Version 8.2.1


This service is used to define and maintain the parameters and definitions that are required by Adabas System Coordinator.

Maintenance Menu

Start of instruction setTo display the Maintenance menu

Top of page

Maintain Client Runtime Controls

This function is used to define/maintain runtime controls for jobs that use Adabas System Coordinator services and any of the client-based products that depend on Adabas System Coordinator: Adabas Fastpath, Adabas Transaction Manager and Adabas Vista.

Runtime controls determine the operational behaviour of these products in a given job. You can adjust this behaviour on a case-by-case basis by specifying overrides to tailor operation for a particular transaction code (TP systems), stepname (batch jobs) or login id. You can also define a special type of API runtime control, for completely dynamic reconfiguration.

See section Parameters for a complete description of all runtime controls.

Runtime controls are shared between all installed optional products, and can be defined by any of the administration applications (SYSCOR, SYSAVI, SYSAFP, SYSATM). You can administer the runtime controls of any product from any application.

List Runtime Controls

Start of instruction setTo display a list of existing definitions

  1. Select service 1 from the Maintenance menu or enter the command 1.1 on the command line.

     17:42:41     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 *****     2011-04-13
                            -  Client Runtime Controls  -                U11300M1  
     Run-mode: Local (node 0)                        Reposition to Type: ________  
                                                                   Name: ________  
                                  Client Controls                                  
     C Type         Name       AFP   AVI   ATM   COR       Comments
     _ CICS (DTR)   CICCLUST    Y     Y     Y     Y        Overrides,Info
     _ Batch        CORP****    Y     Y     Y     Y 
     _              *DEFAULT    Y     Y     Y     Y 
     _              CORQ0100    Y     Y           Y
     _              CORQ0200   Off    Y     Y     Y
     _ COM-PLETE    DAEFCODE    Y     Y     Y     Y 
    Mark with Display,Expand,Modify,Purge,Rename,Copy,Overrides,Information, 
    End of List
     Command ==>
                      Help        Exit  Refr                    Add   Prods Menu
  2. The list shows the service or job type, the name and for which products controls are defined. The Comments column shows whether overrides or site information are defined for this service/job.

  3. The name identifies the service or job to which these controls apply. A service is a collection of jobs which form a single DTR cluster, for example CICSPlex, CICS/MRO with Dynamic Transaction Routing, IMS TM or UTM. For jobs, the name may be a wildcard or you can specify a set of default controls for jobs of that type.

  4. Taking the above example:

  5. If you wish to display or modify controls or overrides for one of the other products, press PF11 and mark the required product:

    !  10:05:15               U1PRODM1  !
    !                                   !
    !  Select which product's runtime   !
    !  controls you want to maintain:   !
    !                                   !
    !    _   System Coord.              !
    !    _   Adabas Fastpath            !
    !    x   Adabas Vista               !
    !    _   Transaction Manager        !
    !                                   !
    !        PF3 Exit                   !
    !                                   !+
  6. If there is more than a screen of definitions, use PF7 and PF8 to scroll up and down, PF6 and PF9 to go to the top or bottom of the list, or use the Reposition field to position anywhere within the list.

Add a Runtime Control

Start of instruction setTo add a new definition

  1. Press PF10 from the Client Runtime Controls list.

    The following window will appear:

    14:59:21 ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1        *****  2010-10-04
                          -  Add Client Runtime Control  -               U11310M1  
     Run-mode: Local (node 0)                                                      
     Select (mark one) :                                                           
                              _ Batch                                              
                              _ COM-PLETE                                          
                              _ CICS (DTR - Dynamic transaction routing)           
                              _ CICS (Standard)                                    
                              _ IMS (DTR)                                          
                              _ UTM (DTR)                                          
                              _ TSO                                                
                              _ CMS                                                
                              _ TIAM                                               
                              _ more choices for type or                           
                              _ API controlled - type 1                            
                              _ API controlled - type 2                            
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit                                                  Menu   
  2. Select a job type for the job from the list provided.

    Each different job type has different characteristics and it is therefore important to select the correct type.

    Select the job type "CICS (Standard)" if CICS/MRO is to be used without dynamic transaction routing or for other CICS environments. Select the job type "CICS (DTR – Dynamic Transaction Routing)" if CICS/MRO is to be used with dynamic transaction routing.

    If you mark the selection "more choices for type", another selection window will appear with additional job types. If you need to use any of these, contact Software AG for advice.

    If you mark either of the API controlled types, you can define a set of runtime controls which can be activated dynamically by API. You must enable API overrides for any job where you want to use this API definition and name it in the job’s list of permissible APIs.

    Dynamically activated API runtime controls are not yet available.

