Version 7.7.3
 —  Adabas Manager Documentation  —

Listing Databases

Start of instruction setTo list the databases that are available to Adabas Manager:

  1. Once you have accessed the Adabas Manager area of SMH, expand the area and then select Adabas Databases.

    If you have not grouped your databases, the Overview of Adabas Databases in detail-view lists all databases that can be administered with Adabas Manager (mainframe and open systems databases).

    If you have grouped your databases by section, select and expand either Mainframe or Open Systems.

    The Overview of Adabas Databases panel is displayed in detail-view; the table shows database IDs, names, platforms and Adabas versions.

    Database entries listed in the tree-view and in the overview tables are preceded by a stoplight icon:

Protected Adabas mainframe databases can be accessed from both these tables; mark the checkbox for the database, enter your user ID and password in the resulting Security Login window, and click Login, or Cancel to return to the overview of databases display.

In the table displaying Adabas open systems databases only, you can customize the information in the table by right-clicking on any of the table rows; the drop-down menu lets you select which columns you want to display and you can also present the information in different charts (bar, pie, line and points).

Nucleus Log

For more information on the open systems database you have chosen to work with, the contents of the nucleus log file of the last session of the selected database can be displayed. This contains information about the settings of the nucleus parameters when the current session was started, together with the version of the nucleus, and the number of the current or most recent session. The nucleus log file must exist.

Start of instruction setTo display the nucleus log of a database:

  1. Select an Adabas database in tree-view and expand it.

  2. Choose Nucleus Log.

    The nucleus log information is displayed in detail-view.

The information in this document is organized under the following headings:

Registering or Unregistering Mainframe Databases

Mainframe databases must be registered with Adabas Manager. You can register a new database or unregister a currently registered database.

A maximum of 512 mainframe databases can be registered with Adabas Manager.

The information is organized under the following headings:

Registering Databases

Start of instruction setTo register a database to Adabas Manager:

  1. Right-click Adabas Databases in tree-view.

    If you have grouped your databases by section, you can also right-click Mainframe.

  2. Select Register DB on the drop-down menu.

    The Database Registration panel appears in detail-view.

  3. Enter the ID and name of the database to be registered.

  4. Click Register to complete the registration, or Cancel to quit the registration window without registering the database. Click Help for more information about registering a database.

    If the database is currently unreachable, you will be prompted to verify that you still want to register it.

    If you clicked Register, a message is eventually returned indicating that the database has been successfully registered. The database appears as an option in tree-view.

  5. Click Close in detail-view to complete the transaction.

Unregistering Databases

Start of instruction setTo unregister a database to Adabas Manager:

  1. Select an Adabas database in tree-view.

  2. Right-click the database name in tree-view.

  3. If you are unregistering an Adabas database, select Unregister DB on the drop-down menu.

    The Unregistration of Database panel appears in detail-view.

  4. Click Unregister to complete the unregistration, or Cancel to quit the unregistration window without unregistering the database. Click Help for more information about unregistering a database.

    A message is returned indicating that the database has been successfully unregistered. The database is removed as an option in tree-view.

  5. Click Close in detail-view to complete the transaction.

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Adding Existing Open Systems Databases

Existing open systems databases can be made available to Adabas Manager.

Start of instruction setTo add an existing open systems database:

  1. Right-click Adabas Databases in tree-view.

    If you have grouped your databases by section, you can also right-click Open Systems.

  2. Select Add Existing DB on the drop-down menu.

    The Add Existing Database panel appears in detail-view.

  3. Enter the DBID of the database you wish to add.

  4. Click OK to add the database, or Cancel to quit without adding the database.

    The job status is displayed in detail-view and will inform you once your database has been created successfully.

  5. Click Back to return to the Overview of Adabas Databases - Open Systems.

You can change the name of a database by right-clicking it in tree-view and choosing Rename Database. Enter the new database name in the resulting Rename Database panel in detail-view and confirm.

