Analytics Builder 10.11.0 | Using Analytics Builder for Cumulocity IoT | Getting Started with Analytics Builder | Prerequisites
Analytics Builder supports the same browsers as Cumulocity IoT, with the following exception: browsers on smartphones and tablets are not supported.
To use Analytics Builder in Cumulocity IoT, you must at least have the following permissions:
Permission type
Permission level
CEP management
Option management
This is typically achieved by using a global role which has those permissions, and where the role has access to the Analytics Builder application. See the information on the Administration application in the User guide at for details on managing permissions.
To use Analytics Builder, you need the Apama-ctrl microservice in Cumulocity IoT.
Your tenant may be subscribed to the Apama Starter microservice, in which case you are limited to at most 3 active analytic models. Custom blocks written with the Analytics Builder Block SDK cannot be used with Apama Starter. Contact Software AG support to discuss adding more capabilities.
If your tenant is subscribed to the Apama Smart Rules-only microservice, Analytics Builder is not available.