  3. After selecting a job type, press Enter. In the following example, the job type "CICS (DTR – Dynamic Transaction Routing)" was selected which results in the following screen being displayed:

     15:00:17     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 *****     2010-10-04
                          -  Add Client Runtime Control  -               U11310M4  
     Run-mode: Local (node 0)
               Type: CICS (DTR)
               Name: ________
    This is a complex type of runtime which is capable of running in basic mode
    and in DTR mode.
    You must define a System Coordinator group (and its members) with PRODUCT=DTR
    AND the member(s) of that group must be executing in order to achieve DTR
    capability, otherwise it is ignored. 
    The name specified above is a unique name for the runtime controls for the
    DTR service (it is not a jobname). You must also use the 'Expand' line
    command to enter the list of all jobs in the service
     Command ==>
          Help        Exit        Add                                       Menu   
  4. Enter the service name (which may not contain * wildcards, in this example CICSPROD was entered) and press PF5 to continue:

     17:53:16     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 *****     2011-04-13
                      -  System Coordinator Runtime Controls  -          U11310M5  
     Run-mode: Local (node 0)                Operation mode (mark one):            
     Type: CICS (DTR)                             Use normal autodetect approach: X
     Name: CICSPROD                               Enable COR even if no products: _
                                              Disable all products including COR: _
         Display activities through group: ________  (mandatory)                   
         Refresh activity statistics every.: _______ commands or _____ seconds     
         API runtime overrides....: N (Y/N)    Threadsafe operation...: Y (Y/N)    
         Use additional exits.....: N (Y/N)                                        
         Maximum idle time (sec)..: 3600______ Non-terminal idle time.: __________ 
         Generate RSP009/79 (Y/N).: Y (until 0_________ seconds elapse)            
         Runtime messages.........: Y Console message job log (default)            
                                    _ Local (DDMSG) file                           
                                    _ Forward to the Daemon (DDMSG) file           
         Latency (mark one).......: _ Disk (crash recoverable)  - requires a group 
                                    _ Dataspace  name:          (future)           
                                    X Daemon-side memory        - requires a group 
                                      Local memory                                 
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit        Add                                       Menu        
  5. The screen is pre-filled with default values for this control type. Please refer to the Parameters section for a description of each parameter. DTR jobs require a System Coordinator Group name. Enter that now or press PF5 which will set the group name, if only one group is defined, or give you a list of defined groups to choose from, if more than one group is defined.

     17:53:58     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 *****     2011-04-13
                      -  System Coordinator Runtime Controls  -          U11310M5  
     Run-mode: Local (node 0)                Operation mode (mark one):            
     Type: CICS (DTR)                             Use normal autodetect approach: X
     Name: CICSPROD                               Enable COR even if no products: _
                                              Disable all products including COR: _
         Display activities through group: DEMO82__  (mandatory)                   
         Refresh activity statistics every.: _______ commands or _____ seconds     
         API runtime overrides....: N (Y/N)    Threadsafe operation...: Y (Y/N)    
         Use additional exits.....: N (Y/N)                                        
         Maximum idle time (sec)..: 3600______ Non-terminal idle time.: __________ 
         Generate RSP009/79 (Y/N).: Y (until 0_________ seconds elapse)            
         Runtime messages.........: Y Console message job log (default)            
                                    _ Local (DDMSG) file                           
                                    _ Forward to the Daemon (DDMSG) file           
         Latency (mark one).......: _ Disk (crash recoverable)  - requires a group 
                                    _ Dataspace  name:          (future)           
                                    X Daemon-side memory        - requires a group 
                                      Local memory                                 
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit        Add                                       Menu   
  6. Press PF5 again to add the control.

     17:54:40     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 *****     2011-04-13
                      -  System Coordinator Runtime Controls  -          U11310M5  
     Run-mode: Local (node 0)                Operation mode (mark one):            
     Type: CICS (DTR)                             Use normal autodetect approach: X
     Name: CICSPROD                               Enable COR even if no products: _
                                              Disable all products including COR: _
         Display activities through group: DEMO82__  (mandatory)                   
         Refresh activity statistics every.: _______ commands or _____ seconds     
         API runtime overrides....: N (Y/N)    Threadsafe operation...: Y (Y/N)    
         Use additional exits.....: N (Y/N)                                        
         Maximum idle time (sec)..: 3600______ Non-terminal idle time.: __________ 
         Generate RSP009/79 (Y/N).: Y (until 0_________ seconds elapse)            
         Runtime messages.........: Y Console message job log (default)            
                                    _ Local (DDMSG) file                           
                                    _ Forward to the Daemon (DDMSG) file           
         Latency (mark one).......: _ Disk (crash recoverable)  - requires a group 
                                    _ Dataspace  name:          (future)           
                                    X Daemon-side memory        - requires a group 
                                      Local memory                                 
    Parameter ADDED                                                                
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit        Upd                     API   More        Menu   

    You can now:

