ADAI* - ADAIOR System Messages

Although not considered console messages, those preceded by an asterisk (*) are also displayed on the system console.

Overview of Messages

ADAI01 | ADAI02 | ADAI03 | ADAI04 | ADAI05 | ADAI06 | ADAI20 | ADAI21 | ADAI22 | ADAI27 | ADAI29 | ADAI30 | ADAI32 | ADAI34 | ADAI35 | ADAI39 | ADAI40 | ADAI41 | ADAI42 | ADAI44 | ADAI62 | ADAI64 | ADAI65 | ADAI70 | ADAI71 | ADAI73 | ADAI75 | ADAI76 | ADAI77 | ADAI78 | ADAI79 | ADAI83 | ADAI84 | ADAI85 | ADAI86 | ADAI87 | ADAI91 | ADAI92 | ADAI93 | ADAI94 | ADAI95

ADAI01 data set count {READS | WRITES}

A sequential data set is closed.

The read count is shown when a sequential input data set is closed. The write count is shown when a sequential output data set is closed.

ADAI02 GETMAIN (desc) stor-req address
GETMAIN (desc) stor-req/stor-avail address

The first form of the message is written whenever memory is dynamically acquired and the requested memory is available.

The second form of the message is written whenever memory is dynamically acquired and less than the requested memory is available.

In the messages, (desc) is the Getmain descriptor, stor-req is the amount of memory requested, stor-avail is the amount of memory available, and address is the Getmain address.

ADAI03 data set | physical-file-name countr reads
data set | physical-file-name countw writes
data set | physical-file-name countf format writes

A direct access data set is closed.

The physical-file-name indicates that the file was opened using dynamic allocation.

The read count countr and write count countw are shown.

The write count countw is the count of update writes only. If any format writes were issued, the format write count is shown in countf.

ADAI04 countr read errors
count write errors

The message is written immediately following message ADAI03 when a direct access data set for which there had been read and/or write errors is closed.

ADAI05 countr reads using zHPF
countw writes using zHPF

This message is written at data set close following message ADAI03 when a direct access data set used zHPF channel programs for reads or writes.

This message is only generated when the zHPF read and write counts differ from the read and write counts in the preceding ADAI03 message.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAI06 count retries using ECKD

This message is written at data set close following message ADAI03. If it was necessary to retry any zHPF I/O requests using an ECKD channel program (for instance because zHPF became unavailable on the operating system), the retry count is supplied.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAI20 dbid dataset physical-file-name DD: link-name

An I/O error occurred on a file opened using dynamic allocation. This message appears immediately after the ADAI21 message.

ADAI21 dbid IO error DD link-name DSN file-name
RABN bad-rabn(start-rabn) oper from start-num Num num-rabn
IOBA ioba CCWA ccwa CC ccbs CSW csw SNS sns
SYS lu IEDB iedb ADDR ccw-addr CMD ccw-cmd IDA ida-data DATA ccw-data

IBM platforms only. This message occurs when a disk I/O error is reported back to ADAIOR by the operating system.

The first 3 lines of the message are sent to the console and DDPRINT. Subsequent lines are sent to DDPRINT only.

The message variables and their meanings are:

Variable Description
bad-rabn The actual failing RABN.
ccbs Communications bytes from the communications control block.
ccwa CCW address of failing I/O.
ccw-addr The CCW address.
ccw-cmd The CCW data.
ccw-data Up to 16 bytes of data pointed to by the CCW.
csw Channel status from the channel status word (CSW).
dbid Database ID
file-name The physical file name of the data set.
ida-data Indirect access address of CCW data.
iedb The I/O error data block (z/OS only)
ioba I/O control block address for failing I/O.
link-name The DD name of the data set.
num-rabn The number of RABNs for this part of the failing I/O operation.
oper The type of operation being performed when the failure occurred as follows: Read, Write, or Format
sns Additional sense byte data.
start-num The start RABN for this part of the failing I/O operation.
start-rabn The start RABN of the failing I/O operation.

For more information on CCW, CSW and sense data, please refer to the relevant IBM publication.


Use the information provided by the message to locate a possible hardware failure. Keep the information and any dumps for later use.

If no hardware failure occurred, please contact your Software AG technical support representative.

ADAI22 ADAIOR Trace table: --> is current entry

The ADAIOR trace table has been activated and printed.