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Creating New Open Systems Databases

Start of instruction setTo create a new open systems database:

  1. Right-click Adabas Databases in tree-view.

    If you have grouped your databases by section, you can also right-click Open Systems.

  2. Select Create DB on the drop-down menu.

    The Create New Database panel appears in detail-view.

  3. Enter the database specifications according to your requirements.

    For information on open systems databases see section Database Design in the Adabas for Open Systems documentation.

    1. Enter the DBID number in the DBID box; if this DBID already exists an error message will be displayed. A valid DBID is any number between 1 and 255 that has not already been assigned to another database.

    2. Enter the name of the database in the Name box. A maximum of 16 characters may be specified; the database name must not contain blanks or special characters. Alternatively, you may accept the default name.

    3. If different versions of Adabas are installed on your system, you may choose the version with which you want to create the database; by default the highest installed version of Adabas is selected.

    4. Database Files
      The default values of the database containers (Block size, Container size and Location) are displayed. Change the values according to your requirements.

      The default block size that is to be used for the Associator container file (ASSO) is displayed in the ASSO1 ASSO1 Blocksize box. If you do not specify a block size, the default will be used.


      1. Ensure that the ASSO block size is smaller than the WORK block size.
      2. The ASSO2 container is generated by default to support Large Descriptor Values (i.e. Descriptor Values up to 1144 bytes), which requires a block size greater or equal to 16 KB. If you do not plan to use Large Descriptor Values, set either the ASSO2 block size or the ASSO2 container size to 0 and only the ASSO1 container will be generated. If you later plan to use Large Descriptor Values a new container with larger block size can be added.

      The amount of space to be assigned to the Associator container file is displayed in the ASSO Size box. You can accept the default value or change it according to your requirements.

      The full specification of the Associator container file is displayed in the Location box. Either leave the specification displayed in the box unchanged if you want to accept it, or enter the specification directly in the box, or browse to another file.

    5. The default block size that is to be used for the Data Storage container file (DATA) is displayed in the DATA1 Blocksize text box. If you do not specify a block size, the default will be used.

      The amount of space to be assigned to the Data Storage container file is displayed in the DATA1 Size box.

      The full specification of the Data Storage container file is displayed in the Location box. Either leave the specification displayed in the box unchanged if you want to accept it, or enter the specification directly in the box, or use browse to another file.

    6. The default block size that is to be used for the WORK container file is displayed in the WORK1 Blocksize box. If you do not specify a block size, the default will be used.

      The amount of space to be assigned to the WORK container file is displayed in the WORK1 Size box.

      The full specification of the WORK Storage container file is displayed in the Location box. Either leave the specification displayed in the box unchanged if you want to accept it, or enter the specification directly in the box, or use browse to another file.

    7. Miscellaneous
      If the Load Demofiles box is checked there will be five demo files loaded into the new database:

      File 9: Employees
      File 11: EMP-NAT
      File 12: Vehicles
      File 13: Misc File
      14: Lobfile of 9

      The system files (checkpoint file, security file, and user data file) are automatically loaded with the default file numbers (checkpoint=1, security=2, user data=3) when you create a new database. Change the value in each box if you want to use other file numbers.

  4. Click OK to create the database, or Cancel to quit without creating the database.

    The job status is displayed in detail-view and will inform you once your database has been created successfully.

  5. Click Back to return to the Overview of Adabas Databases - Open Systems.

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Deleting Open Systems Databases

Start of instruction setTo delete an Adabas open systems database from Adabas Manager:

  1. Select an Adabas database in tree-view.

  2. Right-click the database name in tree-view.

  3. Select Delete Database on the drop-down menu.

    Only inactive databases can be deleted. Once a database has been deleted, it cannot be recovered.

    The Delete Database name is displayed in detail-view and you are requested to confirm your delete action.

  4. Click OK to confirm and return to the Overview of Adabas Databases - Open Systems display, or Cancel to return to the overview display of your database.

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