Error Messages and Codes

This document covers the following topics:


This section contains explanations of messages and codes specific to ADL, plus any recommended action. Note that the ADL messages and codes can also be retrieved online by the ADL Online Services.

The error numbers 1 - 255 are reserved for and are identical to Adabas response codes. For this reason, only those Adabas response codes which are of particular significance to the ADL are mentioned here. A full list is provided in the Adabas Messages and Codes documentation .

The messages are reproduced in the form in which they actually appear, i.e. in mixed upper and lower case. Variable output information is represented by lower case "x" in inverted commas. All ADL nucleus messages have the following format:

Error ==>    nnnn  from ADL module DAZXXXXX/DAZYYYYY at address aaaaaa         
ADLnnnn  message ...................                                         

Warning    nnnn  from ADL module DAZXXXXX/DAZYYYYY at address aaaaaa           
ADLnnnn  message ...................


nnnn is the number of the message.
DAZXXXXX is the name of the ADL internal module from which the message was generated.
DAZYYYYY is the name of the ADL internal routine from which the message was generated.
aaaaa is the offset within the ADL internal module in which the message was generated.

For convenience, only the lower message line is reproduced in the list below. The messages are arranged in ascending order according to their error numbers.

General ADL Messages and Codes

Number Message Cause Action
ADL0017 Invalid file number An Adabas call was issued for an Adabas file which was not in the data base. This was probably due to a DL/I call being issued against a DL/I data base which has not yet been converted. Convert the DL/I data base or define the Adabas file. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utility in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0113 Invalid ISN specified An invalid ISN was specified for an Adabas call, probably as the result of incomplete data conversion. Check that all DAZELORE runs were completed successfully.
ADL0145 Record not available An attempt was made to access a record held by another user or a hold queue overflow occurred. See the RETRY parameter in the ADL Installation documentation.
ADL0148 Adabas not active The Adabas nucleus was not active. Bring up Adabas.
ADL0216 Command rejected by user exit If the ADL Consistency Interface is active, it has encountered an error situation. Retrieve the comprehensive ADL Consistency Interface error message and follow the recommended actions for this. See the topic Error Handling of the Consistency Interface in the section Error Handling for more details on how to obtain the full error message.
ADL0281 Stack overflow An overflow of the internal stack was detected in the ADL error handler. This message may occur directly after another error message. See the recommended actions for the preceding error message. If no preceding error message is given, increase the stack size using the STACK parameter. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0282 Error Message could not be retrieved This error only occurs if the error message for a previous error could not be retrieved from ADL directory file. A possible cause may be that the DBID and file number of the ADL directory file have not been defined correctly. See the recommended actions for the preceding error number.
ADL0283 Error Message could not be retrieved This error only occurs if the error message for a previous error could not be retrieved from the ADL directory file. In this case, only the number of the previous error was output without the corresponding text. See the recommended actions for the preceding error number.
ADL0300 Stack overflow The ADL internal routine stack is too small. Increase the stack size using the STACK parameter. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0301 DBD area overflow The buffer for the ADL DBD control blocks is too small. Increase the buffer size using the DBD parameter. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details. If the error occurred during initialization under CICS, it was probably caused by an incorrectly generated DAZDBD. See the section Generating the Runtime Control Tables in the ADL Interfaces documentation .
ADL0302 Invalid DBD ECB encountered A DBD control block read from the ADL directory file is invalid. Check that all DBDs referenced by the PSB specified have been successfully run through the conversion process. See the section ADL Conversion Utilities for DBDs and PSBs in the ADL Conversion documentation for details. Under CICS, the PSB in error can be found by looking into DAZOUT2. It is the one, which would come alphabetically after the last one in the PSB list.
ADL0303 PSB area overflow The buffer for the ADL PSB control blocks is too small. Increase the buffer size using the PSB parameter. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details. If this error occurs during initialization under CICS, it is probably caused by an incorrectly generated DAZBUF table, for example the largest slot size is too small to hold all internal control blocks for at least one PSB. Use the DAZSHINE utility to find out the slot sizes needed to hold all PSBs that will be accessed in the online environment. (See the topic Generating the Runtime Control Tables in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.)
ADL0304 Internal DBD table overflow An internal table used as a DBD directory is too small. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0305 Field name not found for sensitive field A sensitive field not matching any of the fields in the referenced DBD has been encountered in the PSB. Check the DBD and PSB in question and correct the error.
ADL0306 Routine name specified for sensitive field A sensitive field which has a compression routine specified has been encountered in the PSB. This facility is not supported by the current version of ADL. Check the PSB in question and correct the error.
ADL0307 Secondary index not found A secondary index DBD was encountered during initialization of the ADL control blocks, but no matching secondary index definition was found for it in the corresponding physical DBD. Check the DBD in question and correct the error.
ADL0308 Logical relation table overflow An internal table used for logical relations is too small. Increase the table size using the NUMLR parameter (see the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details).
ADL0309 Insufficient work area for ECBs The buffer for the ADL control blocks read from the ADL directory file is too small. Increase the buffer size using the EBUF parameter. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
Number Message Cause Action
ADL0310 Insufficient number of ECB directory entries The directory for the ADL control blocks buffer read from the ADL directory file is too small. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0311 Target segment not found A secondary index was encountered during initialization of the ADL control blocks, but no target segment could be found for it. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0312 Source segment not found A secondary index was encountered during initialization of the ADL control blocks, but no source segment could be found for it. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0313 SEARCH/SUBSEQUENCE/DUPLICATE DATA field not found A secondary index was encountered during initialization of the ADL control blocks, but no SEARCH, SUBSEQUENCE or DUPLICATE DATA fields could be found for it. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0314 Work area not big enough to store ECB There is not enough space left in the work area to store an ADL control block on the ADL directory file. Increase the size of the CBC utility work area using the UTI parameter. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0315 Logically deleted record not (uniquely) found Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0316 Error in ADA specification The ADA parameter was specified incorrectly during the DAZPRINT utility run. Check the ADA parameter and correct the error. See the section Debugging Aids - ADL Trace Facility in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0317 Invalid input statement An invalid input statement was encountered during the DAZPRINT utility run. Check the input parameters and correct the error. See the section Debugging Aids - ADL Trace Facility in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0318 DLI already specified The DLI parameter has already been specified during the DAZPRINT utility run. Check the DLI parameter and correct the error. See the section Debugging Aids - ADL Trace Facility in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0319 Error in DLI specification The DLI parameter was specified incorrectly during the DAZPRINT utility run. Check the DLI parameter and correct the error. See the section Debugging Aids - ADL Trace Facility in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0320 ADA already specified The ADA parameter has already been specified during the DAZPRINT utility run. Check the ADA parameter and correct the error. See the section Debugging Aids - ADL Trace Facility in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0321 Unexpected function code Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0322 Error in RPL or bad parameter for PACKY Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0323 Z1 overflow Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0324 Target segment for SEXIC not found in PISSAS Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0325 Packed field length exceeds maximum Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0326 Feature not implemented Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0327 PSB name not found during memory allocation The load module containing the PSB was given a different name than the PSB itself. Correct the error and reconvert the PSB.
ADL0328 Binary number too large Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0329 PSB references files in >1 Adabas DB The PSB references DBDs which have been converted but which specify more than one Adabas DBID. The current version of ADL does not support this facility. Check the DBDs and correct the error.
Number Message Cause Action
ADL0330 Overflow in DBD list or file list during open Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0331 Overflow in retain ISN list area The area for the retain ISN list is too small. Increase the size of the ISN list area or force ADL to issue automatic ET calls more often. Modify the IBSIZ or the ET parameter respectively.
ADL0332 Overflow in ISN buffer The area for the ISNs is too small. Increase the IBSIZ parameter.
ADL0333 Internal error Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0334 Error on statement reader An error has been detected during an attempt to read an input statement. Check in JCL/JCS that the input data set/file was specified correctly.
ADL0335 Error on printer An error has been detected during an attempt to write to the print data set/file. Check in JCL/JCS that the printer data set/file was specified correctly.
ADL0336 Input statement is empty or starts with a blank Self-explanatory. Check the input statement and correct the error.
ADL0337 Routine not found Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0338 Undefined function keyword The first word of an input statement is not an allowed function keyword for the CBC utility. Correct the input statement and rerun the job or, where multiple functions are requested within one job, the last step in the generation process.
ADL0339 No parameter(s) found after function No parameters were defined on the read input statement being processed. Specify the parameter(s) required for the function being processed and rerun the job.
ADL0340 Continuation statement expected, EOF found The preceding input statement ended with a comma. As a result, the CBC utility expected a continuation statement for the last function. However, an EOF occurred. Remove the comma on the last input statement or add a continuation statement. Rerun the job or the last step of the job as appropriate.
ADL0341 Missing continuation from previous statement A warning message. The preceding input statement ended with a comma. As a result, the CBC utility expected a continuation statement for the last function. It has now treated the last function as complete and tried to execute it. If all necessary parameters were specified, the function will have been executed as normal. If not, an error message for the missing parameter(s) will have been generated. If the function was executed, the present statement will be accepted as the next function. Check that the conversion process was performed correctly. If not, correct your input statements. Rerun the job, making sure that you delete all control blocks before you do so.
ADL0342 Function not supported in this release A function has been specified which is not supported by the current release of ADL, but is planned for a future release. Rerun the job using only those functions which have been released.
ADL0343 Parameter not found A parameter has been specified which is not allowed. A valid parameter has probably been misspelt. Correct the input statements as necessary.
ADL0344 Parameter value too long The value given for a parameter exceeds the maximum permissible length allowed for it. Correct the input statement accordingly.
ADL0345 Parameter not allowed for function A parameter has been given which is not allowed for the function specified in the same or the preceding statement. Check the input statement for parameters which are not allowed for the function being processed, correct the error and rerun the job or job step.
ADL0346 NAME parameter defined more than once The NAME parameter is specified more than once within a single function. Ensure that the NAME parameter is specified only once within the function.
ADL0347 Same name defined more than once A segment may only be referenced once during generation of a single DBD. Remove the second reference to the segment from the input statements.
ADL0348 Invalid value for DBID parameter The value specified for the DBID parameter was invalid. The data base ID must be:
  • numeric