ADAI27 dbid Timer interval exceeds maximum allowed
dbid Reset to maximum

A timer request was issued that exceeds the maximum allowed by the operating system.


Reset the interval to the maximum allowed by your operating system.

ADAI29 Oper cmd: command

An operator command has been entered. The text of the operator command is shown in command.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAI30 file-name number tracks formatted

ADAIOR has completed formatting for a direct-access file.

ADAI32 dbid Internal error - function func-name error error

An internal error has occurred.


Make a note of all recent messages, and contact your Adabas support representative.

ADAI34 Write to Operator failed - Reason Code nnnnnnnn

A write to operator (WTO) request has returned a non-zero response code nnnnnnnn.

Following the ADAI34 message, the message which caused the WTO failure is written to DDPRINT as normal, and processing continues.


No action is required for this warning message. However, the user is advised to check the system console log for error messages issued by z/OS relating to WTO problems.

ADAI35 zHPF channel program error – retrying I/O in ECKD mode

This message is available in z/OS systems only.

An I/O error has been detected for a zHPF channel program. The zHPF I/O is retried as a non-zHPF I/O and no further zHPF I/O will be attempted on this file extent during the job step.

This message is followed by message ADAI41.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAI39 {Fixed | Pageable} {1 MB | 2 GB} large page allocation failed --
{not authorized|not available|not supported}
{R15=nnnnnnnn R0=nnnnnnnnn}

An attempt to allocate storage using fixed or pageable one-megabyte or two-gigabyte large pages failed. One of three possible reasons is listed in the message:

Reason Description
not authorized The job was not authorized. Large page allocation requests require APF-authorization.
not available Large pages are not available on your system.
not supported Large pages not supported by your system.

When "{R15=nnnnnnnn R0=nnnnnnnnn}" is shown in the message, it indicates that an unexpected return code was received from the z/OS IARV64 service.


No immediate action is necessary, as a storage allocation not using large pages will be attempted instead.

Action may be required to prevent this warning message from appearing when the job is next run:

  • If the message indicates that the job was not authorized, ensure when rerunning the job that it is APF-authorized.

  • If your system does not support large pages, do not use the ADARUN parameter causing the attempt to allocate using large pages. Remove it from the startup JCL of the job.

  • If your system does support large pages of the type requested, consider increasing the number of fixed large pages specified for your operating system using the LFAREA parameter in PARMLIB member IEASYSxx. Contact your system administrator for assistance. For more information, read your IBM MVS Initialization and Tuning documentation.

ADAI40 zHPF unavailable – retrying I/O in ECKD mode

This message is available in z/OS systems only.

An I/O error has been detected for a zHPF channel program, because zHPF is no longer available. The zHPF I/O is retried as a non-zHPF I/O and no further zHPF I/O will be attempted on any file until after message ADAI42 is issued.

This message is followed by message ADAI41.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAI41 IO Retry DD link-name DSN file-name
RABN bad-rabn(start-rabn) oper from start-num Num num-rabn
IOBA ioba TCWA tcwa CC ccbs CSW csw SNS sns
IEDB iedb TCW tcw

This message occurs when a disk I/O error on a zHPF channel program is reported back to ADAIOR by the operating system. Message ADAI41 is issued immediately following ADAI35 or ADAI40.

If ADAI41 is issued following ADAI40, only the first three lines of message ADAI41 are generated. The first three lines of the message are sent to the console and DDPRINT. Subsequent lines are sent to DDPRINT only.

The message variables and their meanings are:

Variable Description
bad-rabn The actual failing RABN.
ccbs Communications bytes from the communications control block.
csw Channel status from the channel status word (CSW).
dbid Database ID
file-name The physical file name of the data set.
ida-data Indirect access address of CCW data.
iedb The I/O error data block (z/OS only)
ioba I/O control block address for failing I/O.
link-name The DD name of the data set.
num-rabn The number of RABNs for this part of the failing I/O operation.
oper The type of operation being performed when the failure occurred as follows: Read or Write
sns Additional sense byte data.
start-num The start RABN for this part of the failing I/O operation.
start-rabn The start RABN of the failing I/O operation.
tcw The TCW, TCCB and TIDAL data for the I/O.
tcwa TCW address of failing I/O.

