Edit Menu

Applies to all tabs


Replication Design tab:


The Edit Menu has seven commands:

  • Select All Active

Clicks the Active setting in all replications in this CDD

  • Clear All Active

Clears the Active setting in all the replications in this CDD

  • Select All Create Table

    Clicks the Create Table setting in all replications in this CDD

  • Clear All Create Table

    Clears the Create Table setting in all the replications in this CDD

  • Select All No Initial State

    Sets all replications to suppress Initial State processing during a deploy.  This is an advanced function and will only be displayed when the option "Show Suppress Initial State Field" is selected from the View menu.  If  No Initial State is selected, you must ensure the source and target tables are identical prior to starting replication.  If they are not, errors will occur.  This option is not displayed by default and must be turned on in the View menu.

  • Clear All No Initial State

    Clears the No Initial State setting in all the replications in this CDD


  • Find

    Brings up a Find dialog to allow searches for replications within this screen

There is also a Right Click context menu that contains the same options for Active, Create Table and No Initial State that allows the same functions to be performed on selected Replications




Deployed Replications tab:


The Edit Menu has two commands:

  • Select All/Deselect All

    Check or clear the Select check box for all replications.  The Initial State button acts on selected replications.

Server Status tab:


The Edit Menu has one command with three sub commands:

  • Set Debug Server Level

    This sets the debug level for all the components without restarting the component.  To change the debug level a component uses when it starts, change its DEBUG_LEVEL in the registry.  See Event Replication Registry Settings.  Three are three values for debug level:

    • None:  Minimal messages are written to the log.  Errors are always written.

    • Verbose:  Diagnostic information is written when errors occur along with transaction information.

    • Extreme:  Complete diagnostics including buffer and transaction dumps are written to the log.  Note:  This mode will cause a degradation in performance.  Only use this mode when debugging an error situation.

Note: After changing the debug level, the status in the grid may not change right away.  This is due to the fact that the system may not have made the change and reported the new status in time to be reflected in the current request for status.  Pressing the Refresh button or waiting 30 seconds for the next automatic refresh will result in the new value being displayed.