  • less than 65536

Correct the value for the DBID parameter.
ADL0349 Invalid value for FNR parameter The value specified for the FNR parameter was invalid. The file number must be:
  • numeric

  • less than 65535

Correct the value for the FNR parameter.
Number Message Cause Action
ADL0350 Invalid TYPE value: Only ADA or DLI allowed Only the values ADA and DLI are allowed for the TYPE parameter, which specifies whether a DBD has been converted or not: "ADA" means that the DBD has been converted. "DLI" means that the DBD has not been converted. The default value is ADA. Correct the input statement using allowed values for the TYPE parameter and rerun the job.
ADL0351 Invalid CONSI parameter specification Self-explanatory. Check the input statement, correct the error and rerun the job.
ADL0352 Invalid LOGID parameter specification Self-explanatory. Check the input statement, correct the error and rerun the job.
ADL0353 DBID greater than or equal to 65536 Self-explanatory. Check the input statement, correct the error and rerun the job.
ADL0354 DBID parameter defined more than once The DBID parameter may only be specified once in a function. Remove the second definition of the DBID parameter from the input statement.
ADL0355 FNR parameter defined more than once The file number parameter may only be specified once in a function. Remove the second definition of the FNR parameter from the input statement.
ADL0356 LEN parameter defined more than once The length parameter may only be specified once in a function. Remove the second definition of the LEN parameter from the input statement.
ADL0357 POS parameter defined more than once The position parameter may only be specified once in a function. Remove the second definition of the POS parameter from the input statement.
ADL0358 Invalid function code Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0359 Invalid value for LEN parameter The length of a user-defined field for this parameter must be greater than zero and less than or equal to 255. Correct the value of the LEN parameter.
ADL0360 Invalid value for POS parameter The length of a user-defined field for this parameter must be greater than zero and less than or equal to 32767. Correct the value of the POS parameter.
ADL0361 Only YES or NO allowed for BACKW parameter The BACKW (backward) parameter may be used to determine whether a Z0 field should be filled in order to allow better performance during the insertion of child segments. The default is NO. However, a Z0 field may be generated and filled automatically, depending on the rules specified during DBD definition. Specify a correct value for the BACKW parameter.
ADL0362 Preceding function keyword missing Some functions require another preceding function keyword before they can be performed. For example, the GENSEG function requires a preceding GENDBD statement. Define the required function keyword before of the statement causing the error.
ADL0363 File number missing for DBD An extra file number must be specified for the DBD, even though file numbers are specified for all DBD segments. Specify a file number (FNR parameter) for the GENDBD function.
ADL0364 Same parameter defined more than once - ignored A parameter has been defined more than once in a function. This message is preceded by a printout of the parameter in question. Remove the second definition of the parameter and rerun the job.
ADL0365 Work area too small - increase and rerun The work area specified by the UTI parameter at the start-up of the utility is not large enough to contain all the information required for conversion. Increase the value specified for the UTI parameter and rerun the job.
ADL0366 Parameter value missing A value was not defined for a parameter. Define a value for the parameter and rerun the job.
ADL0367 Specified control block not found No control block (DBD or PSB) with the name specified in the NAME parameter could be found. Ensure that the output of the DBD or PSB assembled is linked as a load module (object format) of the library assigned to the job. Check that the name of the control block requested is correct. Rerun the job.
ADL0370 Name in loaded DBD or PSB not equal to module name The name defined in the loaded DBD is not the same as the module name. The name of the module in the load library must be the same as that of the DBD or PSB. Check that the name given in the DBD or PSB assembly is the same as that of the linked load module. Rerun the job.
ADL03701 Requested ECB not found The control block for a secondary index DBD referenced in the DBD being processed could not be found. Ensure that the output of the DBD or PSB assembled is linked as a load module (object format) of the library assigned to the job. Check that the name of the control block requested is correct. Rerun the job.
ADL0373 Specified segment not found in DBD The segment referenced in a GENSEG function could not be found in the DBD. Correct the value of the NAME parameter in the GENSEG statement or reassemble the DBD definition if the segment name there is incorrect.
ADL0374 Segment not defined in DBD sequence The GENSEG functions must be defined in the same sequence as the segments defined in the DBD. Segments may, however, be skipped. Put input statements in the order of the DBD segments and rerun the job.
Number Message Cause Action
ADL0375 File number missing in GENDBD and GENSEG of root This is a subsidiary error which occurs when no file number has been specified for the DBD (see ADL0363). Specify a file number using the FNR parameter for the DBD, segment, or root of the segment.
ADL0376 Adabas name already in use or not allowed The Adabas field name specified is already in use or not allowed (field names E0 to E9 are reserved by Adabas, and Z0 to Z9 by ADL). Specify another, unused field name for the segment, or omit the ADANAME parameter, thus causing the Adabas field name to be automatically generated.
ADL0378 CCPRT: invalid printer ID specified. See R1. Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0381 All available field names for this file already used All field names for a file are reserved. The only way to solve this problem is to distribute the segments of a DBD across different files.
ADL0382 Error on puncher An error has been detected during an attempt to write to the punch data set/file. Check that the JCL/JCS specifies the printer data set/file correctly.
ADL0383 Two SEQUENCE fields overlap each other SEQUENCE fields may not overlap one another where more than one has been defined for a segment. Correct the definition of the DBD, reassemble the DBD, and rerun the conversion job.
ADL0384 Segment not in RLT Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0386 SEQUENCE field of secondary index has incorrect LEN The SEQUENCE field of the secondary index must be the same length as the sum of all SEARCH and SUB SEQUENCE fields defined for the secondary index. Check that the definition of the indexed DBD is consistent with the definition given in the INDEX DBD field, then correct and reassemble the DBD as necessary, and rerun the utility.
ADL0387 Segment name in secondary index DBD invalid The name of the only segment in the secondary index DBD must be the same as the name of the LCHILD that defines the secondary index in the physical DBD. Check that the definition of the indexed DBD is consistent with the definition given in the INDEX DBD field, then correct and reassemble the DBD as necessary, and rerun the utility.
ADL0388 Name of LCHILD in secondary index DBD invalid The segment name in the LCHILD of the INDEX DBD must be the same as that for the index target segment. Check that the definition of the indexed DBD is consistent with the definition given in the INDEX DBD field, then correct and reassemble the DBD as necessary, and rerun the utility.
ADL0389 DBD name of LCHILD in secondary index DBD invalid The DBD name in the LCHILD of the INDEX DBD must point to the indexed DBD. Check that the definition of the indexed DBD is consistent with the definition that is given in the INDEX DBD field, then correct and reassemble the DBD as necessary, and rerun the utility.
ADL0390 String too long Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0391 Name of physical DBD in secondary index DBD invalid The DBD name given in the NAME parameter of the LCHILD statement in the INDEX DBD must be that of the indexed DBD. Check that the definition of the indexed DBD is consistent with the definition that given in the INDEX DBD field, then correct and reassemble the DBD as necessary, and rerun the utility.
ADL0392 Secondary index name in secondary index DBD invalid The name given in the INDEX parameter of the LCHILD statement in the INDEX DBD must be that of the XDFLD statement in the definition of the physical DBD. Check that the definition of the indexed DBD is consistent with the definition that given in the INDEX DBD field, then correct and reassemble the DBD as necessary, and rerun the utility.
ADL0393 Unexpected number of records found Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0394 Referenced segment is not a logical child The segment referenced as the paired segment of a virtually paired logical child is not a logical child. Check that the definitions of both DBDs (i.e. the DBD of the virtual segment and the DBD of the paired segment) are consistent, then correct and reassemble the DBDs as necessary, and rerun the utility.
ADL0395 Duplicate field name in referenced DBD The Adabas field name generated for the partial concatenated key (PCK) of a segment in a DBD referenced by the DBD being processed has already been used for a different purpose. This message is preceded by another message giving the name of the segment concerned and the duplicate Adabas field name. The field names for the PCK field are generated automatically by the CBC utility and are normally unique for all segments within the DBDs active for a single conversion process. An error can only occur if a DBD references other DBDs which have been converted previously. Typical errors are the re-conversion of a DBD after new segments have been added, or where a particular DBD is referenced by more than one other DBD and any of the previous DBD conversion processes have generated the same PCK names. It is not possible to give a single set of instructions on how to solve this problem, but you will basically have to change the order of your conversion jobs in such a way that the DBD referenced by all other DBDs is converted first. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative for further information.
ADL0396 Invalid flag set in segment Internal error. A segment is marked both as a virtual segment of a virtually paired logical relationship (flags SEGEC#BC and SEGEC#VC are set), and as a real segment or, alternatively, a Source 1 is not available. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0397 Referenced segment must not be a virtual child The segment referenced as the paired segment of a virtual segment of a virtually paired logical relationship must not be a virtual child. Check that the DBD definitions for both segments of the logical relationship are consistent, then correct and reassemble the DBD as necessary, and rerun the utility.
Number Message Cause Action
ADL0400 Max. seg. length < PCK-LEN of source segment's parent The computed length of the virtual paired segment is not sufficient to contain the concatenated key of the source segment's parent. Increase the length of the source segment, reassemble the DBD of the source segment and rerun the job.
ADL0401 Min. seg. length < PCK-LEN of source segment's parent The computed minimum length of the virtual paired segment is not sufficient to contain the concatenated key of the source segment's parent. Variable length segments must be long enough to contain the concatenated key of the paired segment's parent. Increase the length of the source segment, reassemble the DBD of the source segment and rerun the job.
