MashZone NextGen 10.2 | Appendix | Legacy Presto components
Legacy Presto components
Activate legacy Presto components
Presto Core Components
MashZone NextGen APIs, Specifications and Extension Points
MashZone NextGen concepts
Working in MashZone NextGen Hub
Mashables and Mashups
Apps and Workspaces
MashZone NextGen Analytics
MashZone NextGen Development and APIs
In addition to the dashboard and data feed components you have the possibility to use the legacy Presto components provided as standard by MashZone NextGen until version 9.12. See Presto Core Components for details.
By default, the legacy Presto components are not available in MashZone NextGen version 10.0. If required, you are able to activate the components and make them available in MashZone NextGen. See Activate legacy Presto components for details.

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