Installing Con-nect

This Dokument describes step by step how to install Con-nect under the operating systems z/OS, z/VSE and BS2000.

It covers the following topics:


When you install Con-nect, data sets required for the transport service are also installed. See Part 2. The Transport Service for an overview of the transport service installation procedures.

Determine if this is a first time installation or whether this version is to replace an existing Con-nect version.

If this is a first time installation and you are using SMA to install Con-nect, set parameter CNT-FIRST-INSTALL to Y. If you are migrating from a previous version of Con-nect, set parameter CNT-FIRST-INSTALL to N.

If you want to install the transport service method, you must set the parameter CNT-TRANS-SERV to Y. If you do not want to install the transport service, set this parameter to N.

Additionally, if you are migrating from a previous version of Con-nect, skip steps 1 through 6 and proceed with step 7.

Installation Procedures for Con-nect

1. Load Help System File (Job I050, Step 0203)

The help system file is used to store all help screens.

Load the empty Con-nect help system file (data set CNTnnn.SYS2) using the Adabas utility ADALOD.

The specifications of the NTLFILE macro call in the Natural parameter module must correspond to the file number and the ID of the database in which this file is contained. The internal file identification number 222 refers to the Con-nect help system file.

For a medium-sized installation the following ADALOD parameters can be used:


2. Load Spool File (Job I050, Step 0205)

The spool file is used for intermediate storage of external mail information.

Load the empty Con-nect spool file (data set CNTnnn.SYS3) using the Adabas utility ADALOD.

The specifications of the NTLFILE macro call in the Natural parameter module must correspond to the file number and the ID of the database in which this file is contained. The internal file identification number 223 refers to the Con-nect spool file.

For a medium-sized installation the following ADALOD parameters can be used:


Whenever this file is loaded and reloaded, you must specify the USERISN option to ensure that the ISN assignments of the database records remain unchanged.

3. Load Central Directory File (Job I050, Step 0207)

The central directory file is used to store addresses uploaded to the central directory from Con-nect nodes participating in a Con-nect network.

Load the empty central directory file (data set CNTnnn.SYS4) using the Adabas utility ADALOD.

The specifications of the NTLFILE macro call in the Natural parameter module must correspond to the file number and the ID of the database in which this file is contained. The internal file identification number 160 refers to the central directory file.

For a medium-sized installation the following ADALOD parameters can be used:


4. Load Cabinet Transfer File (Job I050, Step 0208)

If this is a first time installation, execute this step.

The Con-nect Cabinet Transfer functions and utilities CCTLOAD and CCTRLOAD are used to transfer one or more Con-nect cabinets from one Con-nect system to any other Con-nect system - regardless of the operating system.

Load the empty Cabinet Transfer file (data set CNTnnn.SYS5) using the Adabas utility ADALOD. Using the Adabas Online Services, you can obtain the size of the Con-form system file's MAXISN and DSIZE parameters.

If you specify the Cabinet Transfer file in the NTLFILE macro call in the Natural parameter module, it must correspond to the file number and the ID of the database in which this file is contained.

Otherwise, you can call it dynamically. For example:


For a medium-sized installation the following ADALOD parameters can be used:


The following Adabas parameters must be set to the highest values:

NH=(4 x 32767)
WORK=400  Cyl. / 144.000 PAM Pages

5. Load Con-nect Text Retrieval Document File (DFNR) (Job I050, Step 4050)

If you do not plan to use Con-nect Text Retrieval, skip this step.

If Con-nect Text Retrieval is already installed, skip this step.

If Con-nect Text Retrieval has not yet been installed, load the empty Adabas file (data set CNTnnn.SYS6) using the ADALOD utility. The size of the file depends on the number of words in the data set. As a rule, 4 cylinders are required per 10000 documents.

ISNREUSE must equal yes (e.g. ISNREUSE=YES).

6. Load Con-nect Text Retrieval Vocabulary File (VFNR) (Job I050, Step 4051)

If you do not plan to use Con-nect Text Retrieval, skip this step.

If Con-nect Text Retrieval is already installed, skip this step.