ADL0402 Flag #VC may not be set to ON for this segment Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0403 Flag #S1 may not be set to ON for this segment Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0405 LCHILD missing for segment in referenced DB The segment referenced as a paired segment in a logical relationship needs a LCHILD corresponding to the actual segment. Check that the definition of the paired logical relationship is correct in both DBDs, then correct any errors, reassemble the DBDs and rerun the job.
ADL0406 LCHILD must be paired to the bidir. logical child The LCHILD of the paired segment which corresponds to the segment being tested does not point to it. Check that the definition of the paired logical relationship is correct in both DBDs, then correct any errors, reassemble the DBDs and rerun the job.
ADL0407 Both segments of bidirectional relationship have children Only one of the two segments of a bidirectional paired relationship may have children. The other will be defined as non-real by the CBC utility and must not have children. If both segments have children, the conversion process cannot be finished. Redesign and reassemble the DBD and rerun the job.
ADL0408 Logical parent of paired segment incorrect The logical parent of the paired segment must be identical to the parent of the real segment. This message is preceded by a display giving the names of the segment, the parent and the defined logical parent. Check that the definition of the paired logical relationship is correct in both DBDs, then correct any errors, reassemble the DBDs and rerun the job.
ADL0409 Invalid file number for generated field name Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0410 Insufficient cross reference space The CBC utility saves information on all the DBDs referenced by the DBD being processed in an additional internal control block. This block is too small. Increase the size of the XREF parameter in the DBDGEN statement during DBD generation, then reassemble the DBD and rerun the job.
ADL0411 Internal error during secondary index deletion Internal error. All index DBDs referenced by a DBD are normally deleted at the beginning of DBD conversion and then automatically reconverted. Here, the index DBD was found but an error occurred during deletion. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0412 Error during sequential output write An error occurred during the ADL write to a sequential output data set/file using the LOAD function. Check the JCL/JCS for the output data set/file.
ADL0413 Terminal ID already specified The TERM parameter has been specified more than once. Check the control statement for DAZPRINT and correct the error. See the section Debugging Aids - ADL Trace Facility in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0414 Task number already specified The TASK parameter has been specified more than once. Check the control statement for DAZPRINT and correct the error. See the section Debugging Aids - ADL Trace Facility in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0415 Invalid task number specified An invalid task number has been specified. Check the control statement for DAZPRINT and correct the error. See the section Debugging Aids - ADL Trace Facility in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0419 Unexpected EOF on input for ADL precompiler. An unexpected EOF was detected on the program source input for the ADL precompiler. Check that the file DAZIN2 is defined correctly in the JCL/JCS. See the section Precompiler for EXEC DLI Command in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
Number Message Cause Action
ADL0420 Error during read card input An error occurred during the ADL read of the control for the ADL precompiler. Check the JCL/JCS for the input data set/file. See the section Precompiler for EXEC DLI Command in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0421 Missing LAN parameter The LAN parameter is missing. Check the input parameters and correct the error. See the section Precompiler for EXEC DLI Command in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0422 Illegal LAN parameter specification The LAN parameter has not been specified correctly. Check the LAN parameter and correct the error. See the section Precompiler for EXEC DLI Command in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0423 Illegal ADL precompiler parameters The parameters for the ADL precompiler have not been specified correctly. Check the input parameters and correct the error. See the sectionPrecompiler for EXEC DLI Command in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0424 Error during read source input An error occurred during the ADL read of the source program for the ADL precompiler. Check the JCL/JCS for the input data set/file. See the sectionPrecompiler for EXEC DLI Command in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0425 Illegal source program first statement The first statement of the source program has to be a *PROCESS statement for PL/I, a CBL statement for COBOL or a *ASM statement for Assembler. Check the source program and correct the error.
ADL0426 Illegal QNUM or SNUM parameter specification One of the QNUM or SNUM parameters for the ADL precompiler was not assigned a numeric value. Check the QNUM and SNUM parameters and correct the error. See the section Precompiler for EXEC DLI Command in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0427 Illegal MARGIN parameter specification The MARGIN parameter for the ADL precompiler was not specified correctly. Check the MARGIN parameter and correct the error. See the section Precompiler for EXEC DLI Command in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0428 Error during read trace input An invalid record has been encountered while reading from the trace input file using the DAZPRINT utility. Check that the input file DAZIN4 has been correctly defined in the JCL/JCS and that trace data has been written to this file in a previous job or job step. See the section Debugging Aids - ADL Trace Facility in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0429 Error during write to print dataset. An error occurred while writing to the printer dataset using the DAZPRINT utility. Check that the output file DAZOUT1 is correctly defined. See the section Debugging Aids - ADL Trace Facility in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0430 Invalid MODE parameter specified for DAZPRINT An invalid keyword parameter MODE was specified for the DAZPRINT utility. Check the MODE parameter and correct the error. See the section Debugging Aids - ADL Trace Facility in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0431 Invalid 'INPUT' parameter specification The 'INPUT' parameter for the ADL precompiler was not specified correctly. Check the INPUT parameter and correct the error. See the section Precompiler for EXEC DLI Command in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
Number Message Cause Action
ADL0450 Invalid checkpoint ID / parameters specified for XRST call Either the error was caused by an invalid checkpoint ID specification (e.g. a time stamp or a non-existent ID), or the XRST call parameters are inconsistent with those of the CHKP call. Check the application program and correct the error.
ADL0451 ROLL or ROLB call not permitted for this program A ROLL or ROLB call may only be issued by programs running as Adabas transaction logic users. Change the mode in which the program is run. See the sections Batch Installation and Operation and Recovery and Restart Procedures in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0452 Program terminated by ROLL call A ROLL call was issued by the application program. All data base updates have been backed out and the application program was abended. None.
ADL0454 Program terminated due to unrecoverable status code 'xx' The application program received the indicated unrecoverable status code and was terminated. Check the application program and correct the error.
ADL0455 Unrecoverable PCB found during restart of batch program No restart data found. Do not try to restart a program, which has ended normally.
ADL0456 PSB Internal Control Blocks not found on Directory File Internal Error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0457 GETMAIN failed Internal Error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0458 Error during CONVBIN Internal Error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0460 Overflow in last-call save area Cause: The last-call save area (LCS) is too small. Increase the size of the LCS, or switch the LCS facility off. Refer to the description of the LCS parameter in the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for more details.
ADL0461 Exit-routine table overflow The exit-routine table is too small. Increase the number of possible entries in the exit-routine table using the NUMEXR parameter. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details. If the error occurred during initialization under CICS, it was probably caused by an incorrectly generated DAZDBD. See the section Generating the Runtime Control Tables in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0462 Exit-routine not found An user-supplied index maintenance exit routine could not be loaded. Check that the exit-routine name is correctly specified in the DBD source and that the corresponding module is in the load library.
ADL0474 Internal Error Internal Error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.


Number Message Cause Action
ADL0501 Parameter not numeric One of the numeric input parameters was given a non-numeric value. Check the input parameter statement and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0502 Illegal MODE parameter specification The MODE parameter was incorrectly specified. Check the MODE parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0503 Illegal LC parameter specification The LC parameter was incorrectly specified. Check the LC parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0504 Illegal FNR parameter specification The FNR parameter was incorrectly specified. Check the FNR parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0505 Segment name not found in table Internal error: a segment was not found in an internal table. This might be caused by either a wrong user exit (UEX6) used for ADACMP, a wrong input file for ADACMP or a wrong LC= parameter specification for DAZELORE. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0506 Partial concatenated key name not found in table Internal error: a partial concatenated key name was not found in an internal table. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0507 Secondary index name not found in table Internal error: a secondary index name was not found in an internal table. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0510 Illegal DBID parameter specification The DBID parameter was incorrectly specified. Check the DBID parameter and correct the error. See the section Migration to ADL 2.3 and Backward Migration in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0511 File number not found in table The file number specified in the DAZUEXMI run was not found in the User Exit 6 extension table. Check that the User exit 6 DAZUEXMI is linked with the correct extension table. Check that the FNR parameter specified in the DAZUEXMI run corresponds to a file number in the table. See the section Migration to ADL 2.3 and Bacjkward Migration in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0512 Illegal SEQ parameter specification The SEQ parameter was incorrectly specified. Check the SEQ parameter and correct the error. See the section Migration to ADL 2.3 and Backward Migratin in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0513 4-byte parent ISN found. Backward migration not possible At a backward migration a 4-byte parent ISN was found. A backward migration is therefore no longer possible. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0514 Secondary index offsets out of sequence Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.

