Using the Profiler Utility in Batch Mode

The Natural Profiler is used to monitor the internal process flow of a Natural batch application and to analyze the performance and the code coverage of the application.

The Profiler utility is controlled by JCL input and provides functions for data collection and data processing:

  1. The data collection functions control Profiler tracing, select required event types, filter, consolidate (aggregate) or sample data and write the resulting events to the Profiler resource file.

  2. The data processing functions read and process the event data from the Profiler resource file. Unconsolidated event data can be consolidated.

    You can output statistics, a program summary, a line summary and a transaction summary, a program trace, an event trace with the most important data, and reports on program and statement coverage. You can export the resulting data in text or CSV (comma-separated values) format.

The following tools offer also functions to read Profiler resource files and to analyze the data:

  • NaturalONE displays the full event trace and provides a performance analysis (hot spots) of the Natural batch application. Coverage data can be inspected in the NaturalONE Coverage view and in the NaturalONE source editor.

  • The Profiler Rich GUI, which is started from the NaturalONE Tools and Utilities, offers functions to evaluate or consolidate Profiler data, or to delete a resource file. Interactive pie charts show the distribution of Profiler KPIs for selected criterions like the distribution of the CPU time for programs. For monitored programs, the source is combined with the Profiler data whereby the source is colored according to the value of the selected KPI.

This section covers the following topics:


The following prerequisites must be met before you can use the Profiler utility in batch mode:

Natural Parameter Settings

For the Natural Profiler data collection functions (INIT, COVERAGE, START, PAUSE and TEXT), you must set the following Natural profile parameters.

  • RDCSIZE - Activate the Natural Data Collector (without recording data in the buffer of the Natural Data Collector):

  • RDCEXIT - Define NATRDC1 as a user exit for the Natural Data Collector:

  • PDPSIZE - Optional parameter you can set additionally to determine the size of the Profiler data pool, for example:


The Profiler utility data processing functions (CONSOLIDATE, READ, LIST and DELETE) cannot be executed if profiling is active. For performance reasons, we recommend that you also deactivate the Natural Data Collector for these functions with the following (default) parameter setting:


For details regarding the Natural profile parameters mentioned above, see the relevant sections in the Parameter Reference documentation.

Programs which are compiled with the Natural Optimizer require the following Natural Optimizer option setting:


(See also List of Options in the Natural Optimizer Compiler documentation.)

Natural Nucleus Linkage

The Natural nucleus must be reentrant and reusable. Use the following linkage options:


Display Resource Files in Natural Development Server Environments

By default, Natural mainframe resource files are not displayed in Natural Development Server (NDV) environments such as NaturalONE or Natural Studio. For analyzing the Profiler event data, the resource file must be accessed from NaturalONE. Therefore, you must modify the NDV behavior.

Start of instruction setTo display resource files in an NDV environment

  1. Copy the source code of the NDV user exit NDV-SX03 from the Natural system library SYSLIB into a user library.

  2. Edit the member. Adjust the code as described below:

    DISPLAY-RESOURCES := 'Y'   /* Display resources in NaturalONE/Studio
  3. Catalog it under the name NDV-UX03.

  4. Copy it back into the system library SYSLIB or into the library SYSLIBS or SYSTEM.

Invoking and Terminating the Profiler Utility

This section provides instructions for invoking and terminating the Profiler utility in batch mode.

Start of instruction setTo invoke the Profiler utility

  • Enter the following system command into the primary command input data set CMSYNIN:


    After the PROFILER system command, the Profiler expects one or more lines with Profiler keyword entries.

Start of instruction setTo terminate the Profiler utility

  • Enter the following Profiler keyword into the primary command input data set CMSYNIN:






Syntax and Keywords

The Profiler utility in batch mode reads the Profiler keywords that control the profiling from the primary command input data set CMSYNIN. The Profiler reads the input lines until it reaches the END-PROFILER keyword (or END or .).

This section covers the following topics:

Profiler Utility Syntax

The symbols used in the syntax diagrams shown in this section are explained in System Command Syntax in the System Commands documentation.

You enter a Profiler utility command using either of the following syntax formats:





  1. If a value is associated with a keyword but no equal sign is found, the Profiler expects the value in a separate input line without any other keyword (second syntax format).
  2. The first syntax format expects input in delimiter mode (IM=D).
  3. The second syntax format can be used if the Profiler is to be executed with the Natural STACK profile parameter or if the data is entered in forms mode (IM=F).

The following rules apply:

  • Empty lines and lines starting with an asterisk (*) are ignored.

  • All characters in a line from /* to */ or to the end of the line are ignored.

  • Some keywords have no associated value.

  • Blanks can be added before or after the keyword or value.

  • Multiple keywords in a line are separated by commas (applies to the first syntax format only).

  • A value can be enclosed in apostrophes ('value').

  • A value must not contain a comma.

  • Keywords and values can be specified in upper or lower case.

  • The maximum input line length is 78 characters.

The Profiler utility can be executed multiple times in one Natural session. For example, it is first executed with the INIT and START functions, and then, after the execution of a user program, it is executed with the PAUSE function.


The following Natural batch example (on z/OS) shows the original JCL which runs the XPROF program on the PRFDEMO library (lines in normal font) and the Profiler utility input lines which are used to profile the XPROF program (lines in bold).

FUNCTION=INIT                /* Initialize profiling
  RESOURCE=ON                /* Write to resource
  RESOURCE-NAME='Demo01',REPLACE=YES  /* Resource name
  RESOURCE-LIB=PRFDATA       /* Resource library
FUNCTION=START               /* Start data collection
END-PROFILER                 /* End Profiler input 

The following Natural batch example (on z/OS) demonstrates how the Profiler is to be executed with the Natural STACK profile parameter.


Profiler Utility Keywords

The main keywords used in the syntax of the Profiler utility in batch mode are described in the following table. Any additional (subordinate) keywords available for a main keyword are described in the sections referenced in the table. In general, a subordinate keyword value must follow the main keyword value, for example:


A subordinate keyword specified before the first FUNCTION or FILTER keyword is treated as a subordinate keyword of the first FUNCTION or FILTER keyword.

The following main keywords are available:

Keyword Value Description
FUNCTION   Perform a Profiler utility function.
CONSOLIDATE Consolidate (aggregate) resource data. See Consolidating Event Data.
COVERAGE Initialize Natural code coverage. This function is mandatory for the code coverage data collection. See Initializing Code Coverage.
DELETE Delete a Natural Profiler resource file. See Maintaining Profiler Resource Files.
INIT Initialize profiling. This function is mandatory for the profiling data collection. See Initializing Profiling.
LIST List Profiler resources. See Listing Profiler Resource Files in Maintaining Profiler Resource Files.
PAUSE Pause the data collection. See Starting and Pausing Data Collection.
READ Read and evaluate resource data. See Evaluating Event Data.
START Start or restart the data collection. See Starting and Pausing Data Collection.
TEXT Add a user event to the event data. See Writing User-Defined Events.
FILTER   Define Profiler filters to reduce the amount of event data. See Using Filters to Limit the Data Collected.
COUNT Set the event count filter.
EVENT Set the event, FNAT and statement filters.
PROGRAM Set the library, program and line filters.
TIME Set the CPU time filter.
RPC   Profile a batch Natural RPC server. See Profiling a Batch Natural RPC Server.
ON-ERROR   Determine how Profiler error situations are handled.


CONTINUE The profiling is stopped but the Natural session continues.
TERMINATE The Natural Profiler forces a termination of the Natural session.
TRACE 0 - 10 Set the level of internal trace of the Profiler trace session. The internal trace contains information such as Profiler errors and is written to the standard output of the trace session (CMPRINT data set). See Internal Trace.

Default: 2 (warning)

HELP   A summarized description of the Profiler keywords is written to standard output.
INCLUDE object-name The name of the Natural text object that contains Profiler input data.

See also Including Profiler Input from Natural Text Objects.

INCLUDE-LIB library-name The name of the Natural library that contains the text object specified with the INCLUDE keyword.

If the Natural system variable *LIBRARY-ID is specified, the name of the current library is used.

The library name is used for all following INCLUDE keywords.

Default: If INCLUDE-LIB is not specified before an INCLUDE keyword, the Natural system library SYSPRFLR is used by default.

See also Including Profiler Input from Natural Text Objects.






  End of Profiler input. The keyword END-PROFILER, END or a period (.) indicates the end of the Profiler input.
ONLINE   Perform the online Profiler utility in a batch run. This option is for compatibility with earlier Natural versions, when the Profiler utility in batch mode started the Profiler online menu. If this functionality is still required, use ONLINE as the first keyword. All subsequent input is handled by the Profiler online menus.

Events and Data Collected

This section describes the events and data processed by the Profiler utility in batch mode.


During a Natural session, different types of events can occur (for example, a program start) where the Profiler collects data specific to the event in a trace record. Each event is associated with an event type, that is, a one or two letter code. Related event types are combined into an event group which is denoted by a one letter code.

The following events, event types and event groups are available:

Event Event Type Event Group When the Event Occurs
Session Initialization SI S When a Natural batch session is initialized. Because the Profiler monitor session starts after the trace session, this event cannot be monitored.
Session Termination ST S When a Natural batch session is terminated. The Profiler always monitors this event.
Program Load PL P When a program (Natural object) is loaded or when it is already located in the buffer pool.
Program Start PS P When a program (Natural object) is started.
Program Termination PT P When a program (Natural object) is terminated.
Program Resume PR P When a program (Natural object) resumes control after another Natural object has been executed or when control returns to level 0 (no program active).
Program Information PI P When a program (Natural object) is accessed for the first time. This event is only triggered at Natural code coverage.
Before Database Call DB D Before a database call is executed.
After Database Call DA D After a database call has been executed.
Before Terminal I/O IB I Before a terminal input/output is executed.
After Terminal I/O IA I After a terminal input/output has been executed.
Before External Program Call CB C Before an external program call (CALL statement) is executed.
After External Program Call CA C After an external program call (CALL statement) has been executed.
Runtime Error E E When a Natural runtime error has occurred.
Natural Statement NS N When a Natural statement is executed. For technical reasons, there is no one-to-one relationship between a Natural source code statement and the corresponding object code in the cataloged object. Therefore, multiple Natural statements can be merged into one NS event and conversely, one Natural statement can cover multiple NS events.
Inbound RPC Message RI R When the Natural RPC server layer receives the client request.
Start of RPC Request Execution RS R When the Natural RPC server layer calls the Natural server program.
Outbound RPC Message RO R When the Natural RPC server returns the result to the client.
RPC Wait for Client RW R When the Natural RPC server waits for the next message from the client.
User-Defined Event U U When a user-defined event was generated. See Writing User-Defined Events.
Monitor Pause MP M When the data collection is paused.

A pause event can be caused by an explicit pause request, at the start of a block filter or when the data pool is full. The duration of a pause is not considered for the application performance analysis.

With each collected event, a CPU and an event timestamp are recorded. In general, a timestamp is taken at the beginning of an event. The duration of an event therefore equals the time that elapses between the timestamp of the event and the timestamp of the event that follows.

Data Collected

This section describes the data collected by the Profiler utility:

General Data

The following data elements are collected at every event:

  • Event counter

  • Event type

  • Event time in units of microseconds

  • Session CPU time in units of microseconds

  • Trace session ID

  • Natural Security user group ID

  • Natural user ID

  • Natural application name

  • Program library

  • Program name

  • Program level

  • Copycode library

  • Copycode name

  • Statement line number

  • Statement op-code

  • Coverage flag (for Natural code coverage)


  1. The time spent for data collection (Monitor CPU time) is measured separately and extracted from the session CPU time.
  2. The events are counted before any filtering or sampling is performed. Therefore, the events receive in general the same counting results regardless of which filtering or sampling is used.
  3. Statement events are only counted if the event filter keyword STATEMENT=COUNT is used.
  4. Monitor Pause events are not counted.
  5. Natural code coverage only collects NS and PI events.
  6. Natural code coverage does not collect time values.
  7. A PI event is collected for each object accessed and for all copycodes included in the object (recursively).
Event-Specific Data

The following data is only collected at the following events:

Event Data Elements
Session Initialization None
Session Termination

Termination return code
Natural termination message code NAT99nn
Name of back-end program
Monitor CPU time in units of microseconds

Program Load

Name of program to be loaded
Name of load library
Invocation type

Program Resume None
Program Start/Termination

Program type
Database ID of program library
File number of program library

Program Information

Program type
Number of statements in the program or copycode
First statement item
INCLUDE line number
Parent copycode ID

Database Call

Database type
Command code
Command ID
Database ID
File number
Response code (event type DA)
Error subcode (event type DA)
Adabas command time (event type DA)

Terminal I/O

Number of bytes sent
Number of bytes read
Total session storage allocated
Compressed session storage length

External Program Call

Name of program called
Calling mode such as dynamic or static mode
Program link location
Parameter type such as reference or value
Response code (event type CA)

Runtime Error

Natural system error message code
External abend code
Name of error handling program

Natural Statement Profiling: None

Natural code coverage: Statement item identifier (GP offset)

Start of RPC Request Execution

Environment (C = client, S = server)

Subprogram name
Adabas user ID (ETID)
Conversation status
Logon indicator (Y = logon performed)
Impersonation indicator of RPC request (Y = impersonation performed)

Outbound/Inbound RPC Message / RPC Wait for Client

Environment (C = client, S = server)
Transport protocol
RPC function
Type of client user ID
Length of message
RPC return code
External conversation ID
Client user ID
Server node (event types RO and RW)
Server name (event types RO and RW)

User-Defined Event

Subtype of the user-defined event
Up to 249 bytes of user-defined information

Monitor Pause Type of monitor pause

Possible values:

R Monitor pause requested. This value is also set when the session is initialized with the Pause option.
F Start of a block of filtered-out events. Block filters are: library, program, line, FNAT, event count, or time filter.
W Trace session waits because of a data pool full situation.

