ADAL* - Command Log (CLOG) System Messages

Each of the messages in this section starts with the relevant database ID.

Overview of Messages

ADAL01 | ADAL02 | ADAL03 | ADAL04 | ADAL05 | ADAL06 | ADAL07 | ADAL08 | ADAL09 | ADAL10 | ADAL11 | ADAL12 | ADAL13 | ADAL14 | ADAL15 | ADAL16 | ADAL1A | ADAL1B | ADAL1C | ADAL1D | ADAL1E | ADAL1F | ADAL1G

ADAL01 CLOG not active

The command log is sequential, and the DDLOG data set was either set to "dummy" or could not be opened. Command logging is switched off.

ADAL02 CLOGRn is active

The specified command log for dual or multiple command logging is now active.

ADAL03 Command log DDCLOGRn has started

Command logging has switched to data set DDCLOGRn .

ADAL04 Warning : now it is too late to copy DDCLOGRn
FROMBLK=blk1, FROMTIME=timestamp1
TOBLK =blk2, TOTIME=timestamp2
00199 IOR function = fx, response = X'nn'
00199 ERROR obtaining timestamp information

The specified dual or multiple command logging data set is being overwritten with new log data, and is no longer valid. Normally, the from and to blocks and the from and to timestamps being overwritten are given in the message. However if there was a problem obtaining this block and timeout information, the 00199 messages listed above may be issued.

ADAL05 I/O error on DDCLOGRn. Command logging terminated

Command logging to data set DDCLOGRn was terminated by an I/O error .

ADAL06 Command log is not available

None of the dual or multiple command logging data sets was available (presently being copied by ADARES) . Command logging is switched off.

ADAL07 Command long could not be opened

An invalid command logging device or size was specified, or an I/O error on either the first or last block was detected. Command logging is switched off.

ADAL08 Command log is already in use

In a cluster nucleus, a second nucleus has been started with the same CLOG file name as one of the other nuclei in the cluster.


Check the CLOG file names used in the cluster and allocate another CLOG file to one nucleus in the cluster to correct the duplication.

ADAL09 dbid date time CLOG PPT ENQ or DEQ failure

An attempt to lock (ENQ) or unlock (DEQ) the Parallel Participant Table (PPT) against concurrent updates has failed. A preceding ADAN54 message describes details of the error. If the error occurred during an ENQ operation, the CLOG entries in the PPT were not updated.


Try to determine the cause of the ENQ/DEQ failure and to resolve it. Run ADAREP and check in the PPT section of the database report whether the CLOG datasets are correctly recorded in the PPT. If necessary, contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

ADAL10 PPT error nn processing CLOG

An error occurred while processing the parallel participant table (PPT). The nucleus stays up, but command logging is disabled.


Collect diagnostic information such as that provided by the ADACHK PPTPRINT function. Provide the error number (nn) and the PPTPRINT to your Software AG technical support representative. It may be necessary to format the PPT and restart the nuclei in order to rebuild the PPT.

ADAL11 Warning - CLOG datasets have changed. PPT overwritten.
Use ADARES MERGE CLOG to copy previous CLOG datasets.

Either the CLOG data sets are different from what was specified in the last session or no CLOGs are specified but the previous CLOGs were not copied. The PPT information about these data sets is being overwritten.


If the contents of the CLOGs are still needed, they must be copied with the CLCOPY function and then merged manually. If the contents are not needed, no action is required.

ADAL12 date time CLOGMRG=YES not valid. CLOGMRG not in effect.

This message is generated if an attempt is made to initialize a non-plex/ASM nucleus (NUCID=0) with CLOGMRG=YES specified. This is an informational message only and the nucleus will come up. CLOGMRG=YES should only be specified if NUCID is greater than 0.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAL13 dbid yyyy-mm-tt ss:mm:ss REACTLOG not allowed

An ADADBS REACTLOG request is not allowed. If there are no outstanding I/Os for the command logs, then the request to reactive the log is not allowed. The database ID associated with the command log (dbid) and the date and time stamp are given in the message.


Try again when there are outstanding I/Os for the command logs.

ADAL14 dbid yyyy-mm-tt ss:mm:ss REACTLOG successful!

A request to reactivate command logging was successful. The database ID associated with the command log (dbid) and the date and time stamp are given in the message.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAL15 dbid yyyy-mm-tt ss:mm:ss REACTLOG failed!

A request to reactivate command logging failed. This message should be preceded by another error message describing the reason for the failure. The database ID associated with the command log (dbid) and the date and time stamp are given in the message.


Review the other messages to resolve the problem and try again. If the problem persists, contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

ADAL16 dbid yyyy-mm-tt ss:mm:ss Getmain failure

A request for storage failed. Command logging is halted. The database ID associated with the command log (dbid) and the date and time stamp are given in the message.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

ADAL1A dbid Validating rule set alias-name/orig-name from date time

The feature for filtering out selected user exit 4 calls was activated. The rule set identified by alias-name (the name of the load module) and orig-name (the name given in the load module itself) from the given date and time (given in the module) is about to be validated.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAL1B dbid Rule set validation successful; rule set is active

The rule set referred to in the preceding ADAL1A message is valid and has been activated.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAL1C dbid Loading rule set module-name failed
IOR response code rc Reason code rsn-code

The feature for filtering out selected user exit 4 calls was activated. The rule set identified by the name (or alias) of its load module could not be loaded. The IOR response code (rc) and reason code (rsn-code) are given.


Determine why loading the rule set module failed (e.g., incorrect name specified or load module missing in the //RULELIB library). Once a correct load module is provided under the specified name, issue the RULEREFRESH operator command to retry loading it.

ADAL1D dbid Rule set alias-name/orig-name deactivated

The rule set identified by alias-name (the name of the load module) and orig-name (the name given in the load module itself) has been deactivated due to an error reported in a preceding ADAL1E message. The rule set that has been in effect previously, if any, remains in effect.


Correct the rule set and retry its activation using the RULEREFRESH operator command.

ADAL1E dbid Error #nn in rule set at offset xxxxxxxx

The rule set is invalid. An error indicator (#nn) and the hexadecimal offset within the rule set module (xxxxxxxx) are given. The error indicators mean:

01 The offset of the module end is incorrect.
02 The offset of the literals section within the module is incorrect.
03 The offset of the custom fields section within the module is incorrect.
04 The offset of the rules section within the module is incorrect.
06 The flags to which user exit the rule set applies are incorrect.
07 Reserved areas within the module are not reset.
08 The action code in a rule is invalid.
09 The operator code in a rule is invalid.
10 The structure indicator in a rule is invalid.
11 An offset into the literals section within the module is invalid.
12 An offset into the CQX structure is invalid.
13 An offset into the ACBX structure is invalid.
14 An offset into the LORECX structure is invalid.

Correct the error in the rule set.

ADAL1F dbid Rule set validation failed

The rule set is invalid. This message concludes one or more ADAL1E messages detailing the errors found in the rule set.


Correct the rule set.

ADAL1G dbid The previous rule set is still in effect

This message occurs after ADAL1F if a new rule set could not be activated (because it was invalid) while an existing rule set was in effect. The existing rule set remains in effect.


Correct the new rule set and retry its activation using the RULEREFRESH operator command.