DAZELORE Utility Messages

Number Message Cause Action
ADL0601 Logical child segment not found in PCB1 The input given as the name of the logical child sensitive segment in PCB1 could not be found in this PCB. Check the PSB and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0602 Logical child segment not found in PCB2 No sensitive segment for the input logical child could be found in PCB2. Check the PSB and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0603 Superfluous segments found in PCB1 PCB1 should only contain sensitive segments for the logical child segment and its parents. Check the PSB and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0604 PCB1 doesn't reference a physical DBD PCB1 should be based on a physical DBD. Check the PSB and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0605 Unexpected status code 'xx' from a GN call on PCB2 A status code other than "  ", "GB", or "GA" was received for a GN call when PCB2 retrieved the concatenated segment. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0606 Unexpected status code 'xx' from a GN call on PCB2 A status code other than "  ", "GB", or "GA" was received for a GN call when PCB2 retrieved the concatenated segment. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0607 Unexpected status code 'xx' from a ISRT call on PCB3 A status code other than " " was received for a ISRT call when PCB3 inserted physically deleted segments. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0608 Unexpected status code 'xx' from a CNCT call on PCB1 A status code other than " " or "DP" was received for a CNCT call with command code X when PCB1 finished connecting a logical child to its logical parent. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0609 Missing control input No control input statement has been given. Check the job and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0610 Unexpected status code 'xx' from a CNCT call on PCB1 A status code other than "  " or "DP" was received for a CNCT call when PCB1 connected a logical child to its logical parent. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0611 GETMAIN failed A GETMAIN to acquire storage for I/O areas was unsuccessful. Increase the partition/region size.
ADL0612 Unexpected DP status code for DAZELORE procedure used A logical child segment was encountered without a matching logical parent while the Simplified, Special or Turbo Procedures were being used. These procedures are not applicable to this database. Rerun the database conversion process using the Standard Procedure for DAZELORE. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details
ADL0613 Invalid control statement The name after the LC keyword was not followed by a blank or by ",MODE=". Check the input statement and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0614 Invalid logical child segment name Invalid input after the LC keyword. Check the input statement and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0615 Incorrect number of SENSEGs in PCB3 The number of sensitive segments in PCB3 must be one greater than the number of parent segments of the destination parent segment. Check the PSB and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0616 PCB4 doesn't reference a logical DBD PCB4 must be based on a logical DBD. Check the PSB and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0617 Input name is not a logical child segment The segment specified in the input statement is not a logical child segment. Check the input statement and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0618 PCB1 should have path calls allowed PCB1 should be defined with "PROCOPT=..P.." Check the PSB and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0619 Unexpected status code `xx' from a GN call on PCB2 A status code other than " ", "GA", "GK", or "GB" was received for a GN call on PCB2 during reading of variable intersection data. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
Number Message Cause Action
ADL0620 At least 3 PCBs required for MODE=STANDARD There must be a third (and in some cases a fourth) PCB when DAZELORE is running with "MODE = STANDARD". Check the PSB and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0621 PCB2 doesn't reference a logical DBD PCB2 must be based on a logical DBD. Check the PSB and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0622 LC segment in PCB2 is not concatenated The sensitive segment in PCB2 for the logical child is not concatenated. Check the PSB and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0623 Missing destination parent segments in PCB2 Not all parent segments of the destination parent have been specified in PCB2. Check the PSB and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0624 Missing variable intersection data segments in PCB2 Not all variable intersection data segments have been specified in PCB2. Check the PSB and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0625 Unexpected status code 'xx' on a CNCT call on PCB1 A status code other than "  " has been received on a CNCT call on PCB1. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0626 Unexpected status code 'xx' on an ISRT call on PCB4 A status code other than "  " has been received on an ISRT call on PCB4. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0627 PCB3 does not reference a physical DBD PCB3 must be based on a physical DBD. Check the PSB and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities> in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0628 PCB3 should have path calls allowed PCB3 must be defined with "PROCOPT=..P.." Check the PSB and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0629 Destination parent segment not found in PCB3 The destination parent segment could not be found in PCB3. Check the PSB and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilitiesin the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0630 Incorrect number of segments in PCB4 PCB4 should only contain the logical child segment, all its parent segments and all variable intersection data segments. Check the PSB and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilitiesin the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0631 Logical child segment not found in PCB4 The logical child segment could not be found in PCB4. Check the PSB and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilitiesin the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0632 Logical child segment is not concatenated in PCB4 The sensitive segment in PCB4 for the logical child is not concatenated. Check the PSB and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0633 PCB2 and PCB4 are out of sync The sensitive segments describing the variable intersection data segments are not in the same order in PCB2 as in PCB4. Check the PSB and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0634 Input parameter specified more than once One of the input keyword parameters was specified more than once. Check the input parameters and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0635 Numeric input not numeric One of the numeric input parameters was assigned a non-numeric value. Check the input parameters and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0636 Unexpected status code xx from a GU call on PCB1 A status code other than " " was received for a GU call on PCB1 during an attempt at repositioning during a restart. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0637 Unexpected status code xx on a CHKP call A status code other than " " was received for a CHKP call. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0638 Unexpected status code xx from a GU call on PCB2 A status code other than " " was received for a GU call on PCB2 during an attempt at repositioning during a restart. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0639 Unexpected status code xx from a GU call on PCB4 A status code other than " " was received for a GU call on PCB4 during an attempt at repositioning during a restart. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
Number Message Cause Action
ADL0640 NUMLC specified without INTER The NUMLC parameter was specified without the INTER parameter. This is not allowed. Check the input parameters and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0641 TURBO requires a bidirectional logical child The Turbo procedure can only be used for bidirectional logical relationships. Use the Special procedure for uni-directional logical relationships. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0642 Non-real logical child for Special or Turbo procedure The Special or Turbo procedure was used for a bidirectional logical relationship although the logical child segment specified was not the real logical child. Check the input parameters and specify the paired logical child segment. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0643 Turbo with RESTART requires 8 bytes KFB The key feedback area of PCB1 must be at least 8 bytes long if the Turbo procedure is used with RESTART=YES. Increase the key feedback area length, so that it is at least 8 bytes long. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0644 NUMCP or INTER requires RESTART=YES The NUMCP and INTER parameters can only be specified for RESTART=YES. Specify RESTART=YES. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0645 MAXDPISN is only allowed for MODE=TURBO The MAXDPISN can only be specified for the Turbo procedure. Check the input parameters and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0647 Not unique real path to LC for MODE=TURBO The Turbo procedure can only be used, if all parents of the LC in the real path have a unique sequence field. Use the Special procedure. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilitiesin the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0648 Not unique logical path to LC for MODE=TURBO The Turbo procedure can only be used, if all parents of the LC in the logical path have a unique sequence field. Use the Special procedure. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilitiesin the ADL Conversion documentation for details.

Unload Utility (DAZUNDLI) Messages

Number Message Cause Action
ADL0651 Unload DBD is neither a physical nor an index DBD The DBD referenced by the input PSB must be a physical or index DBD. Check the PSB and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities> in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0652 Unexpected segment type read The GN on PCB1 retrieved an unexpected segment type. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0653 Unexpected status code `xx' from a GET call on PCB1 A status code other than "  ", "GA", "GK","GE", or "GB" was received for a GN or GNP call on PCB1. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0654 Unexpected status code `xx' from a LOAD call on PCB2 A status code other than "  " was received for the LOAD call on PCB2. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0655 Invalid control card An invalid control card was given. Check the control card and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0656 Invalid MODE parameter The MODE parameter was incorrectly specified. Check the MODE parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0657 Maximum number of fields (64) exceeded More than 64 field names have been specified. Specify at most 64 field names.
ADL0658 Illegal or missing segment name The SEGM= keyword must precede each field name specification and must be followed by a segment name up to 8 characters long. Check the SEGM parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details .
ADL0659 Illegal or missing field name The FIELD= keyword must follow each SEGM specification and must be followed by a field name up to 8 characters long. Check the FIELD parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0660 Invalid NUMROOT parameter The NUMROOT parameter was incorrectly specified. Check the NUMROOT parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0661 Invalid NUMREC parameter The NUMREC parameter was incorrectly specified. Check the NUMREC parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0662 Invalid START or END parameter The START or END parameter was incorrectly specified. Check the START and END parameters and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0663 Target of secondary index is not the root segment The target of the secondary index, referenced by the input PSB, is not the root segment. Check the PSB and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0664 Invalid ROOTKEYS parameter The ROOTKEYS parameter was incorrectly specified. Check the control cards and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0665 ROOTKEYS don't allow `START' or `END' specification The ROOTKEYS parameter must not be specified with the START or END parameters. Check the control cards and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0681 Unexpected status code `xx' from a GN call on PCB1 A status code other than "  ", "GA", "GK", or "GB" was received for a GN call on PCB1. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0682 Unexpected segment type read The segment type read does not match the sensitive segments in PCB1. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0683 Unexpected response code from write seq. file Error while writing to the output sequential file. Check the JCL/JCS and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0684 Unexpected response code from close seq. file Error while closing the output sequential file. Check the JCL/JCS and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0685 Unexpected response code from read seq. file Error while reading the input sequential file. Check the JCL/JCS and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0686 Unexpected status code `xx' from LOAD A non-blank status code was received for a LOAD call to the ADL. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.