Initializing Profiling

The Profiler utility INIT function initializes profiling. The INIT function must be performed before any of the Profiler utility functions START, PAUSE or TEXT or any Profiler filter.

Syntax of INIT:


Syntax Description:

Keyword for INIT Value Description
RESOURCE   Specifies whether the event data is to be written to a Natural Profiler resource file (NPRF or NPRC).
ON The event data is written to a Natural Profiler resource file and can be analyzed with NaturalONE or with the data processing functions of the Natural Profiler utility.
OFF The event data is not written to a Natural Profiler resource file. This option can be used if only the Profiler event trace or the statistics are required.
RESOURCE-NAME resource-name The name of the Profiler resource file in which the event data is saved for a later analysis. If the extension .nprf (Natural Profiler resource file) or .nprc (Natural Profiler resource consolidated) has not been specified, it is added automatically. Which extension is used depends on the CONSOLIDATE keyword.

Default: *INIT-USER_yyyymmdd_hhiiss

where *INIT-USER is the content of the corresponding Natural system variable (name of the job or user ID under which the Natural session is running);

and yyyymmdd_hhiiss is the resource allocation date and time.

RESOURCE-LIB library-name The name of the Natural library in which the resource is allocated.

Default: The name of the current library

REPLACE   Specifies whether the resource is replaced if it already exists.
YES Replace the resource if it exists.
NO Do not replace the resource. If the resource already exists, a message is written and no profiling is performed.
SAMPLING   Specifies whether the Profiler CPU time sampling is activated. Sampling can reduce dramatically the number of monitored events whereby it achieves nearly the same CPU time results. See Sampling.
ON Activate sampling.
OFF Deactivate sampling.
INTERVAL interval-time The sampling interval determines at which CPU timestamp events are collected. If the sampling interval is greater, fewer events are collected. If the sampling interval is smaller, the resulting CPU times are more accurate.

Valid values for interval-time:

1 to 2147483647

Unit: microseconds

CONSOLIDATE   Specifies whether the event data is consolidated (aggregated) before it is written to the resource file. See Data Consolidation and Processing in the section Basic Concepts of the Profiler Utility.
ON The event data is consolidated and written to an NPRC (Natural Profiler resource consolidated) resource file.
OFF The event data is written unconsolidated to an NPRF (Natural Profiler resource file) resource file.
TRANSACTION   This option only applies if CONSOLIDATE (see above) is set to ON.

Specifies whether transaction identifiers are added to the consolidated event data.

ON Transaction identifiers are added to the consolidated event data.

Transaction identifiers are a prerequisite for evaluating the transaction response time. See Transaction Summary.

The generated NPRC resource file requires more space if ON is set.

OFF Transaction identifiers are not added to the consolidated event data.
WAIT-FULL wait-full-time Specifies how long the trace session waits if the Profiler data pool is full. If the limit is reached and there is still no space released, Natural terminates (ABEND S0C1).

The value prevents the trace session from endless waiting on an unexpectedly failed monitor session.

Valid values for wait-full-time:

1 to 32767

Unit: seconds

WAIT-EMPTY wait-empty-time Specifies how long the Profiler monitor session waits if the Profiler data pool is empty and the trace session is still active. If the limit is reached, a message is written and the profiling is stopped.

A value of zero (0) means that the Profiler waits without limit. A positive value prevents the monitor session from endless waiting on a potentially faulty trace session.

Valid values for wait-empty-time:

0 to 2147483647

When profiling a batch Natural RPC server or profiling a mainframe session from Natural Studio, the value is always set to 0. See Profiling a Batch Natural RPC Server and Profiling a Mainframe Session from Natural Studio.

Unit: seconds

CMPRMIN data-set-name Specifies the name of the dynamic parameter input data set for the Profiler monitor session. See Monitor Session CMPRMIN.

Default: CMPRMIN (the monitor session uses the parameters of the trace session)

CMSYNIN data-set-name Specifies the name of the primary command input data set for the Profiler monitor session. See Monitor Session CMSYNIN.

Default: DUMMY (the monitor session uses no primary command input data set)

TRACE-EVENT   Specifies whether the Profiler event trace is written to the standard output of the Profiler monitor session (MONPRINT data set). See Event Trace.
ON Write the Profiler event trace.
OFF Do not write the Profiler event trace.
TRACE-MONITOR trace-level Set the level of the internal trace of the Profiler monitor session. The internal trace contains information such as Profiler errors and is written to the standard output of the monitor session (MONPRINT data set). See Internal Trace.

Valid trace levels: 0 to 10

TRACE-CONSOLIDATE   Specifies whether the Profiler consolidation trace is written to standard output. The consolidation trace can only be written if CONSOLIDATE=ON is specified. See Consolidation Trace.
ON Write the Profiler consolidation trace.
OFF Do not write the Profiler consolidation trace.

Example of INIT

FUNCTION=INIT           /* Initialize Profiling
  RESOURCE=ON           /* Write to resource file
  RESOURCE-NAME='Test'  /* Resource name
  RESOURCE-LIB=PRFDATA  /* Resource library
  REPLACE=YES           /* Replace resource
  SAMPLING=ON           /* Use sampling
  INTERVAL=100          /* Sampling interval
  CONSOLIDATE=OFF       /* Do not consolidate the data
  TRANSACTION=OFF       /* Do not add transaction identifiers 
  WAIT-FULL=60          /* Wait sec if pool full
  WAIT-EMPTY=60         /* Wait sec if pool empty
  CMPRMIN=PRFPARMS      /* CMPRMIN for monitor session
  TRACE-EVENT=ON        /* Trace events
  TRACE-MON=3           /* Trace level monitor session

Initializing Code Coverage

The Profiler utility COVERAGE function initializes the Natural code coverage. The COVERAGE function must be performed before any of the Profiler utility functions START, PAUSE or TEXT or any Profiler filter.

Syntax of COVERAGE:


Syntax Description:

Keyword for COVERAGE Value Description
RESOURCE   Specifies whether code coverage data is to be written to a Natural code coverage resource file (NCVF).
ON Code coverage data is written to a Natural code coverage resource file and can be analyzed with NaturalONE or with the data processing functions of the Natural Profiler utility.
OFF Code coverage data is not written to a Natural code coverage resource file. This option can be used if only the Profiler event trace or the statistics are required.
RESOURCE-NAME resource-name The name of the Natural code coverage resource file in which code coverage data is saved for a later analysis. If the extension .ncvf (Natural code coverage resource file) has not been specified, it is added automatically.

Default: *INIT-USER_yyyymmdd_hhiiss

where *INIT-USER is the content of the corresponding Natural system variable (name of the job or user ID under which the Natural session is running);

and yyyymmdd_hhiiss is the resource allocation date and time.

RESOURCE-LIB library-name The name of the Natural library in which the resource is allocated.

Default: The name of the current library

REPLACE   Specifies whether the resource is replaced if it already exists.
YES Replace the resource if it exists.
NO Do not replace the resource. If the resource already exists, a message is written and no code coverage is performed.
WAIT-FULL wait-full-time Specifies how long the trace session waits if the Profiler data pool is full. If the limit is reached and there is still no space released, Natural terminates (ABEND S0C1).

The value prevents the trace session from endless waiting on an unexpectedly failed monitor session.

Valid values for wait-full-time:

1 to 32767

Unit: seconds

WAIT-EMPTY wait-empty-time Specifies how long the Profiler monitor session waits if the Profiler data pool is empty and the trace session is still active. If the limit is reached, a message is written and code coverage is stopped.

A value of zero (0) means that the Profiler waits without limit. A positive value prevents the monitor session from endless waiting on a potentially faulty trace session.

Valid values for wait-empty-time:

0 to 2147483647

When covering a batch Natural RPC server or a mainframe session from Natural Studio, the value is always set to 0. See Profiling a Batch Natural RPC Server and Profiling a Mainframe Session from Natural Studio.

Unit: seconds

CMPRMIN data-set-name Specifies the name of the dynamic parameter input data set for the Profiler monitor session. See Monitor Session CMPRMIN.

Default: CMPRMIN (the monitor session uses the parameters of the trace session)

CMSYNIN data-set-name Specifies the name of the primary command input data set for the Profiler monitor session. See Monitor Session CMSYNIN.

Default: DUMMY (the monitor session uses no primary command input data set)

TRACE-EVENT   Specifies whether the Profiler event trace is written to the standard output of the Profiler monitor session (MONPRINT data set). See Tracing Natural Code Coverage.
ON Write the Profiler event trace.
OFF Do not write the Profiler event trace.
TRACE-MONITOR trace-level Set the level of the internal trace of the Profiler monitor session. The internal trace contains information such as Profiler errors and is written to the standard output of the monitor session (MONPRINT data set). See Internal Trace.

Valid trace levels: 0 to 10

TRACE-COVERAGE   Specifies whether the Profiler coverage trace is written to standard output. See Tracing Natural Code Coverage.
ON Write the Profiler coverage trace.
OFF Do not write the Profiler coverage trace.

Example of COVERAGE

FUNCTION=COVERAGE       /* Initialize code coverage
  RESOURCE=ON           /* Write to resource file
  RESOURCE-NAME='Test'  /* Resource name
  RESOURCE-LIB=COVDATA  /* Resource library
  REPLACE=YES           /* Replace resource
  WAIT-FULL=60          /* Wait sec if pool full
  WAIT-EMPTY=60         /* Wait sec if pool empty
  CMPRMIN=PRFPARMS      /* CMPRMIN for monitor session
  TRACE-EVENT=ON        /* Trace events
  TRACE-MON=3           /* Trace level of monitor session
  TRACE-COVERAGE=ON     /* Trace coverage data

Starting and Pausing Data Collection

The Profiler must be initialized before the data collection for profiling or code coverage can be started or paused. Because the data collection is paused after the initialization, it must be started in any way so that event data is recorded.

You can start and pause data collection for profiling or code coverage with the following methods:

Using Profiler Utility Functions

The Profiler utility START and PAUSE functions are used to start and pause data collection. The following syntax applies:

FUNCTION=START [COUNT={0|count-number}]

Syntax Description:

Keyword for START Value Description
COUNT count-number Set the event counter of the next monitored event to the specified value.

Valid values for count-number:

0 to 2147483647

The event counter remains unchanged if a value of zero (0) is specified.

Using Profiler Utility Programs

The following Natural programs in the system library SYSPRFLR are supplied to perform Profiler utility functions:

Program Description
PRFSTART Start the data collection.
PRFPAUSE Pause the data collection.
PRFSTATE Get the state of the data collection.
PRFFCT Execute a Profiler utility function: START, PAUSE or STATE.

Start of instruction setTo use Profiler utility programs

  • Logon to the library SYSPRFLR or copy the programs to the library SYSTEM, to the appropriate steplib library, or to the required library.

    If PRFFCT is used, the application programming interface USR8210N must be copied as well (see the following section).

    If PRFFCT is used in a client/server environment, copy PRFFCT to the client library and USR8210N to the server library.

    PRFFCT expects as input the value START, PAUSE or STATE to perform the corresponding function.

Start of instruction setTo start the data collection

  • Execute the following program:




Start of instruction setTo pause the data collection

  • Execute the following program:




Start of instruction setTo retrieve the current state of the data collection

  • Execute the following program:




Using the Application Programming Interface

The data collection can be started and paused from the profiled Natural application by calling the application programming interface (API) USR8210N. The API can also be used to get the current state of the monitoring process. The API is delivered in the SYSEXT library. For more information, see SYSEXT Utility - Natural Application Programming Interfaces.

Start of instruction setTo use the API

  • Copy the subprogram USR8210N to the library SYSTEM, to the appropriate steplib library, or to the required library.

    USR8210N expects as the first parameter the value START, PAUSE or STATE to perform the corresponding function. The parameter values can be specified in uppercase or lowercase. On return, P-RETURN contains the return code and P-MESSAGE the success or error message.

Start of instruction setTo start the data collection

  • Use the interface with the CALLNAT statement:

    CALLNAT 'USR8210N' 'START' P-RETURN P-MESSAGE /* Start Profiler

Start of instruction setTo pause the data collection

  • Use the interface with the CALLNAT statement:

    CALLNAT 'USR8210N' 'PAUSE' P-RETURN P-MESSAGE /* Pause Profiler

Start of instruction setTo retrieve the current state of the data collection

  • Use the interface with the CALLNAT statement:

    CALLNAT 'USR8210N' 'STATE' P-RETURN P-MESSAGE /* Get Profiler state

    The state is coded in the field P-RETURN:

    P-RETURN Description
    0 Natural Profiler data collection is started.
    1 Natural Profiler data collection is paused.

Using Filters to Limit the Data Collected

Filters play an important role in reducing the amount of collected data. The following filters are available:

The Profiler must be initialized before any settings can be applied to a specific filter.

Event Filter

The Profiler event filter specifies which events are collected. Additionally, it determines whether event data is recorded while Natural system programs are executing.

Syntax of Event Filter:


Syntax Description:

Keyword for EVENT Value Description
EVENT   Specifies which events are collected.
event-type Each event is encoded by a one or two letter code. Multiple events are separated by blanks. Only the specified events are recorded. If no event is given, the Profiler monitors only the session and pause events.

Possible event entries are: DB, DA, PL, PS, PT, PR, IB, IA, E, CB, CA, U, RS, RI, RO and RW.

  1. For information on the event codes, see Events and Data Collected.

  2. The following events cannot be specified in the event list:

    • SI (session initialization) events cannot be collected by the Profiler in batch mode,

    • ST (session termination) events and MP (Monitor Pause) events are always collected,

    • The collection of NS (Natural Statement) events depends on the STATEMENT keyword.

  3. If only one character is specified, then all events beginning with this character are recorded. For example, EVENT=P is equivalent to EVENT=PL PR PS PT.

