Analytics Builder 10.11.0 | Using Analytics Builder for Cumulocity IoT | Release Notes | What's new in version 10.5.7
What's new in version 10.5.7
*The documentation has been updated to mention the permissions that are required to use Analytics Builder in Cumulocity IoT. See Prerequisites.
*The following tenant options can now also be used with measurements: status_send_type and status_event_type. In addition, a new tenant option status_send_keys is now available. See Keys for status reporting.
*The documentation has been updated with the tenant options that are available for simulation mode. See Keys for simulation mode.
*Diagnostic information is now available to users with READ permission for "CEP management". This includes log file contents, copies of EPL applications, and much more. See Viewing diagnostics information.
*Model activations and deactivations are shown in the audit logs of Cumulocity IoT. See Viewing the audit logs.