License Activation

Complete the following procedure to install or update licenses, and activate them.

Important: If you uninstall CONNX using the Add or Remove Programs applet in the Windows Control Panel, be sure you copy any .cdd files that you may have created and stored in the CONNX32 folder structure to another location on your hard drive.

  1. On a CONNX client computer on which the CONNX Administrator component is installed, click Start, point to All Programs, point to CONNX Driver and then click CONNX License Administrator. The CONNX License Administrator window appears.

The server name and port should be pre-populated with the correct CONNX license server, based on selections during installation.  If the server name and port are not correct, enter the proper information.  Press the Connect Button.


  1. Once connected to a license server, the Install or Update license from file button, Offline license activation button, View active license locks, Update license, and Revoke License button become enabled.  Additionally, the hardware code of the license server (only required for off-line license activation) is displayed.  If the computer running the license administrator has internet access, then proceed with online license activation by selecting either the Install or Update license from file button, or the Update license button. .


  2. If you have one or more license files that need to be installed and activated, select the Install or Update license from file button.


  1. Select the appropriate license files for installation and activation.  If you have a license diskette with all license files on it, you can sort by date an only select the valid license files purchased.  Multiple files can be selected by holding down the CTRL  or SHIFT key.  Press Open once the appropriate files are selected.

  2. After several seconds, the License Installed/Updated Successfully window appears, confirming valid registration and activation.

  1. Revoking a Licnese: When a license is activated, it is tied to specific server the license server is running on and may not be activated on any other license servers unless it is first revoked from this license server.  To revoke a license, select the license you wish to revoke and press the Revoke License button.  This will free the license to be activated on a different license server.

  2. To list all licenses currently in use, in the  CONNX License Administrator window, click View active license locks.


  3. Close the CONNX License Administrator window, or conduct any additional license upgrade procedures, as required.


Updating an existing license

  1. On a CONNX client computer on which the CONNX Administrator component is installed, click Start, point to All Programs, point to CONNX Solutions, point to CONNX, and then click CONNX License Administrator. The CONNX License Administrator window appears. The server name and port should be pre-populated with the correct CONNX license server, based on selections during installation.  If the server name and port are not correct, enter the proper information.  Press Connect.


  1. Once connected to a license server, select a license from the list, then press the Update license button.


  1. Supply the company name and the license code from the license certificate faxed or emailed as part of the CONNX package.  Press Activate.

  2. After several seconds, the License Installed/Updated Successfully window appears, confirming valid registration and activation.


  1. If you get the following message instead at this point, the computer that is running the license administrator may not have internet access, or a corporate firewall may be preventing the activation to occur.  In this situation, licenses must be activated using the Offline License Activation procedure.


  2. To list all licenses currently in use, in the  CONNX License Administrator window, click View active license locks.


  3. Close the CONNX License Administrator window, or conduct any additional license upgrade procedures, as required.

Notes about License Servers and Licenses

  • Licenses have an embedded version – meaning that a CONNX 12 client will require a CONNX 12 (or higher) license.  A CONNX license will work with a lower version client.  For example a CONNX 12 license will work with a CONNX 11.x or CONNX 10.x client.  The version of the CONNX license needed for a given version of the client is based on the major version number.  For example, a CONNX 12 license will work with any minor version of CONNX 12 (i.e. CONNX 12.x, etc.)
  • CONNX requires an N-Tier license when used on a “server” operating system. Server operating systems include all Unix/Linux platforms.
  • CONNX checks the CPU count of the data server against the CPU count generated in the license.  On Unix/Linux, Windows and VMS platforms, the CPU count is the number of cores the processor or processors have.  On an IBM Mainframe platform, the MSU count is used for licensing purposes.  In the License Administrator, the column “CPU/MSU limit” specifies the number of CPUs or MSUs the license is valid for.
  • A license may be activated only once and is associated with the license server it was activated on.
  • The License Administrator has a “revoke” feature which will remove a license from a server, this will allow a license to be moved from one server to another.