To include subschemas with Codasyl DBMS table imports

DBMS databases may include a default subschema. A subschema represents a particular subset of a database. Use the following command to determine if subschemas, other than the default subschema, are necessary or exist in the database you intend to import:

dbo/dump/subschemas/out=<name of output file> <name of DBMS root file> <subschema name>


$dbo/dump/subschemas/out=outputfile.out rootfile.roo subschema_name

Note that you may have to include the complete path for the root file.

After executing this command, you can edit the outputfile.out file and do a search on the subschema. If other subschemas exist beside the default subschema, they should be listed along with the sets that make up the view.

Contact your database administrator for more information on subschema names and locations.