ALL All events are recorded; that is, the definition is equivalent to

EVENT=ALL does not include the NS event. The collection of NS events (Natural Statement) depends on the STATEMENT keyword.

STATEMENT   Specifies whether Natural statement (NS) events are collected.
ON Natural statement (NS) events are collected but not counted. Only non-statement events are counted. Natural statement events receive the same count as the preceding event.
OFF Natural statement (NS) events are not collected.
COUNT Natural statement (NS) events are collected and counted, that means, the event counter field in the event record is incremented with each statement event. This option can lead to poorer performance. See Profiler Performance in Batch.
FNAT   Specifies whether event data is recorded while Natural system programs are executing.
ON Event data is recorded while Natural system programs are executing.
OFF Event data is not recorded while Natural system programs are executing.
Default Filter Value for Profiling

By default (if the event filter is not specified), all events except Natural statement events are collected and event data of Natural system programs is not recorded:

FILTER=EVENT            /* Set event filter
  EVENT=ALL             /* All events
  STATEMENT=OFF         /* Do not collect statements
  FNAT=OFF              /* No FNAT
Default Filter Value for Code Coverage

By default (if the event filter is not specified), only program start and Natural statement events are collected. Event data of Natural system programs is not recorded:

FILTER=EVENT            /* Set event filter
  EVENT=PS              /* Program start only
  STATEMENT=ON          /* Collect statements
  FNAT=OFF              /* No FNAT

Code coverage will not work correctly if program start or Natural statement events are not collected. If other events are monitored, they will be displayed in the trace but ignored by code coverage.

Example of an Event Filter
FILTER=EVENT            /* Set event filter
  EVENT=D PS PR         /* Database and program start/resume events
  STATEMENT=ON          /* Collect statements (no count)
  FNAT=OFF              /* No FNAT

Program Filter

The Profiler program filter specifies the libraries, programs (Natural objects) and program lines for which event data is collected. By default (if the program filter is not specified), the data of all libraries, programs and lines is collected.

Syntax of Program Filter:


Syntax Description:

Keyword for PROGRAM Value Description
LIBRARY library-name Only the specified library is monitored. If the specification ends with an asterisk (*), all libraries with the corresponding prefix are monitored.

Default: all libraries

PROGRAM program-name Only the specified program is monitored. If the specification ends with an asterisk (*), all programs with the corresponding prefix are monitored.

Default: all programs

LINE-FROM start-number Only lines with a line number greater or equal the specified number are monitored.

Valid values for start-number:

0 to 9999

LINE-TO end-number Only lines with a line number less or equal the specified number are monitored. If the number is 0, the maximum line number is used.

Valid values for end-number:

0 to 9999

Example of a Program Filter

The following example monitors the lines 0500 to 2000 in all Natural objects starting with X on the library PRFDEMO.

FILTER=PROGRAM            /* Set program filter
  LIBRARY=PRFDEMO         /* Monitored library
  PROGRAM=X*              /* Monitored program
  LINE-FROM=500           /* Monitor from line 0500
  LINE-TO=2000            /* Monitor to line 2000

Count Filter

The Profiler count filter specifies the event counters for which data is collected. By default (if the count filter is not specified) the data of any event count is collected.

If the event filter STATEMENT=ON is set, the count filter can only refer to non-statement events because statement events do not get a unique count. The non-statement events have the same count as with STATEMENT=OFF and the same count filter can be used in both cases.

Syntax of Count Filter:


Syntax Description:

Keyword for COUNT Value Description
FROM minimum-count Only events with an event counter greater or equal the specified number are monitored.

Valid values for minimum-count:

0 to 2147483647

TO maximum-count Only events with an event counter less or equal the specified number are monitored. If the number is 0, the maximum event counter is used.

Valid values for maximum-count:

0 to 2147483647

Example of a Count Filter

A profiling with STATEMENT=OFF has shown that a lot of CPU time was spent between the events with the counters 1200 to 1400. Now, we want to analyze this range in more detail including the statements. With STATEMENT=COUNT, the statements would be counted as well and the events would receive other counter values. But with STATEMENT=ON the statements are not counted and the counter values can be used to restrict the data collection.

FILTER=COUNT            /* Set count filter
  FROM=1200             /* Monitor from event count 1200
  TO=1400               /* Monitor to event count 1400

Time Filter

The Profiler time filter specifies the CPU times (in units of 1/100 sec) for which data is collected. By default (if the time filter is not specified), the data of any CPU time is collected.

Syntax of Time Filter:


Syntax Description:

Keyword for TIME Value Description
FROM minimum-time Only lines with a CPU time greater or equal the given number of sec/100 are monitored.

Valid values for minimum-time:

0 to 2147483647

TO maximum-time Only lines with a CPU time less or equal the given number of sec/100 are monitored. If the number is 0, the maximum CPU time is used.

Valid values for maximum-time:

0 to 2147483647

Example of a Time Filter

The following example monitors all events which occur after one second for the duration of two seconds.

FILTER=TIME            /* Set time filter
  FROM=100             /* Monitor from CPU second 1.00
  TO=300               /* Monitor to CPU second 3.00

Enabling Sampling

The sampling method uses a statistical approach to collect data. Sampling significantly reduces the amount of data written to the resource file while approximately retaining the same CPU times as without sampling.

Sampling is available for profiling but not for code coverage.

For general information regarding sampling, see Sampling in the section Basic Concepts of the Profiler Utility.

Start of instruction setTo enable sampling

  • Enter the following subordinate keywords associated to the Profiler utility INIT function:


    where nnn is the sampling interval in microseconds.

    By default (if SAMPLING is not specified), the data is not sampled. If SAMPLING=ON is specified but no INTERVAL, the default sampling interval is 100 microseconds.

Writing User-Defined Events

A user-defined event can be generated from a Natural program by using the Natural statement


The first character of the USER-DATA is treated as the subtype of the user-defined event. The remaining characters are the text of the user-defined event. For details, see User-defined Events in the SYSRDC Utility documentation.


  1. The Natural Profiler in batch mode offers a function to generate user-defined events from the JCL input stream. These user-defined events are always recorded regardless of the current filter settings. If profiling is paused, the Profiler utility activates the profiling before it writes the user-defined event and deactivates it afterwards. If sampling is active, it can happen that a user-defined event is sampled away.
  2. The Profiler must be initialized before a user-defined event can be written.

The Profiler utility FUNCTION=TEXT function is used to write user-defined events. The following syntax applies:


Syntax Description:

Keyword for TEXT Value Description
TEXT text The text is added to the Profiler trace as a user-defined event. If multiple TEXT keywords are specified, the corresponding values are concatenated. The maximum text size is 249 bytes. Additional characters will be truncated.

Default: none (blanks)

TYPE character The alphanumeric character specifies the subtype of the user-defined event. The subtype is part of the event-specific data. The event type of a user-defined event is always U followed by a blank.

Default: blank

Use the following event filter setting if you only want to monitor the user-defined events written with the TEXT function. In addition to the TEXT function entries, the session and pause events are also monitored. All other events, including user-defined events written by calls to CMRDC are filtered out.

* Monitor only TEXT function entries
FILTER=EVENT/* Set event filter
  EVENT=                /* No events
  STATEMENT=OFF         /* No statements
  FNAT=OFF              /* No FNAT

Example of a User-Defined Event

The following example writes a user-defined event with subtype J and the text Start profiling into the Profiler event trace.

FUNCTION=TEXT            /* Write a user-defined event
  TEXT='Start profiling' /* User-defined event text
  TYPE='J'               /* User-defined event subtype

Monitor Session CMPRMIN

By default, the Profiler monitor session uses the same dynamic Natural parameters as the trace session specified with the CMPRMIN input data set. Exception: the RDCSIZE profile parameter is set to zero (0) for the monitor session. With the CMPRMIN keyword of the Profiler utility INIT or COVERAGE function, a separate dynamic parameter input data set can be defined for the Profiler monitor session. If you use the separate dynamic parameter input data set, consider the following:

  • Specify for the monitor session only those Natural parameters which are required. Do not specify parameters required for the application execution (such as RPC).

  • Specify the RDCSIZE and RDCEXIT parameters only for the trace session. Specifying these parameters for the monitor session will lead to unnecessary calls to the exit and a poorer performance.

  • Specify the PDPSIZE parameter only for the monitor session. Any specification in the trace session dynamic parameter input data set is ignored.

If the default Natural profile parameter ETID setting is used, it can happen that the following error is received by the Profiler monitor session:

NAT3048 Error during Open processing. DB/Subcode nn/8 - ETID=job-name.

In this case, use the following parameters for CMPRMIN:


Alternatively, you can use an ETID value different from the job name in the separate dynamic parameter input data set for the Profiler monitor session.

Start of instruction setTo define a dynamic parameter input data set for the Profiler monitor session

  • Enter the following subordinate keyword associated to the Profiler utility INIT or COVERAGE function:


    where data-set is the name of the dynamic parameter input data set for the Profiler monitor session.

Example for z/OS

FUNCTION=INIT             /* Initialize profiling
  CMPRMIN=PRFPARMS        /* Monitor session parameter
//* Trace Session Parameters
//* Monitor Session Parameters

Monitor Session CMSYNIN

In general, the Profiler monitor session does not need a primary command input data set. With the CMSYNIN keyword of the Profiler utility INIT or COVERAGE function, a separate primary command input data set can be defined for the Profiler monitor session. This is required if your application runs under control of Natural Security and you do not want an automatic logon, that is, the Natural profile parameter AUTO=OFF is set. Specify the desired logon settings in the primary command input data set for the Profiler monitor session followed by the Profiler command which starts the Profiler monitor session.

For profiling, specify the following:


For code coverage, specify the following:


If the above command syntax is not applied, the following error occurs: Profiler Error-1 => PRBINIT : Profiler INIT function - No response from monitor session after 0.3 seconds.

Start of instruction setTo define a primary command input data set for the Profiler monitor session

  • Enter the following subordinate keyword associated to the Profiler utility INIT or COVERAGE function:


    where data-set is the name of the primary command input parameter input data set for the Profiler monitor session.

Example for z/OS (with AUTO=OFF set)

FUNCTION=INIT             /* Initialize profiling
  CMSYNIN=PRFSYNIN        /* Monitor session input data
//* Monitor Session Input Data

Profiling a Batch Natural RPC Server

Profiling or performing code coverage of a batch Natural RPC server requires that the PROFILER system command and the Profiler input data are entered with the Natural STACK profile parameter in the RPC server job. The Profiler input must be entered in the second syntax format (without equal signs and commas). See also Profiler Utility Syntax in Syntax and Keywords.

On z/OS, you must not use the Language Environment option POSIX(ON). If you want to use SSL to communicate with the EntireX Broker, you must use Application Transparent Transport Layer Security (AT-TLS).

Start of instruction setTo start profiling of a batch Natural RPC server

  • Enter the following keyword before the Profiler INIT or COVERAGE function is performed:


The RPC keyword indicates the Profiler that a Natural RPC server is monitored. The Profiler overwrites the WAIT-EMPTY keyword of the initialization with a value of zero (0) so that profiling always continues when the Profiler data pool is empty and the trace session is still active.

We recommend that you use a separate dynamic parameter input data set (Monitor Session CMPRMIN) for the Profiler monitor session when profiling a batch Natural RPC server. Do not specify the RPC parameter in this data set. See Monitor Session CMPRMIN.

The event data of the batch Natural RPC server is written to a Profiler resource file. The name and library of the resource file can be specified with Profiler keywords (see Initializing Profiling). We recommend that you stop the Natural RPC server before the Profiler further processes the resource file.

If you profile a Natural RPC server, you can start and pause data collection with the programs supplied for the Profiler utility.

Start of instruction setTo start and pause Profiler data collection in a client/server environment

  1. Copy the program PRFFCT from the system library SYSPRFLR to the client library, and the application programming interface USR8210N from the system library SYSEXT to the server library.

  2. Execute the program PRFFCT in the client library.

    PRFFCT expects as input the value START or PAUSE to perform the corresponding function. If you enter the value STATE, the current state of the data collection is displayed.

    For more information, see Starting and Pausing Data Collection.

Example of Natural RPC Batch Profiling

The following example for z/OS shows the Profiler input data for a batch Natural RPC server specified with the Natural STACK profile parameter:

PROFILER RPC:          

Profiling a Mainframe Session from Natural Studio

You can use the Profiler utility in batch mode to profile a mainframe application or run code coverage for a mainframe application that executes remotely from Natural Studio on a Natural Development Server.

This requires that you specify the PROFILER system command and the PROFILER input data with the Natural STACK profile parameter dynamically set when you map your remote mainframe environment. The Profiler input must be entered in the second syntax format (without equal signs and commas). See also Profiler Utility Syntax in Syntax and Keywords.

You can use the Profiler INCLUDE keyword to read the Profiler input from a Natural text object, and thus reduce the amount of data entered with the STACK parameter. For an example, see the XNDV text object delivered in the SYSPRFLR system library. This example initializes the profiling and immediately starts the monitoring.

The Profiler automatically overwrites the WAIT-EMPTY keyword of the initialization with a value of zero (0) so that profiling always continues when the Profiler data pool is empty and the trace session is still active.

The event data of the Natural Studio mainframe session is written to a Profiler resource file. The name and library of the resource file can be specified with Profiler keywords (see Initializing Profiling or Initializing Code Coverage). We recommend that you disconnect the mainframe session before you evaluate the resource file.

If you profile a Natural Studio mainframe session, you can start and pause data collection (see the relevant section) with the programs supplied for the Profiler utility.

Start of instruction setTo start and pause Profiler data collection in a Natural Studio mainframe session

  1. Logon to the library SYSPRFLR.

  2. Execute the PRFSTART program to start the collection.

  3. Execute the PRFPAUSE program to pause the collection.

Rules and Restrictions

The following rules and restrictions apply when profiling a mainframe session from Natural Studio:

  • Profiling with the Profiler utility in batch mode does not work if programs are executed remotely from NaturalONE. Use the NaturalONE Profiler if you want to profile mainframe programs executed in a NaturalONE environment.