If Con-nect Text Retrieval has not yet been installed, load the empty Adabas file (data set CNTnnn.SYS7) using the ADALOD utility. It is recommended that the vocabulary file (VFNR) is ten percent (10%) larger than the document file (DFNR). However, with full text retrieval the required size will increase.

ISNREUSE must equal yes (e.g. ISNREUSE=YES).

7. Delete Objects from Library SYSCNTx (Job I051, Step 0200)

Optionally: you can delete all objects from libraries SYSCNT2, SYSCNT2H, SYSCNT2B and SYSCNT2T, with the exception of the items below. It is recommended that you first save these items in a different library before you delete the other objects.

  • User created programs for pre-formatting, post-formatting and procedures stored in library SYSCNT2.

  • User forms (F*) stored in library SYSCNT2.

  • Natural forms stored in library SYSCNT2.

  • User exits (USR*) stored in library SYSCNT2B.

8. Modify Parameter Modules (Jobs I060 and I080)

Jobs I060 and I080 can be found in the SMA Joblib or in the example jobs data set.

Use the appropriate steps of this job (0010, 2210, 2300 or 2500) for your specific TP-monitor.

If running in batch, use job I060, step 0010 (instead of job I080).

Generating an executable Natural/Con-nect nucleus is almost identical to generating a standard Natural nucleus. The changes that must be applied are given in the following sections.

  1. The keyword parameter CSIZE=nn must be set to a value of 70 or more. This parameter can be specified either in the NTPRM macro call or dynamically when Con-nect is invoked. If this parameter is not specified correctly, Natural error 5300 or 5319 will occur whenever Con-form is called.

  2. For Con-nect Text Retrieval, the keyword parameter TSIZE=nn must be set to a value of 32 or more. This parameter can be specified either in the NTPRM macro call, or dynamically when Con-nect is invoked.

  3. The keyword parameters LS (line size) and PS (page size) must be set to at least 132 and 66 respectively.

  4. The keyword parameter MAXCL (maximum number of program calls between successive terminal dialog steps) must be set to 0.

  5. The keyword parameter MADIO (maximum number of DBMS calls between successive screen I/O operations) must be set to at least 1000.

  6. Additional macro calls must be specified to define the Con-nect help system file to the nucleus. The macro's name is NTLFILE. The NTLFILE macro call must be placed after the NTPRM macro call.

NTLFILE is a keyword macro with the following parameters:

Parameter Explanation
ID Internal identifier. Must be set to 222 for the Con-nect help system file, 223 for the Con-nect spool file, 224 for the Cabinet Transfer File and 160 for the directory synchronization. This parameter is mandatory.
DBID ID of the database where the Con-nect system files reside. This parameter may be specified if necessary.
FNR File number of the Con-nect system files. This parameter is mandatory.
PASSW Adabas password that may be required to gain access to the Con-nect system files. We advise against using password protection on the Con-nect spool file. This parameter may be specified if necessary.
CIPH Adabas cipher key that may be required to encipher or decipher records in the Con-nect system files. We advise against using cipher protection on the Con-nect spool file. This parameter may be specified if necessary.

The NTLFILE macro is contained in the Natural source library.

As an alternative to using this macro, the dynamic parameter LFILE can be specified when Con-nect is invoked. The format is:

LFILE=(222,dbid,fnr<,passw><,ciph>)  /Con-nect Help
LFILE=(223,dbid,fnr<,passw><,ciph>)  /Con-nect Spool File
LFILE=(224,dbid,fnr<,passw><,ciph>)  /Con-nect Cabinet Transfer File
LFILE=(160,dbid,fnr<,passw><,ciph>)  /Con-nect Central Directory File
LFILE=(231,dbid,fnr<,passw><,ciph>)  /Con-nect Text Retrieval Vocabulary File
LFILE=(233,dbid,fnr<,passw><,ciph>)  /Con-nect Text Retrieval Document File

where the parameters shown in pointed brackets are optional.

The specifications of the NTLFILE macro call in the Natural parameter module must correspond to the file number and the ID of the database in which this file is contained.