Batch Region Controller (DAZIFP) Messages

Number Message Cause Action
ADL0701 Illegal or missing parameters The mandatory parameters for DAZIFP were not specified correctly. There should be three positional parameters:
These may be followed by keyword parameters.
Check the input parameters and correct the error. See the section Batch Installation and Operation in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0702 Illegal or missing program name The name of the application program was not specified correctly. The program name is the second positional parameter and may be up to 8 characters long. Check the input parameter and correct the error. See the section Batch Installation and Operation in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0703 Illegal PSB name The PSB name was not specified correctly. It is the third positional parameter and may be up to 8 characters long. Check the input parameter and correct the error. See the section Batch Installation and Operation in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0704 Illegal TRACE parameter specification The TRACE parameter was not specified correctly. Check the TRACE parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0705 Illegal start count The part of the TRACE parameter defining the start count was not specified correctly. Check the TRACE parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0706 Parameter not numeric One of the numeric parameters was not assigned a numeric value. Check the input parameters and correct the error. See the section Batch Installation and Operation in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0707 Illegal DL/I call count The part of the TRACE parameter defining the DL/I call count was not specified correctly. Check the TRACE parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0708 Illegal logical unit The part of the TRACE parameter defining the logical unit was not specified correctly. Check the TRACE parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0709 Illegal SQ parameter specification The SQ parameter was not specified correctly. Check the SQ parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0710 Illegal record length or block size An illegal record length or block size was specified for the SQ or FX parameter. Check the SQ and FX parameters and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0711 Illegal record format An illegal record format was specified for the SQ parameter. Check the SQ parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0712 Illegal or missing mixed MODE parameters The input parameters for mixed mode operation are missing or invalid. Check the input parameters and correct the error. See the section Batch Installation and Operation in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0713 Illegal trace function An illegal trace function was specified. Check the TRACE parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0714 Illegal DBID parameter specification The DBID parameter was not specified correctly. Check the DBID parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0715 Missing or illegal DBID The DBID parameter is missing or was not specified correctly. Check the input parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0716 Illegal FNR parameter specification The FNR parameter was not specified correctly. Check the FNR parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0717 Missing or illegal FNR The FNR parameter is missing or was not specified correctly. Check the input parameters and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0718 The DAZPARM module does not point to itself The ADL nucleus (DAZNUCU in the case of a CBC utility run and DAZNUCB in the case of any other batch run) was loaded during initialization but found to be invalid. The nucleus was probably not linked properly. Relink the ADL nucleus. See the section z/OS Installation or z/VSE Installation in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0719 Illegal routine name An illegal routine name was specified for the TRACE parameter. Check the TRACE parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
Number Message Cause Action
ADL0720 Illegal routine count An illegal routine count was specified for the TRACE parameter. Check the TRACE parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0721 Illegal PLI parameter specification The PLI parameter was not specified correctly. Check the PLI parameter and correct the error. See the section Batch Installation and Operation in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0722 Illegal STACK parameter specification The STACK parameter was not specified correctly. Check the STACK parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0723 Illegal EBUF parameter specification The EBUF parameter was not specified correctly. Check the EBUF parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0724 Illegal DBD parameter specification The DBD parameter was not specified correctly. Check the DBD parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0725 Illegal PSB parameter specification The PSB parameter was not specified correctly. Check the PSB parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0726 Illegal ET parameter specification The ET parameter was not specified correctly. Check the ET parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0727 Illegal UTI parameter specification The UTI parameter was not specified correctly. Check the UTI parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0728 Incompatible versions An internal error. The internal version numbers of the ADL modules do not match. The ADL supplied is invalid. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0729 DAZMIX could not be loaded The ADL module DAZMIX could not be loaded. Check that the DAZMIX module is present in one of the load libraries.
ADL0730 Application program could not be loaded The application program could not be loaded. Check that the application program is present in one of the load libraries.
ADL0731 Nucleus could not be loaded The ADL nucleus (DAZNUCU in the case of CBC utility runs, DAZNUCP in the case of ADL precompiler runs, and DAZNUCB in all other cases) could not be loaded. Check that the ADL nucleus is present in one of the load libraries.
ADL0732 PSB name not found The PSB specified as one of the input parameters could not be found in the ADL directory file. Run the CBC utility for the PSB. See the section ADL Conversion Utilities for DBDs and PSBs in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0733 Not all ECBs referenced by the PSB converted into ICBs The PSB specified as one of the input parameters references a DBD which has probably not been run through the CBC utility successfully. Check the PSB and the referenced DBDs, and complete the conversion. See the section ADL Conversion Utilities for DBDs and PSBs in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0734 PSB for DAZUNDLI contains DL/I PCBs The PSB specified as one of the input parameters for a DAZUNDLI run references at least one DBD which has been marked as non-converted. Check the PSB and correct the error. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0735 Illegal PR parameter specification The PR parameter was not specified correctly. Check the PR parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0736 GETMAIN for PSB failed The GETMAIN to get the work area for initializing the input PSB has failed. Increase the partition/region size.
ADL0737 DAZUNDLI PSB must contain at least 2 PCBs The PSB used for this DAZUNDLI run contains only 1 PCB. Create a PSB with 2 PCBs. See the section ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0738 Illegal CPID parameter specification The CPID parameter was not specified correctly. Check the CPID parameter and correct the error. See the section Batch Installation and Operation in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0739 Illegal checkpoint ID / time stamp The checkpoint ID or time stamp was not specified correctly. Check the CPID parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
Number Message Cause Action
ADL0740 Illegal IMSY parameter specification The IMSY parameter was not specified correctly. Check the IMSY parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0742 The table module DAZPSB could not be loaded During execution of the DAZSHINE utility, or while running the DAZIFP initialization program in a message region (IMS/TP only), the table module DAZPSB could not be loaded. Check that the table DAZPSB was created correctly and is in one of the load libraries. Confirm that the suffix specified for DAZPSB either by default or explicitly is correct. See the section Generating the Runtime Control Tables in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0743 Illegal DBDSF parameter specification The DBDSF parameter was not specified correctly. Check the DBDSF parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0744 Illegal PSBSF parameter specification The PSBSF parameter was not specified correctly. Check the PSBSF parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0745 Illegal BUFSF parameter specification The BUFSF parameter was not specified correctly. Check the BUFSF parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0746 The table module DAZDBD could not be loaded (IMS/TP only) During execution of the DAZIFP initialization program in a message region, the table module DAZDBD could not be loaded. Ensure that the DAZDBD table was correctly created and is in one of the load libraries, and that the DAZDBD suffix (either default or explicit) is correct. See the section Generating the Runtime Control Tables in the ADL Interfaces documentation for more information.
ADL0747 The table module DAZBUF could not be loaded (IMS/TP only) During execution of the DAZIFP initialization program in a message region, the table module DAZBUF could not be loaded. Ensure that the DAZBUF table was correctly created and is in one of the load libraries, and that the DAZBUF suffix (either default or explicit) is correct. See the section Generating the Runtime Control Tables in the ADL Interfaces documentation for more information.
ADL0748 MPP program: ICBs could not be rolled in The requested PSB ICBs did not fit into the largest DAZBUF buffer module slot. Ensure that the buffer module was created correctly. See the section Generating the Runtime Control Tables in the ADL Interfaces documentation for more information.
ADL0749 Illegal OPENRQ parameter specification The OPENRQ ADARUN parameter was not specified as either YES or NO. Enter either YES when OPEN is required or NO when OPEN is not required. OPENRQ=YES must be specified if the Adabas ADARUN OPENRQ parameter was specified as (or defaulted to) YES.
ADL0750 Illegal DUO parameter specification The DUO parameter was not specified correctly. Check the DUO parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0751 Illegal RETRY parameter specification The RETRY parameter was not specified correctly. Check the RETRY parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0752 Illegal LCS parameter specification The LCS (last-call save area) parameter was not specified correctly. Check the LCS parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0753 Illegal CHKPMSG parameter specification The CHKPMSG (checkpoint message) parameter was not specified correctly. Check the CHKPMSG parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0754 Illegal RBE parameter specification The RBE (record buffer extension) parameter was not specified correctly. Check the RBE parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0755 Illegal MFT parameter specification The MFT (Multifetch Table) parameter was not specified correctly. Check the MFT parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0756 The RBE and MFT parameters are mutually exclusive Only one of the RBE (record buffer extension) or MFT (Multifetch Table) parameter types must be specified. Check the parameters and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0757 Illegal LOAD parameter specification The LOAD parameter was not specified correctly. Check the LOAD parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0758 Illegal LANG parameter specification The LANG (language) parameter was not specified correctly. Check the LANG parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0759 The ADL pre-load program DAZMPL could not be loaded (IMS/TP only) During execution of the DAZIFP initialization program in a message region, the ADL pre-load program DAZMPL could not be loaded. Ensure that the DAZMPL program is in one of the load libraries. See the section IMS/TP Installation and Operation in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0760 Illegal FX parameter specification The FX parameter was not specified correctly. Check the FX parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0761 Illegal PLILE parameter specification The PLILE parameter was not specified correctly. Check the PLILE parameter and correct the error. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.

