Event Replication Registry Settings

You can modify several Open Systems Event Replication registry settings:

Registry Variables

Unix/Linux Environment Variables

A2A specific Unix/Linux Environment Variables



Registry Variables


CONNX.REPLICATION.CTRL_PORT specifies the CONNX Message Queue controller port..


If CONNX.REPLICATION.CTRL_PORT is greater than 1024, the Replication Controller will accept Replication Engine communications on that port value.


If the port specified in CONNX.REPLICATION.CTRL_PORT is unavailable, then either change CONNX.REPLICATION.CTRL_PORT to 0 to allow the Replication Controller to use the first available port, or change CONNX.REPLICATION.CTRL_PORT to a port value that is available.



0 - Use first available port

1 through 1024 - Reserved for internal use

1025 through 65535 - Use the port specified.  The specified port must be available.


The default CONNX.REPLICATION.CTRL_PORT value is 9205.



CONNX.REPLICATION.DEBUG_LEVEL controls the debug output that goes to the log file.



0 - debug off.

1 - Normal debug output. Messages provide some debugging/status information but do not severely affect performance.

2 - Extreme debug output. The transaction level diagnostics generated will negatively impact performance.





CONNX.REPLICATION.EP_ADA_CFG_PORT  specifies the port that the ep_config process will listen on for requests from the event producer.


The default CONNX.REPLICATION.EP_ADA_CFG_PORT value is 9207.



CONNX.REPLICATION.MQ_PORT specifies the CONNX Message Queue listening port..


The default CONNX.REPLICATION.MQ_PORT value is 9200.



CONNX.REPLICATION.NOTIFY specifies whether or not to call the notification command job specified by CONNX.REPLICATION.NOTIFY_CMD if the system encounters an Nx error.



0 - Do not call the notification command. CONNX.REPLICATION.NOTIFY_CMD is ignored.

1 - Call the notification command specified by CONNX.REPLICATION.NOTIFY_CMD.


The default CONNX.REPLICATION.NOTIFY value is 0 (do not call).



CONNX.REPLICATION.NOTIFY_CMD specifies the location and name of the notification job to call when NOTIFY is 1 and the system encounters an Nx error.  






The default value is "eventnotify" and there is a sample eventnotify.cmd file in the Samples directory.



CONNX.REPLICATION.STATUSREFRESHINTERVAL controls the Server Status refresh interval. This setting applies to the Replication Administrator.


When you view the Server Status, the status is normally refreshed every 30 seconds. CONNX.REPLICATION.STATUSREFRESHINTERVAL changes the default refresh interval.



0 - disable background refresh.

Between 1 and 30 - 30 seconds (minimum value).

Greater than 30 - Number of seconds specified up to 86,400 seconds (maximum value).


Note: 86,400 seconds is 24 hours.



CONNX.REPLICATION.CTRL_PERF_ENABLED enables  the gathering and reporting of performance statistics by the Replication Controller.


Performance statistics will be written to the CTRL.log file.  Optionally, the current statistics output will be directed to a file specified by CTRL_PERF_STAT_FILE.



0 - disable performance statistics

1 - enable performance statistics. .


The default CONNX.REPLICATION.CTRL_PERF_ENABLED value is 0 (do not gather and report statistics).



CONNX.REPLICATION.CTRL_PERF_QUERY_INTERVAL determines the number of seconds between statistics calls the controller makes to the EC.  



Number of seconds specified up to 86,400 seconds (maximum value).


The default CONNX.REPLICATION.CTRL_PERF_QUERY_INTERVAL  value is 3600 seconds.



CONNX.REPLICATION.CTRL_PERF_STAT_FILE causes the current statistics output to be saved to a designated file.  


The output will still appear in the CTRL.log file.  This file can be used as an easy way to access the most recent statistics without having to parse the CTRL.log file.  Only the most current statistics will be in this file.  For statistics history, the CTRL.log file must be used..  



The name (including the path) of the statistics file you wish to use.


The default CONNX.REPLICATION.CTRL_PERF_STAT_FILE  value is blank which means do not use an additional statistics output file.



CONNX.REPLICATION.ADABCK_ET_SYNC_WAIT causes the ADABCK DUMP step in the initial state process to use the ET_SYNC_WAIT parameter.   


The Adabas utility ADABCK is used during the initial state process for Adabas to Adabas replication.  When set, the ET_SYNC_WAIT parameter defines the time (in seconds) that ADABCK waits for ET-logic users to come to ET status at the end of the DUMP function.   Setting the CONNX.REPLICATION parameter ADABCK_ET_SYNC_WAIT allows the user to control the value of this parameter for replication.


