Package com.apama.jmon

Interface Summary
MatchListener This interface defines the single method that must be implemented in order for an object to be a listener for MatchEvents.
Monitor This interface defines the single method that must be implemented in order for an object to be marked as a Monitor - an entry point for Apama applications.
RemoveListener This interface defines the single method that must be implemented in order for a MatchListener to be told when it's connection to an EventExpression has gone.
Unloadable This interface defines a method which will be called on any monitor which implements this interface when the JMon application is being unloaded.

Class Summary
Context The Context class provides a Java representation of the MonitorScript context type.
Correlator This class provides various utility methods related to the Apama Event Correlator, that can be invoked from within JMon applications.
Event Abstract base class for a Java object that will be treated as an Apama event inside the Correlator, with a public Java field for each field of the event.
EventExpression Instances of this class are declared to represent an "Event Expression" as defined in the Apama reference manual "The JMON Application Framework".
EventFieldAttributes Deprecated. This class has been deprecated and may be removed in a future release - Please use the new JMon annotations instead.
Location The Location class provides a Java representation of the MonitorScript location type.
MatchEvent Represents a match against an event expression registered in the Correlator.
PreparedEventExpression Instances of this class are created from PreparedEventExpressionTemplate objects.
PreparedEventExpressionTemplate Instances of this class are declared to represent templates for "Prepared Event Expressions".

Exception Summary
PreparedEventExpressionException Exception thrown when illegal operations are performed on a PreparedEventExpression object.

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