Class EventReader

  extended by com.apama.event.EventReader

public class EventReader
extends java.lang.Object

Utility class to read Event objects from a text stream in event file format (individually, or in batches with optional timestamps if the BATCH keyword is used in the input stream).

See the Apama documentation for details of the event file format used by this class.

Constructor Summary
EventReader( source)
Method Summary
 java.util.Vector<Event> getNextEvents(java.lang.Long[] timestampHolder, java.lang.Boolean[] finishedHolder)
          Read the next (batch of) event(s) from the bufferedReader.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EventReader( source)

source - An initialised instance of BufferedReader
Method Detail


public java.util.Vector<Event> getNextEvents(java.lang.Long[] timestampHolder,
                                             java.lang.Boolean[] finishedHolder)
Read the next (batch of) event(s) from the bufferedReader.

timestampHolder - This must be an array of java.lang.Long of size 1 - used for returning the timestamp.
finishedHolder - This must be an array of java.lang.Boolean of size 1 - used for returning the finished flag.
A Vector containing com.apama.event.Event objects.

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