This parameter is set in the registry (sqlregistry on Unix/Linux machines and CONNX Configuration Manager on Windows machines) on the machine where the Replication Controller is running.



0 - Do not set ET_SYNC_WAIT on the ADABCK DUMP command.  ADABCK will use the value set in the nucleus' TT parameter.

1 through 32767 - The number of seconds to set ET_SYNC_WAIT on the ADABCK DUMP command.




For more information on the ADABCK ET_SYNC_WAIT parameter, please see the Adabas Utilities guide.

Note: This setting does not apply when replicating to a relational target.


CONNX.REPLICATION.FIXED_TO_BINARY causes the replication to use the binary format specifier in format buffers for fixed one and  two byte fields.

This setting enables compatibility with format buffer handling in Natural for fixed one and two byte fields.


Note: This setting applies to Adabas replication only, when replicating to a relational target.



CONNX.REPLICATION.CONTINUEMODE will determine if replication continues when an error is encountered..

This should only be used for debugging purposes at the direction of a support engineer.

The default value of this setting is true.  The error is logged and replication continues.



CONNX.REPLICATION.DEBUG_STARTINGLSN will set lsn of the fist SQL server transaction log record for processing when replication starts.  

This should only be used for debugging purposes at the direction of a support engineer.


CONNX.REPLICATION.NSPAWNLAG  will delay the start of the relational event producers by the specified number of seconds

This should only be used for debugging purposes at the direction of a support engineer.

The default value is zero.


CONNX.REPLICATION.CTRL_OP_FLAG will enable enhanced debugging of the controller.  Possible values are 1, and 2.

This should only be used for debugging purposes at the direction of a support engineer.

The default value is zero.


CONNX.REPLICATION.DBG_OPTIONS will enable enhanced debugging of the EP logger.  Possible values are 0 and 32.

This should only be used for debugging purposes at the direction of a support engineer.

The default value is zero.


CONNX.REPLICATION.DBG_EC_EP_PORT  will enable isolated debugging of the event consumer by overriding the port.

This should only be used for debugging purposes at the direction of a support engineer.

The default value is zero.


CONNX.REPLICATION.DBG_EC_EP_SERVER  will enable isolated debugging of the event consumer by overriding the server name of the controller.

This should only be used for debugging purposes at the direction of a support engineer.

The default value is "localhost".


CONNX.REPLICATION.DBG_EC_IGNORE_ZERO will cause SQL delete and update operations that affect zero rows (when they should have affected 1 or more) to be treated as success.

No retry of the SQL operation will occur.

This should only be used for debugging purposes at the direction of a support engineer.

The default value is false.


CONNX.REPLICATION.DISABLE_ROW_CT_CHECK will ignore errors conditions where an update or delete was performed, but zero rows were affected.

This should only be used for debugging purposes at the direction of a support engineer.

The default value is false.


CONNX.REPLICATION.DNS_TO_DOT will cause replication to convert host names to IP addresses before sending the information to other remote components.

This will potentially bypass DNS resolution problems where DNS names are not properly configured on all systems where components reside.

This should only be used at the direction of a support engineer.

The default value is false.


CONNX.REPLICATION.EC_EIS_WAIT  will cause replication wait for the specified number of seconds after an initial state has completed..

This will potentially bypass DNS resolution problems where DNS names are not properly configured on all systems where components reside.

This should only be used for debugging purposes at the direction of a support engineer.

The default value is 0.



CONNX.REPLICATION.EC_IS_TRUNCATE_ONLY  will cause replication only use truncate to clear target tables.  Normally if truncate fails, then a delete will be issued.

When this setting is enabled, if the truncate fails, then the entire initial state operation fails.

The default value is false.



CONNX.REPLICATION.EC_SLEEP_ON_STARTUP  will cause replication to sleep for the specified number of seconds at startup, providing enough time to attach a debugger..

This should only be used for debugging purposes at the direction of a support engineer.

The default value is 0.



CONNX.REPLICATION.EC_SQL_ERR_MODE will determine what action is taken when an error occurs.

The following three values are available:

0 = Permissive.  The error is logged and replication continues if the error is not fatal.

1 = Suspend.  The error is logged, and replication is suspended for the specific table.

2 = Stop.  The error is logged, and replication is stopped for all tables.


The default value is 0 (Permissive).



CONNX.REPLICATION.EC_SQL_MAX_HANDLES will determine the maximum number of SQL statement handles to keep cached for improved performance.


The default value is 800.



CONNX.REPLICATION.EP_EVENT_ERR_MODE will determine the behavior of replication in the event of an error in the event producer itself.

The following three values are available:

0 = Permissive.  The error is logged and replication continues if the error is not fatal.