    17:55:20     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 *****     2011-04-13
                      -  System Coordinator Runtime Controls  -          U11310M6  
     Run-mode: Local (node 0)                                                      
     Type: CICS (DTR)                                                              
     Name: CICSPROD                                                                
     The following API runtime overrides are allowed:                              
     ________  ________  ________  ________  ________  ________  ________  ________
     ________  ________  ________  ________  ________  ________  ________  ________
     ________  ________  ________  ________  ________  ________  ________  ________
     ________  ________  ________  ________  ________  ________  ________  ________
     ________  ________  ________  ________  ________  ________  ________  ________
     ________  ________  ________  ________  ________  ________  ________  ________
     ________  ________  ________  ________  ________  ________  ________  ________
     ________  ________  ________  ________  ________  ________  ________  ________
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit        Upd                                       Menu   
    !  10:43:37         Runtime Controls         2006-07-21   !
    !                   -  Additional  -         U1SCJAM1     !
    !                                                         !
    !                Code    Service                          !
    !                ----    --------------                   !
    !                 1      Command Retry                    !
    !                 2      Debug Settings                   !
    !                 .      Exit                             !
    !                ----    --------------                   !
    !       Code....: _                                       !
    !                                                         !
    !                                                         !
    !  Command ==>                                            !
    !                                                         !
    !           PF1 Help    PF3 Exit    PF12 Menu             !
    !                                                         !
    !  10:51:44           Additional Runtime Controls          2006-07-21  !
    !                           Retry Settings                 U1SCJEM1    !
    !                                                             Console  !
    !  Response  Subcode   Retries   Delay (Unit)    Dbid    Fnr  Message  !
    !   148__     _____     60___    5____   SEC    _____  _____     _     !
    !   255__     _____     30___    1____   SEC    _____  _____     _     !
    !   48___     _____     5____    60___   SEC    153__  _____     Y     !
    !   _____     _____     _____    _____   ___    _____  _____     _     !
    !   _____     _____     _____    _____   ___    _____  _____     _     !
    !   _____     _____     _____    _____   ___    _____  _____     _     !
    !   _____     _____     _____    _____   ___    _____  _____     _     !
    !   _____     _____     _____    _____   ___    _____  _____     _     !
    !   _____     _____     _____    _____   ___    _____  _____     _     !
    !   _____     _____     _____    _____   ___    _____  _____     _     !
    !   _____     _____     _____    _____   ___    _____  _____     _     !
    !   _____     _____     _____    _____   ___    _____  _____     _     !
    !   _____     _____     _____    _____   ___    _____  _____     _     !
    !   _____     _____     _____    _____   ___    _____  _____     _     !
    !   _____     _____     _____    _____   ___    _____  _____     _     !
    !  Use Before/After exits: N (Y/N)    Use additional exits: N (Y/N)    !
    !           PF1 Help       PF3 Exit      PF5 Upd                       !
    !                                                                      !
    17:49:17     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 *****     2010-12-15
                          -  Debug Event Monitor Controls  -             U1SCJBM1  
     Debug all sessions (Y/N) .......: Y     Maximum debug reports ......: _____   
         Response code: ___ Sub-code : _____ or mark for generic monitor : _       
         Optionally for database ....: _____ and file number ............: _____   
       Additional debug monitor (Y/N), use only as directed by Software AG:        
         System Coordinator .........: N     Adabas Transaction Manager .: N       
         Adabas Fastpath ............: N     Adabas Vista ...............: N       
       Report content in order of output amount, mark one:                         
         None .......................: X     Client session only ...........: _    
         All sessions for the client : _     All sessions for the job ......: _    
         All memory for the job .....: _                                           
       Additional report content (Y/N):                                            
         CIB ...............: Y   CAB ..............: Y   ID table .........: Y    
         Registers on entry : Y   TP areas .........: Y   Stack ............: Y    
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit        Upd                                              
  7. Here is an example of adding controls for a batch job. Press PF10 from the list, mark Batch and press Enter to continue:

     19:54:18     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 *****     2011-04-13
                          -  Add Client Runtime Control  -               U11310M1  
     Run-mode: Local (node 0)                                                      
     Select (mark one) :                                                           
                              x Batch                                              
                              _ COM-PLETE                                          
                              _ CICS (DTR - Dynamic transaction routing)           
                              _ CICS (Standard)                                    
                              _ IMS (DTR)                                          
                              _ UTM (DTR)                                          
                              _ TSO                                                
                              _ CMS                                                
                              _ TIAM                                               
                              _ more choices for type or                           
                              _ API controlled - type 1                            
                              _ API controlled - type 2                            
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit                                                  Menu   
  8. Enter the jobname and press PF5:

     19:55:04     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 *****     2011-04-13
                          -  Add Client Runtime Control  -               U11310M3  
     Run-mode: Local (node 0)                                                      
             Type: Batch                                                           
             Name: natpbat_ (* for default controls for this type)                 
     This is a standard type of runtime.                                           
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit        Add                                       Menu    
  9. A job name may contain one or more asterisks (*) to indicate a wild card. For example, the runtime control with the name CICS**PR will be found by any job with the value "CICS" in positions 1-4 and the value "PR" in positions 7-8, no matter what the characters are in positions 5-6. If an asterisk (*) is the last character in a job name, the remainder of positions in the name through the eighth are padded with asterisks. A single asterisk indicates that is the default definition for this job type.