For more information on TCW, CSW and sense data, please refer to the relevant IBM publication.


When preceded by message ADAI40, no further action is required.

When preceded by message ADAI35, use the information provided by the message to locate a possible hardware failure. Keep the information and any dumps for later use.

If no hardware failure occurred, please contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

ADAI42 zHPF enabled for I/O requests on supported devices

This message is available in z/OS systems only.

zHPF has been enabled on the operating system. I/O to data sets opened in zHPF mode, on devices which support zHPF, will now use zHPF channel programs.

This message is only issued after a previous ADAI40 message.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAI44 Storage at [address] length [length] {is | is not} backed by fixed 1MB large pages | {is | is not} backed by pageable 1MB large pages | {is | is not} backed by fixed 2GB large pages | is backed by pageable 4KB pages

A 64-bit virtual storage area was allocated with the address and length indicated in the message.

Different message endings appear using this message ID, depending on the type of storage requested and the type of storage allocated. The following table lists the possible messages, their cause, and recommended actions you can take when they occur.

Message Ending Description Action
"is backed by fixed 1MB large pages" Storage backed by fixed 1M large pages was requested via ADARUN parameters; 1M large pages are successfully being used to back the storage. No action is required for this informational message.
"is not backed by fixed 1MB large pages" Storage backed by fixed 1M large pages was requested via ADARUN parameters, but this request was not successful. Either the system does not support fixed 1M large pages or insufficient fixed 1MB large pages were available. Instead, the allocated storage is backed by pageable 4K pages. Consider the following actions:
  • If your system does not support large pages, do not use the ADARUN parameter causing the attempt to allocate using large pages. Remove it from the startup JCL of the job.

  • If your system does support large pages of the type requested, consider increasing the number of fixed large pages specified for your operating system using the LFAREA parameter in PARMLIB member IEASYSxx. Contact your system administrator for assistance. For more information, read your IBM MVS Initialization and Tuning documentation.

"is backed by pageable 1MB large pages" Storage backed by pageable 1M large pages was requested via ADARUN parameters; 1M large pages are successfully being used to back the storage. No action is required for this informational message.
"is not backed by pageable 1MB large pages" Storage backed by fixed 1M large pages was requested via ADARUN parameters, but this request was not successful. Either the system does not support pageable 1M large pages or insufficient pageable 1MB large pages were available. Instead, the allocated storage is backed by pageable 4K pages. Consider the following action:

If your system does not support large pages, do not use the ADARUN parameter causing the attempt to allocate using large pages. Remove it from the startup JCL of the job.

"is backed by fixed 2GB large pages" Storage backed by fixed 2G large pages was requested via ADARUN parameters; 2G large pages are successfully being used to back the storage. No action is required for this informational message.
"is not backed by fixed 2GB large pages" Storage backed by fixed 2G large pages was requested via ADARUN parameters, but this request was not successful. Either the system does not support fixed 1G large pages or insufficient fixed 2GB large pages were available. Instead, the allocated storage is backed by pageable 4K pages. Consider the following actions:
  • If your system does not support large pages, do not use the ADARUN parameter causing the attempt to allocate using large pages. Remove it from the startup JCL of the job.

  • If your system does support large pages of the type requested, consider increasing the number of fixed large pages specified for your operating system using the LFAREA parameter in PARMLIB member IEASYSxx. Contact your system administrator for assistance. For more information, read your IBM MVS Initialization and Tuning documentation.

"is backed by pageable 4KB pages" Storage backed by pageable 4K pages was requested; pageable 4K pages are successfully allocated. If 1M or 2G large pages were requested, this message appears on the operator console and on DDPRINT. If 4K pages were requested, this message appears on DDPRINT only. No action is required for this informational message.

Refer to the specific message ending in the table above to determine what action, if any, is necessary.

ADAI62 dbid Allocation error - type x retcode ret-code
dbid subcode subcode dataset physical-file-name

An attempt to allocate a file dynamically failed. x indicates the request type: A (allocation); D (deallocation); or I (information retrieval). The ret-code and subcode display the error code returned from the operating system.


Interpret the error code for your system and respond accordingly.