DAZSHINE Utility Messages

Number Message Cause Action
ADL0800 Invalid or missing run parameter for DAZSHINE Self explanatory. Check the control card input for DAZSHINE. See the section Generating the Runtime Control Tables in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0801 Invalid MODE parameter for DAZSHINE Self explanatory. Check the MODE parameter for DAZSHINE. See the section Generating the Runtime Control Tables in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0802 Invalid RANGE parameter for DAZSHINE Self explanatory. Check the RANGE parameter for DAZSHINE. See the section Generating the Runtime Control Tables in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0803 Start parameter for RANGE 0 or larger than 4096 Self explanatory. Check the RANGE parameter for DAZSHINE. See the section Generating the Runtime Control Tables in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0804 Step parameter for RANGE 0 or larger than 1024 Self explanatory. Check the RANGE parameter for DAZSHINE. See the section Generating the Runtime Control Tables in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0805 PSB table missing or empty The ADL table DAZPSB could not be loaded or contains no PSB definition. Check that the PSB table was created correctly and is contained in the load library. See the section Generating the Runtime Control Tables in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0806 An internal error has occurred Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0807 Error during write to file DAZOUT4 An error occurred while writing to file DAZOUT4. Check that the file DAZOUT4 is correctly defined in the JCL/JCS. See the section Generating the Runtime Control Tables in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0808 DAZSHINE - Internal Error Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0809 No PSB found in directory None of the PSBs specified in the DAZPSB table were found in the ADL directory. Check if the DBID and FNR of the ADL directory file are specified. Convert at least one of the PSBs of the DAZPSB table.
ADL0810 DAZSHINE - Overflow in DBID/FNR Table Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CICS Environment Messages

The following messages are written either to the operator console or to the screen of the ADL supplied CICS transactions. They can also be displayed when you maintain the ADL Interfaces with the ADL Online Services.

Number Message Cause Action
ADL0901 Invalid environment encountered An unsupported environment was encountered. This message may apply either to CICS or to a particular version of an operating system. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0902 Requested function is not supported Self-explanatory. Enter a valid function.
ADL0903 Internal Error occurred Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0904 Unable to load ADL Nucleus The ADL nucleus DAZNUCC could not be loaded. Check that DAZNUCC is defined in the ADLCSD table and that it is present in one of the CICS load libraries. See the section z/OS Installation or z/VSE Installation in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0905 Invalid ADL nucleus for CICS During initialization of ADL, the nucleus DAZNUCC was loaded but found to be invalid. It probably was not linked properly. Relink DAZNUCC. See the section z/OS Installation or z/VSE Installation in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0906 ADL module xxxxxxxx is not compatible to CICS level During initialization of the ADL, the ADL module xxxxxxxx was found to be incompatible to the CICS level. Use only modules which reside in the ADL CICS load library corresponding to the CICS level in use. If the module is partof DAZNUCC, then relink the nucleus. See the section z/OS Installation or z/VSE Installation in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL0907 Insufficient storage for GETMAIN CICS GETMAIN failed during initialization of the DAZCICS work area. Retry. If the error persists, then insufficient storage is available in the CICS partition/region. Check the possible reasons for this and take appropriate action.
ADL0908 Unable to get work area for DAZCICS Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0909 Unable to load ADL table DAZPSB The ADL table DAZPSB could not be loaded. Check that DAZPSB is defined in the ADLCSD table and that it is present in one of the CICS load libraries. See the section Generating the Runtime Control Tables in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0910 Unable to load ADL table DAZDBD The ADL table DAZDBD could not be loaded. Check that DAZDBD is defined in the ADLCSD table and that it is present in one of the CICS load libraries. See the section Generating the Runtime Control Tables in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0911 Unable to load ADL table DAZBUF The ADL table DAZBUF could not be loaded. Check that DAZBUF is defined in the ADLCSD table and that it is present in one of the CICS load libraries. See the section Generating the Runtime Control Tables in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0912 Unable to activate ADL task related user exit The ADL task related user exit DAZSYNC could not be loaded or not be activated. Check that DAZSYNC is defined in the ADLCSD table and that it is present in one of the CICS load libraries. See the section Prerequisites for CICS Installation in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0913 ADL is in doubt. Switch it off first. An attempt was made to switch ADL on, while the status was 'in doubt'. Switch ADL off. Before you switch it on again, determine why ADL was 'in doubt', and correct the error.
ADL0914 Error during OPEN/CLOSE destid DAZD An error occurred during the open or close of the transient data extra partition destination DAZD. Check the status of DAZD using the CEMT transaction. Check that DAZD is properly defined in the ADLCSD table. See the section Prerequisites for CICS Installation in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0915 Error during OPEN/CLOSE destid DAZR An error occurred during the open or close of the transient data extra partition destination DAZR. Check the status of DAZR using the CEMT transaction. Check that DAZR is properly defined in the ADLCSD table. See the section Prerequisites for CICS Installation in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0916 Error during OPEN/CLOSE destid DAZP An error occurred during the open or close of the transient data extra partition destination DAZP. Check the status of DAZP using the CEMT transaction. Check that DAZP is properly defined in the ADLCSD table. See the section Prerequisites for CICS Installation in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0917 Unable to load Adabas The Adabas load module could not be loaded. Ensure that the Adabas module, as named with the ADANAME parameter, is properly defined in the ADLCSD table and is present in one of the CICS load libraries. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for more details on the ADANAME parameter.
ADL0919 Invalid ADALNC version encountered The Adabas link module is a version which is not supported by the ADL Consistency Interface. Check if the Adabas link module is a supported version, i.e. CICS command level version. Contact your Software AG technical support representative for further help.
Number Message Cause Action
ADL0920 Incompatible versions of ADL modules An internal error. The internal version numbers of ADL modules do not match. The whole ADL system supplied is inconsistent. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0921 Switch on ADL CALLDLI Interface first The function requested can only be performed when the ADL CALLDLI Interface has been activated. Self-explanatory.
ADL0922 No PSB's in table DAZPSB No PSBs found in DAZPSB. Create a DAZPSB module with at least one PSB. See the section Generating the Runtime Control Tables in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL0923 End of PSB table reached Self-explanatory. None. This message is for information only.
ADL0924 Trace facility already switched on Self-explanatory. None. This message is for information only.
ADL0925 Invalid TWA supplied for DAZCICS The transaction which calls DAZCICS does not supply a valid TWA. Specify a TWA size of at least 24 bytes for each transaction calling DAZCICS.
ADL0926 Initialization of Adabas D.C.I. failed The initialization call of the Adabas direct call interface failed. Check if the supplied Adabas supports the direct call interface. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative for further help.
ADL0927 Initialization of ADL user exit failed The initialization call of the ADL user exit failed. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL0928 Adabas D.C.I. Call failed Adabas-Rsp: xxx The initialization call of the Adabas direct call interface returned an unexpected response code. Check if the supplied Adabas supports the direct call interface. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative for further help.
ADL0931 Adabas Bridge for DL/I - Nucleus loaded The ADL nucleus DAZNUCC has been loaded. None. This message is for information only.
ADL0932 ADL - Run without Consistency The ADL user exit was not applied. The ADL user exit must be loaded to run with the ADL Consistency Interface. Follow the steps described in the section Activating the Consistency Interface in the ADL Interfaces documentation.
ADL0933 ADL Consistency Interface is active The ADL Consistency Interface has been activated. None. This message is for information only.
ADL0934 ADL table DAZACT loaded The ADL table module DAZACT has been loaded. None. This message is for information only.
ADL0935 ADL table DAZBUF loaded The ADL table module DAZBUF has been loaded. None. This message is for information only.
ADL0936 ADL table DAZPSB loaded The ADL table module DAZPSB has been loaded. None. This message is for information only.
ADL0937 ADL table DAZDBD loaded The ADL table module DAZDBD has been loaded. None. This message is for information only.
ADL0938 ADL task related user exit is active The ADL task related user exit has been activated. None. This message is for information only.
ADL0939 Adabas Bridge for DL/I initialised ADL has been initialized. None. This message is for information only.
Number Message Cause Action
ADL0940 Adabas Bridge for DL/I switched off ADL has been deactivated. None. This message is for information only.
ADL0941 ADL Trace facility switched on The ADL trace facility has been activated. None. This message is for information only.
ADL0942 ADL Trace facility switched off The ADL trace facility has be deactivated. None. This message is for information only.
ADL0943 ADL table modules dumped The ADL table modules DAZSYSDS, DAZPSB, DAZBUF, DAZDBD and the directory of the ADL zap module have been written to the dump file. None. This message is for information only.
ADL0944 ADL table modules and DAZNUCC deleted The ADL table modules DAZSYSDS, DAZPSB, DAZBUF, DAZDBD and the ADL nucleus DAZNUCC have been released. None. This message is for information only.
ADL0945 User exit routine XXXXXXXX could not be loaded A user-supplied index maintenance exit routine could not be loaded during ADL start-up under CICS. Check that the exit routine name is correctly specified in the DBD source, that the corresponding module is in the load library of CICS, and that the module is defined in the ADLCSD table.
ADL0946 PSB XXXXXXXX successfully initialized The PSB indicated has been successfully initialized. None. This message is for information only.
ADL0947 PSB XXXXXXXX - at least one DBD is not converted During initialization of the PSB, at least one of the DBDs referenced was found to be not converted. None. This message is for information only. See the section ADL Conversion Utilities for DBDs and PSBs in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0948 PSB XXXXXXXX not found in ADL directory file The PSB indicated could not be found in the ADL directory file. Run the CBC utility for the PSB indicated. See the section ADL Conversion Utilities for DBDs and PSBs in the ADL Conversion documentation for details.
ADL0949 Error during write to destid DAZP An error occurred while writing to the transient data extra partition destination DAZP. Check the status of DAZP using the CEMT transaction. Check that DAZP is properly defined in the ADLCSD table.
ADL0950 Task xxxxxx abend DAZA. ADL Error no.: yyyyyy A task with the task number xxxxxx was abended with abend code 'DAZA' by ADL. The value yyyyyy is the number of the error which originated the abend. Follow the instructions given for the error number specified in yyyyyy in the error message. Note : This message appears only on the operator console. For specific errors, this message is preceded by the originating error message.