  10. Controls are always matched on type. The order of search within type is

    1. Match on exact job name.

    2. Match on wild card definitions.

    3. Use the default for the job type, if one has been defined.

    The number of wild card job names defined for a job type has a direct effect on the number of Adabas commands needed to establish the runtime controls at initialization. This is particularly relevant to batch jobs that process relatively few Adabas commands.

  11. Different control types have different settings and different default values. Make any required changes and press PF5 to add the definition. You can then define API overrides and additional options or return to the list, as described in 6.

     19:55:34     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 *****     2011-04-13
                      -  System Coordinator Runtime Controls  -          U11310M5  
     Run-mode: Local (node 0)                Operation mode (mark one):            
     Type: Batch                                  Use normal autodetect approach: X
     Name: NATPBAT_                               Enable COR even if no products: _
                                              Disable all products including COR: _
         Display activities through group: ________                                
         Refresh activity statistics every.: _______ commands or _____ seconds     
         API runtime overrides....: N (Y/N)                                        
         Use additional exits.....: N (Y/N)                                        
         Maximum idle time (sec)..: __________                                     
         Runtime messages.........: Y Console message job log (default)            
                                    _ Local (DDMSG) file                           
                                    _ Forward to the Daemon (DDMSG) file           
         Latency (mark one).......: _ Disk (crash recoverable)  - requires a group 
                                    _ Dataspace  name:          (future)           
                                    _ Daemon-side memory        - requires a group 
                                    X Not required for non-TP systems              
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit        Add                                       Menu   

Maintain Runtime Controls

Start of instruction setTo maintain a job parameter

Display/Modify Runtime Control

Start of instruction setTo display/modify a runtime control

  1. Select it from the list by marking column C with a “d” or ”m” as appropriate (example below is for modify).

    11:17:36     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 *****     2010-12-13
                      -  System Coordinator Runtime Controls  -          U11310M5  
     Run-mode: Daemon (node 10005)           Operation mode (mark one):            
     Type: COM-PLETE                              Use normal autodetect approach: X
     Name: DAEFCODE                               Enable COR even if no products: _
                                              Disable all products including COR: _
     General Settings                                                              
         Statistics externally viewed using group: ________                        
         Refresh statistics every: _______ commands or _____ seconds               
         API runtime overrides....: N (Y/N)                                        
         Use additional exits.....: N (Y/N)                                        
         Maximum idle time (sec)..: 3600______ Non-terminal idle time.: __________ 
         Generate RSP009/79 (Y/N).: Y (until 0_________ seconds elapse)            
         Runtime messages         : Y Console message job log (default)            
                                    _ Local (DDMSG) file                           
                                    _ Forward to the Daemon (DDMSG) file           
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit        Upd                     API   More        Menu   
  2. Make any necessary modifications (modify only).

  3. Use PF9 to display/modify the list of permissible API overrides.

  4. Use PF10 to display/modify additional options.

  5. Press PF5 to confirm (modify only).

Expand Runtime Control

Start of instruction setTo expand a runtime control

  1. Select it from the list by marking column C with an “e”.

    11:39:03     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 *****     2006-07-21
                        -  Client Runtime Service Members  -             U11390M1
    Run-mode: Local 
     Job type: CICS (DTR)
     Service name: CICCLUST
                   C Name                                   Comments
                   _ CICSDAEF
                   _ CICSDA2F
                   _ CICSDA3F
    Mark with Purge,Rename
    Top of List 
     Command ==> 
          Help        Exit  Refr                                Add         Menu   
  2. Expand is only relevant for DTR definitions. Expand allows you to define which jobs comprise that DTR service. Use PF10 to add a job. You can subsequently purge or rename it by marking it with P or R. All jobs defined for a DTR service will use the runtime controls specified on that service.

Purge a Runtime Control

Start of instruction setTo purge a runtime control

  1. Select it from the list by marking column C with a “p”.

    !  11:41:08     Purge     2006-07-21 !
    !         Runtime Control U11340M1   !
    !                                    !
    !      Type: Batch                   !
    !      Name: CORQ0200                !
    !                                    !
    !      _   All                       !
    !      _   Transaction Mgr.          !
    !      _   Fastpath                  !
    !      _   Vista                     !
    !                                    !
    !    Mark Product(s) to purge or All !
    !    (Overrides will also be purged) !
    !  Command ==>                       !
    !   PF1 Help   PF3 Exit   PF5 Purge  !
    !                                    !
  2. Mark which products’ runtime controls you wish to purge or All to purge the entire control.