ADAI64 dbid {File ddname | Dataset dsn} is being opened in mode mode
Block size blksize RABN range start-RABN to end-RABN
{File ddname | Dataset dsn} is encrypted

The file (ddname) or dynamically allocated data set (dsn) is being opened in the mode (mode) given in the message (CKD, ECKD or zHPF). The file resides on a storage control device that supports count key data (CKD), extended count key data (ECKD) or high performance FICON (zHPF) channel commands. Adabas generates channel programs accordingly.

The block size (blksize) of the data set is given in the message. It contains the blocks with numbers start-RABN through end-RABN.

If the dataset is encrypted, an additional message line is generated to indicate this.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAI65 dbid EXCPVR is [NOT] being used for this run [in ESA64 mode ]

If ADAIOR is loaded from an APF-authorized library concatenation, and ADARUN is linked with the SETCODE AC(1) statement, ADAIOR then performs the channel program translation/page fixing. If "NOT" appears in the message, ADAIOR will not perform channel program translation and page-fixing to improve the performance of I/O operations.

If EXCPVR is in use, and the operating system and processor support the allocation of real storage above the 2 gigabyte line, "in ESA64 mode" appears in the message.


None required. This message is for your information only. If the message says that EXCPVR is not being used, but you have set up ADAIOR in an APF-authorized library and linked ADARUN with SETCODE AC(1) to use EXCPVR, refer to the Adabas Installation documentation for more information.

ADAI70 {DDCARD | DDKARTE} has invalid attribute {RECFM=x | LRECL=n }

During a request to open DDCARD or DDDRUCK, an invalid record format or record length has been detected. DDCARD and DDDRUCK are required to be in fixed record format (RECFM=F), with a record length of 80 bytes (LRECL=80).


Correct the error and rerun the job.

ADAI71 Error nn writing console message type x length nnnn

An error has occurred processing a request to write a message to the console.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

ADAI73 dbid Warning: ddname dataset dsn
dbid has been added since nucleus start-up.
dbid ddname is now required in the JCL of all nucleus and
dbid utility jobs for this database.

The file or data set listed in the message (ddname or dsn) has been dynamically allocated and added to ASSO or DATA during this nucleus session. All subsequent jobs for this database need the added DD name (ddname) in the JCL.

This message is displayed at nucleus termination.


Verify that the added data set has been included in the JCL for all nucleus and utility jobs for this database. If it has not, add appropriate JCL statements for the new data set to the jobs.

ADAI75 File ddname {add | increase | decrease} {requested | detected}
nnnnn {cylinders | blocks}
dataset dsn

This message appears when either of the following situations has occurred:

  • The Adabas nucleus issued a request to add a new ASSO or DATA data set comprising the listed number of cylinders (nnnnn) or to increase the size of the final ASSO or DATA data set by the listed number of cylinders or blocks.

  • An Adabas utility detected that a new ASSO or DATA data set comprising the listed number of cylinders (nnnnn) has been added or the size of the final ASSO or DATA data set has been increased by the listed number of cylinders or blocks.

  • The Adabas nucleus issued a request to decrease the size of ASSO or DATA by the listed number of cylinders or blocks.

For an add request, the data set name requested is also listed in the message (dsn).


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAI76 File ddname {add | increase | decrease} activated

A previous request has been activated to add a new ASSO or DATA data set, increase the size of the final ASSO or DATA data set, or decrease the size of the ASSO or DATA data set. For an add or increase, the database is now ready to make use of the additional space. For a decrease, the areas of ASSO or DATA affected are no longer available to the database.

The DD name (ddname) associated with the data set is given in the message.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAI77 File ddname {add | increase | decrease | revoke | activate} request failed rc cc/rsn

A request has failed to add a new ASSO or DATA data set, increase the size of the final ASSO or DATA data set, decrease the size of ASSO or DATA, or to revoke or activate a previous request. The DD name (ddname) of the data set, the return code (cc) and the reason code (rsn) are given in the message.


If an add, increase or decrease request fails, the nucleus will continue running with the existing ASSO and DATA data sets and data set sizes. If a revoke or activate request fails, the nucleus will terminate abnormally (internal error).

ADAI78 File ddname {add | increase | decrease} request revoked

A previous request has been revoked to add a new ASSO or DATA data set, increase the size of the final ASSO or DATA data set. or decrease the size of ASSO or DATA. An add, increase. or decrease request may be revoked if an error occurs after the request has been issued. The DD name (ddname) associated with the data set is given in the message.