Precompiler Messages

Number Message Cause Action
ADL1001 Syntax error: invalid trigger The command trigger was not EXEC DLI or EXECUTE DLI. Check the application program and correct the error.
ADL1002 Syntax error: invalid command An invalid function was specified for the EXEC command. Check the application program and correct the error.
ADL1003 Syntax error: invalid PSB option The PSB option was not specified correctly for a scheduling command. Specify either "PSB(psbname)" or "PSB(data-area)". Check the application program and correct the error.
ADL1004 Syntax error: keyword specified more than once At least one keyword was specified more than once in a single command. Check the application program and correct the error.
ADL1005 Syntax error: keywords mutually exclusive At least one of the keywords specified in the command cannot be used with one or more of the other keywords specified. Check the application program and correct the error.
ADL1006 Syntax error: keyword not compatible with command At least one of the keywords specified is not allowed for the command in question. Check the application program and correct the error.
ADL1007 Syntax error: invalid relational operator An invalid relational operator has been specified in a WHERE clause. Valid operators are ">", "<", "=", ":=", "<=", ">=", "=<", "=>", " >", " <". Check the application program and correct the error.
ADL1008 Syntax error: invalid Boolean operator An invalid Boolean operator was specified in a WHERE clause. Valid operators are "OR" and "AND". Check the application program and correct the error.
ADL1009 Syntax error: invalid keyword An invalid keyword was specified in the command. Check the application program and correct the error.
ADL1010 Syntax error: buffer overflow The internal buffer used for translating the command is too small. Increase the buffer size using the PBUF parameter. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL1011 Syntax error: unmatched parentheses A single parenthesis was found. Check the application program and correct the error.
ADL1012 Syntax error: WHERE not allowed with KEYS The WHERE and KEYS clauses are mutually exclusive. Check the application program and correct the error.
ADL1013 Syntax error: KEYS must be on first level The KEYS clause may only be specified in the first SEGMENT option specified. Check the application program and correct the error.
ADL1014 Syntax error: CURRENT on last level The CURRENT option may not be specified in the last SEGMENT option. Check the application program and correct the error.
ADL1015 Syntax error: SETPARENT on last level The SETPARENT option may not be specified on the last SEGMENT level. Check the application program and correct the error.
ADL1016 Syntax error: Qualification statement on last level The WHERE clause cannot be specified on the last SEGMENT level of an insert command. Check the application program and correct the error.
ADL1017 Syntax error: invalid ID An invalid ID has been specified in a checkpoint command. Check the application program and correct the error.
ADL1018 Syntax error: invalid PCB specification An invalid PCB option was specified for the command in question. Check the application program and correct the error.
ADL1019 Syntax error: invalid alphanumeric string An invalid alphanumeric string was encountered in a command option. Check the application program and correct the error.
Number Message Cause Action
ADL1020 Syntax error: invalid string An invalid string has been encountered in a command option. Check the application program and correct the error.
ADL1021 Syntax error: too many field lengths The number of field lengths specified in the FIELDLENGTH option does not match the number of field names referenced in the corresponding WHERE clause. Check the application program and correct the error.
ADL1022 Syntax error: missing FIELDLENGTH option The FIELDLENGTH option is missing for this command. Check the application program and correct the error.
ADL1023 Syntax error: missing SEGLENGTH The SEGLENGTH option is missing for this command. Check the application program and correct the error.
ADL1024 Syntax error: missing LENGTH The LENGTH option is missing for this command. Check the application program and correct the error.
ADL1025 Syntax error: missing ID for XRST/SYMCHKP The ID option is missing for this command. Check the application program and correct the error.
ADL1026 Syntax error: too many areas for XRST/SYMCHKP More than 7 areas were specified in this command. Check the application program and correct the error.
ADL1031 An internal error has occurred Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL1032 Error during punch card Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.

Error Messages from the Consistency Interface

If an error situation occurs, the ADL Consistency Interface returns the response code 216 in the user supplied Adabas control block. The application may then retrieve a more detailed error message. See the section Error Handling of the Consistency Interface above for more details.

Note that all errors listed below cause the ADL Consistency Interface to terminate the data base request without any action. There is only one exception, namely the error code 1200.

Number Message Cause Action
ADL1200 Consistency - Return code zero The ADL Consistency Interface has no return code set. This return code is set when an attempt is made to read an ADL Consistency Interface error message and no return code is yet set. None. This is an informational message.
ADL1201 The original Adabas link module could not be loaded (Batch only) During initialization of the ADL Consistency Interface, the original Adabas link module could not be loaded. Ensure that the original Adabas link module, as named in the ADL link module substitute, is available in one of the load libraries. See the ADL Interfaces documentation for more details.
ADL1202 Non-supported Adabas function An attempt was made to update an ADL file with an unsupported Adabas function. Correct the program. See the ADL Interfaces documentation for more details.
ADL1206 Incompatible versions of ADL modules Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL1207 Consistency - GETMAIN failed (CICS environment only.) A CICS GETMAIN request from the ADL Consistency Interface failed. If the failure was caused by insufficient storage available from CICS, increase the size of the CICS region/partition. Otherwise call Software AG technical support.
ADL1208 Overflow in internal format buffer stack An overflow was detected in the internal format buffer stack used during analysis of an Adabas call. Increase the value of the FSTAC parameter for the ADL parameter module. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.
ADL1209 Missing delimiter in format buffer In the user supplied format buffer of an Adabas call, a required delimiter is missing. Correct the program.
ADL1210 User format buffer references an undefined field A field referenced in the user format buffer could not be located in the Adabas file description table. Correct the program.
ADL1211 Invalid entry element in user format buffer An invalid entry in the user format buffer was encountered. Correct the program.
ADL1212 Invalid sequence of entries in format buffer An invalid sequence of entries in the user format buffer was encountered. Correct the program.
ADL1213 Record buffer too short The record buffer length specified in the user supplied Adabas control block was too short. Correct the program.
ADL1214 Error during convert zoned number Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL1215 Non-standard field format specified The ADL Consistency Interface requires a standard format specification in the user format/record buffer for most of the fields in ADL files, but at least one non-standard format has been encountered. Correct the program.
ADL1216 Error in input card for the Adabas link module substitute in batch An invalid input card was read from file DAZIN2 (z/OS) or logical unit SYSIPT (z/VSE). Correct the input card.
ADL1217 Format buffer references ADL internal field An ADL internal field (one of Z0 - Z8) was referenced in the user format buffer. Correct the program.
ADL1218 Format buffer references secondary index field A field generated for a DL/I secondary index was referenced in the user format buffer. Correct the program.
ADL1219 Format buffer references to more than one DL/I segment In the user format buffer, fields have been referenced which correspond to more than one DL/I segment. Correct the program.
Number Message Cause Action
ADL1220 Relation data for bi-directional logical child segment incomplete In the user format buffer, fields have been referenced which correspond to a DL/I logical child segment. The relation data for this segment are incompletely specified. Specify the partial concatenated key fields of all physical and logical parent segments.
ADL1221 Overflow in internal segment qualification statement buffer Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL1223 Failure during internal Adabas 'L1' call Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL1224 Attempt to delete a segment which has physical dependents An attempt was made to delete an ADL record type corresponding to a DL/I parent segment which has still dependent segment occurrences. Delete all dependent segments first.
ADL1227 Unexpected response code on internal Adabas 'L1' call Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL1228 Attempt to alter sequence field In the user record buffer, a field corresponding to the sequence field of a DL/I segment was altered. Correct the program.
ADL1229 Non standard length specified for sequence field In the user format buffer, a non-standard length was specified for a field corresponding to the sequence field of a DL/I segment. Correct the program.
ADL1230 Partial concatenated key fields but no segment referenced In the user format buffer, partial concatenated key fields have been referenced, but no field corresponding to DL/I segment data. Correct the program.
ADL1231 Attempt to alter partial concatenated key fields In the user record buffer, an attempt was made to alter the contents of one or more partial concatenated key fields. Correct the program.
ADL1232 Non-standard length specified for a partial concatenated key field In the user format buffer, a non-standard length for a partial concatenated key field was supplied. Correct the program.
ADL1240 Overflow in Segment Description Table An overflow has occurred in the segment description table. Batch only: Increase the size of the segment description table using the SDT parameter. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details. CICS only: Check if the values for generating the DAZDBD table are still sufficient. See the section Generating the Runtime Control Tables in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL1241 Overflow in the File Description Table An overflow has occurred in the ADL file description table. This can happen if new Adabas files or fields have been added. Batch only: Increase the size of the ADL file description table using the FDT parameter. See the section ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation for details.