  3. Press PF5 to confirm

Rename a Runtime Control

Start of instruction setTo rename a runtime control

  1. Select it from the list by marking column C with a “r”.

    !  11:43:19    Rename     2006-07-21 !
    !         Runtime Control U11350M1   !
    !                                    !
    !                                    !
    !        Type: Batch                 !
    !                                    !
    !        Name: CORQ0200              !
    !                                    !
    !    New Name: ________              !
    !                                    !
    !     Press PF5 to confirm rename    !
    !                                    !
    !                                    !
    !  Command ==>                       !
    !   PF1 Help   PF3 Exit   PF5 Rename !
    !                                    !
  2. Specify the new name, which must not already exist.

  3. Press PF5 to confirm

Copy a Runtime Control

Start of instruction setTo copy a runtime control

  1. Select it from the list by marking column C with a “c”.

    !  11:44:20     Copy      2006-07-21 !
    !         Runtime Control U11360M1   !
    !                                    !
    !      Type: Batch                   !
    !      Name: CORP****                !
    !                                    !
    !      _   All                       !
    !      _   Transaction Mgr.          !
    !      _   Fastpath                  !
    !      _   Vista                     !
    !                                    !
    !    Mark Product(s) to copy or All  !
    !                                    !
    !    Copy to ......: ________        !
    !    Copy Overrides: N (Y/N - All)   !
    !  Command ==>                       !
    !   PF1 Help   PF3 Exit   PF5 Copy   !
    !                                    !
  2. Mark which products’ runtime controls you wish to copy.

  3. Specify the job name to which these runtime controls will be copied, which must not already exist.

  4. If you select All, you may also copy any defined overrides by entering Y against Copy Overrides.

  5. Press PF5 to confirm

Maintain Site Information

Start of instruction setTo maintain site information

  1. Select it from the list by marking column C with a “i”.

    11:45:28     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 *****     2006-07-21
                     -  Client Runtime Controls Site Information  -     U11370M1
           Run-mode: Local 
           Type: CICS (DTR)
           Name: CICCLUST
           Site Information  
           DYPR=FNAT=(60099,205) PROFILE=CICSPROD__________________________
     You may define up to 256 bytes of alphanumeric data (site information), which 
    is stored with this runtime control definition and may be retrieved at runtime
    using the documented API.                                                     
     Command ==>  
          Help        Exit        Upd                     Purge             Menu   
  2. Modify the site information as required and press PF5 to save your changes, or press PF9 to purge the site information.

Maintain Client Runtime Control Overrides

Start of instruction setTo list runtime control overrides

  1. Select it from the Runtime Control maintenance list by marking column C with an ‘o’.

    11:47:11     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 *****     2006-07-21
                    -  Client Runtime Controls Override Summary  -       U11380M1
    Run-mode: Local
        Type: CICS (DTR)   Name: CICCLUST 
    C Type         Name       AFP   AVI   ATM   COR       Comments
    _ Transaction  QA42                    Y     Y
    Mark with Display,Modify,Purge,Rename,Copy,Information 
    End of List
     Command ==> 
         Help        Exit  Refr                                Add         Menu   
  2. This screen lists the runtime control overrides that have been defined for each product.

  3. To add a new override, press PF10, mark the type of override you want to add and provide a name:

    11:50:36     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 *****     2006-07-21
                      -  Add Client Runtime Control Override  -          U11381M1
    Run-mode: Local
    Type: CICS (DTR)   Name: CICCLUST 
    Select the override type ....: _ Login id
    (mark one)                     x Transaction
     and specify the override name: natp____
     Command ==>
          Help        Exit        Add                                       Menu   
  4. Press PF5 to add an empty override, which you can then modify as required:

    11:54:07     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 *****     2006-07-21
                    -  Client Runtime Controls Override Summary  -       U11380M1
    Run-mode: Local
    Type: CICS (DTR)   Name: CICCLUST
    C Type         Name       AFP   AVI   ATM   COR       Comments 
    _ Transaction  NATP                                   *Added (empty)
    _              QA42                    Y     Y
    Mark with Display,Modify,Purge,Rename,Copy,Information 
     Command ==>
          Help        Exit  Refr                                Add         Menu   
  5. Enter one of the following options in the C column to select an entry:

    d display
    m modify
    p purge
    r rename
    c copy
    i site information
  6. These options are the same as the ones available for maintaining client runtime controls except that they maintain the override controls rather than the base level controls. If a different product was selected with PF11 on the Client Runtime Controls list, the overrides for that product are shown.

Dynamic Client Runtime Configuration for Experts

You can dynamically change some runtime controls for your current session. To do this, enter CORENV xxx at the command line, where xxx is the code of the product whose runtime controls you want to change (COR, AFP, ATM or AVI), as in the following example.

Some dynamic changes may take some time to take effect depending upon the product/setting in question.

