ADAK* System Messages

These messages are issued by the Adabas CICS installation program (default name ADACIC0).

When CICS is started, the Adabas CICS installation program issues several informational messages (and, as appropriate, error messages) to the system console and/or to a CICS transient data queue (refer to the MACIOPT macro documentation for information on how to configure the message destination).

Overview of Messages

ADAK001 | ADAK002 | ADAK004 | ADAK006 | ADAK010 | ADAK012 | ADAK014 | ADAK016 | ADAK018 | ADAK020 | ADAK022 | ADAK024 | ADAK026 | ADAK028 | ADAK030 | ADAK032 | ADAK034 | ADAK036 | ADAK038 | ADAK040 | ADAK042 | ADAK044 | ADAK046 | ADAK048 | ADAK050 | ADAK052 | ADAK054 | ADAK056 | ADAK058 | ADAK060 | ADAK062 | ADAK064 | ADAK066 | ADAK068 | ADAK080 | ADAK081 | ADAK082 | ADAK083 | ADAK084 | ADAK085 | ADAK086 | ADAK087 | ADAK088 | ADAK089 | ADAK090 | ADAK091 | ADAK092 | ADAK093 | ADAK094 | ADAK095 | ADAK096 | ADAK097 | ADAK098 | ADAK099

ADAK001 Message destination for program xxxxxxxx: TDQueue qname, DDNAME ddname
Message destination for program xxxxxxxx: Console

This message, written to the console, indicates the destination for ADAK* installation messages, issued by the Adabas CICS installation program ‘xxxxxxxx’, when configured to use a CICS transient data queue ‘qname’ using the IMSGDEST and IMQNAME parameters of the MACIOPT macro, as follows:


If the specified transient data queue is available, the ADAK001 message is issued indicating its use.

If the specified transient data queue is not available, the message destination will revert to the console and the ADAK001 message issued to reflect this.

The ADAK001 message is not issued when IMSGDEST=CONSOLE (the default) or IMSGDEST=BOTH.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK002 Installation program xxxxxxxx started, TrnID=tttt, version vrs

This message indicates the start of the Adabas CICS installation program ‘xxxxxxxx’ (default ADACIC0), the transaction ID ‘tttt’ under which it is executing, and its version ‘vrs’.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK004 ACIOPT is LINKED/LOADED, with nnn Globals tables entries
Message destination IMSGDEST=destination, IMQNAME=qname

This message indicates whether the ACIOPT load module (created using the MACIOPT macro) is linked to the Adabas CICS installation program identified in the previous ADAK002 message, or if the installation program had to dynamically load it. In addition, this message displays:

  • The number ‘nnn’ of CICS environments to establish – derived from the number of Globals table entries defined using the GTNAME parameter of the MACIOPT macro.

  • The destination of installation messages issued by the installation program - defined using the IMSGDEST and IMQNAME parameters of the MACIOPT macro.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK006 INQUIRE SYSTEM options for job jobname:

This message displays some basic information regarding the CICS system for the current job ‘jobname’.




DUMPING: xxxxxxxx





INITSTATUS: xxxxxxxx

Refer to the CICS INQUIRE SYSTEM documentation for more information on these options.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK010 Processing Globals table: gblname

This message indicates the start of processing for the globals table ‘gblname’ as defined using the GTNAME parameter of the MACIOPT macro.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK012 Globals table loaded, address: hhhhhhhh

This message indicates that the globals table, previously identified by the ADAK010 message, has been successfully loaded at address ‘hhhhhhhh’.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK014 Application Stub (STUB): ENTPT=stubname

This message identifies the name of the Application stub ‘stubname’ specified by the ENTPT parameter of the LGBLSET macro within the globals table previously identified by the ADAK010 message.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK016 Task Related User Exit (TRUE): TRUENM=truename

This message identifies the name of the Adabas TRUE ‘truename’ specified by the TRUENM parameter of the LGBLSET macro within the globals table previously identified by the ADAK010 message.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK018 Installing the TRUE

This message indicates the Adabas TRUE, previously identified by the ADAK016 message, is being installed.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK020 Global Work Area (GWA) address: hhhhhhhh

This message indicates that the Global Work Area for the Adabas TRUE, previously identified by the ADAK016 message, has been successfully established at address ‘hhhhhhhh’.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK022 STUB module loaded, address: hhhhhhhh

This message indicates that the Application stub module, previously identified by the ADAK014 message, has been successfully loaded at address ‘hhhhhhhh’.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK024 Starting the TRUE

This message indicates the Adabas TRUE, previously identified by the ADAK016 message, is being started.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK026 Initializing the STUB

This message indicates the Application stub, previously identified by the ADAK014 message, is being initialized.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK028 STUB version vrs, ACINAMES vnn: GTNAME=gblname, TRUENAME=truename

This message indicates the version ‘vrs’ of the Application stub previously identified by the ADAK014 message and the version ‘nn’ of the MACINS macro used to create the ACINAMES module linked to this application stub. The globals table ‘gblname’ and the Adabas TRUE ‘truename’ are those that are defined using the GTNAME and TRUENAME parameters of the MACINS macro.


