Version 8.2.1

Current Activity Displays

The Current Activity Displays function can be used to obtain information and statistics on all applications being managed by the Adabas System Coordinator.

Current Activity Displays Menu

Start of instruction setTo display the Current Activity Displays menu

All information requests will be directed to the current information source as displayed in the Perspective field at the top of the screen. By default this will be either your local client session when you are running in Local (non-daemon) mode or if you are running in local plus or daemon mode, monitoring requests will be directed to your coordinator daemon. Option 3 is only available if you are currently using daemon perspective, as in the example screen above. Bear in mind that the information displayed in local plus mode may not be as current as the same information displayed in local mode. In local plus mode, you see a snapshot of the information as it was last transmitted to the daemon. The frequency of transmission depends on the client runtime "Refresh activity statistics" controls.

Top of page

Change Perspective

This option can be used to route monitoring requests to any active coordinator daemon or to your local client session (see screen below).

Start of instruction setTo access the Change Perspective screen from the Current Activity Displays menu

When running in local plus mode, the options are slightly different, with "Revert to local plus…" instead of "Revert to daemon…":

|  11:31:28        Change Perspective         2011-04-14  |
|  Current perspective: Daemon (node 1650)    C12PSPM1    |
|                                                         |
|  Local:  Shows current activity displays for this       |
|          job and active targets of the Adabas router    |
|          in use by this job                             |
|  Daemon: Shows current activity displays for jobs       |
|          managed by the System Coordinator daemon and   |
|          active targets known to the daemon             |
|                                                         |
|  Revert to local plus (node 1660).: _                   |
|  Change to daemon node............: _____               |
|  Change to local (node 0).........: _                   |
|                                                         |
|            PF3 Exit    PF5 Set perspective              |
|                                                         |

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Display Adabas Client Job Information

Start of instruction setTo display the Adabas Client Jobs screen from the Current Activity Displays menu

Display Job Information

Selecting Detail results in the following screen being displayed:

11:39:56     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 *****     2011-04-14
                         -  Display Job Details  -                   C12110M1  
 Run-mode: Local plus (node 1660)             Perspective: Daemon (node 1660)  
 Job Name: DA2FCI23    Job Number: C43489                                      
       No. of commands:                                 20,706                 
 Command ==>                                                                   
                  Exit  Refr                                Expan       Menu     

This screen shows the total number of Adabas commands seen by System Coordinator in this job. Pressing PF10 lists the jobs sessions (see the next section).

Refresh Job Debug Parms

This function allows new client debug event monitor definitions to be activated for the job.


This function writes internal diagnostic information to CORDUMP

Top of page

Display Session Information

Selecting Display Session Information results in the following screen being displayed:

 11:43:11     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 *****     2011-04-14
 Job Name: DA2FCI23    -  Display Session Information  -             C12130M1  
 Run-mode: Local plus (node 1660)             Perspective: Local (node 0)      
                                 Dormant         Number of Latent               
 C     Session ID              (HHH:MM.SS)           Sessions                   
 _     @    DA2FCI23              0:37.02                   1                   
 _  TC94    DA2FCI23              0:00.00             running                   
 _  TC95    DA2FCI23              0:32.42                   1                   
 _  TC96    DA2FCI23              0:00.36                   1                   
 Mark with D(etail),S(nap),P(urge),(swi)T(ch debug on/off),E(xpand)            
End of List                                                                    
 Command ==>                                                                   
      Help        Exit  Refr                                            Menu     

This screen shows the client sessions that are active in a job managed by the Adabas System Coordinator. The following information is provided:

Field Description
Session ID The Session ID. In a TP system, a session is usually equivalent to a terminal or an asynchronous task (also known as background tasks). IDs comprised of special characters are normally generated by the system.
Dormant The amount of time since the last user activity.
Number of latent sessions For sessions that are not currently active, the number of Adabas client sessions in use. This is normally 1 but may be 2 or 3 when using the Natural ADAMODE parameter. When using Local perspective, sessions that are currently active show "running" and sessions that are active and currently have an Adabas call active show "running in Adabas".

