Appendix A - Glossary of ADL Terms

This document covers the following topics:


  1. Adabas Control Block (see Adabas Command Reference documentation).

  2. Application Control Block (DL/I term). DL/I internal control blocks which combine the PSB and DBD information. DL/I ACBs are not used by ADL.


Adabas Bridge for DL/I.

ADL control file

Synonym for ADL Directory file.

ADL Directory file

An Adabas file used to store all DBD, PSB and system related information relevant to ADL. Also referred to as the ADL control file.

ADL file

Generic term for any Adabas file which results from the conversion of a DL/I data base.

ADL Online Services

A program for maintaining the ADL Interfaces under CICS and for retrieving information from the ADL Directory file.

ADL parameter module

A module containing all system relevant parameters for ADL (see ADL Parameter Module in the ADL Installation documentation).

ADL precompiler

The ADL supplied precompiler to translate EXEC DL/I commands in COBOL or PL/I programs into calls to ADL. Thus the HLPI becomes obsolete.

Call level

A program which communicates with the database system through CBLTDLI, PLITDLI or ASMTDLI call statements.

CALLDLI Interface

The ADL interface to intercept DL/I data base calls from command level or call level application programs.


Control block conversion.

CBC utility

The ADL supplied utility programs for the control block conversion.

Child segment

One of the segment types or occurrences directly depending on another segment type or occurrence. The child segment types are all those segment types referring to another segment type in the PARENT= parameter of the SEGM macro.

Command level

A program which communicates with the database system through "EXEC DLI" statements.

Concatenated key

Identifies, by the means of key fields, the position of a segment occurrence in the data base. The concatenated key of a segment occurrence is built up from all individual key fields of its parent segment occurrences (top - down) including its own key field.

Control block conversion

The process of transforming a DBD or PSB source into an entry in the ADL Directory file.

Consistency Interface

The ADL interface to intercept Adabas database calls.


The ADL batch region controller (to replace the DL/I batch region controller).


The ADL parameter module.


A program to test DL/I calls in batch.


Data Base Definition. Defines the layout of a physical, logical or secondary index DL/I data base. The user defines a DL/I data base by calls to various assembler macros.

DBD source

The source code for the definition of a DL/I data base.

DBD control block

An entry in the ADL Directory file for one particular DL/I database.


DL/I interface block. An area used for communication between the data base system and a command level application.


A generic term for DL/I DOS/VS and IMS/VS used throughout the entire ADL documentation.


External Control Block. A DBD or PSB control block as used by ADL in its external (address free) format. ECBs are stored in the ADL Directory file.

Exec level

Command level.


File Description Table.

  1. Describes the layout of an Adabas file.

  2. A table used internally by ADL to describe the layout of an ADL file.


  1. A sub-element of a DL/I segment.

  2. An element of an Adabas file structure.


Adabas term used to designate an Adabas field which is built up from lower level field definitions.


High Level Programming Interface. Provides the link between command level programs and the DL/I data base system. This module becomes obsolete for command level programs which have been precompiled with the ADL precompiler.


Internal Control Block. A DBD or PSB control block as used by ADL in its internal format. During initialization of ADL, the relevant ECBs are converted into ICBs.



Internal pointer fields

An internal Adabas field, which is used by ADL to reflect the hierarchical structure of the data. Internal pointer fields are based on the logical IDs, ISNs, and sequence field values of the records in an ADL file.

I/O area

DL/I delivers segment data to this area (GET-calls) or receives segment data from the application (ISRT/REPL-calls) in this area. A common I/O area can be defined for all segments to be processed in one application program. In this case, the size of the I/O area must be identical to the size of the longest segment to be processed.


Internal Sequence Number. Each logical record within an Adabas file is assigned an ISN which serves as a logical identifier. ISNs are unique within a file. For ADL files, this ISN is assigned by ADL and cannot be changed by the user.

Language Interface

This interface provides language dependent entry points for CALLDLI statements for the most commonly used languages (COBOL, PL/1, BAL). The language interface routes the data base requests to the DL/I request handler.

Last-call save area

An area used internally by ADL to store the last Adabas call for each sensitive segment. This area can help to improve performance.


Last-call save area.

Logical ID

Every DBD in a logical relationship must be assigned to a unique logical ID. It is stored in the ADL Directory file and used to build up the internal pointer fields.

Logical pointers

In ADL files, logical pointers are Adabas fields which contain key values that provide the hierarchical relationship between records. Logical pointers are used by Natural applications.




Multifetch Table.

Mixed mode

A DL/I application running under control of ADL, accessing ADL files concurrently with non-converted DL/I databases.


Adabas feature to reduce the communication overhead between the application program and the Adabas nucleus. Can be activated automatically by the ADARUN PREFETCH parameter.

Multifetch Table

A table which defines the number of records returned by the Adabas Multifetch feature for specific PCB/SENSEG combinations.

Normal mode

A DL/I application accessing ADL files only.

Parent segment

The direct parent segment type or occurrence of a segment type or occurrence. The parent segment type is defined in the PARENT= parameter of the SEGM macro in the DBD.

Partial Concatenated Key

The part of the concatenated key of a segment occurrence for one particular level in the hierarchy.


Program Communication Block.

  1. A PCB definition in a PSB defines the view of a DL/I database for the application program.

  2. The data area used for communication between the data base system and the application program. The user has to define a PCB mask for this purpose in the application program. The data areas corresponding to the PCB definitions in a PSB are provided by the data base system at the time when the PSB is initialized.

PCB mask

A user coded layout (Assembler DSECT, COBOL data definition etc.) of the PCB.


Partial Concatenated Key.

Physical pointer fields

Internal pointer fields.


Functional subset of Multifetch.


Program Specification Block. Defines the user views (PCBs) of a DL/I data base as available for an application program.

PSB control block

An entry in the ADL Directory file for one particular PSB.


Record buffer extension.

Record Buffer Extension

A list to increase the record buffer length for specific PCB/SENSEG combinations. This reduces the number of records returned by the Adabas Prefetch feature.

Response codes (Adabas)

An Adabas response to a request. The response codes are passed to the user in the ACB.


Segment Description Table. A table used internally by ADL to describe the layout of segments and their implementation in ADL files.


The element type of a DL/I data base structure. A segment is identified by its unique name in the database. Its position in the hierarchical database structure is identified by its level and its ordinal number. The term is sometimes also used for an occurrence of the segment type.

Sequence field

A field defined in a segment which determines the order of segment occurrences of a type. A sequence field may be defined as unique or non-unique. A root segment type must have a unique sequence field defined. A unique sequence field defined for a non-root segment type is not necessarily unique over the entire data base. It is however unique for all segment occurrences under the given parent segment occurrence.


Segment Search Argument. An area which specifies search criteria for one particular segment type in a DL/I data base call.

Status codes

A DL/I response to a request. The status codes are passed to the user in the PCB.


All segment occurrences of the same type under one specific parent segment occurrence.


User Interface Block. An area used for communication between the data base system and the application program under CICS.


Virtual Concatenated Key.

Virtual Concatenated Key (VCK)

Same as a PCK, but instead of corresponding to a physical child relationship it corresponds to a logical child relationship.