 10:23:38 ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 (I005) *****  2009-07-28
                            -  Main Menu  -                          C1MAINM1  
 Run-mode: Local (node 0)                                                      
                  Code    Service                                              
                  ----    ------------------------                             
                   0      System Settings                                      
                   1      Maintenance                                          
                   2      Session Monitoring                                   
                   3      Special Services                                     
                   4      About System Coordinator                             
                   .      Exit                                                 
                  ----    ------------------------                             
           Code..: _                                                           
 You can easily switch around the tools for Fastpath, Vista etc by use of the  
 PF Keys shown, or use the codes COR, AFP, AVI, AAF, ATM as commands - anytime.
 Command ==> corenv cor                                                        
      Help        Exit                    AFP   AVI   AAF   ATM         Vers

Which shows you the current runtime controls in effect for your session.

10:24:24     ***** CURRENT SESSION CONTROLS *****            2009-07-28
            -  System Coordinator Session Controls  -          CORENVM1

General Settings
 Estimated Client Sessions: 1000
 Memory pool extents (k)..:  256
 Use additional exits.....:    N
 Maximum idle time (sec)..: 3600 Non-terminal idle time.:
 Generate RSP009/79 (Y/N).:    Y (until 0 seconds elapse)
 Cleanup at start.........:    N (Y/N)    Cleanup at end.: N

Command ==>
Help        Exit        Upd   Reset                   More

Top of page

Maintain Daemon Groups

This section describes how to add/maintain daemon groups.

Adabas System Coordinator daemon groups are used to manage clustered (multiregion or IBM Sysplex) applications.

The daemon group defines the types of applications to be managed and the Node IDs of the daemons (group members) that will manage those applications. One daemon must be active on each operating system image that hosts the application. Any application job can then be defined to this group using the Client Runtime Controls function of SYSCOR, SYSAVI, SYSAFP, or SYSATM Online Services.

Main Menu

Start of instruction setTo invoke the daemon group maintenance menu

  1. Select service 2 from the Maintenance menu or enter the command 1.2 on a command line.

     10:44:45     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 *****     2011-04-14
                              System Coordinator Groups                  C11200M1  
     Run-mode: Local (node 0)                                                      
     C Group Name   Type     SVC ID    Members                                     
     _  DEMO82     Multi       254        2                                        
     _  TSTGROUP   Single      253        1                                        
     Mark with D(isplay),M(odify),P(urge),R(ename),E(xpand),F(iles)                
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit  Refr                                Add         Menu   
  2. Enter one of the following options in the C column:

    d display group definition
    m modify group definition
    p purge group definition
    r rename group definition
    e expand group definition
    f work with group file definitions
  3. Use PF10 to add a new group definition

Adding a Daemon Group Definition

Start of instruction setTo add a new daemon group definition

  1. Press PF10 on the System Coordinator Group menu. The following screen will appear:

    |  10:47:17                   Add                       2011-04-14  |
    |               System Coordinator Group Member         C11210M1    |
    |                                                                   |
    |             Group Name: ________      SVC ID: _____               |
    |                                                                   |
    |    System Type: _  Standard single-system image...                |
    |     (Mark one)     There is only one group member.                |
    |                 _  Standard multi-system images - XCF...          |
    |                    This enables multiple XCF group members.       |
    |                 _  Standard multi-system images - Net-Work...     |
    |                    This enables multiple Net-Work group members.  |
    |                                                                   |
    |                                                                   |
    |                                                                   |
    |                                                                   |
    |    Automatic Pool Recovery: Y                                     |
    |                                                                   |
    |                                                                   |
    |                                                                   |
    |  Command ==>                                                      |
    |         PF1 Help       PF3 Exit       PF5 Add      PF10 More      |
    |                                                                   |
  2. In the field Group Name, enter the name for the group.

    The group name is used to control communication between Adabas System Coordinator daemon peers in an operating system cluster. For example, the daemons communicate using an XCF group with this name in an IBM parallel sysplex. This name must be specified in the job definition for Adabas options such as Adabas Fastpath or Adabas Vista.

  3. In the field SVC ID, define the router (SVC) number that is used for communicating with the group (not applicable to BS2000 or z/VM systems).

    This must be the same in all parts of a cluster.

  4. In the fields System Type, specify whether the group is to coordinate:

  5. In the field Automatic Pool Recovery, select whether or not automatic pool recovery is to be activated. This feature is recommended in that it ensures that, should a Adabas System Coordinator daemon fail for any reason, existing client session will continue to operate. When the daemon is restarted, it will recover the user pools from the failing daemon.

  6. If you are running under BS2000, specify the global common memory pool using the additional parameters that appear in the Add System Coordinator Group Member window.

    Specify a name, virtual start address, and size for the pool.

    The pool you specify is used for allocation of all shared user memory for clustered applications defined to this System Coordinator group.