Mark a session with one of the commands shown:

The following additional information is provided:

Field Description
Transaction code The transaction code in use by this session.
Terminal name The terminal name (for terminal sessions).
Network name The network name (for terminal sessions).
Login id The login id in use by this session.
Activity refreshes For local plus mode, shows the number of times this session has transmitted information to the daemon and in which group the daemon is running.
Latency writes/reads The number of message pairs executed by this session.

Press PF10 to list the individual Adabas client sessions for this session (see E: expand session, below)

Top of page

Expand Adabas client sessions

Selecting Expand from Display Session Information results in the following screen being displayed:

 12:20:12     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 *****     2011-04-14
 Job Name: DA2FCI23    -  Display Session Information  -             C12136M1  
 Run-mode: Local plus (node 1660)             Perspective: Local (node 0)      
 Session ID: TC95    DA2FCI23 Hex: E3C3F9F500000000C4C1F2C6C3C9F2F3            
 C  Adabas Session Identity             Hex                                    
 _  CICSTC95  0000000000000000000000000000000000000000C3C9C3E2E3C3F9F5         
 Mark with D(etail),P(urge),C(ontrols)                                         
Top of List                                                                    
 Command ==>                                                                   
      Help        Exit  Refr                                            Menu       

This screen shows the Adabas client sessions that are active. Mark a session with one of the commands shown:

 12:22:08     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 *****     2011-04-14
                  -  System Coordinator Session Statistics  -        U1STS0M1  
 Node ID: LOCAL Session ID: CICSTC95 Hex: C3C9C3E2E3C3F9F5 Job Name: DA2FCI23  
       No. of commands:                                  6,809                 
 Command ==>                                                                   
                  Exit  Refr                                Tasks Prods Menu      

Use PF10 to perform tasks on this Adabas client session:

|  12:23:37    Tasks      U1TSK0M1  |
|                                   |
|  Select the task you wish to      |
|  perform for this session:        |
|                                   |
|    _   List Accessed Databases    |
|    _   Stop Adabas UQEs           |
|                                   |
|                                   |
|                                   |
|                                   |
|            PF3 Exit               |
|                                   |

You can list the databases that have been accessed:

 12:25:01     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 *****     2011-04-14
                      - List Accessed Databases -                    U1TSK1M1  
 Session: CICSTC95 Fully qualified session (hexadecimal):                      
 Number of databases currently being accessed:                                 
       Database Comment                                                        
 Command ==>                                                                   
                  Exit  Refr                                            Menu   

Or stop this session’s Adabas users in those databases (this requires Adabas Transaction Manager to be active in the databases):

 12:27:50     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 *****     2011-04-14
                         - Stop Adabas UQEs -                        U1TSK1M1  
 Using daemon node: 0     (optional, if 0 the runtime daemon node is used)     
 Session: CICSTC95 Fully qualified session (hexadecimal):                      
 Number of databases currently being accessed:                                 
       Database Comment                                                        
 Command ==>                                                                   
                  Exit  Refr  Stop                                      Menu   

Press PF5 to action the stop.

PF11 on the Adabas client session list allows you to display information for another product. Select the product:

|  12:28:52               U1PRD0M1  |
|                                   |
|  Select the product you wish      |
|  to work with:                    |
|                                   |
|    _   System Coordinator         |
|    x   Transaction Manager        |
|    _   Adabas Fastpath            |
|    _   Adabas Vista               |
|                                   |
|                                   |
|        PF3 Exit                   |
|                                   |

and press enter:

 12:31:30     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 *****     2011-04-14
                  -  Transaction Manager Session Statistics  -       U1STS0M4  
 Node ID: LOCAL Session ID: CICSTC95 Hex: C3C9C3E2E3C3F9F5 Job Name: DA2FCI23  
                   Transactions         Commits    Tran Timeout       Heuristic
                   ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
   ATM only:                  0               0                                
   External:                  0               0                                
   Global:                    0               0               0               0
 Command ==>                                                                   
                  Exit  Refr                          More  Tasks Prods Menu   

