Download Address Maintenance

This document covers the following topics:

Download Address Maintenance Screen

The Download Address Maintenance function displays all addresses which have been downloaded from the central directory but have not been imported to your Con-nect node.

   4:16 PM              * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *               14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS              Download Address Maintenance                    OLAP03

  Cmd CD Name  Node     Alias    Addressee Name       Type     Mail ID  Version
  --- -------- -------- -------- -------------------- -------- -------- -------
  __  DAEFCOC  BOSTON   Dpb      ON                   Priv.Cab ON       1.1
  __  DAEFCOC  BOSTON   DpV      BLI                  Priv.Cab BLI      1.1
  __  DAEFCOC  BOSTON   D4b      JAS                  Priv.Cab JAS      1.1
  __  DAEFCOC  BOSTON   D4d      EDUC                 Publ.Cab EDUC     1.1
  __  DAEFCOC  BOSTON   D4k      GBG                  Priv.Cab GBG      1.1
  __  DAEFCOC  BOSTON   D4T      BSAC                 Shar.Cab BSAC     1.1
  __  DAEFCOC  BOSTON   D4V      DOC                  Shar.Cab DOC      1.1
  __  DAEFCOC  BOSTON   D4W      KSC                  Priv.Cab KSC      1.1
  __  DAEFCOC  BOSTON   D4Y      KEY                  Priv.Cab KEY      1.1
  __  DAEFCOC  BOSTON   D4Z      JPR                  Priv.Cab JPR      1.1
  __  DAEFCOC  BOSTON   D4a      Ely,John             Name     JAS      1.1
  __  DAEFCOC  BOSTON   D4c      Foraldi,Victor       Name     VF       1.1
  __  DAEFCOC  DALLAS   D4j      Ecker,Edith          Name     ECK      1.1

  Cmd:        Addressee Type _ All       Position to CD DAEFCOC_  Node ________
   TO Top   DI Display   ER Erase   IM Import
       Help  Menu  Quit  ErAll FindA FindN        +     --
 Mark item(s) from the list above with a command or press a PF-key
CD Name

Name of central directory to which the Con-nect node has uploaded the address.


The transport service node responsible for uploading the address to the central directory.


A unique ID assigned to each address when uploaded to the central directory.

Addressee Name

Addressee's name which, depending upon the type of addressee, will be one of the following:

Name User's full name.
Address Nickname of addressee.
Private Cabinet Name of private cabinet.
Shared Cabinet Name of shared cabinet.
Public Cabinet Name of public cabinet.
Standalone Cabinet Name of standalone cabinet.
Bulletin Board Name of bulletin board.
External Node Name of external address.

Addressee type. The following abbreviations are used:

Name Addressee is a Con-nect user.
Address Addressee is a nickname.
Priv.Cab Addressee is a private cabinet.
Pub.Cab Addressee is a public cabinet.
Shar.Cab Addressee is a shared cabinet.
Stnd.Cab Addressee is a standalone cabinet.
Bulletin Addressee is a bulletin board.
External Addressee is an external address.
Mail ID

Identifies the address on the address' originating node. Depending upon the addressee type, the mail ID can be one of the following:

Name User's Con-nect ID.
Address Name of cabinet, user, nickname, bulletin board or external address referenced by the nickname.
Cabinet Name of private, shared, standalone, or public cabinet.
Bulletin Board Name of bulletin board.
External user Name of external node.

Version number of the directory synchronization programs which are used by the address' originating Con-nect node.

Addressee Type

You can choose to display all addresses of a particular type. The following abbreviations are used:

A Display all nicknames.
B Display all bulletin boards.
C Display all cabinets - private, public, standalone and shared.
E Display all external nodes and external addresses.
N Display all users.
* Display all addressee types.
Position to CD

Name of the central directory.

Position to Node

You can enter the name of a Con-nect node that interacts with the central directory to display only the addresses on the central directory which originate from that node.

Return to Top of List

To reposition the address list to a specific addressee, you can enter TO in the Cmd column for the addressee and press ENTER. As a result, the selected addressee is now displayed at the top of the list.

Display Additional Address Information

To display the complete address of an addressee, you can enter DI in the Cmd column for the addressee and press ENTER.

  11:19 AM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS          Address Maintenance - ESH                           OLAN06

  Mail Nickname for
  Last Name/Description   Eshberry                         Initial  X
  First Name              John

  Company         Walk America
  Department      Public Relations                  Number
  Address         12004 Sunrise Valley Drive

  City            Reston
  Postal Code     20001                             Country  USA

  Phone           703-WAL-K000                      Country Code  1
  Extension       25

       HELP        Menu
 Press a PF-key

The information displayed here is identical to that which is displayed when a Con-nect user issues the "DISPLAY Address name" command.

If you display an external node/address (indicated as External in the Type column), you can press PF4 to display the external address information you provided when you created the external node.

If the addressee is not an external node or external address, this PF-key is not available.

Erase an Address

To erase an address which has been downloaded, mark the address with ER in the Cmd column and press ENTER. As a result, the address is deleted from the list.