  7. Press PF10 to see more Daemon Group definition fields and the following screen will appear:

    |  18:43:53     Additional Group Member Parameters      2010-09-27        | 
    |                    System Coordinator Groups          C11210M2          | 
    |                                                                         | 
    |                                                                         | 
    |   Runtime messages - daemon    : Y Console message job log (default)    | 
    |                                  _ Local (DDMSG) file                   | 
    |   Runtime messages - databases : Y Console message job log (default)    | 
    |                                  _ Local (DDMSG) file                   | 
    |                                                                         | 
    |                                                                         | 
    |                                                                         | 
    |                                                                         | 
    |                                                                         | 
    |                                                                         | 
    |                                                                         | 
    |                                                                         | 
    |  Command ==>                                                            | 
    |                      PF3 Quit        PF10 Back                          | 
    |                                                                         | 
    |                                                                         | 
  8. In the "Runtime messages – daemon" fields select one option for the destination of messages output by the Adabas System Coordinator daemon.

    Messages, by default, are written to the console. Messages issued by the daemon may alternatively be directed to a file (DDMSG) by selecting the Local file option. The DDMSG output must be introduced to the daemon execution control script and the file must be correctly in place for the messages to appear. In some operating systems it will automatically appear to list output.

  9. In the "Runtime messages – databases" fields select one option for the destination of messages output by the Adabas System Coordinator component in the database and the other products that use its services.

    Messages, by default, are written to the console. Messages issued by databases that are within the same daemon group may alternatively be directed to a file (DDMSG) by selecting the Local file option. The DDMSG output must be introduced to the databases execution control script and the file must be correctly in place for the messages to appear. In some operating systems it will automatically appear to list output.

  10. The settings from the “More” screen can be confirmed by using PF10. The daemon group will not be created until PF5 is pressed on the first screen.

Maintaining a Daemon Group Definition

After adding the group, you can change any of its attributes, by entering ‘m’ against it:

|  10:54:37                   Modify                    2011-04-14  |
|               System Coordinator Group Member         C11230M1    |
|                                                                   |
|             Group Name: DEMO82        SVC ID: 254__               |
|                                                                   |
|    System Type: _  Standard single-system image...                |
|     (Mark one)     There is only one group member.                |
|                 X  Standard multi-system images - XCF...          |
|                    This enables multiple XCF group members.       |
|                 _  Standard multi-system images - Net-Work...     |
|                    This enables multiple Net-Work group members.  |
|                                                                   |
|                                                                   |
|                                                                   |
|                                                                   |
|    Automatic Pool Recovery: Y                                     |
|                                                                   |
|                                                                   |
|                                                                   |
|  Command ==>                                                      |
|      PF1 Help         PF3 Exit       PF5 Upd        PF10 More     |
|                                                                   |

Make any changes required, enter PF10 to see further parameters:

|  10:55:46     Additional Group Member Parameters      2011-04-14        |
|                    System Coordinator Groups          C11230M2          |
|                                                                         |
|                                                                         |
|   Runtime messages - daemon    : _ Console message job log (default)    |
|                                  X Local (DDMSG) file                   |
|   Runtime messages - databases : _ Console message job log (default)    |
|                                  X Local (DDMSG) file                   |
|                                                                         |
|                                                                         |
|                                                                         |
|                                                                         |
|                                                                         |
|                                                                         |
|                                                                         |
|                                                                         |
|  Command ==>                                                            |
|                      PF3 Quit        PF10 Back                          |
|                                                                         |
|                                                                         |

Make any changes required then enter PF10 to confirm these changes and return to the first screen.

  14:49:07                   Modify                    2010-10-04 
               System Coordinator Group Member         C11230M1   
             Group Name: RPEGRP1       SVC ID: 254__              
    System Type: X  Standard single-system image...               
     (Mark one)     There is only one group member.               
                 _  Standard multi-system images - XCF...         
                    This enables multiple XCF group members.      
                 _  Standard multi-system images - Net-Work...    
                    This enables multiple Net-Work group members. 
                 _  IBM Parallel Sysplex...                       
                    This enables XCF group and use of the CF to   
                    allow dynamic transaction routing in the plex 
                    Cluster Facility Name: ________________       
    Automatic Pool Recovery: Y                                    
  Command ==>                                                     
      PF1 Help         PF3 Exit       PF5 Upd        PF10 More    

Press PF5 to save all changes from both screens.

You can also purge or rename the group. You must use purge and rename with care as you may invalidate other definitions (client runtime controls and Adabas Fastpath buffer definitions) that refer to the group being purged or renamed.

To purge, enter ‘p’ against the group to be purged:

!  16:46:15          Purge            2006-07-21  !
!    System Coordinator Group Member  C11240M1    !
!                                                 !
!              Group Name: TESTADD                !
!                                                 !
!                  SVC ID: 211                    !
!                                                 !
!              PF5 to Confirm Purge               !
!                                                 !
!                                                 !
!  Command ==>                                    !
!       PF1 Help    PF3 Exit    PF5 Purge         !
!                                                 !

and press PF5 to confirm.