This is an informational message but in the event of problems ensure the ‘gblname’ and ‘truename’ specified in this message are the same as in the previous ADAK010 and ADAK016 messages respectively.

ADAK030 STUB direct call interface address: hhhhhhhh

This message indicates the address ‘hhhhhhhh’ of the Application stub’s direct call interface.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK032 Initializing communication with Adabas SVCNO=nnn

This message indicates communication with the Adabas SVC number ‘nnn’ is being established. The SVC number is defined in the globals table, previously identified by the ADAK010 message, using the SVCNO parameter of the LGBLSET macro.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK034 ID table address: hhhhhhhh

This message indicates the address ‘hhhhhhhh’ of the ID table corresponding to the Adabas SVC number previously identified by the ADAK032 message.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK036 Initializing COR-based Add-ons

This message indicates the initializing of the COR-based Add-ons (for example, Adabas Fastpath, Adabas Vista, and Adabas Transaction Manager) and only occurs if the COR=YES parameter option of the LGBLSET macro is defined in the globals table previously identified by the ADAK010 message. See also message ADAK054.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK038 Default Database ID LOGID=nnnnn

This message indicates the default database ID defined in the globals table, previously identified by the ADAK010 message, using the LOGID parameter of the LGBLSET macro.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK040 UB type is TASK

This message indicates that a UB type of TASK is defined in the globals table, previously identified by the ADAK010 message, using the UBTYPE parameter of the LGBLSET macro.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK042 Number of UB entries NUBS=nnnnn, UB pool address: hhhhhhhh

This message indicates that a UB type of POOL with ‘nnnnn’ UB entries is defined in the globals table, previously identified by the ADAK010 message, using the UBTYPE and NUBS parameters of the LGBLSET macro. The UB pool has been successfully allocated at address ‘hhhhhhhh’.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK044 User exit 1: USERX1=xxx, LX1NAME=xxxxxxxx, address: hhhhhhhh

This message indicates whether the use of a user exit 1 is defined in the globals table, previously identified by the ADAK010 message, using the USERX1 and LX1NAME parameters of the LGBLSET macro. If the user exit is linked to the globals table, its address is displayed by ‘hhhhhhhh’.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK046 User exit 2: USERX2=xxx, LX2NAME=xxxxxxxx, address: hhhhhhhh

This message indicates whether the use of a user exit 2 is defined in the globals table, previously identified by the ADAK010 message, using the USERX2 and LX2NAME parameters of the LGBLSET macro. If the user exit is linked to the globals table, its address is displayed by ‘hhhhhhhh’.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK048 REVIEW=xxx, AUDIT=xxx, RVCLNT=xxx, REVHID=nnnnn

This message indicates the values for the specified parameters defined in the globals table previously identified by the ADAK010 message.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK050 REVEXIT1: hhhhhhhh, REVEXIT2: hhhhhhhh, version vrs

This message indicates the address ‘hhhhhhhh’ of any REVIEW exit1 and/or exit2 linked to the globals table previously identified by the ADAK010 message. If present, the version ‘vrs’ of the exit is displayed.

If AUDIT=YES (see previous ADAK048 message), the addresses and version will be displayed as ‘n/a’.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK052 EABEXIT1: hhhhhhhh, EABEXIT2: hhhhhhhh, version vrs

This message indicates the address ‘hhhhhhhh’ of any AUDIT exit1 and/or exit2 linked to the globals table previously identified by the ADAK010 message. If present, the version ‘vrs’ of the exit is displayed.

