The Current Syncs page displays detailed information about synchronization jobs currently running on the DataSync Server.
These can be jobs that are running from the scheduler or On Demand jobs running from multiple users connecting through the
REST interface. There are two sections to this screen: Active Syncs and Active Threads
Active Syncs
The Active Syncs table displays a list of all active synchronization processes running in the system. Below is a description
of each column in the table:
Item Name
Identifies the name of a scheduled job or in the case of on demand syncs, a name is generated that describes the running job
Item Type
Identifies the type of synchronization running. Possible values are Table, Transform and Group
Rows Processed
A real time display of the number of rows processed. This information can be used to determine how far along a synchronization
Process ID
The Windows Process ID or PID for the synchronization task that is running
Tables Processed
The number of tables processed by this task. Useful when the Item Type is Group
Start Time
A timestamp indicating when the synchronization task started
Elapsed Time
Displays how long the synchronization has been running. It is in the form
Cancel Task button
The Cancel Task button can be used to cancel any running synchronization task regardless of whether it is a scheduled task,
an on demand task running locally or and on demand task initiated from anther computer
Active Threads
The Active Threads table displays a list of all the active threads for each active task.
A graphical horizontal bar showing the progress of the item being synchronized
Item Name
The name of the table or transform being synchronized
Item Type
The type (table or transform) of the item being synchronized
Current Action
Describes what the part of the process the thread is currently executing
Process ID
This identifies which process the thread is associated with. This is useful from cross referencing with the Active Syncs
list for the purpose of identifying a Sync that you may wish to cancel
Thread ID
Identifies which thread within the Sync process
Start Time
A timestamp indicating when the synchronization task started
Elapsed Time
Displays how long the synchronization has been running. It is in the form