1 = Suspend.  The error is logged, and replication is suspended for the specific table.

2 = Stop.  The error is logged, and replication is stopped for all tables.


The default value is 1 (Suspend).



CONNX.REPLICATION.MQ_CONFIG_DIR will overwrite the default location use for the configuration files of the message queue.

This should only be used for debugging purposes at the direction of a support engineer.

The default value is an empty string.



CONNX.REPLICATION.EP_QUEUE_HOST will overwrite the default name of the local TCP/IP connection for the message queue.

This should only be used for debugging purposes at the direction of a support engineer.

The default value is "".



CONNX.REPLICATION.MQ_PORT will overwrite the default port used to communicate to the local message queue.

The default value is 9200.



CONNX.REPLICATION.MQ_QUEUE_DIR will overwrite the default location use for the  files of the message queue.

This should only be used for debugging purposes at the direction of a support engineer.

The default value is an empty string.



Unix/Linux Environment Variables


CONNX_EP_ADA_CFG_PORT   specifies the port that the ep_config process will listen on for requests from the event producer.


The default CONNX_EP_ADA_CFG_PORT value is 9207.



CONNX_EP_DATA_PATH specifies the directory path used by the Event Producer to store configuration files. CONNX_EP_DATA_PATH must be able to read from and write to the Adabas nucleus.


There is no CONNX_EP_DATA_PATH default value. You must assign a path name to CONNX_EP_DATA_PATH.



CONNX_EP_DEBUG_LEVEL controls the debug output that goes to the log file.


The CONNX_EP_DEBUG_LEVEL values are:

0 - debug off.

1 - Normal debug output. Messages provide some debugging/status information but do not severely affect performance.

2 - Extreme debug output. The transaction level diagnostics generated will negatively impact performance.


The default CONNX_EP_DEBUG_LEVEL is 0 (off).



CONNX_EP_NOTIFY specifies whether or not to call the notification command job specified by CONNX_EP_NOTIFY_CMD.


The CONNX_EP_NOTIFY values are:

0 - Do not call the notification command. CONNX_EP_NOTIFY_CMD is ignored.

1 - Call the notification command specified by CONNX_EP_NOTIFY_CMD.


The default CONNX_EP_NOTIFY value is 0 (do not call).



CONNX_EP_NOTIFY_CMD specifies the location and name of the notification job to call when CONNX_EP_NOTIFY is 1 and an Nx error is encountered.  






The default value is "eventnotify" and there is a sample eventnotify.bsh file in the Samples directory.



CONNX_EP_QUEUE_PORT specifies the port number of the CONNX Message queue on the local Adabas Nucleus machine.


The CONNX_EP_QUEUE_PORT may be the same as the CONNX.REPLICATION.MQ_PORT if both the Event Consumer and Event Producer reside on the same machine.


The default CONNX_EP_QUEUE_PORT is 9200.


A2A specific Unix/Linux Environment Variables


ADABCKTIMEOUT specifies the amount of time the CONNX Server will wait for the ADABCK utility on the target database to start accepting data before it times out and returns an error.  In some circumstances, ADABCK on the target may need to wait for some other process to complete before it can start accepting data from the source.  An example of this would be if a an initial state is being done on a very large source file and the target database needs to be expanded in order to accommodate the file.  In this case, ADABCK must wait for the nucleus to finish expanding the database before it can start accepting data from the source.


The value for ADABCKTIMEOUT is specified in minutes and the default is 10.


ADABCKTIMEOUT is a CONNX Server environment variable and must be set in the connxserver script on the target system.


This setting is only valid on Unix and Linux systems.


IMPORTANT NOTE:  Changing this setting will not improve performance and setting it incorrectly can result in unexpected errors.  Do not change the value of this setting unless directed to do so by CONNX Technical Support.



ADABCKSLEEPTIME specifies the amount of time the CONNX Server will wait between retrying writes when it receives an error while writing data to the target pipe the ADABCK utility is reading from.


While writing data to the target system, the CONNX Server may receive a response that the target is not yet ready to receive data.  In this case, the server will wait for the time interval specified by ADABCKSLEEPTIME and then it will retry the write operation.  It will continue to retry write operations until the timeout period specified by ADABCKTIMEOUT has been exceeded.


The value for ADABCKSLEEPTIME is specified in milliseconds and the default is 10.


ADABCKSLEEPTIME is a CONNX Server environment variable and must be set in the connxserver script on the target system.


This setting is only valid on Unix and Linux systems.


IMPORTANT NOTE:  Changing this setting can have a severe impact on the performance of the initial state process.  Do not change the value of this setting unless directed to do so by CONNX Technical Support.