Analytics Builder 10.11.0 | Using Analytics Builder for Cumulocity IoT | Monitoring and Configuration | Configuration | Keys for status reporting
Keys for status reporting
Key name
The name of the Cumulocity IoT device to which the status operations are to be published. The default name is apama_status.
The frequency in seconds at which the status is to be published. The default value is 0 seconds, meaning that status reporting is disabled. You can enable status reporting by setting the frequency to a positive value.
How the status is to be published. The default value is OPERATION, meaning that the status is published as a Cumulocity IoT operation. You can change this to one of the following values:
*EVENT - Publish the status as a Cumulocity IoT event.
*MEASUREMENT - Publish the status as a Cumulocity IoT measurement.
A comma-separated list of field names to be used when publishing the status. If not set or empty, the status for all fields is published.
For example, if you specify the following, then the status includes only the values for these fields in one measurement.
The event type if the status is published as a Cumulocity IoT event, or the measurement type if the status is published as a Cumulocity IoT measurement. The default type is apama_status.
The event text if the status is published as a Cumulocity IoT event. The default text is Apama Status.