ADL Parameter Module

This document covers the following topics:


The Adabas Bridge for DL/I requires certain installation-dependent information. This information is basically supplied to ADL by means of a parameter module. Most of the parameters are called static, that is, they can be defined in the ADL parameter module only. In addition, for batch mode, the possibility exists to define certain parameters dynamically to the ADL batch region controller, DAZIFP, and to the ADL substitute for the Adabas link module in batch, ADALNK.

The ADL parameter module is created by the assembly and link-edit of the DAZPARM macro. All parameters for this macro are keyword parameters.

Finally, the ADL parameter module will be link-edited together with one of the five ADL nuclei (DAZNUCA, DAZNUCB, DAZNUCC, DAZNUCP and DAZNUCU). You may, for each individual nucleus, define a different ADL parameter module depending on the requirements.

With ADL 2.3 the logical file numbers have been replaced by logical IDs. Therefore the DAZLDT macro which was part of the ADL 2.2 parameter module has become obsolete. For compatibility reasons DBDs converted with ADL 2.2 or before may still use this macro. Its meaning and usage can be found in the ADL 2.2 documentation.

List of Parameters for the ADL Parameter Module

Keyword Explanation Possible values Default
ACTSF (z/VSE only) A two-character suffix for the name of the ACT table module.   Blank
ADANAME (CICS only) The name of the Adabas link module. If you want to use the ADL Consistency Interface, this parameter must be the same as the Natural parameter ADANAME. Refer to the section CICS Installation and Operation in the ADL Interfaces documentation for more details.   ADABAS
ADAUSR (CICS only) Specifies whether the ADL CALLDLI interface should generate a special Adabas User ID under CICS. The Adabas user Id is only generated when the ADL Consistency interface is active. For more information see the section CICS Installation and Operation in the ADL Interfaces documentation. YES or NO YES
BUFSF A two-character suffix for the name of the buffer table module. See the section Generating the Runtime Control Tables in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.   Blank
CHKPMSG Specifies where the checkpoint message is to be written, if at all.

1 - Message is written to DAZOUT1

2 - Message is written to DAZOUT2

NO - No checkpoint message is written

CPID (DAZIFP parameter only). The checkpoint ID from which the application is to be restarted (for programs using symbolic checkpoints only). Any 8-character string. None
CRSIZ The size (in bytes) of the area used by ADL for retrieving segment occurrences when processing cascaded deletes. The size of this area can be determined as follows:

