Installation Steps

Start of instruction setTo start the installation and access the ConnecX installation dialog, complete the following steps:

  1. Run the CXGInstallSetup.exe executable file on the DVD image. This will start the installation wizard for the ConnecX SQL Gateway installation tool.


  2. Click the Next button on the installation splash screen.

    The Location to Save Files installation panel appears.


  3. Specify the location where the installation wizard should save the ConnecX installation tool. Use the Change button to search for and locate a directory. By default the installation tool is saved in the default ConnecX SQL Gateway installation directory: C:\CONNX32\CXGInstall.

  4. To continue, click the Next button. The installation tool is saved in the specified location and starts automatically, bringing up the ConnecX installation dialog.

    In subsequent installations, the ConnecX installation tool can be started directly from the installation directory.


Each ConnecX SQL Gateway component can be prepared and installed by clicking on the relevant tab on the ConnecX installation dialog. Each tab is divided into areas pertaining to the selected component and provides input fields required for the installation. The data entered in the input fields is saved in the file CXGInstall.dat, which is restored the next time the ConnecX installation is run.

The rest of this section describes the installation of each of the ConnecX SQL Gateway components:

Installing the ConnecX Multiclient Subsystem (CXGSERV)

Start of instruction setTo install the ConnecX Multiclient Subsystem (CXGSERV), complete the following steps:

  1. Select the CXG Server Installation tab on the ConnecX installation dialog:


  2. Prepare for the installation by supplying values for the component on the tab. Dialog parameters are described in the following table:

    Dialog Area Parameter Specify...
    ConnecX SQL Gateway Server Installation Dataset Parameters DSN HLQ The ConnecX Multiclient Subsystem installation data set high-level qualifier.
    VOLSER The ConnecX Multiclient Subsystem installation data set volume serial number.

    When the SMS option in the Installation Dataset Options area is selected, this field is disabled.

    UNIT The ConnecX Multiclient Subsystem installation data set unit.

    When the SMS option in the Installation Dataset Options area is selected, this field is disabled.

    Installation Load Library Parameters Load Library DSN The ConnecX Multiclient Subsystem installation load data set name.

    The load library DSN is automatically generated when the data set high-level qualifier is supplied in the DSN HLQ parameter in the ConnecX SQL Gateway Server Installation Dataset Parameters area.

    VOLSER The ConnecX Multiclient Subsystem installation load data set volume serial number.

    When the SMS option in the Installation Dataset Options area is selected, this field is disabled.

    UNIT The ConnecX Multiclient Subsystem installation load data set unit.

    When the SMS option in the Installation Dataset Options area is selected, this field is disabled.

    Installation Dataset Options SMS Whether data set allocation is under the control of Storage Management Subsystem (SMS). Check this box if data set allocation is under SMS control; otherwise leave this box unchecked.

    When selected, the VOLSER and UNIT parameters in the areas ConnecX SQL Gateway Server Installation Dataset Parameters and Installation Load Library Parameters are disabled.

    Language Environment Parameters CEE Prefix The prefix of any language environment data sets.
    Embedded SQL Parameters Load Library DSN The Adabas SQL Gateway Embedded SQL installation load data set.
    NSERV Parameters Server The host name / host address where NSERV is to be executed.
    Port # The port number of the NSERV server.
    HTPMON Port # The port number of the NSERV server / HTTP monitor.
    Logon Information Server The host name / host address where the CXGSERV component should be installed.
    User ID The TSO userid required for the FTP process and the generated JCL.
    Password The TSO password required for the FTP process and the generated JCL.
    z/OS Parameters Job CLASS The job CLASS to use in the generated JCL.
    Job MSGCLASS The job MSGCLASS to use in the generated JCL.
  3. When all appropriate parameters have been specified, click the Install button on the tab to transfer the component artifacts to the z/OS system via FTP.

    A pop-up dialog appears indicating whether the FTP transfer was completed successfully. If it was not, review the parameters on the dialog and try again. If problems persist, contact your system administrator for assistance.

  4. Once the FTP transfer has successfully completed, log onto the target z/OS system and submit the AJ01INST generated JCL job found in the dsnhlq.CXGSERV.CNTL data set. This will create the CXGSERV libraries.