Some products offer more information via PF9 (only when the perspective is local):

 12:33:41     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 *****     2011-04-14
                           -  Session Details  -                     U1TMA0M1  
Job Name: DA2FCI23      Co-ordinator: ATM                 Client Type: 00 - DTP
Terminal ID: TC95     E3C3F9F500000000      Net Name: DAEETC95 C4C1C5C5E3C3F9F5
Client ID:            0000000000000000      Status:   F00000000000  GT         
CommID: 000CA10E 20980001 40404040 40404040 00FC7700 C3C9C3E2 E3C3F9F5         
   XID: C1C4C101 00000050 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 C2D80000
        00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Adabas calls: 6804                                 ASA: 00000000 GTQE: 00000000
Last Function Call: 22  - WRAP CMD                Transaction model: MESSAGE   
 DBNo.  L/R  DTP    ETID       Status        |        Pending Response Codes   
 640     R    N              8060 ET         |           Resp.   Subcode       
 135     R                   8062 ET         ¦                                 
 Command ==>                                                                   
      Help        Exit  Refr              Top               ErrI        Menu   

You must confirm the purge request with PF5:

|  12:34:52                Purge Adabas Session               2011-04-14  |
|                                                             C1213ZM1    |
|  Session ID: CICSTC95                                                   |
|         Hex: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000C3C9C3E2E3C3F9F5   |
|                                                                         |
|                          PF5 to Confirm Purge                           |
|                                                                         |
|  WARNING:                                                               |
|  Purging a session can cause catastrophic unpredictable results         |
|  including failure of the whole service. You must be absolutely sure    |
|  the session is gone completely and is not going to reactivate.         |
|                                                                         |
|                                                                         |
|                          PF3 Exit    PF5 Purge                          |
|                                                                         |
|  12:35:22               U1PRD0M1  |
|                                   |
|  Select the product you wish      |
|  to work with:                    |
|                                   |
|    _   System Coordinator         |
|    x   Transaction Manager        |
|    _   Adabas Fastpath            |
|    _   Adabas Vista               |
|                                   |
|                                   |
|        PF3 Exit                   |
|                                   |

and press Enter

 12:35:47            ***** CURRENT SESSION CONTROLS *****            2011-04-14
              -  Adabas Transaction Manager Session Controls  -      SETATMM1  
                               Last modified 2011-03-17 at 14:46:05 by UKLT    
       ATM ON/OFF ...... ON_           Added 2011-02-21 at 16:32:41 by UKSJU   
       System coordinator group name ........... DEMO82                        
       Maximum number of open databases ........ 4                             
       Number of log record entries ............ 0____                         
       Transaction control... .................. LOCAL_  (Local/Global)        
       Emergency serial ET commands ............ FORCE   (Yes/No/Force)        
       Coordinate Adabas DBs outside the group . YES     (Yes/RM/No)           
       Application controls ET data ............ NO_     (Yes/No)              
       Generate OP commands .................... NO_     (Yes/No)              
       Transaction model ....................... MESSAGE (Message/Dynamic)     
       External syncpoint on BT command ........ YES     (Yes/No)              
       External syncpoint on CL command ........ YES     (Yes/No)              
       External syncpoint on ET command ........ YES     (Yes/No)              
       Use client-side transaction manager ..... NO_     (Yes/No)              
       Use host system transaction manager ..... NO_     (Yes/No)              
       Use extended hold processing ............ NO_     (Yes/No)              
 Command ==>                                                                   
      Help        Exit        Upd   Reset                                                    

You can then modify the controls (those which are modifiable on runtime control overrides – see Maintain Client Runtime Control Overrides) for this client session only and press PF5 to update them. Press PF6 to revert to the pre-defined runtime controls for all products.

