Interface RemoveListener

All Superinterfaces:
java.util.EventListener, MatchListener,

public interface RemoveListener
extends MatchListener

This interface defines the single method that must be implemented in order for a MatchListener to be told when it's connection to an EventExpression has gone.

Method Summary
 void removed(EventExpression eventExpression)
          This method will be called whenever this Listener is removed from an EventExpression it is attached to, or when the event expression has moved into a state where it will never match again e.g.
Methods inherited from interface com.apama.jmon.MatchListener

Method Detail


void removed(EventExpression eventExpression)
This method will be called whenever this Listener is removed from an EventExpression it is attached to, or when the event expression has moved into a state where it will never match again e.g. "on A() within (10.0)" after 10 seconds have elapsed without an A(). The method should execute as quickly as possible as it will be called synchronously by the Correlator.

eventExpression - The event expression which has died or we have been removed from.

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