Moving Licenses from one License Server to Another

If it becomes necessary to change the machine the License Server is running on, the registered licenses on the old machine will need to be revoked from that machine and then registered on the new machine.


To move the license files from one machine to another please do the following:

  1. Install the license server on the new machine.

  2. Revoke the license from the "old" system. This can be done 1 of 2 ways depending on how the license was originally registered:

    1. If the license was registered with the online registration process (requires internet access)- then highlight the license file and select the "revoke license" button in the License Administrator.

    2. If internet access is not available and the license was originally registered using the offline registration method, the offline license revoke method will need to be used to revoke the license.

  3. Register the license file(s) in the new license server:

    1. If the new license server has internet access, use the online registration process.

    2. If the new license server does not have internet access, use the offline registration process.

  4. Alter all existing CONNX client installations to validate through the new license server.