Interface EventSupplier

public interface EventSupplier

An EventSupplier represents the resources created by the Engine to service a connection to an external sink of events. It filters the event output of the Engine by delivering only the events emitted on a particular set of channels. An EventSupplier passes events to an EventConsumer.

Method Summary
 void disconnect()
          Disconnect the EventSupplier from its consumer and release its resources.
 void disconnect(boolean validConnection)
          Disconnect the EventSupplier from its consumer and release its resources.

Method Detail


void disconnect()
                throws EngineException
Disconnect the EventSupplier from its consumer and release its resources. This method must always be implemented by simply calling disconnect(true).



void disconnect(boolean validConnection)
                throws EngineException
Disconnect the EventSupplier from its consumer and release its resources. If the validConnection parameter is false, the implementation may choose not to make any remote calls but simply clean up local resources.

validConnection - flag that indicates if a valid connection to a correlator exists.

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