(n + 1) * 8

where "n" is the maximum number of levels for which the delete applies. The default size should be sufficient in most cases.
0 - 999 512 bytes
DBD The size (in kilobytes) of the ADL's DBD ICB buffer. This buffer is only allocated and used in application batch runs, when it stores the DBD internal control blocks. 0 - 999 16 KB
DBDSF A two-character suffix for the name of the DBD table module. See the section Generating the Runtime Control Tables in the ADL Interfaces documentation for details.   Blank
DBID Adabas data base ID for the ADL directory file. This parameter is mandatory. 1 - 32767  
DUO (z/OS batch only) Support of CA-DUO under z/OS batch operation. DUO=YES has to be specified for programs which are link-edited by the CA-DUO linkage editor. Note that the program has to be linked with the ADL language interface module DAZLIBAT and not with DUODLZLI. Use the 'NCAL' parameter for DUOLINK. The entry point for COBOL programs is DLITCBL. The application runs under the control of DUO, which itself is called by DAZIFP. DUO=NO has to be specified in any other case. For further information see the CA documentation in the CA-DUO USER GUIDE. YES or NO NO
EBUF The size (in kilobytes) of ADL's ECB buffer. The size allocated for this area depends on the size of the PSB used and the DBDs referenced. 0 - 99 8 KB
ET The number of times a different root segment occurrence may be accessed before an Adabas ET command is issued. This parameter is only of interest for batch programs running as BMP, MPS or SDB jobs. ET=NO may be specified in cases where no automatic ETs should be issued. For further information, see the section Recovery and Restart Procedures in the ADL Interfaces documentation. Under CICS, ADL enqueues every accessed DB record. If no update has taken place, ADL releases the record as soon as the next one is accessed. The ET parameter specifies the record number at which this release starts. Thus, ET allows the number of Adabas 'RI' calls to be decreased. Note that the records which have been accessed before the specified number is reached remain in hold status until the next explicit SYNCPOINT call or until the end of the task. If ET=NO is specified under CICS, ADL will not enqueue a record as long as it is accessed without hold (i.e. with GU, GN, GNP). As soon as it is accessed with a hold command (i.e. with GHU, GHN, GHNP) ADL enqueues the record and treats it as if ET=1 was specified. 1 - 999999, NO 1
FBSIZ The size (in bytes) of the area allocated to the Adabas format buffer. The maximum length of the format buffers created by ADL depends on the depth of the hierarchy and the number of secondary indices defined for a particular source segment. The default value is generally sufficient for a segment at level 15 having 20 secondary indices. 0 - 999 128 bytes
FDT (Batch only). The size (in kilobytes) of the file description table used internally by the ADL Consistency Interface. 4 - 999 4 KB
FNR Adabas file number for the ADL directory file. This parameter is mandatory. 1 - 32767  
FSTAC The size (in bytes) for the format buffer stack used internally by the ADL Consistency Interface. 16 - 9999 800 bytes
FX (z/VSE only) Used to specify the input data set for the Print utility for printing the Trace routine or for the ADL precompiler. The syntax of the parameter is as follows:



x is Logical unit

y is Record length in bytes

z is Block size in bytes

x: 1 - 99

y: 0 - 99999

z: n * y ≤ 99999 where n is any positive integer.

x: 14

y: 132 bytes

z: 1320 bytes

IBSIZ The size (in bytes) of the area allocated to the Adabas ISN buffer. This is needed for Adabas calls using PREFETCH, i.e. for segments for which no Z0 field is available (see the section DBD/PSB Conversion ) and for which either an "INSERT LAST" or a "GET NEXT LAST" DL/I call is issued. The number of Adabas calls needed to retrieve the last segment occurrence can be influenced by changing the size of the ISN buffer. When automatic ETs are to be issued by ADL (see the ET parameter), a so-called retain ISN list is created for every PCB. It contains the file numbers and ISNs of the last accessed root segment and of those dependencies, which should be kept in hold status. The size of one retain ISN list area is:

IBSIZ / (number-of-PCBs - 1)