  • Profiling of a Natural Studio mainframe session with the Profiler utility in batch mode does not work if the Natural Development Server uses a CICS adapter.

  • If profiling is started with the STACK parameter, use the TRACE=0 Profiler setting.

  • The monitor trace (TRACE-MONITOR) of the Profiler session is written to the Natural Development Server output.

Example of STACK for Mainframe Session Profiling

The following is an example of a STACK parameter specification for Profiler input data set dynamically when mapping to a remote mainframe environment from Natural Studio:


The resource is written to the PRFDATA library.

Consolidating Event Data

The Profiler utility CONSOLIDATE function consolidates event data.

Note that the Natural Profiler Rich GUI also offers a function to consolidate Profiler event data.

For general information regarding data consolidation, see Data Consolidation in the section Basic Concepts of the Profiler Utility.



Syntax Description:

Keyword for CONSOLIDATE Value Description
RESOURCE   Specifies whether the consolidated event data is written to a Natural Profiler resource consolidated (NPRC) resource file.
ON The consolidated event data is written to an NPRC resource file.
OFF The consolidated event data is not written to an NPRC resource file.

This setting is useful if you want to print the event trace or statistics or export the data and you do not need the consolidated NPRC resource file.

RESOURCE-NAME resource-name The name of the Natural Profiler resource file (NPRF) you want to consolidate.

The file extension .nprf is added automatically.

Default: The name of the last created NPRF resource file in the library

If RESOURCE=ON, the consolidated data is written to an NPRC resource file with the same resource name.

RESOURCE-LIB library-name The name of the Natural library that contains the NPRF resource file you want to consolidate.

Default: The name of the current library.

This library is also used as the target library for the consolidated NPRC resource file.

REPLACE   Specifies whether an existing NPRC resource file is replaced.
YES Replace an existing NPRC resource file with the same name.
NO Do not replace an existing NPRC resource file with the same name.

A message is returned if a resource file with the same name already exists. No consolidation is performed in this case.

TRANSACTION   Specifies whether transaction identifiers are added to the consolidated event data.
ON Transaction identifiers are added to the consolidated event data for transaction evaluation purposes.

For more information, see Transaction Summary.

The generated NPRC resource file requires more space if ON is set.

OFF Transaction identifiers are not added to the consolidated event data.
IO-TIME   Specifies whether I/O time (IB event) and Natural RPC client time (RW event) are included in the consolidated data.
ON I/O and Natural RPC client time are included in the consolidated data.
OFF I/O and Natural RPC client time are not included in the consolidated data.

This setting is useful if the event data originates from the Profiler utility in online mode and you plan to analyze the performance in NaturalONE or with the Profiler utility READ function. For a performance analysis with the Profiler MashApp this setting is not required because the MashApp offers a similar function.

EXPORT   Specifies whether the consolidated event data is written to Work File 7.
ON Write to Work File 7.
OFF Do not write to Work File 7.
FORMAT   Specifies the format in which the exported data is written to Work File 7.
TEXT Write the data in free text format.
COMMA Write the data in CSV format with a comma (,) separator.
SEMICOLON Write the data in CSV format with a semicolon (;) separator.
TRACE-EVENT   Specifies whether the Profiler event trace is written to standard output.

See Event Trace.

ON Write the Profiler event trace.
OFF Do not write the Profiler event trace.
TRACE-CONSOLIDATE   Specifies whether the Profiler consolidation trace is written to standard output. See Consolidation Trace.
ON Write the Profiler consolidation trace.
OFF Do not write the Profiler consolidation trace.

Example of a Consolidation

The following example consolidates the Profiler resource Test.nprf in the library PRFDATA and writes the consolidated data to the Profiler resource Test.nprc. I/O and Natural RPC client time are included in the consolidated data.

In addition, the consolidated data is written in CSV (semicolon-separated values) format to Work File 7.

The event and consolidation traces are switched off.

FUNCTION=CONSOLIDATE    /* Consolidate Profiler data
  RESOURCE=ON           /* Write to resource
  RESOURCE-NAME='Test'  /* Resource name
  RESOURCE-LIB=PRFDATA  /* Resource library
  REPLACE=YES           /* Replace resource
  TRANSACTION=OFF       /* Do not add transaction identifiers 
  IO-TIME=ON            /* Include I/O and RPC client times
  EXPORT=ON             /* Write to Work File 7       
  FORMAT=S              /* CSV format with semicolon separator 
  TRACE-EVENT=OFF       /* No event trace
  TRACE-CONSOLIDATE=OFF /* No consolidation trace

Evaluating Event Data

When a Natural application is profiled, the Natural Profiler utility writes the event data to an NPRF resource file. Consolidated data is stored in an NPRC resource file and coverage data is stored in an NCVF resource file. The Profiler utility READ function reads and evaluates the Profiler resource data and writes the results to standard output or to a Natural work file. The evaluations performed depend on the type of the resource file read as described in the following table:

Resource File Type Evaluation Description
NPRF Event trace Chronological list of the Profiler event data
Program trace Program flow of the profiled application
Statistics Statistics of profiling and the NPRF resource file
NPRC Consolidation trace List of the consolidated data with hit counts and summarized elapsed time and CPU time
Program summary Table of executed Natural objects

The table shows which events occurred during object execution and the CPU time spent executing the object.

Line summary Table of executed Natural source lines

The table shows how many events occurred during line execution and the CPU and elapsed time spent executing the line.

Transaction summary Table of executed transactions.

The table shows which events occurred during transaction execution and the response time (elapsed time) of the transactions.

Statistics Statistics of profiling, the consolidation and the NPRC resource file
NCVF Statement coverage List of statements covered in in the source lines

The list shows the percentage of statement coverage for each statement line in the source of the accessed programs.

Program coverage Table of code coverage results of executed Natural objects

The program coverage table lists all Natural objects which have been executed during the coverage run. For each object, it shows the percentage of coverage, the number of covered and missed statements, and the total number of statements.

Statistics Statistics for profiling, coverage and the NCVF resource file

This section covers the following topics:

Profiler Utility READ Function

The Profiler utility READ function reads and evaluates the resource data.

Syntax of READ:


Syntax Description:

Keyword for READ Value Description
RESOURCE-NAME resource-name The name of the NPRF, NPRC or NCVF resource file you want to read.

If no file extension is specified, the extension specified with the keyword RESOURCE-TYPE is added automatically.

Default: The name of the last created NPRF, NPRC or NCVF resource file in the library depending on the RESOURCE-TYPE specification

RESOURCE-LIB library-name The name of the Natural library that contains the NPRF, NPRC or NCVF resource you want to read.

Default: The name of the current library

RESOURCE-TYPE   Specifies the default resource type (extension) to use if no extension is specified with RESOURCE-NAME.
NPRF The default resource type is NPRF with extension .nprf.
NPRC The default resource type is NPRC with extension .nprc.
NCVF The default resource type is NCVF with extension .ncvf.
EVENT   Specifies whether the Natural Profiler evaluates events.

See also Event Trace, Consolidation Trace and Statement Coverage.


NPRF: Write the Natural Profiler event trace.
NPRC: Write the Natural Profiler consolidation trace.
NCVF: Write the statement coverage result.

OFF Do not evaluate events.
PROGRAM   Specifies whether the Natural Profiler evaluates programs.

See also Program Trace, Program Summary and Program Coverage.


NPRF: Write the Natural Profiler program trace.
NPRC: Write the Natural Profiler program summary.
NCVF: Write the program coverage table.

OFF Do not evaluate programs.
LINE   This option is only available for NPRC resources.

Specifies whether the Natural Profiler evaluates executed source lines.

See also Line Summary.

ON Write the Natural Profiler line summary.
OFF Do not evaluate executed source lines.
TRANSACTION   This option is only available for NPRC resources.

Specifies whether the Natural Profiler evaluates transactions.

For more information, see Transaction Summary.

ON Evaluate transactions to generate a transaction summary and show transaction-related values in the program summary and the line summary.
OFF Do not evaluate transactions.
STATISTICS   Specifies whether the Natural Profiler writes statistics.

See also Profiler Statistics.

Statistics data for Natural code coverage is not collected on Linux and Windows.

ON Write statistics.
OFF Do not write statistics.
PRINT   Specifies whether the result is written to standard output.
ON Write to standard output.
OFF Do not write to standard output.
EXPORT   Specifies whether the evaluated data is written to the Work File 7.
ON Write to Work File 7.
OFF Do not write to Work File 7.
FORMAT   Specifies the format in which the exported data is written to Work File 7.
TEXT Write the data in free text format.
COMMA Write the data in CSV format with a comma (,) separator.
SEMICOLON Write the data in CSV format with a semicolon (;) separator.

Example of READ

The following example reads the Natural Profiler resource Test.nprf in the library PRFDATA and writes the event trace, program trace and the Profiler statistics to standard output and to Work File 7 in text format.

FUNCTION=READ           /* Read Profiler Data
  RESOURCE-NAME='Test'  /* Resource name
  RESOURCE-LIB=PRFDATA  /* Resource library
  RESOURCE-TYPE=NPRF    /* Use resource type NPRF
  EVENT=ON              /* Print event trace
  PROGRAM=ON            /* Print program trace
  STATISTICS=ON         /* Print statistics
  PRINT=ON              /* Write to standard output
  EXPORT=ON             /* Write to Work File 7
  FORMAT=TEXT           /* Export in text format

Event Trace

If EVENT=ON is specified for an NPRF resource file, the Profiler event trace is generated.

The event trace shows the data of each Natural event which occurred while the application executed. The trace can be referenced if detailed information of an event is required. For example, if a Natural error occurred during application execution, the event trace shows the corresponding error number and message.

If the event trace is written to standard output (PRINT=ON) or exported in text format (EXPORT=ON, FORMAT=TEXT), it is similar to the event trace written by the Profiler monitor session while the application was profiled (see Event Trace). If the data is exported in CSV (comma-separated values) format, it contains all data fields provided by the Profiler (see Data Collected).

Example of an Event Trace

The following example shows an extract of an event trace:

Natural Profiler Event Trace
     Count Time              CPU-Time (ms) Ev Lev Library  Program  Line CC-Lib   CC-Name  Statement  Local-Data
         0 10:20:58.219911        63.318   MP 003 SYSPRFD  PRBINIT  8350                   Call       Monitor pause requested
       102 10:20:58.277586        76.106   PL 000                   0000                              Execute SYSEDMD/MENU
       103 10:20:58.277591        76.139   PS 001 SYSEDMD  MENU     0000                   PgmStart   00010/02430 Type: P
       103 10:20:58.277594        76.151   NS 001 SYSEDMD  MENU     0250                   Compute    Assign/Compute/Move
       103 10:20:58.277596        76.155   NS 001 SYSEDMD  MENU     0270                   Fetch      Fetch
       104 10:20:58.277598        76.169   DB 001 SYSEDMD  MENU     0270                   Fetch      00010/02430 S1


  • The Count column shows the number of the event. Monitor Pause (MP) events and Natural Statement (NS) events are not counted and receive the number of the previous event.

  • The Time and CPU-Time columns show the event time and the CPU timestamp of the event execution, respectively.

  • The event with the number 104 is a Database Before (DB) event caused by an Adabas S1 command issued against the file 00010/02430 which was triggered by a FETCH statement in the line 0270 of the Natural object MENU.

For further explanations of the trace columns and event types, see the sections Event Trace and Events and Data Collected.

Consolidation Trace

If EVENT=ON is specified for an NPRC resource file, the Natural Profiler consolidation trace is generated. The consolidation trace is also generated if CONSOLIDATE=ON and TRACE-CONSOLIDATE=ON are set for the Profiler utility INIT function, or if TRACE-CONSOLIDATE=ON is set for the Profiler utility CONSOLIDATE function.

The consolidation trace shows general event data, summarized values of the elapsed time and CPU time and the hit count of the consolidated record. If two trace entries show the same general event data, they have different event-specific data which is not displayed in the consolidation trace.

The consolidated records are used as the basis for further evaluations like the NaturalONE hot spots or the Natural Profiler Rich GUI data evaluation and program analysis. The consolidation trace can be used to validate the consolidated data.

If the consolidation trace is written to standard output (PRINT=ON), it is similar to the consolidation trace written by the Profiler data consolidation (see Consolidating Event Data). If the data is exported, it contains all consolidated data fields provided by the Profiler.

Example of a Consolidation Trace

The following example shows an extract of a consolidation trace:

Natural Profiler Consolidation Trace
    Count Transact Ev User     Lev Library  Program  Line CC-Lib   CC-Name  Statement   Hit-Count  Elapsed(ms)      CPU(ms)
        1          DA PRFO82D  000                   0000                                       1       75.692        0.870
        2          DA PRFO82D  000                   0000                                       1        0.002        0.004
        3          DA PRFO82D  000                   0000                                       1        0.006        0.025
        4          NS PRFO82D  006 SYSLIBS  A82CLS   0010 SYSAOSSU C-COPYRT Reset              43        0.043        0.118
        5          NS PRFO82D  006 SYSTEM   NOMSTCS  4360                   End                 1        0.000        0.003
        6          PL PRFO82D  006 SYSTEM   NOMSTCS  0970                   Callnat             1        0.008        0.058
        7          PL PRFO82D  006 SYSTEM   NOMSTCS  1020                   Perform             1        0.004        0.017


  • The Count column shows the number of the consolidated record.

  • The Transact column shows the transaction identifier.

    The transaction identifier starts with 1 and is increased with every IA (after terminal I/O) or RI (inbound RPC message) event. Transaction identifiers are only available if data is consolidated with the option TRANSACTION=ON.

  • The consolidated record 4 shows that the RESET statement in the line 0010 of the copycode C-COPYRT (included in the Natural object A82CLS) executed 43 times spending a total elapsed time of 0.043 milliseconds (ms) and a total CPU time of 0.118 ms.