  1. If Con-nect Teleservices is to be installed, an additional NTLFILE macro or LFILE keyword specifying the telex spool file must be entered. The internal identifier (ID parameter) is 223.

  2. If the Con-nect directory synchronization is to be used, an additional NTLFILE macro or LFILE keyword specifying the central directory file must be entered. The internal identifier (ID parameter) is 160.

  3. If the Con-nect cabinet transfer is to be used, an additional NTLFILE macro or LFILE keyword specifying the cabinet transfer file must be entered. The internal identifier (ID parameter) is 224.

  4. If Con-nect Text Retrieval is to be installed, an additional NTLFILE macro or LFILE keyword specifying the vocabulary file must be entered. The internal identifier (ID parameter) is 231.

  5. If Con-nect Text Retrieval is to be installed, an additional NTLFILE macro or LFILE keyword specifying the document file must be entered. The internal identifier (ID parameter) is 233.

9. Assemble and Link Parameter Module (Jobs I060 and I080)

Use the appropriate steps of this job (0015, 2220, 2310 or 2510) for your specific TP-monitor.

If running in batch, use job I060, step 0015 (instead of job I080).

10. Link-edit Natural/Con-nect Nucleus (Jobs I060 and I080)

Con-nect provides full support of 31-bit addressing mode. This means that the Natural/Con-nect nucleus can be loaded either below or above 16 MB. For further information, see the Natural Installation documentation.

Use the standard link procedure as described in the Natural Installation documentation.

Use the appropriate steps of this job (0020, 2230, 2320 or 2570) for your specific TP-monitor.

If running in batch, use job I060, step 0020 (instead of job I080).

For further information, see the Con-form Installation documentation.

Additionally, the CSTATIC list from the Natural parameter module must specify the module name CTMOD. See Installation Procedures for Com-plete, Installation Procedures for Batch Mode or Installation Procedures for CICS.

To set-up the Adabas start-up procedures ensure the following are completed. The HEX12=TRSHEX12 parameter must be added to your Adabas nucleus start-up parameters. The database parameter NQCID must be equal to or greater than 200. Start-up the nucleus once Con-nect Text Retrieval is installed.

11. Load INPL (Job I061, Step 0200)

Before you begin this step, ensure that sufficient disk space is available.

Use the Natural utility program INPL to load the Con-nect and transport service programs into the system file of your Natural system. This step is required.

The transport service programs Y8SEC and YCSETUP, which are distributed as source code, must be configured to your system's requirements.

Specify data set CNTnnn.INPL (Con-nect processor) as workfile 01.


Once the INPL performance program is completed, program INSTALL is called. See Run INSTALL (Job I100, Step 5020). If necessary, you can stop the INSTALL program and restart it later.

12. Load Language-dependent INPL (Job I061, Step 02x0)

Use the Natural utility program INPL to load the language-dependent Con-nect programs and error messages into the system file of your Natural system. This step is required.

Specify data set CSxnnn.INPL as workfile 01.

x in the step number refers to the language code.

Repeat this step for all languages which are to be installed.


13. Load Language-dependent Help Screens (Job I200, Step 02x0)

If Natural Security is installed, see General Note Concerning Natural Security before proceeding with this step.

Use the Con-nect utility HMENU to load the language-dependent help screens into the system file of your Natural system. This step is required.

Specify data set CS xnnn.HLPS as workfile 03.

x in the step number refers to the language code.

Ensure that the Con-nect Help File is defined to your batch Natural. See Modify Parameter Modules.

Repeat this step for all languages which are to be installed.

If Natural Security is not installed use the following:


where x is the language code

If Natural Security is installed use the following:


x is the language code.

To load the help screens, you must always use function L (not N, as was required for the German language in previous Con-nect versions).

14. General Note Concerning Natural Security (Job I100, Step 2020)

The following description is applicable, if Natural Security is installed at your site.

Module SECCHCK1 must be present in the Natural steplib. This module can be obtained from the Natural library SYSLIB.

