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Apama.Event.Parser.FieldTypes Class Reference

Provides factory methods and constants for getting all supported Apama event field types. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static FieldType< IDictionary
< TKey, TValue > > 
Dictionary< TKey, TValue > (FieldType< TKey > keyType, FieldType< TValue > valueType)
 Create a new field type object for an Apama dictionary event field. More...
static FieldType< IList< E > > Sequence< E > (FieldType< E > elementType)
 Create a new field type object for an Apama sequence event field. More...

Static Public Attributes

static readonly FieldType
< Boolean > 
Boolean = BooleanFieldType.Type
 Get the singleton field type object for the Apama boolean type, for which values are specified as .NET Boolean objects. More...
static readonly FieldType< StringChannel = ChannelFieldType.Type
 Get the singleton field type object for the Apama string type, for which values are specified as .NET Channel objects. More...
static readonly FieldType< StringContext = ContextFieldType.Type
 Get the singleton field type object for the Apama string type, for which values are specified as .NET Context objects. More...
static readonly FieldType
< DecimalFieldValue
Decimal = DecimalFieldType.Type
 Get the singleton field type object for the Apama decimal type, for which values are specified as .NET DecimalFieldValue objects. More...
static readonly FieldType< Double > Float = FloatFieldType.Type
 Get the singleton field type object for the Apama float type, for which values are specified as .NET Double objects. More...
static readonly FieldType< Int64 > Integer = IntegerFieldType.Type
 Get the singleton field type object for the Apama integer type, for which values are specified as .NET Int64 objects. More...
static readonly FieldType
< LocationType
Location = LocationFieldType.Type
 Get the singleton field type object for the Apama location type, for which values are specified as .NET LocationType objects. More...
static readonly FieldType< String > String = StringFieldType.Type
 Get the singleton field type object for the Apama string type, for which values are specified as .NET String objects. More...

Detailed Description

Provides factory methods and constants for getting all supported Apama event field types.

The following example shows how it is possible to create a field object whose type is an Apama sequence of integers: var myField = FieldTypes.Sequence(FieldTypes.Integer).NewField("myField");

Member Function Documentation

static FieldType<IDictionary<TKey, TValue> > Apama.Event.Parser.FieldTypes.Dictionary< TKey, TValue > ( FieldType< TKey >  keyType,
FieldType< TValue >  valueType 

Create a new field type object for an Apama dictionary event field.

Template Parameters
TKeyThe .NET type used to represent the key of items in this dictionary.
TValueThe .NET type used to represent the value of items in this dictionary.
keyTypeThe event field type for the key of items in this dictionary.
valueTypeThe event field type for the value of items in this dictionary.
A new object representing this field type, which can be used in the constructor to EventType.
static FieldType<IList<E> > Apama.Event.Parser.FieldTypes.Sequence< E > ( FieldType< E >  elementType)

Create a new field type object for an Apama sequence event field.

Template Parameters
EThe .NET type used to represent values in this sequence.
elementTypeThe event field type for the elements in this sequence.
A new object representing this field type, which can be used in the constructor to EventType.

Member Data Documentation

readonly FieldType<Boolean> Apama.Event.Parser.FieldTypes.Boolean = BooleanFieldType.Type

Get the singleton field type object for the Apama boolean type, for which values are specified as .NET Boolean objects.

readonly FieldType<String> Apama.Event.Parser.FieldTypes.Channel = ChannelFieldType.Type

Get the singleton field type object for the Apama string type, for which values are specified as .NET Channel objects.

readonly FieldType<String> Apama.Event.Parser.FieldTypes.Context = ContextFieldType.Type

Get the singleton field type object for the Apama string type, for which values are specified as .NET Context objects.

readonly FieldType<DecimalFieldValue> Apama.Event.Parser.FieldTypes.Decimal = DecimalFieldType.Type

Get the singleton field type object for the Apama decimal type, for which values are specified as .NET DecimalFieldValue objects.

readonly FieldType<Double> Apama.Event.Parser.FieldTypes.Float = FloatFieldType.Type

Get the singleton field type object for the Apama float type, for which values are specified as .NET Double objects.

readonly FieldType<Int64> Apama.Event.Parser.FieldTypes.Integer = IntegerFieldType.Type

Get the singleton field type object for the Apama integer type, for which values are specified as .NET Int64 objects.

readonly FieldType<LocationType> Apama.Event.Parser.FieldTypes.Location = LocationFieldType.Type

Get the singleton field type object for the Apama location type, for which values are specified as .NET LocationType objects.

readonly FieldType<String> Apama.Event.Parser.FieldTypes.String = StringFieldType.Type

Get the singleton field type object for the Apama string type, for which values are specified as .NET String objects.

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