What are Configuration Settings?

CONNX uses configuration settings (also called environmental variables and registry settings) to optimize performance and enable addition functionality (like shared connections).

All configuration settings have default values. Some may be modified during installation. Others are changed as needed.

All settings are read once at either listener or server startup.

It always requires either a restart of the listener or connection of the new server for a new setting to take effect.



Note: You usually do not have to change any of the configuration settings. Most settings should be left alone.


Different environments have different was of modifying configuration settings:



Set through Configuration Manager

Mainframe CICS

Set through the NX01 transaction.

Mainframe Started Task

Set through member CNXPARMS in the HLQ.CNTL directory.

Unix (includes environmental variables)



Note: For server settings, use the method (listed above) based on the location of Adabas.  For example, if the database is on a Windows machine, then server settings are set with the Configuration Manager, if the database is on the Mainframe then server settings are either set in CNXPARMS or with the NX01 transaction (based on if the listener is a Started Task or CICS tranaction), etc.


  • Mainframe

  • CICS

Mainframe CICS users use the NX01 transaction to change the configuration settings.

  • Started Task

Mainframe started task users use a text file (member) called CNXPARMS in the HLQ.CNTL directory (where HLQ is the higher level qualifier specified in the server component installation) to change the configuration settings.

  • Unix

Unix users use the DB file in the CONNX install directory connxfile.db to change the configuration settings.  To modify connxfile.db use the SQLREGISTRY program.

  • Windows

Windows users use the CONNX Configuration Manager to change the configuration settings.