  • The application was running on a z/OS machine with zIIP (IBM System z Integrated Information Processor). Under this condition, the CPU time can be higher than the elapsed time.

For further explanations of the trace columns and event types, see the sections Event Trace and Events and Data Collected.

Program Trace

If PROGRAM=ON is specified for an NPRF resource file, the Profiler program trace is generated. The program trace shows the program flow of the profiled application. In general, the program trace exclusively shows program and session events (see Events and Data Collected for a list of possible event types).

If the program trace is written to standard output (PRINT=ON) or exported in text format (EXPORT=ON, FORMAT=TEXT), the program names are indented (see the example below) according to the program level to provide a quick overview of the application calling structure.

If the data is exported in CSV (comma-separated values) format, the program names are not indented. In addition to the output in text format, the exported data contains the CPU timestamp and the summarized Adabas time.

Example of a Program Trace

The following example shows an extract of a program trace and the totals of the application run:

Natural Profiler Program Trace
Time            Ev Library  CC-Name  Line Lev Program  Events
10:20:58.309812 PL                   0000 000
10:20:58.309817 PS SYSEDMD           0000 001 .OPTTEST  D=4 N=2
10:20:58.357694 PL SYSEDMD           5620 001 .OPTTEST
10:20:58.357704 PS SYSEDMD           0000 002 ..CALLMON3 N=3
10:20:58.385263 PL SYSEDMD           0980 002 ..CALLMON3
10:20:58.385274 PS SYSEDMD           0000 003 ...OP3DISC  D=3 N=4
10:20:58.412207 PL SYSEDMD           1670 003 ...OP3DISC
10:20:58.412221 PS SYSEDMD           0000 004 ....OPTINFO  N=57
10:20:58.443203 PL SYSEDMD           5830 004 ....OPTINFO
10:20:58.443210 PS SYSEDMD           0000 005 ....:OPTPARM1 D=3 N=19
10:20:58.449549 PL SYSEDMD           1960 005 ....:OPTPARM1
10:20:58.449555 PS SYSEDMD           0000 006 ....:.OPTPARM2 D=3 N=10
10:20:58.458286 PL SYSEDMD           0560 006 ....:.OPTPARM2
10:20:58.458300 PS SYSEDMD           0000 007 ....:..OPTPARM3 N=16
10:20:58.458390 PL SYSEDMD           1530 007 ....:..OPTPARM3
10:20:58.458408 PS SYSLIBS           0000 008 ....:...NAT41004 D=10 C=6 N=7345
10:20:58.471017 PT SYSLIBS           5235 008 ....:...NAT41004
10:20:58.471017 PR SYSEDMD           1530 007 ....:..OPTPARM3 N=2898
10:20:58.473293 PL SYSEDMD           1530 007 ....:..OPTPARM3
10:20:58.473297 PS SYSLIBS           0000 008 ....:...NAT41004 D=5 C=6 N=1416
10:20:58.475581 PT SYSLIBS           5235 008 ....:...NAT41004
10:20:58.475581 PR SYSEDMD           1530 007 ....:..OPTPARM3 N=466
10:20:58.475957 PT SYSEDMD           2190 007 ....:..OPTPARM3
10:20:58.475957 PR SYSEDMD           0560 006 ....:.OPTPARM2 N=283
10:20:58.476187 PT SYSEDMD           0860 006 ....:.OPTPARM2
10:20:58.476187 PR SYSEDMD           1960 005 ....:OPTPARM1 N=42
10:20:58.476222 PT SYSEDMD           7510 005 ....:OPTPARM1
10:20:58.476222 PR SYSEDMD           5830 004 ....OPTINFO  D=3 N=10
10:20:58.497926 PL SYSEDMD           6080 004 ....OPTINFO
10:20:58.521954 PR SYSEDMD           1670 003 ...OP3DISC  N=241
10:21:11.205102 PR SYSEDMD           0980 002 ..CALLMON3 D=7 N=6070
10:21:41.704996 PR SYSEDMD           5620 001 .OPTTEST  D=8 I=3 N=26
10:21:41.731229 PT SYSEDMD           7370 001 .OPTTEST
10:21:41.731229 PR                   0000 000          D=14 I=1
10:21:42.248348 ST                   0000 000

Ev Event                    Count
S  Session ................ 1
P  Program ................ 5297
D  Database Call .......... 2140
I  Terminal I/O ........... 12
C  External Program Call .. 6510
E  Runtime Error .......... 43
N  Natural Statement ...... 857384
R  RPC Request............. 0
U  User-Defined Event ..... 0
M  Monitor Pause .......... 2


  • For each event listed, the time when the event occurred, the active library, program (Natural object), copycode, line number and program level is displayed.

  • The program name is followed by the number of events that occurred from one program event to the next program event.

  • Events which belong to one event group are combined into one count using the maximum count of the corresponding event types. Example: One Database Before (DB) and one Database After (DA) event are combined into one Database event (D=1).

  • In the example above, the Natural object OPTTEST was started at the level 1. This program calls the subprogram CALLMON3 which calls further subprograms. The highest Level 8 is reached when the subprogram NAT41004 executes. During the first execution, this subprogram performs 10 database calls (D=10), 6 external program calls (C=6) and 7345 Natural statements (N=7345).

  • The Totals section at the end of the program trace shows the maximum count of each event group. For example: a total of 2140 database calls corresponds to 2140 Database Before (DB) and 2140 Database After (DA) events.

  • The totals of the Session (S) and Program (P) event groups are only listed under Totals; they are not listed next to the program name.

For further explanations of the trace columns, see the section Event Trace.

For explanations of event types and associated event groups, see the section Events.

Program Summary

If PROGRAM=ON is specified for an NPRC resource file, the Profiler program summary is generated.

The program summary shows for each Natural object how many Natural events have occurred, the total CPU time (in milliseconds) and the percentage of the CPU time spent by the Natural object with respect to the total CPU time.

Monitor Pause events and events at Level 0 are not considered for the program summary. Events which belong to one event group are combined into one count: see Events.

Program starts and load requests are listed separately.

If the data is exported in CSV (comma-separated values) format, the count of each event type is listed. Additionally, the elapsed time and the Adabas times (absolute and percentage values) are displayed. The exported time values are indicated in microseconds.

Example of a Program Summary

The following example shows the extract of a program summary:

Natural Profiler Program Summary                                                                                      
Library  Program      Start      Load  Database       I/O  External     Error Statement      User CPU-Time (ms)  CPU %
SYSEDMD  ADA-CL          41         0        40         0        41         0       621         0         3.785   0.14
SYSEDMD  ADA-RC          45         0        44         0        45         0       545         0         4.704   0.17
SYSEDMD  AOS-CL         115        97        15         0         0         0      2507         0        42.890   1.63
SYSEDMD  AOS-OP         169       154        22         0         0         0      6975         0        70.286   2.68
SYSEDMD  BYTE             1         0         0         0         0         0        11         0         0.034   0.00
SYSEDMD  CALLMON3         1         5        23         0         0         0      7089         0        20.001   0.76
SYSEDMD  CALLNOM          6         6        19         0         0         0        18         0         1.342   0.05
SYSEDMD  CALLNOPM         2         2         4         0         0         0        16         0         0.395   0.01
SYSEDMD  CALLNOPN         1         1         4         0         0         0         8         0         0.244   0.00
SYSEDMD  CALLNOPS         3         4        23         0         0         1        31         0         1.841   0.07
SYSEDMD  DISNOP           1         7         6         0         0         0       515         0         2.260   0.08
SYSEDMD  DISNO4I          1        47         3         0         1         0      8075         0        25.516   0.97
SYSEDMD  DISNO4IS        57         0         0         0       624         0     36877         0       105.650   4.03
SYSEDMD  DISNRS           1         0         0         0        44         0       511         0         3.343   0.12
SYSEDMD  DISNSP           1        18        15         0         0         0      1850         0         6.074   0.23
SYSEDMD  DISNTMZ          1         4        11         0         0         0       324         0         2.309   0.08
SYSEDMD  MENU             1         1         3         0         0         0         2         0         0.235   0.00
SYSEDMD  MONACSH          1         6         6         0         0         0      1217         0         3.470   0.13
SYSEDMD  MONADA           1      3176        71         0         0         0    272180         0       680.214  25.98
SYSEDMD  MONAREP          1         9        28         0         0         0      1964         0         6.378   0.24
Total                  5294      5293      2122         7      6510        43    857384         0      2617.326 100.00


  • The Natural object MONADA consumed the most CPU time: 680.214 ms which corresponds to 25.98 percent of the total CPU time.

  • MONADA was started once, it loaded 3176 other Natural objects, performed 71 database calls and 272180 Natural statements. There was no I/O, no external call and no error in the program.

  • At the end of the program summary, the Total counts of the profiling are listed.

Line Summary

If LINE=ON is specified for an NPRC resource file, the Profiler line summary is generated.

The line summary shows for each source line in a Natural object, the number of Natural events that occurred (hit count), the CPU and elapsed time (in milliseconds and percent) spent by the line. The percentage of times is calculated in relation to the total times of the application.

The line summary does not count Monitor Pause events and events at Level 0.

If the data is exported in CSV (comma-separated values) format, the count of each event type is listed. Additionally, the Adabas times (absolute and percentage values) are displayed. The exported time values are indicated in microseconds.

Example of a Line Summary

The following example shows the extract of a line summary:

Natural Profiler Line Summary                                                                
Library  Program  Line CC-Lib   CC-Name  Hit-Count       CPU (ms)  CPU %  Elapsed (ms)  Ela %
PRFTEST  XINT     0000                            1         0.016   0.46         0.003   0.01
PRFTEST  XINT     0140                            1         0.005   0.14         0.001   0.00
PRFTEST  XINT     0150                            1         0.006   0.17         0.002   0.01
PRFTEST  XINT     0160                            1         0.004   0.11         0.001   0.00
PRFTEST  XINT     0170                           23         0.128   3.75         0.029   0.18
PRFTEST  XINT     0180                           10         0.049   1.43         0.012   0.07
PRFTEST  XINT     0190                           10         0.054   1.58         0.010   0.06
Total                                           371         3.408 100.00        15.992 100.00


  • Line 0170 in the Natural object XINT consumed 0.128 ms of the CPU time and 0.029 ms of the elapsed time. This corresponds to 3.75 percent of the total CPU time and 0.18 percent of the total elapsed time. 23 events (hit count) were executed in the line.

  • At the end of the line summary, the Total counts of the profiling are listed.

Transaction Summary

A transaction is the code executed between two consecutive terminal I/O operations. The elapsed time spent on executing a transaction is called response time.

The transaction summary generated by the Profiler shows how many Natural events have occurred for each transaction, the response time (in milliseconds) and the percentage of the response time spent by the transaction with respect to the total response time.

Prerequisites Required for Transaction Evaluations

The Profiler data must be consolidated with the CONSOLIDATE function set to TRANSACTION=ON so that the consolidated data records in the NPRC resource file contain transaction identifiers required for evaluating the transaction response time.

TRANSACTION=ON is specified for the READ function.

Event Data Evaluated for Transactions

In general, one terminal I/O event relates to one transaction. The number of terminal I/O events is not listed in standard output (for PRINT=ON).

Data exported in CSV (comma-separated values) format contains the count of each event type, including terminal I/O. Additionally, the data list contains the CPU time and the Adabas times (absolute and percentage values). Exported time values are indicated in microseconds.

The transaction summary does not consider Before Terminal I/O (IB) events, RPC Wait for Client (RW) events, Monitor Pause (MP) events and events at Level 0. Events that belong to one event group are combined into one count.

For explanations of event types and associated event groups, see the section Events.

Modified Line and Program Summary

If TRANSACTION=ON is specified for the READ function of an NPRC resource file, the program summary and the line summary also consider the transaction identifier and aggregate the program and line values for each transaction separately. In the transaction line summary, the ID column indicates the program line in which the transaction was started.

Example of a Transaction Summary

The following example shows a transaction summary:

Natural Profiler Transaction Summary                                                                                     
Transact TA-Lib   TA-Prog  TA-CC TA-Line   Program  Database  External     Error Statement      User  Elapsed (ms)  Time%
       1                                         1         0         1         0         0         0         0.829   0.50
       2 SYSPRFLR PRFMENM           0020         9        13         8         0         0         0        17.618  10.65
       3 SYSEDM   MOPTTEST          0020         4         0         0         0         0         0         6.167   3.72
       4 SYSEDM   OPTWLS80          0470         0         0         0         0         0         0         1.108   0.66
       5 SYSEDM   OPTWLS80          0470         2         0         0         0         0         0         1.133   0.68
       6 SYSEDM   OPTTEST           1750         1         0         0         0         0         0         1.180   0.71
       7 SYSEDM   MOPTTEST          0020        27        33        30         0         0         0        94.236  56.96
       8 SYSEDM   OPTTEST           5590         1         0         0         0         0         0         1.185   0.71
       9 SYSEDM   MOPTTEST          0020        37        33        56         0         0         0        37.311  22.55
      10 SYSEDM   OPTTEST           5760         1         0         0         0         0         0         1.096   0.66
      11 SYSEDM   MOPTTEST          0020         6         0         6         0         0         0         2.164   1.30
      12 SYSPRFLR PRFMENM           0020         2         0         3         0         0         0         1.394   0.84
Total                                           86        79       103         0         0         0       165.421 100.00

Explanations using the example of Transaction 7:

  • Transaction 7 spent the longest response (elapsed) time: 94.236 milliseconds (ms) which correspond to 56.96 percent of the total response time.

  • Transaction 7 started an I/O operation in the library SYSEDM (TA-Lib column), program MOPTTEST (TA-Prog), program line 0020 (TA-Line).

  • Transaction 7 accessed 27 programs and issued 33 database calls and 30 external program calls.

