Historical Syncs

The Historical Syncs page displays information for Sync tasks that have finished.

Some functions on this screen use icons.  The description of these icons will have a hyperlink to the Glossary of Icons which contains a picture of the icon and an explanation of its purpose.


  • Control buttons
    There are three control buttons above the information section in the lower half of the display.  They are:

    • Time frame specification.  
      This drop down box allows the time frame for historical data to be specified.  Possible values are
      24 hours, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year and all time

    • Search Filter
      Pressing this button activates search fields for the
      Status, Item Name and Item Type fields.  To filter the results in the list of historical synchronization tasks, enter a value in one or more of these search fields.  For example, entering the word EMPLOYEES in the Item Name search box will cause only those tasks that have the word EMPLOYEES in the Item Name to be displayed.

    • Refresh This button refreshes the display.

  • Completed Syncs List
    The list displays information about all tasks that have completed in the time frame specified in the Time frame specification control.  Below is a description of each column in the table:  

    • More|Less Chevron
      If more information is present for a row than can be displayed, clicking the more chevron will expand the row.  Clicking the less chevron will collapse the information.  Below is an example of a row that contains an error message.  The more chevron has been clicked to display the additional information.

    • Status
      The status column will contain either a green success icon or a red error icon depending on whether the last time the transform was run was successful or resulted in an error.  If the status shows an error, clicking on the more chevron will expand the row and display the error text.

    • Item Name
      This is the name of the table, transformation or group

    • Item Type
      Possible types are Table, Transform and Group

    • Sync Type
      Displays the type (Automatic, Full, Incremental, Incremental Only, Baseline or Savepoint) of synchronization

    • Start
      Timestamp displaying the starting date and time

    • Duration
      The duration in hours, minutes and seconds (hh:mm:ss)

    • Rows
      Number of rows affected by the operation

    • Inserted
      Number of rows inserted by the operation

    • Updated
      Number of rows updated by the operation

    • Deleted
      Number of rows deleted by the operation