The nucleus will continue running with the existing ASSO and DATA data sets and data set sizes.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAI79 Preparing to extend ddname by nnnnn {cylinders | blocks}

This message appears during initialization of a request to extend the ASSO or DATA data set by the listed size (nnnnn). The space requested is provided either in cylinders or in blocks.

The DD name (ddname) associated with the final data set comprising the ASSO or DATA database component (containers) is given in the message.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAI83 {ENQ | DEQ} failed for {DDPRINT | DDDRUCK} return code nnnn reason code nnnn

An ENQ or DEQ failure occurred when writing a print line to DDPRINT or DDDRUCK.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

ADAI84 {Read from | Write to | Open | Close} file failed - {SYNAD exit driven | abend code nnnnnnnn | processing error | DCB not open after EOV | end of file after EOV | length error nnnnnnnn | end of volume error | backspace error nnnnnnnn | striped dataset not supported}

A read, write, open, or close error has occurred during sequential dataset prtocessing.

If an attempt to write to DDPRINT or DDDRUCK has failed, the job will continue processing normally, but no further writes to DDPRINT or DDDRUCK will be attempted. A warning is given via a second message in this case:

All further writes to {DDPRINT | DDDRUCK} will be ignored

Note that if the Adabas nucleus issues this message for DDPRINT, Adabas shutdown statistics on DDPRINT will be lost.


Investigate the cause of the error using the diagnostic information supplied in the message.

If the error resulted from a file full condition, consider increasing the size of the file for future Adabas nucleus or utility jobs.

If the cause of the error cannot be determined, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

ADAI85 Resource Manager page-free request successful

A Resource Manager invoked during termination has successfully page-freed areas of page-fixed storage.

This message may appear at termination following an abnormal end or cancel request.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAI86 Resource Manager page-free request unsuccessful
Return code nnnnnnnn Reason code nnnnnnnn

A Resource Manager invoked during termination has unsuccessfully attempted to page-free areas of page-fixed storage.

This message may appear at termination following an abnormal end or cancel request.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

If a system abend occurred, ensure that the dump is available for problem diagnosis

ADAI87 Resource Manager input parameter invalid

A Resource Manager invoked during termination was unable to attempt to page-free areas of page-fixed storage.

This message may appear at termination following an abnormal end or cancel request.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

If a system abend occurred, ensure that the dump is available for problem diagnosis

ADAI91 Pause Element services initialized {for zIIP │ for subtask nnnnnnnn}

Event management using z/OS Pause Elements has been successfully initialized. This message is issued only when Adabas is running with ADARUN parameter ZIIP=YES.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAI92 Pause Element services terminated {normally │ at abend │ for zIIP │ for subtask nnnnnnnn │ by Resource Manager}

Event management using z/OS Pause Elements has been successfully terminated. This message is only issued when Adabas is running with ADARUN parameter ZIIP=YES.

This message may appear at termination following an abnormal end or cancel request.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAI93 Pause Element {allocate │ deallocate │ pause │ release} error code ret code/rsn code

Event management using z/OS Pause Elements has returned an error. The unexpected return code (ret code) and reason (rsn code) are shown. This message is only issued when Adabas is running with ADARUN parameter ZIIP=YES.

This message may appear at termination following an abnormal end or cancel request.


If this message appears at termination following an abnormal end or cancel request, no action is required.

In any other circumstances, save the JES log, DDPRINT output and any dump of the Adabas nucleus and Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

ADAI94 Storage allocation warning - descriptor xxxx

A storage allocation request which might result in storage fragmentation has been detected. For example, a small amount of storage is being allocated on a page boundary.

Additional information on the length and type of storage being allocated is supplied on DDPRINT.


This is an informational message only, but, if it appears, users are requested to pass details of the message to their Software AG technical support representative for further assistance.

ADAI95 Storage allocation error - identifier xxxx rc nnnnnnnn

A storage allocation request has failed with reason code nnnnnnnn.

Additional information on the length and type of storage being allocated is supplied on DDPRINT.

Further error messages may appear or an abnormal end might occur as a consequence of the storage allocation failure.


Users should review the message text and attempt to correct the condition, for example by providing more virtual storage for the job.

If the message persists, users should contact their Software AG technical support representative for further assistance.