MashZone NextGen 10.2 | Appendix | Legacy Presto components | Mashables and Mashups | Mashups in MashZone NextGen Wires | Creating Mashups in Wires | Add Actions or Other Blocks | Group Results | Set Conditions to Filter Items to Include in Groups
Set Conditions to Filter Items to Include in Groups
To filter which repeating items are included in a group, you add a "having" clause.
1. Click Show Details in the Group section for that group, if detailsare not visible.
2. Click Add Having Clause. This adds fieldsdefining the filter condition to use to include items in the group.
3. In the left field, use the Path Selector to find the field tocompare for this filter. See Select Fields or Paths for Block Properties with the Path Selectorfor more information.
4. Choose the comparison operator.
Use the basic math operators ( =, <, <=, >, >=) fornumeric fields. Use Matches, Does Not Match, Contains or Does NotContain operator for partialmatches in text fields.
5. Enter a value to compare this field to or use the Path Selectorto find the field for this comparison. See Select Fields or Paths for Block Properties with the Path Selectorfor more information.
6. If you need to filter items based on several conditions:
a. Click Add Condition for another condition and complete the condition fields.
b. Choose to Apply any or Apply all of the conditions.
MashZone NextGen developers who know XPath well can use the Advanced Mode button to customize the XPath expressions for conditions. Use the advance mode with care, however, as it disables the display of conditions in basic mode. If you return the condition to basic mode, your customized XPath expression for the condition is lost.

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