  • In the example above, all counters for statement events are 0 because statement events were not collected during this Profiler run.

  • At the end of the transaction summary, the Total counts of the profiled transactions are listed.

Program Coverage

The program coverage table is generated if PROGRAM=ON is specified for an NCVF resource file.

The program coverage table shows the code coverage results for each accessed Natural object. If the table is given in text format, only the GP coverage results (copycodes included) are displayed. In CSV (comma-separated values) format, the table shows lines containing copycode values, additional columns with source counters (copycodes not included) and information regarding INCLUDE statements.

In text format, the table provides the coverage count for each accessed library and for the whole application.

The table contains the following columns:

Column Description
Evaluation The type of evaluation. Possible types are:
Program For program coverage data
Event For statement coverage data
Statistics For Profiler statistics data
Object Count The count of cataloged objects (GPs) listed in the table.
Object Type The type of Natural object such as program and subprogram.
Library The Natural library that contains the object.
Object The name of the Natural object.
Copycode ID The unique identifier of the copycode instance in the cataloged object (GP). The program gets the copycode ID 0.
Copycode Library The library from which the copycode is included.
Copycode Name The name of the copycode.
GP Coverage% The percentage of object coverage whereby INCLUDE statements are resolved.
GP Covered The number of covered (executed) statements whereby INCLUDE statements are resolved.
GP Missed The number of missed (not executed) statements in the object whereby INCLUDE statements are resolved.
GP Total The total number of all executable statements in the object whereby INCLUDE statements are resolved.
Src Coverage% The percentage of object coverage whereby INCLUDE statements are not resolved.
Src Covered The number of covered (executed) statements whereby INCLUDE statements are not resolved.
Src Missed The number of missed (not executed) statements in the object whereby INCLUDE statements are not resolved.
Src Total The total number of all executable statements in the object whereby INCLUDE statements are not resolved.
First Statement The ID of the first statement of the object or copycode.
INCLUDE CC-ID For copycode only.

The copycode ID of the object or copycode that includes the copycode.

INCLUDE Object For copycode only.

The name of the object or copycode that includes the copycode.

INCLUDE Line For copycode only.

The line number of the INCLUDE statement that includes the copycode.

Example of Program Coverage

The following example shows the result of program coverage in text format:

Program Coverage                                          
Library  Object   Ty Coverage%  Covered    Missed    Total
COVDEMO  TESTCOVN N      84.0%       37         7       44
COVDEMO  TESTCOVP P      69.2%        9         4       13
COVDEMO  -------- --     80.7%       46        11       57
Totals   -------- --     80.7%       46        11       57


  • The application accesses two objects, the TESTCOVN subprogram (N) and the TESTCOVP program (P).

  • In TESTCOVN, there are 44 executable statements (object code instructions) from which 37 were covered (executed) and 7 missed (not executed), giving a total coverage of 84.0%.

  • The summarized values of the two objects accessed in the library COVDEMO show coverage of 80.7%.

  • Total coverage is also 80.7% because only one library is accessed by the objects.

Statement Coverage

Statement coverage is generated if EVENT=ON is specified for an NCVF resource file.

For statement coverage, the Profiler utility reads the source of the monitored objects. First, it searches the source in the library containing the Natural Profiler resource. If the source is not found in this library, it is searched in the library given with the Profiler data. If the source is still not found or if the source does not match the collected data, source lines are not printed in the statement coverage report. The Profiler utility resolves INCLUDE statements and merges the source of the corresponding copycode into the including program. If the INCLUDE structure cannot be resolved, the copycodes are printed separately.

If a source has been modified after the coverage run, the Profiler utility can no longer provide the full information. To prevent this, copy the resource file together with the related program sources into another library. If the Profiler utility reads the resource, the sources from the resource library are taken and a modification of the original sources does not affect the statement coverage.

Statement coverage shows the percentage of statements covered for each source line of the accessed programs. If the result is written in text format, for each object listed in the statistics, the object coverage values are shown before the statement coverage data. If the result is written in CSV (comma-separated values) format, additional information regarding statement coverage is provided.

The table contains the following columns:

Column Description
Evaluation The type of evaluation. Possible types are:
Program For program coverage data
Event For statement coverage data
Statistics For Profiler statistics data
Object Count The count of objects (GPs) listed in the table.
Library The Natural library that contains the objects.
Object The name of the Natural object.
Copycode ID The unique identifier of the copycode instance in the related cataloged object. The program gets the copycode ID 0.
Copycode Library The library that contains the copycode (if copycode is active).
Copycode Name The name of the copycode (if copycode is active).
Line The line number in the Natural source object, for example, 0120.
Source The Natural source line that contains a statement definition, for example, MOVE #A TO #B.
Coverage% The percentage of statement coverage of the line.
Covered The number of statements covered (executed) in the line.
Missed The number of missed (not executed) statements in the line.
Total The total number of all executable statements (object code instructions) in the line.
Item Coverage Indicates which statement items (object code instructions) in the line have been covered or missed. Each statement is represented by either 1 or 0, whereby 1 indicates a covered statement and 0 a missed statement. For example: A value of x100 indicates that only the first of three statements in the line is covered.
Mark Indicates the coverage state of the line.

The Mark column can be used to visualize the coverage results in tools like Microsoft Excel. Possible Mark values are listed in Using a Microsoft Excel Template to Visualize Coverage Results.

Example of Statement Coverage

The following example assumes that the development has delivered a new version of the TESTCOVN subprogram to the quality engineering. After running the test programs, statement coverage of the subprogram shows the following result (text format):

Statement Coverage
M Cov% CC-Lib   CC-Name  Line Source                         
*                        0010 * Test function Coverage       
*                        0020 * Subprogram TESTCOVN          
+                        0030 DEFINE DATA                    
+                        0040 PARAMETER                      
+                        0050 1 FUNC     (I2)  /* Function   
+                        0060 1 RET-CODE (I4)  /* Return code
+                        0070 END-DEFINE                     
*                        0080 *                              
*                        0090 /* Return 0 by default         
C 100%                   0100 RESET RET-CODE                 
*                        0110 *                              
C 100%                   0120 DECIDE ON FIRST VALUE OF FUNC  
P  50%                   0130   VALUE 0                      
M   0%                   0140     PRINT 'Test function 0'    
P  66%                   0150   VALUE 1                      
C 100%                   0160     PRINT 'Test function 1'    
C 100%                   0170   VALUE 2                      
C 100%                   0180     PRINT 'Test function 2'    
C 100%                   0190   VALUE 3                      
C 100%                   0200     PRINT 'Test function 3'    
C 100%                   0210   VALUE 4                      
C 100%                   0220     PRINT 'Test function 4'    
C 100%                   0230   VALUE 5                                 
C 100%                   0240     PRINT 'Test function 5'               
C 100%                   0250   VALUE 6                                 
C 100%                   0260     PRINT 'Test function 6'               
C 100%                   0270   VALUE 7                                 
C 100%                   0280     PRINT 'Test function 7'               
C 100%                   0290   VALUE 8                                 
C 100%                   0300     PRINT 'Test function 8'               
P  33%                   0310   VALUE 9                                 
M   0%                   0320     PRINT 'New test function 9'           
C 100%                   0330   NONE VALUE                              
M   0%                   0340     RET-CODE := 1 /* Unsupported function
+                        0350 END-DECIDE                                
*                        0360 *                                         
C 100%                   0370 END


  • The Mark (M) column shows whether a line is covered (C), missed (M) or partly covered (P).

  • No test cases cover the functions Test function 0 and New test function 9 (denoted with M and 0% coverage). The NONE VALUE case is also not covered.

  • All other test cases are covered (denoted with C and 100% coverage).

  • A Natural VALUE statement corresponds to multiple object code instructions. The coverage of 50% and 60% for VALUE 0 and VALUE 1 statements indicates that only a part of these object code instructions are covered.

    This is because one of the generated object code instructions belongs to the previous statement and the others to the current VALUE statement for technical reasons.

As a consequence of this coverage analysis, the test cases have to be adjusted so that Test function 0 and Test function 9 (and, perhaps, the error case with an unsupported function code) are also covered.

Using a Microsoft Excel Template to Visualize Coverage Results

Prerequisites: Microsoft Excel and Natural for Windows or Natural for Linux and Cloud.

If you want to analyze the coverage result with Microsoft Excel, you can use the Microsoft Excel template delivered with Natural for Windows and Natural for Linux and Cloud. Perform the following steps:

  1. Perform the Profiler READ function and write the output data in CSV (comma-separated values) format to Work File 7. For example:

    FUNCTION=READ           /* Read Profiler Data
      RESOURCE-NAME='Test'  /* Resource name
      RESOURCE-LIB=PRFDATA  /* Resource library
      RESOURCE-TYPE=NCVF    /* Use resource type NCVF
      EVENT=ON              /* Print statement coverage
      PROGRAM=ON            /* Print program coverage
      STATISTICS=ON         /* Print statistics
      PRINT=ON              /* Write to standard output
      EXPORT=ON             /* Write to Work File 7
      FORMAT=COMMA          /* Export in CSV format
  2. If your Microsoft Excel requires semicolons as separators, specify the following:

    FORMAT=SEMICOLON      /* Export in CSV format
  3. Export the data of Work File 7 with any tool (such as FTP) as a CSV-formatted file to a Windows environment.

  4. Open the CSV file with Microsoft Excel.

  5. Rearrange the data so that each evaluation type (program, event, statistics) is on its own worksheet in the Microsoft Excel file.

  6. Open the delivered template TESTCOV.XLSX with Microsoft Excel. The template is contained in the RES (Resources) subdirectory of the Natural SYSPRFLR system library.

  7. For each worksheet, copy the format from the template to your Microsoft Excel:

    • Click on the upper left corner of the table in the template to mark all data in the table.

    • Click on the Microsoft Excel Copy format function.

    • Click on the upper left corner of the table in your worksheet to copy the format.

      Now, all entries are formatted as in the template. The source lines are colored and marked as follows:

      Color Mark Description
      Green C All statements in the line are covered.
      Yellow P The statements in the line are partly covered.
      Pink M All statements in the line are missed.
      Gray * A comment or an empty line.
      Red E Error encountered.

      For example, if the coverage analysis has collected a line number but the corresponding source line is not found.

      None (white) + All other lines such as continuation lines of a statement.

Example of a Microsoft Excel Worksheet

The following example shows a worksheet extract of code coverage for the TESTCOVP program with included TESTCOVC copycode without the columns that contain the object name and library:

Sample Excel sheet extract.


  • The source lines of the TESTCOVC copycode are included in the source of the TESTCOVP program and placed right after the corresponding INCLUDE statement.

  • The lines 40 through 70 (in pink) of the copycode contain missed statements, which means they were not executed in the test run.

  • All other lines (in green) containing executable statements are covered.

  • A FOR statement corresponds to four object code instructions. All four instructions are covered as indicated by x1111 in the Item Coverage column.


If STATISTICS=ON is specified, the Profiler statistics are listed.

If the data is exported in CSV (comma-separated values) format, the properties and values of the Profiler statistics are added as separate columns to the event or consolidation trace. If coverage data is exported in CSV format, the statistics values are added in additional lines indicated by the value Statistics in the Evaluation column.

Example of Statistics

The following example shows an extract of the statistics of an NPRC resource file:

* 11:02:39          ***** NATURAL PROFILER UTILITY *****         2015-08-05  
* User SAGTEST1                - Statistics -                       RESDATA  
* General Info                                                               
* Machine class ...................... MAINFRAME                             
* Environment ........................ Batch                                 
* Profiler Resource File                                                     
* Resource name ...................... EDM-MONITOR.nprc                      
* Resource type ...................... Natural Profiler Resource Consolidated
* Resource allocation date ........... 2015-07-27 10:36:19.6
* Resource size (bytes) .............. 565160               
* Monitor Session                                           
* Monitor start time ................. 2015-07-27 10:20:57.2
* Monitor end time ................... 2015-07-27 10:21:42.8
* Monitor elapsed time (sec) ......... 45.519604            
* Trace Session                                             
* First library ...................... SYSEDMD              
* First program ...................... MENU                 
* Highest level ...................... 10                   
* Trace start time ................... 10:20:58.219911      
* Trace end time ..................... 10:21:42.248348      
* Trace elapsed time (sec) ........... 44.028437            
* Data Processing                               
* Number of events ................... 895936   
* Data Consolidation                                                       
* Consolidation ...................... ON                                  
* Consolidation records .............. 21624                               
* Consolidation elapsed time (sec) ... 15.643516                           
* Consolidation factor ............... 41.4                                
* Consolidation records/block ........ 191.3                               
* Bytes/consolidation record ......... 25.8                                


  • The EDM-MONITOR.nprc resource was allocated on 2015-07-27 at 10:36:19 a.m. and has a size of 565160 bytes.

  • The profiled application was running on the same day at 10:20:58 a.m. for 44.0 seconds and started with the program MENU in the library SYSEDMD.

  • The profiled application generated a total of 895936 Natural events. The data consolidation took 15.6 seconds and reduced the number of records to 21624 which corresponds to a consolidation factor of 41.4.

All statistics information provided is explained in the section Profiler Statistics.

Maintaining Profiler Resource Files

In general, Profiler resources are listed as NPRF, NPRC or NCVF files by using the Natural SYSMAIN utility, NaturalONE or Natural Studio. These tools also provide functions to copy, rename and delete resource files.

The Natural Profiler Rich GUI also lists the Profiler resources and offers a function to delete a Profiler resource file.

In addition, you can use Profiler utility functions to list and delete Profiler resource files.

This section covers the following topics:

Listing Profiler Resource Files

The Profiler utility LIST function lists the Profiler resource files of a given Natural library and the date and time when the resource files were allocated.

Syntax of LIST:


Syntax Description:

Keyword for LIST Value Description
RESOURCE-LIB library-name The name of the Natural library that contains the Profiler resource files you want to list.

