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Apama.Event.Parser.DictionaryFieldType< TKey, TValue > Class Template Reference

Generic class that represents the Apama dictionary<key,item> type, for which values are specified as System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<K,V> objects. More...

Inherits Apama.Event.Parser.FieldType< T >.

Public Member Functions

override IDictionary< TKey,
TValue > 
Parse (string value)
 Parse a token according to syntax rules of this type. More...
override string ToString ()
 The string representation of the object More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Apama.Event.Parser.FieldType< T >
Field< T > NewField (string name)
 Creates a new Field object with the specified name, using this field type. More...
abstract T Parse (String value)
 Parse a token according to syntax rules of this type. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Apama.Event.Parser.FieldType
virtual string Format (Object value)
 Format the given value in MonitorScript representation. More...
abstract object ParseObject (String value)
 Parse a value from this type's Apama event string representation into the .NET object representation of the value. More...
override string ToString ()
 For Internal use only More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from Apama.Event.Parser.FieldType
 FieldType (string typeName, Type clazz)
 Create a new FieldType. More...
- Properties inherited from Apama.Event.Parser.FieldType
string Name [get]
 Return the name of this type. More...
Type TypeClass [get]
 Return the .NET type used to express values of this Apama field type. More...

Detailed Description

Generic class that represents the Apama dictionary<key,item> type, for which values are specified as System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<K,V> objects.

See also
FieldTypes.Dictionary<TKey, TValue>(FieldType<TKey>, FieldType<TValue>)

Use this factory method to create a new sequence field type.

Member Function Documentation

override IDictionary<TKey, TValue> Apama.Event.Parser.DictionaryFieldType< TKey, TValue >.Parse ( string  value)

Parse a token according to syntax rules of this type.

valueThe value to parse
An object of a type that implements System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<TKey,TValue>.
ParserRuntimeExceptionIf some problem occurs
override string Apama.Event.Parser.DictionaryFieldType< TKey, TValue >.ToString ( )

The string representation of the object

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