If AUDIT=NO (see previous ADAK048 message), the addresses and version will be displayed as ‘n/a’.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK054 System Coordinator: COR=xxx, address: hhhhhhhh, version vrs

This message indicates whether the use of the System Coordinator (COR) is defined in the globals table previously identified by the ADAK010 message. If the COR stub CORS03 is linked to the globals table, its address is displayed by ‘hhhhhhhh’ and its version by ‘vrs’.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK056 DBID/SVC Routing: DYNDBSVC=xxx, DBSVCTN=xxxxxxxx, address: hhhhhhhh

This message indicates whether the use of a DBID/SVC routing table is defined in the globals table, previously identified by the ADAK010 message, using the DYNDBSVC and DBSVCTN parameters of the LGBLSET macro. If the routing table is linked to the globals table, its address is displayed by ‘hhhhhhhh’.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK058 Adabas security interface SAF=xxx

This message indicates whether the use of the Adabas security interface is defined in the globals table previously identified by the ADAK010 message.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK060 Resource manager interface RMI=xxx

This message indicates whether the use of the Resource manager interface is defined in the globals table previously identified by the ADAK010 message.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK062 ADABAS Bridge for VSAM (AVB) in use

This message indicates whether the use of the Adabas VSAM Bridge is defined in the globals table previously identified by the ADAK010 message.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK064 ATM inactive; RESYNC deferred

This message is only applicable when the globals table previously identified by the ADAK010 message is defined with RMI=YES and COR=YES, and the Adabas Transaction Manager is installed. The resynchronization process automatically performed by the Adabas CICS installation process has recognized that the Adabas Transaction Manager is not currently active.


No action is required for this informational message since resynchronization will automatically occur when the Adabas Transaction Manager is restarted. However, we strongly recommend that the Adabas Transaction Manager is active when CICS systems are started.

ADAK066 RESYNC command issued

This message is only applicable when the globals table previously identified by the ADAK010 message is defined with RMI=YES and COR=YES, and the Adabas Transaction Manager is installed and active. The resynchronization process automatically performed by the Adabas CICS installation process has been initiated.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK068 End of processing Globals table: gblname

This message indicates the end of processing for the globals table ‘gblname’.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAK080 xxx of yyy Globals table entries installed successfully by xxxxxxxx

This message indicates the end of processing for the Adabas CICS installation program ‘xxxxxxxx’. The number of successfully installed CICS environments ‘xxx’ and the number of installations attempted ‘yyy’ is displayed.


No action is required for this informational message but if ‘xxx’ is not equal to ‘yyy’ then refer to previous ADAK* messages for an indication of why an installation may have failed.

ADAK081 EIBRESP: hhhhhhhh EIBRESP2: hhhhhhhh EIBRCODE: hhhhhhhhhhhh

This is a generic message issued whenever the execution of a CICS API function fails. The values displayed are those returned to the Adabas CICS Installation program at the time of failure. This ADAK081 message will be immediately preceded by another ADAK* message indicating the failed CICS API function.


Refer to the ADAK* message preceding the ADAK081 message and, if necessary, refer to CICS documentation for an explanation of the values in the ADAK081 message to determine the reason for the failure.

ADAK082 INQUIRE SYSTEM failed, error: error-text

This message indicates a failure of EXEC CICS INQUIRE SYSTEM.


Refer to the error text in the message, and, if necessary, use the relevant CICS documentation to interpret the error values reported in the subsequent ADAK081 message to determine the reason for the failure.

ADAK083 ASSIGN failed, error: error-text

This message indicates a failure of EXEC CICS ASSIGN.


Refer to the error text in the message, and, if necessary, use the relevant CICS documentation to interpret the error values reported in the subsequent ADAK081 message to determine the reason for the failure.

ADAK084 LOAD of installation options table ACIOPT failed.

This message indicates a failure of EXEC CICS LOAD to dynamically load the installation options table ACIOPT.


Check the DFHRPL concatenated libraries to ensure that the ACIOPT module is available to the CICS region. If necessary, use the relevant CICS documentation to interpret the error values reported in the subsequent ADAK081 message to determine the reason for the failure.

ADAK085 Adabas installations options table name ACIOPT is invalid.

This message indicates that the ACIOPT module loaded is not recognizable.


Ensure there is only one ACIOPT module in the DFHRPL concatenation libraries and that it is created from the MACIOPT macro.

ADAK086 Load of link globals table xxxxxxxx failed.

This message indicates a failure of EXEC CICS LOAD to dynamically load the globals table ‘xxxxxxxx’.


Check the DFHRPL concatenated libraries to ensure that the module ‘xxxxxxxx’ is available to the CICS region. If necessary, use the relevant CICS documentation to interpret the error values reported in the subsequent ADAK081 message to determine the reason for the failure.