Default: The name of the current library

RESOURCE-TYPE   Specifies the type of resource files to be listed: NPRF, NPRC or NCVF.

Default: All types are listed if no value is specified here.

NPRF List NPRF (Natural Profiler Resource File) resource files only.
NPRC List NPRC (Natural Profiler Resource Consolidated) resource files only.
NCVF List NCVF (Natural code coverage file) resource files only.
PRINT   Specifies whether the result is written to standard output.
ON Write to standard output.
OFF Do not write to standard output.
EXPORT   Specifies whether the result is written to Natural Work File 7.
ON Write to Work File 7.
OFF Do not write to Work File 7.
FORMAT   Specifies the format in which the exported data is written to Work File 7.
TEXT Write the data in free text format.
COMMA Write the data in CSV format with a comma (,) used as a separator.
SEMICOLON Write the data in CSV format with a semicolon (;) used as a separator.
Example of LIST

The following example lists the NPRF Profiler resource files of library PRFDATA. The list is written to standard output and to Work File 7 in text format.

FUNCTION=LIST           /* List Profiler resource files
  RESOURCE-LIB=PRFDATA  /* Resource library
  RESOURCE-TYPE=NPRF    /* List NPRF resource files
  PRINT=ON              /* Write to standard output
  EXPORT=ON             /* Write to Work File 7
  FORMAT=TEXT           /* Export in text format


Natural Profiler Resources
Library: PRFDATA
Resource type: nprf
Count Date       Time     Name
    1 2015-06-15 14:32:18 Hello1.nprf
    2 2015-06-26 18:39:57 QDTest1.nprf
    3 2015-06-24 22:00:35 QETest1.nprf
    4 2015-06-30 14:32:42 Studio.nprf
    5 2015-07-02 15:02:32 Test.nprf
Number of nprf resources in library PRFDATA: 5

Deleting a Resource File

If you delete or replace a big resource file, it can happen that you receive the following error message:

Error - NAT3047 Maximum value for Adabas parameter NISNHQ was exceeded.

In this case, you have three options:

  1. Contact your database administrator to increase the Adabas parameter NISNHQ.

  2. Use the Profiler Rich GUI Delete function. It uses the same technic as the Profiler utility DELETE function.

  3. Use the Profiler utility DELETE function to perform a "dirty" delete of the resource. This function does not delete the resource in one big step but in chunks (with an end of transaction after each chunk). If the DELETE function fails by any reason, you need to repeat it to get rid of inconsistent data.

    Syntax of DELETE:


    Syntax Description:

    Keyword for DELETE Value Description
    RESOURCE-NAME resource-name The name of the Profiler resource file you want to delete.

    Possible extensions are .nprf (Natural Profiler resource file), .nprc (Natural Profiler resource consolidated), .ncvf (Natural code coverage file) or .nprk (Natural Profiler resource key). If no extension has been specified, the extension specified with the keyword RESOURCE-TYPE is added automatically.

    Default: none

    If RESOURCE-TYPE=NPRK is specified and no RESOURCE-NAME, the name of the Profiler resource file containing the NaturalONE Profiler key is used as resource-name.

    RESOURCE-TYPE   The default resource type (extension) to be deleted if no extension is specified with RESOURCE-NAME.

    Default: NPRF

    NPRF The default resource type is NPRF with the extension .nprf.
    NPRC The default resource type is NPRC with the extension .nprc.
    NCVF The default resource type is NCVF with the extension .ncvf.
    NPRK The default resource type is NPRK with the extension .nprk.
    NONE The resource with the short name resource-name is deleted.
    RESOURCE-LIB library-name The name of the Natural library that contains the resource you want to delete.

    Default: The name of the current library

Example of DELETE

FUNCTION=DELETE         /* Delete a Profiler resource file
  RESOURCE-NAME='Test'  /* Resource name
  RESOURCE-TYPE=NPRF    /* Resource type
  RESOURCE-LIB=PRFDATA  /* Resource library

Including Profiler Input from Natural Text Objects

The Profiler can read input data from a Natural text object. The syntax of the data in the Natural text object is the same as for the primary command input data set CMSYNIN (see Syntax and Keywords).

Start of instruction setTo include Profiler input data from a Natural text object

The data in the Natural text object is added to the Profiler input data in the line after the INCLUDE keyword. The Profiler input data can contain multiple INCLUDE keywords, and the related Natural text objects can also contain INCLUDE keywords. If a Natural text object contains an END-PROFILER keyword, the Profiler utility terminates and any remaining data in the Natural text object(s) is ignored.

The Natural system library SYSPRFLR supplies text object whose names begin with X which can be used as Profiler input. The individual Profiler functions they perform are described in the sources of these objects.

We recommend that you do not modify any objects in the system library SYSPRFLR because they can be overwritten or removed when a new Natural version is installed. Copy the required object(s) to a user library before you edit it.

Examples of INCLUDE

The following example adds the contents of the Natural MYPROF text object from the library MYLIB to the Profiler input data:


The following example adds the contents of the Natural text object XINIT from the library SYSPRFLR to the Profiler input data. The object initializes and starts profiling without consolidation and without statement event collection. Additionally, it terminates the Profiler utility so that no further Profiler input is expected after the INCLUDE keyword.


Event Trace

The Natural Profiler collects detailed information of each Natural event that occurs while a Natural application executes. This data can be viewed in the event trace.

The traces written for Natural code coverage are described in the section Tracing Natural Code Coverage.

The Profiler utility provides the following options to write a Profiler event trace:

  • Write the trace to standard output of the Profiler monitor session (MONPRINT data set) while the application is profiled.

  • Write the trace to standard output while the NPRF data is consolidated. In this case, the event trace shows the delta values of the elapsed time and the CPU time instead of event-specific data.

  • Write the trace when reading a Profiler NPRF resource file with the Profiler utility READ function.

The event trace can also be listed in NaturalONE.

Start of instruction setTo enable the event trace

  • Enter the following subordinate keyword of the Profiler utility INIT function:


    Enter the following subordinate keyword of the Profiler utility CONSOLIDATE function:


    Enter the following subordinate keyword of the Profiler utility READ function:


The Profiler event trace contains the following columns:

Column Description
Count Event count.
Time Event time.

Unit: hour:minute:second.microseconds

CPU-Time Session CPU time.

Unit: microseconds

Ev Event type; see Events and Data Collected.
Lev Program level.
Library Program library.
Program Program (Natural object) name.
Line Line number of program statement executed.
CC-Lib Copycode library (if copycode is active).
CC-Name Copycode name (if copycode is active).
Statement Natural statement currently executed.

For technical reasons, there is no one-to-one relationship between a Natural source code statement and the corresponding object code in the cataloged object. Therefore, the statements listed in the Profiler event trace can differ from the statements in the source.

Local-Data Event-specific data like the Adabas database ID (DBID) and file number (FNR).

This data is only displayed for the Profiler utility INIT and READ functions.

Elapsed (ms) Elapsed time spent processing the event.

Unit: milliseconds

This data is only displayed for the Profiler utility CONSOLIDATE function.
CPU-Delta CPU time spent processing the event.

Unit: milliseconds

Example of an Event Trace

In the following example, the Profiler utility READ function prints the event trace:

FUNCTION=READ               /* Read event data
  EVENT=ON                  /* Write event trace

The event trace is written to standard output:

Count Time              CPU-Time (ms) Ev Lev Library  Program  Line CC-Lib   CC-Name  Statement  Local-Data
    0 17:38:17.200951          42.324 MP 003 SYSPRFLR PRBINIT  8370                   Call       Monitor pause requested
    0 17:38:17.204508          43.471 MP 003 SYSPRFLR PRBSTART 1760                   Call       Start of block filter
   11 17:38:17.218379          48.874 DB 000                   0000                              00010/00032 S1
   12 17:38:17.218941          48.897 DA 000                   0000                              00010/00032 S1   Rsp: 0
   13 17:38:17.218944          48.910 PL 000                   0000                              Execute PRFDEMO/XPROF
   14 17:38:17.218945          48.916 PS 001 PRFDEMO  XPROF    0000                   PgmStart   00010/00032 Type: P
   15 17:38:17.218956          48.979 IB 001 PRFDEMO  XPROF    0300                   Input      Out: 133 In: 0
   16 17:38:17.219235          49.046 IA 001 PRFDEMO  XPROF    0300                   Input      Out: 133 In: 80
   17 17:38:17.219258          49.182 DB 001 PRFDEMO  XPROF    0370                   Callnat    00010/00032 S1
   18 17:38:17.220426          49.211 DA 001 PRFDEMO  XPROF    0370                   Callnat    00010/00032 S1   Rsp: 0
   19 17:38:17.220427          49.216 DB 001 PRFDEMO  XPROF    0370                   Callnat    00010/00032 S1

Tracing Natural Code Coverage

When Natural code coverage is performed, two trace options are available:

  • The event trace lists all monitored events. These are the program start (PS) and Natural statement (NS) events by default. Additionally, when the Profiler reads the GP, the Profiler writes an event trace entry for each statement found in the GP. These entries are indicated by the pseudo-event type GP.

  • The coverage trace lists all records which are written to the Natural coverage resource file.

When the coverage resource is read with the Profiler utility READ function, the following trace option is available:

  • The internal data trace lists all records which are read from the Natural coverage resource file.

Start of instruction setTo enable tracing for code coverage

  1. Enable the event trace by specifying the following subordinate keyword of the Profiler utility COVERAGE function:

  2. Enable the coverage trace by specifying the following subordinate keyword of the Profiler utility COVERAGE function:

  3. Enable the internal trace by specifying the following subordinate keyword of the Profiler utility READ function:


The table below describes the properties listed in the traces and indicates with (X) for which type of trace the data is provided:

Property Event Trace Coverage Trace Internal Trace Description
Count X X X The event count.
Ev X X X The event type.

See Events and Data Collected.

The pseudo-event type GP indicates a statement read in the GP.

Library X X X The name of the Natural library that contains the program/object.
Program/Object X X X The name of the Natural program/object.
Ty - X X The object type such as P for program.
CC-Lib X X X The name of the Natural library that contains the copycode (if copycode is active).
CC-Name X X X The name of the copycode.
Line X X X The source line number.
Statement X X - The Natural statement executed.

For technical reasons, there is no one-to-one relationship between a Natural source code statement and the corresponding object code in the cataloged object. Therefore, the statements listed in the Profiler event trace can differ from the statements in the source.

For code coverage, the statement object code is not saved in the resource file. Therefore, it can only be listed during data collection.

GP-Offset X - - The offset in the GP.

It uniquely identifies the statement item at execution time.

Size X - - The size of the statement in the GP.
CC-ID - X X The copycode ID.

It uniquely identifies the copycode instance in the GP. The program gets the copycode ID 0.

Par-CC - X X For copycode only.

The parent copycode ID which is the copycode ID of the object/copycode that includes the current copycode.

INCL - X - For copycode only.

The line number of the INCLUDE statement that includes the copycode.

FirstS - X X The ID of the first statement of the object or copycode.
Stmts - X X The total number of executable statements in the object whereby all INCLUDE statements are resolved.
Item X X X The item ID of the statement.

It uniquely identifies the statement in the resource file.

Cover X X X The coverage flag (0 or 1) of the statement.

When the GP is read, all flags are initialized with 0. Whenever a statement is executed, the flag is set to 1.

Same X - - When the GP is read, it indicates how many subsequent statements have the same object code and the same line number. These statements are discarded.

Whenever a discarded statement is monitored, the statement which is in front of the discarded statement, is marked as covered. The column shows the GP offset of the marked statement.

Example of a Coverage Trace

In the following example, the Profiler utility COVERAGE function writes the coverage trace:

FUNCTION=COVERAGE           /* Initialize code coverage
  TRACE-COVERAGE=ON         /* Write coverage trace

The coverage trace is written to the standard output of the Profiler monitor session (MONPRINT data set):

                        Natural Coverage Trace                                                                
Count Ev Library  Program  Ty CC-Lib   CC-Name  Line Statement  CC-ID Par-CC INCL  FirstS  Stmts    Item Cover
    1 PI COVDEMO  TESTCOVN N                                        0      0 0000       1     44         1    
    2 NS COVDEMO  TESTCOVN                      0130 Compute        0                                  4 0    
    3 NS COVDEMO  TESTCOVN                      0140 Print          0                                  5 0    
    4 NS COVDEMO  TESTCOVN                      0150 Goto           0                                  6 0    
    5 NS COVDEMO  TESTCOVN                      0310 If             0                                 39 0    
    6 NS COVDEMO  TESTCOVN                      0310 Compute        0                                 40 0    
    7 NS COVDEMO  TESTCOVN                      0320 Print          0                                 41 0    
    8 NS COVDEMO  TESTCOVN                      0340 Compute        0                                 43 0    
    9 NS COVDEMO  TESTCOVN                      0100 Reset          0                                  1 1    
   10 NS COVDEMO  TESTCOVN                      0120 Reset          0                                  2 1    
   11 NS COVDEMO  TESTCOVN                      0130 If             0                                  3 1    
   12 NS COVDEMO  TESTCOVN                      0150 If             0                                  7 1    

Internal Trace

The Profiler internal trace writes Profiler messages such as errors or warnings.

The internal trace can be activated for the following:

  • The Profiler monitor sessions (data collection). The data is written to the standard output of the monitor session.

  • The Profiler data processing functions. The data is written to standard output.

  • The Profiler Rich GUI offers a drop-down box for the internal trace activation. The data is written to standard output.

Start of instruction setTo activate the internal trace for the Profiler trace session or the data processing functions

  • Enter the following Profiler keyword:


    where n is the trace level (see Trace Levels).


    1. By default (if TRACE is not specified), Trace Level 2 (warnings) is used.
    2. The trace is activated as soon as the TRACE keyword is specified. It is therefore recommended to specify the TRACE keyword as soon as possible.
    3. If you execute the Profiler utility multiple times in the job, you need to specify the TRACE keyword with each execution.

