View Menu

Applies to all tabs


Replication Design tab:


The View Menu has four commands:

  • Show/Hide Schema

    Selecting Show Schema will add the column Schema to the grid.  This column displays the Schema name for the each source table


  • Show Suppress Initial State Field

    This option will display a column in the grid which will allow the Initial State process to be suppressed when the replication is deployed.  Note: This is an advanced function.  If  No Initial State is selected, you must ensure the source and target tables are identical prior to starting replication.  If they are not, errors will occur.  This option is not displayed by default.


  • Auto Column Width

    When selected the width of each column will be automatically calculated based on the width of the application window

  • Manual Column Width

    When selected the width of the columns will not be updated when the size of the application window changes.  This option will be automatically selected whenever a column width is manually changed.  If you wish to reset the width of the columns to fill the window after manually sizing them, select Auto Column Width from the menu.
    For more information see Adjusting Display Column Width.

Deployed Replications tab:


The View Menu has two commands, Auto Column Width and Manual Column Width.  These two commands work the same as on the Replication Design tab.


Server Status tab:


The View Menu has one command:

  • Refresh

    This option will refresh the screen with the current status.  By default, the status will be refreshed automatically every 30 seconds.  To get status prior to the automatic refresh, select this command from the menu or press the Refresh button at the bottom of the screen.