CICS only: Check if the values for generating the DAZDBD table are still sufficient. See the section Generating the Runtime Control Tables in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.

ADL1242 Error detected in DBD ECB Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL1243 Internal Error Internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ADL1244 DBD in Consistency PSB is connected with non-converted DBD A DBD which belongs to the internal Consistency PSB is logically connected with a non-converted DBD. Use the ADL Online Services to select just those DBDs for the Consistency PSB which are only connected with converted DBDs.
ADL1251 Attempt to access data base whilst ADL was shutting down CICS only: Self-explanatory. Rerun your program when ADL is active.
ADL1252 PSB 'ADL$PSB' not found in the table of PSBs, DAZPSB CICS only: An invalid table of PSBs, DAZPSB, has been encountered. Generate a correct table of PSBs. See the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL1253 No free entry in task id table found CICS only: The ADL internal task ID table has been exhausted. Increase the TSKENT parameter of the DBDMAC macro during creation of the DAZDBD table.See the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
ADL1254 Failure during GETMAIN request CICS only: Probably internal error. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
Number Message Cause Action
ADL1272 DL/I status code 'AC' ADL response code corresponding to the DL/I status code mentioned above. Informational message. ADL terminates the data base request.
ADL1273 DL/I status code 'AD' ADL response code corresponding to the DL/I status code mentioned above. Informational message. ADL terminates the data base request.
ADL1274 DL/I status code 'AH' ADL response code corresponding to the DL/I status code mentioned above. Informational message. ADL terminates the data base request.
ADL1275 DL/I status code 'AJ' ADL response code corresponding to the DL/I status code mentioned above. Informational message. ADL terminates the data base request.
ADL1276 DL/I status code 'AK' ADL response code corresponding to the DL/I status code mentioned above. Informational message. ADL terminates the data base request.
ADL1277 DL/I status code 'AM' ADL response code corresponding to the DL/I status code mentioned above. Informational message. ADL terminates the data base request.
ADL1278 DL/I status code 'AO' ADL response code corresponding to the DL/I status code mentioned above. Informational message. ADL terminates the data base request.
ADL1279 DL/I status code 'AU' ADL response code corresponding to the DL/I status code mentioned above. Informational message. ADL terminates the data base request.
ADL1280 DL/I status code 'BM' ADL response code corresponding to the DL/I status code mentioned above. Informational message. ADL terminates the data base request.
ADL1281 DL/I status code 'DA' ADL response code corresponding to the DL/I status code mentioned above. Informational message. ADL terminates the data base request.
ADL1282 DL/I status code 'DJ' ADL response code corresponding to the DL/I status code mentioned above. Informational message. ADL terminates the data base request.
ADL1283 DL/I status code 'DP' ADL response code corresponding to the DL/I status code mentioned above. Informational message. ADL terminates the data base request.
ADL1284 DL/I status code 'DX' ADL response code corresponding to the DL/I status code mentioned above. Informational message. ADL terminates the data base request.
ADL1285 DL/I status code 'GA' ADL response code corresponding to the DL/I status code mentioned above. Informational message. ADL terminates the data base request.
ADL1286 DL/I status code 'GB' ADL response code corresponding to the DL/I status code mentioned above. Informational message. ADL terminates the data base request.
ADL1287 DL/I status code 'GE' ADL response code corresponding to the DL/I status code mentioned above. This is probably caused by an insert request with an incorrectly specified PCK or VCK field. Informational message. ADL terminates the data base request.
ADL1288 DL/I status code 'GK' ADL response code corresponding to the DL/I status code mentioned above. Informational message. ADL terminates the data base request.
ADL1289 DL/I status code 'GP' ADL response code corresponding to the DL/I status code mentioned above. Informational message. ADL terminates the data base request.
ADL1290 DL/I status code 'II' ADL response code corresponding to the DL/I status code mentioned above. This is probably caused by an insert request to an already existing dependent segment with a unique sequence field. Informational message. ADL terminates the data base request.
ADL1291 DL/I status code 'IX' ADL response code corresponding to the DL/I status code mentioned above. This is probably caused by an insert request with an incorrectly specified VCK field. Informational message. ADL terminates the data base request.
ADL1292 DL/I status code 'KA' ADL response code corresponding to the DL/I status code mentioned above. Informational message. ADL terminates the data base request.
ADL1293 DL/I status code 'KB' ADL response code corresponding to the DL/I status code mentioned above. Informational message. ADL terminates the data base request.
ADL1294 DL/I status code 'KC' ADL response code corresponding to the DL/I status code mentioned above. Informational message. ADL terminates the data base request.
ADL1295 DL/I status code 'KD' ADL response code corresponding to the DL/I status code mentioned above. Informational message. ADL terminates the data base request.
ADL1296 DL/I status code 'LC' ADL response code corresponding to the DL/I status code mentioned above. Informational message. ADL terminates the data base request.
ADL1297 DL/I status code 'RX' ADL response code corresponding to the DL/I status code mentioned above. Informational message. ADL terminates the data base request.
ADL1298 DL/I status code 'XH' ADL response code corresponding to the DL/I status code mentioned above. Informational message. ADL terminates the data base request.

CICS Transaction ABEND Codes

Under CICS the following abnormal termination codes can occur:

Code Message Cause Action
DAZ1 No free LUB found No free local user block (LUB) was found for the current transaction in the LUB table in DAZDBD. Retry. If the error persists, then increase the size of the LUB table by specifying the LUBENT parameter with the DBDMAC statement at the DAZDBD generation. See the section Generating the Runtime Control Tables in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.
DAZ2 EXEC CICS call failed ADL received an unexpected response from an EXEC CICS call. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
DAZ3 Requested PSB not available The PSB specified was not found in the PSB table DAZPSB during processing of a DL/I scheduling call. Check DAZPSB and correct the error.
DAZ4 GETMAIN failed A CICS GETMAIN for working storage for the ADL failed. Retry. If the error persists, then insufficient storage space is available in the CICS partition/region. Check possible reasons for this and take appropriate action.
DAZ6 No final commit/backout before task end The task ended, but no final commit or backout has been issued before. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
DAZ7 Insufficient TWASIZE for task An attempt was made to issue a scheduling call for a task defined in the PCT with a TWASIZE of less than 24 bytes. Increase the TWASIZE specification in the PCT.
DAZ8 ADL EXEC call to DL/I A program using the HLPI and compiled using the ADL precompiler attempted to issue a call against an unconverted DBD. Examine the PSB and convert the DBD in question.
DAZ9 Invalid PCB number A call generated by the ADL precompiler specified a PCB number larger than the number of PCBs in the PSB for which a scheduling call was issued. Check application and correct the error.
DAZA Unrecoverable Error - Transaction Abended ADL detected an unrecoverable internal error or received an unrecoverable response code from Adabas. The ADL error code is contained in an "ADL....." error message sent to the user's terminal as well as in the message "ADL0950" sent to the operator console. Please refer to the explanation of the actual ADL error code.
DAZB Shared database support was not available A database request was received from a batch region. The request can not serviced, because no interface scheduling block was found for the mirror task. Shared database support requires that the original DL/I is still active in the CICS system. Re-activate DL/I in the CICS system and make sure that the required PSB is defined for both DL/I and ADL. If DL/I is not available in your environment, you should investigate if you could run the batch job under direct control of ADL in "SDB" mode.
DAZD Error during ADL function under CICS An error occurred while invoking an ADL function (like 'Switch ADL on/off', 'Switch trace on/off') from an Assembler program under CICS. Check if DAZCICS is defined correctly in the ADLCSD table. If the DAZCFCT program has been used, check if the &FUNC parameter is specified correctly.