0 - 32767 1024 bytes
IMSY (IMS/TP only) Indicates whether or not IMS/TP sync point/Adabas ET synchronization is to be done. Every GU call on the first I/O PCB triggers an Adabas ET call and an IMS/TP sync point (in this order). As there is a gap between the two synchronization points, a synchronization problem may occur between the data stored in the Adabas data base and the IMS/TP message queue. When this parameter is set to "YES", such a situation is recognized and the application will be terminated. YES or NO NO
LANG (DAZIFP parameter only). Specifies the language of the application program to be executed. If this parameter is not given, the language defined in the PSB is used. ASSEM, ASM, ASSEMBLER, COBOL, CBL, FORTRAN, PL/I, PL/1, PLI, PL1, RPG, NATURAL, NDL. Language specified in the PSB.
LCS (Batch only). The size (in kilobytes) of the "last call save area" (LCS). Refer to the section Performance Considerations in the ADL Interfaces documentation for more details. If "NO" is specified, the LCS will not be used. 0-999, NO NO
LOAD (Batch only). Indicates, how an ISRT call against a PCB with PROCOPT=L is to be treated. When this parameter is set to "DIRECT", the ISRT is translated into an Adabas 'N1' call, the data is directly inserted into the Adabas file. When it is set to "UTILITY" the data is written into the sequential file DAZOUT3 (DAZOT3D) for z/OS (z/VSE). This file has the same layout as the one produced by the ADL utilities DAZUNDLI or DAZREFOR. The data can be loaded to Adabas by an initial load as described in the section Converting Data - Load in ADL Data Conversion Utilities in the ADL Conversion documentation. For more information on the LOAD parameter see the section Performance Considerations in the ADL Interfaces documentation. DIRECT or UTILITY DIRECT
MFT (DAZIFP parameter only). Specifies the Multifetch Table (MFT). This parameter should only be used when the Adabas Multifetch facility is active. It defines the ISN lower limit value for L3 calls against specific PCB/SENSEG combinations. Thus it specifies, how many records should be returned by Multifetch. A value '0' means, that the maximum number of records is returned. This number is determined by the size of the ISN buffer and the record buffer, i.e., by the ADARUN parameters PREFSBL and PREFTBL. '0' is the default value for all not specified PCB/SENSEG combinations. A value '1' means, that the multifetching of the corresponding PCB/SENSEG combination will be minimized, i.e., 2 records per read activity. Refer to section Performance Considerations in the ADL Interfaces documentation for more details. Note, that the MFT and RBE parameters are mutually exclusive. If you specify the MFT parameter, you must not use the ADARUN parameter PREFNREC. The syntax of the parameter is as follows: MFT=(MFT-entry1,MFT-entry2,...). A maximum number of 128 entries is allowed. An empty list 'MFT=( )' is possible also. A MFT-entry has the following layout:


pcb is the number of the PCB
senseg is the number of the sensitive segment and
value is the value of the ISN lower limit field.

range for value of the ISN lower limit field:

1 - 32767
NUMEXR (Batch only). The maximum number of secondary indices for which an index maintenance exit routine is supplied (EXTRTN keyword in the DBD definition). 0-910 0
NUMLR The maximum number of logical relationships in which the DBDs referenced by a PSB are involved. This parameter is used to reserve working space during initialization of the DBDs and PSBs. Note that all logical relationships must be included in the count, even though not all of them may be referenced by a particular PSB. 1-99 16
NUMQS The maximum number of qualification statements to be expected for a single DL/I call. This parameter is used to calculate the length of the buffer used to store the internal representation of the qualification statements of a DL/I call. The default value should be sufficient in most cases, otherwise a status code “AV” is received. 0-999 32
OPENRQ Under CICS, specifies whether or not an Adabas "OP" call is to be issued on a scheduling call. This parameter is related to the OPENRQ parameter for ADARUN. See the Adabas Operations documentation for a full explanation of this parameter. OPENRQ=YES must be specified for ADL if it was specified for ADARUN.

YES - Adabas "OP" required.

NO - Adabas "OP" not required.

PARM Whether or not dynamic overwrite parameter will be read from the file DAZIN1 (z/OS) or the logical unit SYSIPT(z/VSE) during initialization of the ADL substitute for the Adabas link module in batch.

YES - read dynamic parameters.

NO - do not read dynamic parameters.

PASSWRD The Adabas password. When specified, this password will be used by the ADL for every Adabas call. 1 - 8 characters.  
PBUF The size (in kilobytes) of the ADL buffer used by the precompiler. The size allocated for this area depends on the complexity of the EXEC commands used. 0 - 99 8 KB
PLILE (z/VSE batch only). This parameter is used for batch z/VSE programs written in PL/1.

YES - PL/1 is using the LE/VSE language environment.

NO - The PL/1 LE/VSE language environment is not used.

PLINTWA (CICS only). Determines whether or not the Adabas call parameter list is passed on to the CICS TWA.

YES - parameter list is in TWA.

NO - parameter list is pointed to by R1.

