User, Hyperdescriptor, Collation Descriptor, and SMF Exits

This document refers to the user exits activated by the ADARUN parameters UEXn, HEXnn, and CDXnn (see the Adabas Operations documentation for descriptions of the ADARUN parameters).

All supplied sample user exits are sample user programs and are not supported under any maintenance contract agreement.

Adabas user exits must adhere to the standard MVS calling conventions. They must return control in the same processor state they were called in. For more information, please see User Exit Calling Conventions.

The user exits documented in this document are as follows:

User Exit ADARUN Use
User Exit 1 UEX1 Command processing (Adabas nucleus) -- being retired
User Exit 2 UEX2 Dual log processing
User Exit 3 UEX3 User-defined phonetic processing
User Exit 4 UEX4 User-generated log data
User Exit 5 UEX5 Adabas Review hub event handler
User Exit 6 UEX6 Data compression (ADACMP)
User Exit 8 UEX8 Operator interface
User Exit 9 UEX9 Data unload (ADAULD)
User Exit 11 UEX11 Command processing (Adabas nucleus)
User Exit 12 UEX12 Multiple log processing
Hyperdescriptor Exits ADARUN Use
1 . . 31 HEX01 . . HEX31 User-supplied algorithm to create hyperindex values
Collation Descriptor Exit ADARUN Use
1 . . 8 CDX01 . . CDX08 User-supplied algorithm to encode and decode values for the corresponding collation descriptors
SMF User Exit ADARUN Use
SMF User Exit UEXSMF User-supplied detail section to be included in the SMF record


Notation vrs, vr, or v: When used in this documentation, the notation vrs or vr stands for the relevant version of a product. For further information on product versions, see version in the Glossary.

Related Literature

Other user exits supported by Adabas include the following:

These user exits are sample user programs and are not supported under any maintenance contract agreement.
Entry Name Use
ADACDCUX Allows you to obtain control at strategic points during ADACDC utility processing. See the Adabas Utilities documentation.
ADACSHUX Allows you to obtain control at strategic points during Adabas Caching Facility processing. See the Adabas Caching Facility documentation.
ADASMXIT Allows you to supply parameters to a PIN routine or examine a condition when it is encountered before the PIN routine is invoked so that recovery actions other than those provided by Adabas can be implemented. See Adabas Online System Demo Version in the DBA Tasks documentation..
DSFUEX1 Automatically submits the necessary job to prevent overflow of the DLOG area. See the Adabas Delta Save Facility Facility documentation.
LUEXIT1 Linked with the Adabas link globals table and receives control before a command is passed to a target. See LUEXIT1.
LUEXIT2 Linked with the Adabas link globals table and receives control after a command is processed by a target, the Adabas SVC, or the link module itself. See LUEXIT2.
UEXRAI Allows you to change automatically generated ADARAI RECOVER JCL before it is written to DDJCLOUT. See the Adabas Utilities documentation.