Top of page

Network Discovery

Start of instruction setTo use the Network Discovery function from the Session Monitoring menu

  1. Select service 2 or enter the command 2.2 on a command line.

     12:42:00     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 *****     2011-04-14
                               -  Network Discovery  -                   C12200M1  
     Run-mode: Local plus (node 1660)             Perspective: Daemon (node 1660)  
       Coord  L Last Update                                    Status              
     C  Node  R (HH:MM.SS)    DBID   Nuc ID       Type         A S P F   Resp Subc 
     _  1660  L  11:57.13      655    6552    Ada Cluster(S)   A S P -             
     _                        1660    1660    System Coord     A S - -             
     _                         653     653    Adabas           A S P -             
     _  1650  R  11:56.31      655    6551    Ada Cluster(S)   A S P -             
     _                        1650    1650    System Coord     A S - -             
     _                         652     652    Adabas           A S P -             
     _                         640     640    Adabas           A S P -             
     Mark with T(asks)                                                             
    End of List                                                                    
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help  Peek  Exit  Refr  Persp                               Prods Menu       

    Each Adabas System Coordinator daemon maintains a list of targets that are or were at one time active. This information is communicated to all daemons in the cluster.

    When the perspective is daemon, this screen displays the network from that daemon’s perspective.

    You can perform various tasks against some node types. For a daemon, you can set it to be your current perspective or, if the daemon contains Adabas Transaction Manager, you can adjust the global transaction time limit.

    |  12:48:45             Node Operations             2011-04-14  |
    |  Current target: 1660  Type: System Coord                     |
    |                                                               |
    |  Select one task:                                             |
    |  _ Set your perspective to this daemon                        |
    |  _ Set TM global transaction time limit                       |
    |                                                               |
    |                                                               |
    |                                                               |
    |                                                               |
    |                                                               |
    |                                                               |
    |                                                               |
    |                                                               |
    |               PF3 Exit    PF5 Perform task                    |
    |                                                               |

    Mark the required task and press PF5, for example to set TM global transaction time limit:

    |  12:50:49   Set TM Global Transaction Time Limit  2011-04-14  |
    |  Current target: 1660  Type: System Coord                     |
    |                                                               |
    |    Current global transaction time limit: 720_____            |
    |                                                               |
    |                                                               |
    |                                                               |
    |               PF3 Exit    PF5 Set TMGTT                       |
    |                                                               |

    The current limit is displayed. Modify it as required and press PF5 to effect the change.

    For an Adabas nucleus, you can stop users who have been inactive for a certain time:

    |  12:52:57             Node Operations             2011-04-14  |
    |  Current target: 653   NucID 653   Type: Adabas               |
    |                                                               |
    |  Select one task:                                             |
    |  _ Stop inactive users (STOPI), dormant for ________ seconds  |
    |                                                               |
    |                                                               |
    |                                                               |
    |                                                               |
    |                                                               |
    |                                                               |
    |                                                               |
    |                                                               |
    |                                                               |
    |               PF3 Exit    PF5 Perform task                    |
    |                                                               |

    Mark the task, enter the required dormancy and press PF5. Adabas Transaction Manager must be active in the selected nucleus.

  2. You can change the perspective to another daemon or local by pressing PF5:

    |  11:56:09        Change Perspective         2008-05-22  |
    |  Current perspective: Daemon (node 650)     C12PSPM1    |
    |                                                         |
    |  Local:  Shows session monitoring information for this  |
    |          job and active targets of the Adabas router    |
    |          in use by this job                             |
    |  Daemon: Shows session monitoring information for jobs  |
    |          managed by the System Coordinator daemon and   |
    |          active targets known to the daemon             |
    |                                                         |
    |  Revert to local (node 0)......: x                      |
    |  Change to daemon node.........: _____                  |
    |                                                         |
    |                                                         |
    |            PF3 Exit    PF5 Set perspective              |
    |                                                         |

    Select the required perspective and press PF5.

