This function is used to maintain Adabas System Coordinator system settings.
To display the System Settings menu
Select service 0 from the main menu.
17:06:12 ***** A D A B A S SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 ***** 2011-04-13 - System Settings - C10000M1 Run-mode: Local (node 0) Code Service ---- --------------------- 1 LFILE 152 Maintenance 2 SAF Security Settings . Exit ---- --------------------- Code..: _ Command ==> Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit Menu |
Select option 1 to view or modify the current configuration file.
Select option 2 to view or modify the SAF Security settings for SYSCOR when using this configuration file.
To customize the use of LFILE 152
Select service 1
from System Settings menu
or enter the command 0.1
on a command line.
17:06:12 ***** A D A B A S SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 ***** 2011-04-13 - System Settings - C10000M1 Run-m +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | 17:08:36 LFILE 152 Maintenance 2011-04-13 | | U1LFILM2 | | | | Current Settings for LFILE 152: | | | | Original LFILE = ( 152 , 640 , 190 ) | | Current LFILE = ( 152 , 640__ , 190__ ) | | (effective only for this Natural session) | | | | Default pop-up settings: | | Do you want to see this window again ? | | - for the current SYSCOR session... N | | - for future SYSCOR sessions....... N | | | | PF3 Exit PF5 Update/Confirm | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Command ==> Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit Menu |
The LFILE 152 Maintenance window appears.
In the Original LFILE field, the database and file number are displayed for the configuration file that was allocated to LFILE 152 at the start of your current SYSCOR session.
The LFILE 152 Maintenance window is displayed whenever an online services function is selected that accesses the configuration file, making it possible for the user to access multiple configuration files from within a single Natural session.
These values were allocated to LFILE 152 using the static Natural
parameter NTLFILE ID=152,..
or the dynamic Natural
parameter LFILE=(152,..)
. For more information about
specifying LFILE 152, see the installation instructions relevant to your
operating system.
In the Current LFILE field, you can change the database and file number to access a different configuration file. Specify the new configuration file database and file number, if necessary.
Review the default settings.
The LFILE 152 Maintenance window is displayed whenever an online services function is selected that accesses the configuration file, making it possible for the user to access multiple configuration files from within a single Natural session.
Regardless of the options you choose, you can always modify those choices by invoking the LFILE 152 Maintenance function from System Settings.
To customize SAF Security settings:
Select service 2 from System Settings menu or enter the command 0.2 on a command line.
17:12:02 ***** A D A B A S SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 ***** 2011-04-13 - Main Menu - C1MAINM1 Run-m +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | 17:12:05 SAF Security Settings 2011-04-13 | | U1SAFSM1 | | | | Protect SYSCOR with SAF Security: N (Y/N) | | System Coordinator Daemon Group : ________ | | | | Action if no daemon available (mark one): | | Disallow all functions: _ | | Allow read functions only: _ | | Allow all functions: _ | | | | | | | | | | PF3 Exit PF5 Update/Confirm | You c | | PF11, +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Command ==> 0.2 Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit Prods Vers |
The SAF Security Settings screen appears.
By default, "Protect SYSCOR with SAF Security" appears as N. To activate SAF protection for SYSCOR:
Set "Protect SYSCOR with SAF Security" to Y
Specify the name of the System Coordinator group that contains the daemon configured for Adabas SAF Security. The group and daemon must already be defined (see the Adabas System Coordinator documentation section Maintain Daemon Groups).
Select the desired behavior when no daemon is available or the security service in the daemon is not available:
Disallow all functions:
SYSCOR cannot be used until the daemon security service is available
Allow read functions only:
SYSCOR activity displays can be used, but functions that require update access, such as server restart, are not allowed.
Allow all functions:
SYSCOR can be used without restriction.
You must restrict who has update access to COR.SETTINGS. Anyone with update access can deactivate SAF security checking, or switch to a configuration file with no SAF security settings
In an emergency (for example, wrong security definitions or the daemon is unexpectedly unavailable and you selected "Disallow all functions"), you can sign on to Natural as user DBA and set "Protect SYSCOR with SAF Security" to N until the emergency has passed. Security checking of SAF Security Settings is bypassed for user DBA. Obviously you should restrict access to user DBA.