To rename, enter ‘r’ against the group to be renamed:

!  16:47:55          Rename           2006-07-21  !
!    System Coordinator Group Member  C11250M1    !
!                                                 !
!              Group Name: TESTADD                !
!                                                 !
!                New Name: ________               !
!                                                 !
!             PF5 to Confirm Rename               !
!                                                 !
!                                                 !
!  Command ==>                                    !
!        PF1 Help    PF3 Exit    PF5 Upd          !
!                                                 !

Maintain a Daemon Group Member Definition

Start of instruction setTo maintain a daemon group member definition

  1. On the System Coordinator Group menu, enter ‘e’ in the C column adjacent to an entry in the Group Name column. The following screen will appear:

     10:57:15     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 *****     2011-04-14
                        -  System Coordinator Group Members  -           C11260M1 
     Run-mode: Local (node 0)                                                     
    Group Name: DEMO82                           Operating System: Multi          
        SVC ID: 254                                                               
         Purge(P)      Job Name          Node ID                                  
            _          ICFDCOR3           1650_          <== Top of List          
            _          ICFDCOR4           1660_          <== End of List          
                       ________           _____                                   
                       ________           _____                                   
                       ________           _____                                   
                       ________           _____                                   
                       ________           _____                                   
                       ________           _____                                   
                       ________           _____                                   
                       ________           _____                                   
                       ________           _____                                   
                       ________           _____                                   
     Command ==>                                                                  
          Help        Exit  Refr  Upd                           Add         Menu  

    From this screen, you can

  2. If you are adding a new group, you must add at least one member.

    For each member, specify the following:

Defining SYSCO Files

A System Coordinator group provides a central file-store facility that can be used by Adabas options such as the Adabas Transaction Manager. If an Adabas option requires a SYSCO file to be defined, its documentation will give details of the requirement.

A SYSCO file is a logical collection of records which are stored in an Adabas file. The file can be defined on any Adabas database. A database that contains a system file for job parameters will probably be a suitable location for your SYSCO file, since high availability is likely to be a requirement. A single database file can contain just one SYSCO file.

Start of instruction setTo add a new SYSCO file definition for a daemon group

  1. To create a database file for use as a SYSCO file, run a standard ADALOD job, using input from the distribution tape. Sample job CORI050F can be edited according to site requirements, and used for this purpose.

  2. On the System Coordinator Group menu, once you have defined your System Coordinator group, enter ‘f’ in the C column adjacent to the appropriate entry in the Group Name column. The following screen will appear:

     12:33:48     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 *****     2006-07-21
                      -  System Coordinator File Definitions  -          C11270M1 
     Run-mode: Local  
     Group Name: CORGROUP
     C   File Name  DB ID   Fnr   Description
    Mark with D(isplay),M(odify),P(urge)No records found for selection
     Command ==>
          Help        Exit  Refr                                Add         Menu
  3. Press PF10 to add a SYSCO file definition for this group. The following window will appear:

    !  12:37:54                  Add File Definition              2006-07-21 !
    !                                                             C11270M2   !
    !   Group Name: CORGROUP                                                 !
    !                                                                        !
    !    File Name: ________   DB ID: _____   File Number: _____  SVC: ___   !
    !                                                                        !
    !  Description: __________________________________________________       !
    !                                                                        !
    !         Press PF5 to confirm                                           !
    !                                                                        !
    !  Command ==>                                                           !
    !    PF1 Help     PF3 Exit     PF5 Add                                   !
    !                                                                        !
  4. Enter values for the following parameters for the SYSCO file:

    Parameter Description
    File Name The logical name of the SYSCO file. This name identifies the ownership and purpose of the SYSCO file. Therefore it must exactly match the name given in the documentation of the Adabas option that requires this file.
    DB ID The ID of the database that contains the SYSCO file.
    File Number The number of the SYSCO file.
    SVC The number of the Adabas SVC that is used by the database which contains the SYSCO file. This parameter is only needed for z/OS and VSE systems.
    Description Free-format text describing the SYSCO file.
  5. When you have entered the parameter settings, press PF5 to save them.

  6. The SYSCO file is now ready for use. You might need to restart any software component that will rely on the newly defined file.

Start of instruction setTo maintain a SYSCO file definition

  1. On the System Coordinator Group menu, enter ‘f’ in the C column adjacent to an entry in the Group Name column. The following screen will appear:

    12:39:17     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 *****     2006-07-21
                      -  System Coordinator File Definitions  -          C11270M1 
    Run-mode: Local 
    Group Name: CORGROUP
    C   File Name  DB ID   Fnr     Description
    _   ATMMTR     135     175     ATM MIGRATED TRANSACTION RECOR  <== End of List
    Mark with D(isplay),M(odify),P(urge)
     Command ==>
          Help        Exit  Refr                                Add         Menu

    From this screen, you can

  2. If you choose to display or modify a file definition, you will see a window of the same format as when you first defined the file. If you are modifying the definition, you must press PF5 after making your changes, to save them.

Top of page