Download Addresses

The Download Addresses function is used to download new addresses from the central directory and to update all previously imported addresses whose records have been modified on the central directory since the last download.

Modified addresses include not only those addresses whose address information has changed, but also those whose status has changed. This means that if an address has been removed from the central directory since your last download, that address will be deleted from your Con-nect node with the next download, so long as you have not unlinked the address. See Import Address Maintenance.

If, since the last download, you have modified the import rule (see Add Profiles) for an addressee type on a particular node, the resulting new nicknames for the addressees are modified with the next download. If a nickname already exists in SYSCNT, the addressee's information is not modified. In this case, you must manually specify a unique nickname for this addressee during the Import function.

When you select the Download Addresses function, the window below is displayed:

   4:33 PM               * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *              14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS        Admininistration - Directory Synchronization          OLAP03

  Select a Function:        _ Upload Address Maintenance
                !                                          !
                !  System has chosen Incremental Download  !
                !                                          !
                !                                          !
                !  Addresses for     6 Profile(s)          !
                !             of     3 Node(s)             !
                !                                          !
                !            will be downloaded            !
                !                                          !
                !  Enter Y to confirm: N                   !
                !                                          ! enance
                ! Press ENTER to continue                  !

       Help  Menu  Quit  UAM   Upl   DAM   Downl IAM   Imp   DiSyn
 Mark item(s) from the list above or press a PF-key

If you are downloading addresses for the first time, the system will automatically download all addresses which apply to the profiles you defined with the Add Profile function from the central directory. This situation is indicated with the message "System has chosen Total Download" in the resulting window.

If you have previously performed a download, any new or modified addresses on the central directory which apply to the profiles you defined with the Add Profile function will be downloaded. This situation is indicated with the message "System has chosen Incremental Download" in the resulting window.

Enter Y and press ENTER to download all new addresses from the central directory.

The total number of addresses downloaded and updated is displayed after the download process is completed.