0090 2 #PARM2 (A35) 
0100 *
0110 LOCAL 
0120 1 #CABINET-ID (A8) 
0130 1 #USER-ID (A8) 
0140 * 
0160 * 
0190 * 
0200 RESET #PARMS(*) 
0210 * 
0220 MOVE 'Text line A' TO #PARMS(1) 
0230 MOVE 'Test line B' TO #PARMS(2) 
0240 * 
0250 END

Exiting from Con-nect

Con-nect is normally exited via the Natural program EXIT. This program is supplied as source on the distribution tape, and can be modified by the user.

The exit program is called when you issue one of the following Con-nect commands:

LOGON library-name
PERFORM Application name

When the Natural terminal command %% is entered in the Con-nect command line, the exit program is not called.

The exit program contains statements to reset the Natural environment to its original state before Con-nect was initialized. It also contains statements which describe how you can force the termination of a Con-nect session.