ADAK087 GETMAIN for UB-pool of length hhhhhhhh failed error-text

This message indicates a failure of EXEC CICS GETMAIN to allocate a UB-pool of length ‘hhhhhhhh’.


Refer to the error text in the message and ensure the number of UB entries defined in the globals table, previously identified by the ADAK010 message, using the NUBS parameter of the LGBLSET macro is correct. If necessary, use the relevant CICS documentation to interpret the error values reported in the subsequent ADAK081 message to determine the reason for the failure.

ADAK088 ADATRUE extract GWA failed.

This message indicates a failure of EXEC CICS EXTRACT EXIT to return the address of the Global Work Area associated with the Adabas TRUE previously identified by the ADAK016 message.


Use the relevant CICS documentation to interpret the error values reported in the subsequent ADAK081 message to determine the reason for the failure.

ADAK089 LOAD of STUB module failed, error: error-text

This message indicates a failure of EXEC CICS LOAD to dynamically load the Application stub.


Refer to the error text in the message and check the DFHRPL concatenated libraries to ensure that the Application stub module previously identified by the ADAK014 message is available to the CICS region. If necessary, use the relevant CICS documentation to interpret the error values reported in the subsequent ADAK081 message to determine the reason for the failure.

ADAK090 LOAD of DBID/SVC table xxxxxxxx failed.

This message indicates a failure of EXEC CICS LOAD to dynamically load the DBID/SVC routing table ‘xxxxxxxx’ .


Check the DFHRPL concatenated libraries to ensure that the DBID/SVC routing table ‘xxxxxxxx’ is available to the CICS region. If necessary, use the relevant CICS documentation to interpret the error values reported in the subsequent ADAK081 message to determine ethe reason for the failure.

ADAK091 TRUE Install/Start failed, error: error-text

This message indicates a failure of EXEC CICS ENABLE PROGRAM(truename) to ‘Install’ or ‘Start’ the Adabas TRUE previously identified by the ADAK016 message.


Refer to the error text in the message, and, if necessary, use the relevant CICS documentation to interpret the error values reported in the subsequent ADAK081 message to determine the reason for the failure.

ADAK092 STUB initialization call failed, error: error-text RSP: rsp SRSP: subrsp

This message indicates a failure to initialize the Application stub previously identified by the ADAK014 message.


Refer to the error text, response code and sub-code in the message, and, if necessary, use the relevant CICS documentation to interpret the error values reported in the subsequent ADAK081 message to determine the reason for the failure.

ADAK093 Unable to establish ID table address, RSP: rsp SRSP: subrsp

This message indicates a failure to establish the address of the Adabas ID table.


Check the Adabas SVC number in the globals table, previously identified by the ADAK010 message, which is defined using the SVCNO parameter of the LGBLSET macro.

ADAK094 Unable to establish STUB direct call interface.

This message indicates a failure to establish the address of the Application stub’s direct call interface.


Ensure the Application stub, previously identified by the ADAK014 message, is correct.

ADAK095 LINK to RESYNC program ATMRMIRS failed.

This message indicates a failure of EXEC CICS LINK to call the RESYNC program ATMRMIRS.


Use the relevant CICS documentation to interpret the error values reported in the subsequent ADAK081 message to determine the reason for the failure.

ADAK096 RESYNC program ATMRMIRS failed RMIRRSP: hhhhhhhh RRMIRRC: hhhhhhhh

This message indicates the call to the RESYNC program ATMRMIRS returned with an error.


Refer to the response code and return code in the message and, if necessary, contact Software AG support.

ADAK097 xxxxxxxx successfully uninstalled.

After an installation failure, this message indicates program ‘xxxxxxxx’ was successfully uninstalled.


No action is required for this informational message. Refer to previous ADAK* messages for the reason the installation failed.

ADAK098 FREEMAIN for UB-pool failed.

After an installation failure, this message indicates that the attempt to EXEC CICS FREEMAIN the previously allocated UB-pool failed.


Refer to previous ADAK* messages for the reason the installation failed and use the relevant CICS documentation to interpret the error values reported in the subsequent ADAK081 message to determine the reason for the failure.

ADAK099 INQUIRE on TD queue xxxx failed.

This message indicates a failure of EXEC CICS INQUIRE TDQUEUE(xxxx) when checking for the availability of the specified queue name ‘xxxx’ when configured in the Adabas installation options table ACIOPT using the IMSGDEST and IMQNAME parameters of the MACIOPT macro.


Use the relevant CICS documentation to interpret the error values reported in the subsequent ADAK081 message to determine the reason for the failure.