PR (z/VSE only). The number of logical printers available. The CBC utility produces two separate printer output files. You may send these to two different logical printers, if these are available, by setting this parameter to PR=2. Specifying PR=1 will cause the second printer output file to be stored on an intermediate disk file. 1,2 1
PSB The size (in kilobytes) of ADL's PSB ICB buffer. This buffer is only allocated and used in application batch runs, when it stores the PSB internal control blocks. 0 - 999 16 KB
PSBSF A two-character suffix for the name of the PSB table module used under CICS.   Blank
RBE (DAZIFP parameter only). Specifies the record buffer extension (RBE) list. It allows increasing the record buffer length (RBL) for L3 calls against specific PCB/SENSEG combinations. The increase of the RBL does not mean that the RB area is increased. Thus you will find garbage in the ADL trace after the 'real' end of the record buffer. This parameter should be used only, if the Adabas Prefetch facility is active. Refer to the section Performance Considerations in the ADL Interfaces documentation for more details. Note that the RBE and MFT parameters are mutually exclusive. The syntax of the parameter is as follows:


A maximum number of 128 entries is allowed. An empty list `RBE=()' is possible also. An RBE-entry has the layout


pcb is the number of the PCB
senseg is the number of the sensitive segment and
size is the size by which the RBL will be increased.

range for size by which the RBL will be increased:

0 - 32767
RBSIZ The size (in bytes) for the record buffer used internally by the ADL Consistency Interface and by the DAZSHINE utility. 3 - 9999 1024 bytes
RETRY The number of times ADL tries to put into the hold status a record which is already held by another user. After the last try ADL will abend with the message ADL0145. RETRY=WAIT may be specified to let Adabas wait until the record has been released or a timeout occurs. 1 - 65535, WAIT WAIT
SBSIZ The size (in bytes) of the area allocated to the Adabas search buffer. The Adabas Bridge for DL/I never creates a search buffer greater than the default length given. 0 - 999 32 bytes
SDT (Batch only) The size (in kilobytes) of the segment description table used internally by the ADL Consistency Interface. 4 - 999 4 KB
SQ (z/VSE only) Used to specify the in/output data set for the Unload utility. The syntax of the parameter is as follows:



x - logical unit

y - Block size in bytes

x: 1 - 999

y: 0 - 99999

x: 13

y: 8196 bytes

STACK The size (in kilobytes) of the ADL internal subroutine stack. The size allocated for this area depends largely on the type of DL/I calls issued. The default size should be sufficient in most cases. 1 - 18 5 KB
SVC z/OS CICS ADL Installation SVC number. 200 – 255 none
TRACE Activates the Trace facility and specifies what is to be traced. The syntax of the parameter is as follows:

TRACE = ([t],[s],[a],[n],[m],[c],[u],[b])

The operands for this parameter and further details are explained in the section Debugging Aids - ADL Trace Facility in the ADL Interfaces documentation.
UTI Specifies the CBC utility work area. This buffer is only allocated and used in CBC utility runs. The syntax of the parameter is as follows:



x - The size (in kilobytes) of the CBC utility work area.

y - Specifies whether or not output control statements are to be generated by the CBC utility.

x: 8 - 999

y: Y (yes) N (no)

x: 32 KB

y: Y (yes)

VBSIZ The size (in bytes) of the area allocated to the Adabas value buffer. ADL never creates a value buffer greater than the default length given. 0 - 999 256 bytes

Dynamic Overwrite Parameters

When running the ADL Interfaces in batch, some of the parameters specified for the DAZPARM macro may be dynamically overwritten. The dynamic overwrite parameters are set during the initialization of the ADL batch region controller, DAZIFP, or the ADL substitute for the Adabas link module in batch.

More details on how to specify these dynamic overwrite parameters are given in the section Batch Installation and Operation in the ADL Interfaces documentation . Also, there you will find a complete list of dynamic overwrite parameters for the ADL CALLDLI and the ADL Consistency Interface. The syntax and the meaning of the dynamic overwrite parameters is exactly the same as for the DAZPARM macro.