Offline License Activation

  1. If the computer running the CONNX License Administrator does not have internet access, licenses must be activated in "offline" mode, using the Offline license activation button.

  2. On a CONNX client computer on which the CONNX Administrator component is installed,click Start, point to All Programs, point to CONNX Driver and then click CONNX License Administrator. The CONNX License Administrator window appears. The server name and port should be pre-populated with the correct CONNX license server, based on selections during installation.  If the server name and port are not correct, enter the proper information.  Press Connect.

  3. Once connected to a license server, the Install or Update license from file button, Offline license activation button, View active license locks, and Update license button become enabled.  Additionally, the hardware code of the license server (only required for off-line license activation) is displayed.  If the computer running the license administrator has internet access, then proceed with online license activation by selecting either the Install or Update license from file button, or the Update license button.

  4. Select the Offline license activation button.

  5. Supply the serial number.  This will populate the Authentication code.  Write down this code, you will need it in the next step.  
    Important: Keep this window open.  Do not close it until you are able to fill in all of the fields.

  6. Locate a computer that does have internet access, and go to

  7. Supply the Serial Number, Company Name, and License Code from the license certificate faxed or emailed as part of the CONNX package.

  8. Supply the Authentication code and Hardware code you wrote down from the CONNX License Administrator Dialog from the computer that does not have internet access.

  9. Press Generate Activation

  10. Write down the Activation Code supplied.

  11. Go back to the computer without internet access, that is running the License Administrator.

  12. Fill in the activation code received from the web page (starts with AV-), and company name.  Press Activate.

  13. After several seconds, the License Installed/Updated Successfully window appears, confirming valid registration and activation.

  14. To list all licenses currently in use, in the  CONNX License Administrator window, click View active license locks.


  15. Close the CONNX License Administrator window, or conduct any additional license upgrade procedures, as required.