If you want to erase all downloaded addresses, you press PF4 and the following window is displayed:

   4:16 PM              * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *               14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS              Download Address Maintenance                    OLAP03

  Cmd CD Name  Node     Alias    Addressee Name       Type     Mail ID  Version
  --- -------- -------- -------- -------------------- -------- -------- -------
  __  DAEFCOC   +------------------------------------------+ b ON       1.1
  __  DAEFCOC   !                                          ! b BLI      1.1
  __  DAEFCOC   !                                          ! b JAS      1.1
  __  DAEFCOC   !  Erase all Downloaded Addresses          ! b EDUC     1.1
  __  DAEFCOC   !                                          ! b GBG      1.1
  __  DAEFCOC   !                                          ! b BSAC     1.1
  __  DAEFCOC   !  73         Addresses will be erased.    ! b DOC      1.1
  __  DAEFCOC   !                                          ! b KSC      1.1
  __  DAEFCOC   !                                          ! b KEY      1.1
  __  DAEFCOC   !  Enter Y to confirm: N                   ! b JPR      1.1
  __  DAEFCOC   !                                          !   JAS      1.1
  __  DAEFCOC   !                                          !   VF       1.1
  __  DAEFCOC   ! Press ENTER to continue                  !   ECK      1.1
  Cmd:        Addressee Type _ All       Position to CD DAEFCOC_  Node ________
   TO Top   DI Display   ER Erase   IM Import
       Help  Menu  Quit  ErAll FindA FindN        +     --

To confirm the deletions, enter Y and press ENTER.

It is important to remember that PF4 erases only the addresses displayed. That means, if you enter a selection criterion such as FHOST in the Node field, press ENTER and then PF4 (erase all), only the cabinets downloaded from node FHOST will be deleted from your local Con-nect node.

Import an Address

You can import addresses on an individual basis directly from the "Download Address Maintenance" screen. To do so, you mark the address with IM in the Cmd column and press ENTER. As a result, a screen similar to the one below displays the address that has been created based upon the addressing rules you specified (see Add Profiles). If a unique address cannot be created, you are requested to modify the nickname of the address before importing the address.

Each address which is created with the Import Addresses function is added to the Con-nect node as an external address.

   9:36 AM            * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                 14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS                   Import Address                             OLIN05

  Nickname:                Eshberry.John

  Folder:                  Work                File:

  Central Directory Name:  DAEFCOC

  Alias:                   DnB

  Node:                    FHOST

  Original Mail ID:        ESH

  Last Name/Description:   Eshberry

  First Name:              John

       Help  Menu  Quit  Displ Imp                                       Cancl
 Press PF5 to import address and to continue

You can modify the following information:


Nickname created for the imported address based upon the import rules you specified with the Add Profile function. See Add Profiles.


Current folder in which the imported address will be stored, as specified with the Add Profile function. See Add Profiles.


Current file in which imported address will be stored, as specified with the Add Profile function. See Add Profiles.

To import the address, press PF5.

Thus the address is imported to your local node and the address is removed from the "Download Address Maintenance" screen.

If, when importing several addresses concurrently, you want to cancel the import of only the currently displayed address, press PF3. If you want to cancel the import of all selected addresses, press PF12.

Find Addressee

You can use an address' alias or addressee name as a search qualifier to quickly position the list of addresses to that address.

If you want to position to an address via the alias you press PF5 and enter the alias in the resulting window. If you want to position to an address via the addressee name, press PF6 and enter the name in the resulting window.

   5:27 PM              * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *               14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS              Download Address Maintenance                    OLAP03

  Cmd CD Name  Node     Alias    Addressee Name       Type     Mail ID  Version
  --- -------- -------- -------- -------------------- -------- -------- -------
  __  DAEFCOC   +------------------------------------------+ l FHOST    1.1
  __  DAEFCOC   !                                          ! b 05MLKPUB 1.1
  __  DAEFCOC   !                                          ! l JG       1.1
  __  DAEFCOC   !  Find a Particular Address Record by     ! l DRUCKER  1.1
  __  DAEFCOC   !  its Synchronization Address.            ! l PRI      1.1
  __  DAEFCOC   !                                          ! l DAEFCO   1.1
  __  DAEFCOC   !  Synchronization Address:                ! l JBB400   1.1
  __  DAEFCOC   !                                          ! l LEO-NODE 1.1
  __  DAEFCOC   !  Central Directory Name:   DAEFCOC_      ! l LEOX400  1.1
  __  DAEFCOC   !  Alias:                    ________      ! l LEOX4001 1.1
  __  DAEFCOC   !                                          ! l CNE-SNA  1.1
  __  DAEFCOC   !                                          ! l JBBSPOOL 1.1
  __  DAEFCOC   ! Press ENTER to continue                  ! l XXXXX    1.1
  Cmd:        Addressee Type _ All       Position to CD ________  Node ________
   TO Top   DI Display   ER Erase   IM Import
       HELP  Quit  Menu  ErAll FindA FindN        +     --

In either case, when the address is found, the list of downloaded addresses is restarted with the specified address.