Start of instruction setTo activate the internal trace for the Profiler monitor session

  • Enter the following subordinate keyword of the Profiler utility INIT or COVERAGE function:


    where n is the trace level (see Trace Levels).

    By default (if TRACE-MONITOR is not specified), Trace Level 3 (statistics) is used.

Trace Levels

The trace levels used by the Profiler trace and monitor sessions and by the Profiler data processing functions are listed in the following table. In general, a higher trace level also contains the information of the lower trace levels. For example, if you select Trace Level 3 (statistics), error messages and warnings are also logged.

We recommend that you use at least Trace Level 2 (warnings) so that error messages and warnings are logged. For the Profiler monitor session, Trace Level 3 (statistics) is a good choice. It prints the statistics of the Profiler run (see Profiler Statistics). Higher trace levels for the monitor session can be extremely verbose and the output can be mixed up with the event trace (if activated).

Trace Level Name Description
0 No trace Profiler internal trace is deactivated.
1 Error Log error messages.
2 Warning Log warnings.
3 Statistics Trace session: Print the values used for the Profiler utility INIT or COVERAGE function.

Monitor session: Print the profiler statistics.

Data consolidation: Print the profiler statistics including the consolidation statistics.

4 Function Log messages for used Profiler utility keywords (FUNCTION, FILTER, etc.).
5 Block Print the statistics of each data block written to the Profiler resource file.
6 Details Log detailed information.
7   Not used.
8   Not used.
9 Data Trace the coverage resource data when reading an NCVF coverage resource file.
10 Internal Internal usage.


In the following example, the Profiler internal trace is set to 4 (function) for the trace session:

* Set Profiler internal trace
TRACE=4                     /* Trace level

Output of the Profiler trace session for Trace Level 4:

PRBMAIN : Profiler trace level: 4
PRBMAIN : Profiler On-Error: Terminate
* 15:45:14          ***** NATURAL PROFILER UTILITY *****         2014-12-17
* User SAGPRFD1               - Function INIT -                     PRBINIT
* Keyword              Value
* -------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
* Resource             ON
* Resource-Lib         SAGPROF
* Resource-Name        Test01.nprf
* Replace              Y
* Wait-Full            60
* Wait-Empty           60
* Sampling             OFF
* Consolidate          OFF
* Trace-Monitor        5
* Trace-Event          OFF
* Trace-Consolidate    OFF
* -------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
PRBINIT : Profiler INIT function - Start monitor session.
PRBINIT : Profiler INIT function - Monitor session started. Time: 1.0 sec.
PRBINIT : Set trace session Id ...: 0000000000000001
PRBINIT : Set monitor session Id .: 0000000100000000
PRBINIT : Trace session successfully initialized.
PRBSTART: Profiling started.
PRBMAIN : Profiler - End of input.
Output of the application

Profiler Statistics

In addition to event data, the Profiler collects statistical data which is written to the Profiler resource file.

The Profiler utility provides the following options to write and view Profiler statistics:

  • Write the statistics to the standard output of the Profiler monitor session (MONPRINT data set) while the application is profiled, or code coverage is performed.

  • Write the statistics to standard output while the data is consolidated.

  • Write the statistics when reading a Profiler resource file with the Profiler utility READ function.

  • Select a resource in the Natural Profiler Rich GUI to display the corresponding properties and statistics.

To write Profiler statistics, perform one of the following steps

  • Enter the following subordinate keyword of the Profiler utility INIT or COVERAGE function:


    or a higher trace level (see Trace Levels). Trace Level 3 is also the default level for the Profiler monitor session.

  • Enter the following keyword before you start the Profiler utility CONSOLIDATE function:


    or a higher trace level (see Trace Levels).

  • Enter the following subordinate keyword of the Profiler utility READ function:


The Profiler statistical data is displayed in categories combining properties of a similar type. The following categories are available:

The properties listed in the following section are the properties provided by the Profiler in all environments. The Profiler statistics contain only the properties that are relevant for the current run. Therefore, not all properties listed in the section are displayed in every case.

General Information

Display environment and Natural Profiler related information.

Property Description
Machine class The name of the machine class on which the Natural application is running.
Environment The environment in which the Natural application is running, such as NaturalONE, batch or RPC.
Codepage The code page used while the Natural application was monitored.
User The ID of the user running the application (value of *USER). For a batch job, it can contain the name of the job.
Profiler version The internal version of the Profiler.

NaturalONE environment: The version of the Profiler on the server.

Profiler revision The internal revision of the Profiler.
Profiler revision date The date and time when the Profiler revision was created.
Profiler client version NaturalONE environment: The version of the Profiler client.
Profiler trace library NaturalONE environment: The name of the Natural library containing the Profiler internal trace and the Profiler event trace.
Profiler trace level The level of the Profiler internal trace.
Profiler trace member NaturalONE environment: The name of the Natural text object containing the Profiler internal trace.
Profiler event trace Indicates whether the Profiler event trace was activated (ON/OFF).
Profiler event trace member NaturalONE environment: The name of the Natural text object containing the Profiler event trace.
Utility trace level NaturalONE environment: The Natural utilities trace level.

Profiler Resource File

Display Profiler resource file related information.

Property Unit Description
Resource name   The name of the Natural Profiler resource file.
Resource type   The type of the Natural Profiler resource file: Natural Profiler resource file (NPRF), Natural Profiler resource consolidated (NPRC) or Natural code coverage file (NCVF).
Resource short name   Mainframe: The short name of the Natural Profiler resource file.
Resource library   The name of the Natural library containing the Natural Profiler resource file.
Resource DBID   The database ID of the Natural library containing the Natural Profiler resource file.
Resource FNR   The file number of the Natural library containing the Natural Profiler resource file.
Resource allocation date yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss.t The date and time when the Natural Profiler resource file was allocated.
Resource size bytes The size of the Natural Profiler resource file. It comprises the resource headers, the event data and the properties. The resource size is calculated regardless whether the resource is allocated or not.
Resource block size bytes The maximum size of a resource block. A resource block consists of a resource block header and a data block.
Resource version   The version of the Natural Profiler resource layout.

Monitor Session

Display statistics of the Profiler monitor session.

Property Unit Description
Monitor start time yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss.t The date and time when the monitor session started.
Monitor end time yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss.t The date and time when the monitor session ended.
Monitor elapsed time sec The total elapsed time consumed by the monitor session.

Trace Session

Display statistics of the Profiler trace session. The Profiler trace session includes also the application execution.

Property Unit Description
First library   The first library monitored. The libraries SYSTEM, SYSLIB* and SYSPRF* are ignored.
First program   The first program monitored.
Highest level   Highest level number of the Natural objects monitored.
Trace start time hh:ii:ss.microsec The start time of the tracing. With NaturalONE this is the time of the SI (session initialization) event. In batch, the session is already initialized when the monitoring starts. Therefore, the start time is the time of the first event (usually a Monitor Pause event).
Trace end time hh:ii:ss.microsec The end time of the tracing. This is in general the time of the ST (session termination) event.
Trace elapsed time sec The elapsed time consumed by the trace session from the start time to the end time.
Application CPU time ms The total CPU time consumed by the application.
Monitor CPU time ms The total CPU time consumed by the Natural data collector. This time is not measured by the Natural UNIX or Windows server.
Total CPU time ms The total CPU time consumed by the trace session. It is the sum of the application CPU time and the monitor CPU time.
Sampling interval microsec The sampling interval time (CPU time in microseconds). A value of zero (0) means that no sampling was active.
Data pool empty   The number of Profiler read requests which found the Profiler data pool empty (and a session active).
Data pool empty after full   The number of Profiler read requests which found the Profiler data pool empty although it was full before. If this counter is greater than 0, the Profiler data pool is too small which leads to a poor performance.
Data pool overflow   The number of Profiler data pool overflows (with data lost). Data pool overflows should no longer happen. This property is only maintained for backward compatibility with previous versions of Natural.
No session active   The number of read requests which found the Profiler data pool empty and no trace session active. This can only happen for Profiler read requests submitted before the session initialization or after the session termination.

Data Processing

Display statistics of the data processing, compression and transfer.

Property Unit Description
Number of events   The total number of events.
Highest event number   The highest event number as given by the Natural data collector. Note that the Natural data collector counts only non-statement events when called from NaturalONE. In batch it depends on the statement filter whether statement events are counted or not.
Number of data blocks   The number of event data blocks send to NaturalONE or written to the resource.
Utility buffer size bytes The size of the utility buffer used for the data transfer from the server to NaturalONE. In general, the buffer contains the header information and function-specific data.
Data block size bytes The maximum amount of event data which can be transferred from the server to NaturalONE in one call. The same data block size is used for storing the event data in the resource file.
RDC data length bytes The total size of the data received from the Natural Data Collector.
Uncompressed data length bytes The total size of the Profiler data in uncompressed format.
Compressed data length bytes The total size of the compressed data as send to NaturalONE or written to the Profiler resource file.
Identical bytes trimmed left   The number of identical bytes trimmed left at the forward data compression.
Blanks trimmed right   The number of blanks trimmed right at the backward data compression.
Compression header length bytes The total size of the compression headers saved with each compressed event record.
Compression rate percent The percentage of the data reduction by the compression. The higher the compression rate, the less data has to be transferred or saved. The formula of the compression rate is described below.
Events/block   The average number of events contained in one event data block.
Bytes/event   The average length in bytes of a compressed event data record. This property is not available for consolidated or coverage data.

The compression rate is calculated by the following formula:

CompressionRate := 100 ×

BytesTrimmedLeft + BytesTrimmedRight - CompressionHeaderLength

Event Type Statistics

Display statistics of the event types.

Property Description
Unknown event The number of unknown events.
Session initialization The number of Session Initialization events.
Session termination The number of Session Termination events.
Program load The number of Program Load events.
Program start The number of Program Start events.
Program termination The number of Program Termination events.
Program resume The number of Program Resume events.
Program information The number of Program Information events.
Before database call The number of Before Database Call events.
After database call The number of After Database Call events.
Before terminal I/O The number of Before Terminal I/O events.
After terminal I/O The number of After Terminal I/O events.
Before external program call The number of Before External Program Call events.
After external program call The number of After External Program Call events.
Runtime error The number of Runtime Error events.
Natural statement The number of Natural Statement events. For technical reasons, multiple Natural statements can be merged into one statement event and conversely, one Natural statement can cover multiple statement events.
Outbound RPC message The number of Outbound RPC Message events.
Inbound RPC message The number of Inbound RPC Message events.
Start RPC request execution The number of Start of RPC Request Execution events.
RPC Wait for Client The number of RPC Wait for Client events.
User trace call The number of User-Defined Events.
Monitor pause The number of Monitor Pause events.
Monitor filter The number of monitor filter events. Filter events are not recorded.

Monitor Pause Statistics

Display statistics of the types of Monitor Pause events.

Property Description
Pause - unknown type The number of Monitor Pause events with unknown pause type.
Pause - requested The number of requested Monitor Pause events.
Pause - start of block filter The number of Monitor Pause events caused by a start of a block filter (library, program, line, FNAT, event count or time filter).
Pause - data pool full The number of Monitor Pause events caused by a data pool full situation.
Pause - data pool overflow The number of Monitor Pause events caused by a data pool overflow situation.

Data Consolidation

Display statistics of the data consolidation.

Property Unit Description
Consolidation   Indicates whether the Profiler data is consolidated (ON/OFF). The consolidation aggregates similar events into one consolidation record.
Consolidation records   The total number of consolidation records. In general, a consolidation record comprises multiple events.
Consolidation elapsed time sec The elapsed time in seconds required for the data consolidation with the Profiler utility CONSOLIDATE function.

This value is not provided when the consolidation is performed during data collection (Profiler utility INIT function). In this case, the time required for the consolidation is contained in the Monitor elapsed time.

Consolidation factor   The average number of events combined into one consolidation record. The higher the consolidation factor, the better the consolidation.
ConsolidationFactor := NumberOfEvents / ConsolidationRecords
Consolidation records/block   The average number of consolidation records contained in one data block.
Bytes/consolidation record   The average length in bytes of a compressed consolidation record.
Consolidate I/O time   Indicates whether I/O and Natural RPC client time are included in the consolidated data.


Display statistics of Natural code coverage.

Natural code coverage statistics are collected on the mainframe only.

Property Description
Coverage Indicates whether Natural code coverage is performed (ON/OFF).
Missed statements recorded Indicates whether missed statements are recorded (ON/OFF).
Coverage records The total number of coverage records. These are program information and Natural statement records.
Program information records The number of program information records written to the resource file. Each program information record contains program and copycode-related information.
Coverage records/block The average number of coverage records contained in one data block.
Bytes/coverage record The average length in bytes of a compressed coverage record.
Programs covered The number of covered programs.
Programs NOC-ed The number of covered programs compiled with the Natural Optimizer Compiler.
Statement coverage The percentage of statements of all accessed programs that have been covered by the application.
Statements covered The number of covered (executed) statements.
Statements total The total number of executable statements of all programs accessed.


Display statistics of executed transactions.

Transaction statistics are only available if Profiler data has been consolidated with the CONSOLIDATE function set to TRANSACTION=ON.

Property Unit Description
Transaction   Indicates whether transaction identifiers are added to the consolidated records (ON/OFF).

Transaction identifiers are required to evaluate the response time for transactions.

Number of transactions   The total number of processed transactions. A transaction is the code executed between two consecutive terminal I/O operations.
Total response time sec The total elapsed time used to process all transactions.
Average response time sec The average elapsed time used per transaction.
Max response time sec The maximum (highest) elapsed time used to process transactions.
ID max response time   The transaction identifier of the transaction with the highest elapsed time.

In addition to the transaction identifier, the statistics indicate the program name, copycode name (if any) and program line from where the terminal I/O operation was issued.

For more information on evaluating transactions, see Transaction Summary.