  3. Local perspective shows the targets active on the Adabas router that your client session is connected to:

    11:58:10 ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 (I003) *****  2008-05-22
                               -  Network Discovery  -                   C12300M1  
     Run-mode: Local (node 0)                     Perspective: Local (node 0)      
     Coord  L Last Update                                    Status                
      Node  R (HH:MM.SS)    DBID   Nuc ID       Type         A S P F   Resp Subc   
                           61001   61001    Entire Network   A - - -               
                           60099   60099    Adabas           A - P -               
                             180     180    Unidentified     A - - F               
                             640     640    Adabas           A S P -               
                             652     652    Adabas           A S P -               
                             650     650    System Coord     A S - -               
                             651     651    ATM              A S P -               
                             655    6551    Ada Cluster(S)   A S P -               
                           12000   12000    System Coord     A S - -               
                           12002   12002    ATM              A S P -               
                           12004   12004    Adabas           A S P -               
                           12006   12601    Ada Cluster(S)   A S P -               
    End of List                                                                    
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help  Peek  Exit  Refr  Persp                               Prods Menu   
  4. On systems where the Adabas router uses an SVC, you can use PF2 to "peek" at targets active on another SVC:

    |  12:44:58           Change Router           2011-04-14  |
    |  Current perspective: Peeking at SVC 252    C12200M3    |
    |                                                         |
    |  You can peek into another Adabas router in the local   |
    |  computer by entering the SVC number BUT...             |
    |  WARNING: If you specify an incorrect SVC, there will   |
    |  be unpredictable results such as outage of the whole   |
    |  TP service and or transaction failures, loops etc.     |
    |                        SVC: 252                         |
    |                                                         |
    |                                                         |
    |                PF3 Exit    PF5 Set peek                 |
    |                                                         |

    Enter the required SVC number and press PF5. Take note of the warning and be careful to specify a valid Adabas SVC number.

     12:45:27     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 *****     2011-04-14
                               -  Network Discovery  -                   C12200M1  
     Run-mode: Local plus (node 1660)             Perspective: Peeking at SVC 252  
       Coord  L Last Update                                    Status              
     C  Node  R (HH:MM.SS)    DBID   Nuc ID       Type         A S P F   Resp Subc 
     _                       61002   61002    Entire Network   A - - -             
     _                         180     180    Unidentified     A - - F             
     _                       12001   12001    Unidentified     A - - F             
     _                       12003   12003    Unidentified     A - - F             
     _                       12005   12005    Unidentified     A - - F             
     _                       12006   12602    Unidentified     A - - F             
     Mark with T(asks)                                                             
    Top of List                                                                    
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help  Peek  Exit  Refr  Persp             Fwd               Prods Menu   

Top of page

Display Daemons in a Group

Start of instruction setTo display the daemons in a group screen from the Session Monitoring menu

  1. Select service 3 or enter the command 2.3 on a command line.

    12:07:12 ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 (I003) *****  2008-05-22
                          -  Display Daemon Group Members  -             C12400M1  
     Run-mode: Local (node 0)                     Perspective: Daemon (node 650)   
                                      Start Time             <----Cluster Moves--->
     Coordinator Name  Node  System   (HH:MM.SS)   Sessions       Total   Ave. Size
     ICFDCOR1           650  DAEF      08:43.25           0           0           0
     ICFDCOR2           660  DA2F      08:43.30           0           0           0
    End of List                                                                    
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit  Refr                                            Menu   

    The screen shows the daemons that are active in the coordinator group. This option is only available when using daemon perspective, because node information is kept in the daemon, not in the local client.

    The following information is provided:

    Field Description
    Coordinator Name The name and job number of the coordinator daemon task.
    Node The Adabas Node ID of the coordinator daemon.
    System The operating system ID.
    Start Time The start time of the coordinator daemon.
    Sessions The number of client sessions currently managed by this coordinator daemon.
    Cluster Moves The number of client sessions that have been routed dynamically to this system, and the average session message size per move. This field is only relevant for clustered applications in a multisystem environment.

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