When limiting the commands via Natural Security for the Con-nect application, the following commands must not be disallowed, as they are needed by various Con-nect functions:

  • CAT






Additionally, the Natural Security administrator must enter the following into the Natural Security system:

  • SYSCNT2 (online application system)

  • SYSCNT2H (online help screen maintenance system)

  • SYSCNT2B (batch utilities).

See the Natural Security documentation for further information on command restrictions.

If you plan to use the Central Directory File (CADMIN) to administrate the Con-nect addresses, you should use Natural Security to protect this file. This procedure is described in a technical information sheet, which is provided by Software AG. For further information, contact your Software AG support representative.

15. Run INSTALL (Job I100, Step 5020)

Con-form must be installed before this step can be executed.

Using the newly installed online Con-nect system, the following step must be executed:


The INSTALL program first checks the version number of each established Software AG product (Natural, Con-form, Teleservices and SNADS) as well as the version number of each Con-nect language installed.

Each time you install a new external mail driver (e.g. Con-nect Teleservices or Con-nect SNADS) you must run INSTALL.

If an upgrade is recommended the following screen is displayed. However, if an upgrade is not recommended or required this screen is not displayed.

                      Con-nect 3.4.n Product Validation                         
     Currently installed Software AG products:                                  
     Natural                  8.n.n                                             
     Con-form                 3.n.n  Upgrade recommended to 3.4.n               
     English language         3.4.n                                             
     German language          3.4.n                                             
     French language          3.4.n                                             
     Teleservices             2.6.n                                             
     SNADS                    1.5.n                                             
 Press ENTER to continue the installation process or press PF3 to Quit.

You can choose to stop the installation and complete the recommended upgrade(s), or continue with the installation procedure.

If an upgrade is required, it is also displayed in the screen above. In this case, you are informed that the installation procedure has been stopped. You must perform the required upgrade(s) before you restart the INSTALL program.

Press ENTER to continue.

As a result, the following screen appears, listing all languages which are installed on your system:

                    Installation of Con-nect 3.4.n                              
     Install : Mark with P for Primary Language and with any character for      
               Secondary Languages                                              
     PF-keys : Mark to reset existing PF-keys to default                        
                         Install   PF-keys                                      
     1 English              _         _                                         
     2 German               _         _                                         
     3 French               _         _                                         
 Press ENTER to continue the installation process or press PF3 to Quit.

Mark your primary language with P and mark all secondary languages to be used with any non-blank character, except P.

If a language code was previously used for another language, mark the PF-keys to reset them.

Press ENTER to display the "Installing System Profile" screen.

If a previous version of Con-nect has been installed, the values in the "Installing System Profile" screen are taken from cabinet SYSCNT. If you modify the values in this screen, cabinet SYSCNT is automatically updated.

                         Installing  System Profile                             
                     System Name:     * * *  C o n - n e c t  3  * * *          
                    CPU Timezone: 0    (relative to Greenwich Mean Time)        
 Con-nect Default Sliding Window: 50   (if blank, Natural YSLW is used, however,
                                        if Natural YSLW is 0, 50 is used)       
             Days in Wastebasket: 60                                            
           Days until Expiration: 365                                           
           Archive on Expiration: _                                             
             Trace Cabinet Usage: x                                             
                       Day Start: 0     0-23                                    
                      Week Start: 1     1-7                                     
            Logical Printer Name: DAEPRTB2                                      
             Printer Destination: DAEPRTB2                                      
                      Initialize: _ System Command and Object Table             
          Con-nect TRS installed: X     (Leave blank if not installed)          
 Press ENTER to continue the installation process or press PF3 to Quit.

You can use the Con-nect Administration System Maintenance function to modify the information specified in this screen at a later time. See the Con-nect Administration documentation for further information on this function.

Specify the following information:

System Name

The name which appears at the top of all screens (the default is: * * * C o n - n e c t 3 * * *).

CPU Timezone

The timezone in which the CPU is located, relative to Greenwich Mean Time.