Once these steps have been completed, the ConnecX Multiclient Subsystem (CXGSERV) component will have been installed. To configure it, read Configuring CXGSERV.

Installing the ConnecX Attachment Facility (CXGCICS)

Start of instruction setTo install the ConnecX Attachment Facility (CXGCICS), complete the following steps:

  1. 1. Select the CXG CICS Installation tab on the ConnecX installation dialog:


  2. Prepare for the installation by supplying values for the component on the first panel of the tab. Dialog parameters on the first panel are described in the following table:

    Dialog Area Parameter Specify...
    ConnecX SQL Gateway CICS Installation Dataset Parameters DSN HLQ The ConnecX Attachment Facility installation data set high-level qualifier.
    VOLSER The ConnecX Attachment Facility installation data set volume serial number.

    When the SMS option in the Installation Dataset Options area is selected, this field is disabled.

    UNIT The ConnecX Attachment Facility installation data set unit.

    When the SMS option in the Installation Dataset Options area is selected, this field is disabled.

    Installation Load Library Parameters Load Library DSN The ConnecX Attachment Facility installation load data set name.

    The load library DSN is automatically generated when the data set high-level qualifier is supplied in the DSN HLQ parameter in the ConnecX SQL Gateway Server Installation Dataset Parameters area.

    VOLSER The ConnecX Attachment Facility installation load data set volume serial number.

    When the SMS option in the Installation Dataset Options area is selected, this field is disabled.

    UNIT The ConnecX Attachment Facility installation load data set unit.

    When the SMS option in the Installation Dataset Options area is selected, this field is disabled.

    Installation Dataset Options SMS Whether data set allocation is under the control of Storage Management Subsystem (SMS). Check this box if data set allocation is under SMS control; otherwise leave this box unchecked.

    When selected, the VOLSER and UNIT parameters in the areas ConnecX SQL Gateway CICS Installation Dataset Parameters and Installation Load Library Parameters are disabled.

    Embedded SQL Parameters Object Library DSN The Adabas SQL Gateway Embedded SQL installation object data set name.
    Load Library DSN The Adabas SQL Gateway Embedded SQL installation load data set name.
    Language Environment Parameters CEE Prefix The prefix of any language environment data sets.
    Logon Information Server The host name / host address where the CXGCICS component should be installed.
    User ID The TSO userid required for the FTP process and the generated JCL.
    Password The TSO password required for the FTP process and the generated JCL.
    z/OS Parameters Job CLASS The job CLASS to use in the generated JCL.
    Job MSGCLASS The job MSGCLASS to use in the generated JCL
  3. When all appropriate parameters have been specified on the first panel of the tab, click the Next button to see the second panel of parameters.

  4. Prepare for the installation by supplying values for the component on the second panel of the tab.


    Dialog parameters on the second panel are described in the following table:

    Dialog Area Parameter Specify...
    ConnecX SQL Gateway CICS Configuration Load Library DSN The CICS load library data set (SDFHLOAD).
    CSD File DSN The CICS system definition data set name (CSD)
    CSD List The list name for ConnecX SQL Gateway resource groups.
    CSD Group The group name for ConnecX SQL Gateway resources.
    Module Prefix The prefix to be used for generated ConnecX SQL Gateway resources (1-5 bytes).
  5. When all appropriate parameters have been specified on both panels of the tab, click the Install button on the second panel of the tab to transfer the component artifacts to the z/OS system via FTP.

    A pop-up dialog appears indicating whether the FTP transfer was completed successfully. If it was not, review the parameters on the dialog and try again. If problems persist, contact your system administrator for assistance.

  6. Once the FTP transfer has successfully completed, log onto the target z/OS system and submit the AJ01INST and the AJ02CSD generated JCL jobs found in the dsnhlq.CXGCICS.CNTL data set.

This will complete the installation of the ConnecX Attachment Facility (CXGCICS) component. To configure it, read Configuring CXGCICS.

Installing the ConnecX Connect Manager (CXGCONM)

The ConnecX Connect Manager (CXGCONM) is implemented by a modified ACECALL module and consists of the following objects:

  • ACE3GL


  • CXGCODE (optionally)

The ACECALL module was created during the last installation step (AJ01INST) of Installing the ConnecX Attachment Facility (CXGCICS). For more information about the installation and configuration of CXGCONM, read Installing and Configuring CXGCONM.