Con-nect Default Sliding Window

The sliding window determines which two-digit year values belong to which century. The sliding window covers a period of 100 years. The start and end of the sliding window is determined by the value you enter in the "Con-nect Default Sliding window" field. As the range of the sliding window always begins in the past, the value you enter is automatically subtracted from the current year to determine the first year of the window range. To determine the last year of the sliding window, 99 is automatically added to the resulting year. For example, if the current year is 2004 and you enter 40 as the sliding window, the sliding window will cover the years 1964 to 2063. In this case, a two-digit year value (nn) from 64 to 99 is interpreted as 19nn, while a two-digit year value (nn) from 0 to 63 is interpreted as 20nn.

You can enter a value from 0 to 99. The value you specify here is supplied as the initial system value defined in the "Con-nect sliding window" field in the "Administration - System Defaults" screen, which is copied to all new cabinets. For further information, see the Con-nect Administration documentation, section System Maintenance, sub-section System Defaults.

If you leave this field blank, the value defined in the Natural YSLW parameter is used. However, if the Natural YSLW parameter is set to 0, the system value for all cabinets is automatically set to 50.

If you specify a value of 0, the sliding window mechanism is not used. This means that when a two-digit year is entered, Con-nect interprets it as in the current century.

To insure that the sliding window covers adequate time in the past and in the present, it is recommended that you do not set the sliding window to either the low or top end of the range. For example, if you set the sliding window to 2, the range of the sliding window will be (assuming the current year is 2004) 2002 to 2101. This means that when a user enters 95 as a two-digit year, Con-nect will interpret it as 2095 and not 1995.

Days in Wastebasket

The number of days an item is kept in the Wastebasket before it can be deleted from the system with a batch utility. This is used as the default value for the utility B04130 Delete Folder Contents. See the Con-nect Utilities documentation for further information.

Days until Expiration

The number of days until the expiration date of an item is reached, at which time it can be deleted from the system.

Archive on Expiration

You can enter any non-blank character to specify that an item is to be archived onto a backup medium (tape, disc, etc.) when the expiration date is reached.

Trace Cabinet Usage

You can enter any non-blank character to specify that a record is to be kept of the last cabinet to logon to (use) another cabinet. See the Con-nect Administration documentation, section Reports, sub-section Cabinet Usage for details regarding the reports generated.

Day Start

The start of a 10-hour period within which you expect the greatest frequency of calendar entries. A day in the "Display Month" screen begins with this time. The values mean:

0 - day starts at midnight (0:00) and ends at 10:00


8 - day starts at 8:00 and ends at 18:00


Week Start

Indicates the first day of the week that is shown in the Con-nect menu and the calendar screens. The values mean:

1 - the first day of the week is Monday

2 - the first day of the week is Tuesday


7 - the first day of the week is Sunday.

Logical Printer Name

The name of the default printer in cabinet SYSCNT.

If you are installing Con-nect for the first time (or if that printer has not yet been defined), you should ADD that printer in cabinet SYSCNT after the installation process has been completed.

Printer Destination

The physical printer ID (destination) of the default printer in cabinet SYSCNT.

Initialize _ System Command and Object Table

When you mark this field, the following occurs:

  • all user-defined system commands are deleted;

  • all user-defined objects are deleted;

  • all objects that are delivered with Con-nect are loaded;

  • all commands (including aliases) that are delivered with Con- nect are loaded;

  • the system cabinet defaults (defined in cabinet SYSCNT) are initialized.

  • This function does not affect user aliases.

If you are installing Con-nect 3 for the first time, this field must be marked.

Initialize: _ System Command and Object Table

If you are installing Con-nect Text Retrieval for the first time, mark this field with any character to install the new system object and command tables. In doing so, the new commands for objects CATEGORY, ROOT and SYNONYM are added.

Con-nect TRS installed

Mark with any character if TRS is installed on your system.

Specify all information in the "Installing System Profile" screen and press ENTER to start the installation process for the primary language.

When the installation of the primary language is completed, press ENTER to continue with the secondary languages.

In order to set or change the system defaults, or to perform system administration functions such as adding new users or changing the broadcast message, enter the following:

ADMIN <dba<dba>>

where the items in pointed brackets are optional. The second occurrence of the string "dba" represents the database administrator's password, which can be changed if required.

Once all information is specified, press ENTER.