This section describes how to obtain and use the buffer statistics available for the active Adabas Fastpath buffer.
Active Fastpath buffers can be monitored and controlled by selecting
option code 2
on the Online Services main menu or by
entering the command 2 on the
command line.
The Session Monitoring menu is then displayed.
13:34:17 ***** A D A B A S FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 ***** 2011-03-04 Run-mode: 17004 - Current Activity Displays - F12000M1 Code Service ---- ----------------------------- 1 Buffer Information 2 Database and File Information 3 Optimized Job Information 4 System Job Information . Exit ---- ----------------------------- Code ..: _ Perspective: 17004 A8P17004 Status: Active Started Mar 4,2011 at 13:33 Command ==> Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit Menu |
The following fields are provided:
Field | Description |
Code | Option code. The following options are available:
ABM Node ID | The Node ID for the buffer being displayed
Note: Note: |
Status | Indicates whether or not the buffer is active and when it was last started. |
Run-mode | The FASTABM/System Coordinator Node ID to which
this job is connected or some text that explains why the job is not currently
Excluded: Job parameter is not defined. |
Selecting option code 1
on the Current
Activity Displays screen invokes the General Information screen.
You can also access this screen by entering
2.1 on the command line.
13:04:24 ***** A D A B A S FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 ***** 2010-10-22 Run-mode: 17004 - General Information - F12100MA Name: A8P17004 SVC: 254 DB: 17004 Connected to: Buffer Status : Active Started: Oct 22,2010 at: 12:46 Ave Memory Val: Address: 16BAE400 Size(k): 1023 Session Number: 113 ------------------------------ Buffer Statistics ----------------------------- Access Type Attempts (67%) <----------Successes (59%) Read-ahead: 457 (22%) 320 (70%) Direct: 815 (40%) 384 (47%) RCs: 119 (5%) 119 (14%) Others: 623 (33%) Total: 2,014 (100%) 823 (40%) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command ==> Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit Refr Serv Excl Parm Zero Node Menu |
The first section of this screen provides general information for the buffer. The following information is provided:
Field | Description |
Buffer Type | The buffer type (global, member). |
Name | The buffer name. |
SVC | The Adabas SVC used for this buffer. |
DB | The Adabas database for which this buffer is used to provide optimization. |
Connected to | The job to which the buffer is connected. |
Buffer Status | Indicates whether or not the buffer is currently active. |
Started | The time at which the buffer was last started. |
Ave Memory Val ... Session Number | These fields are reserved for Software AG use. |
The next section provides the buffer statistics. The following information is provided:
Field | Description |
Access Type |
Attempts: the percentage of optimization attempts (opimization
attempts divided by total number of commands). |
Read-Ahead |
Attempts: the number of read-ahead optimization attempts, and
the attempt percentage (read-ahead optimization attempts divided by total
number of commands). |
Direct |
Attempts: the number of direct access optimization attempts,
and the attempt percentage (direct access optimization attempts divided by
total number of commands). |
RCs | Attempts is always equal to successes. This is the number of
optimized RC s that immediately followed a direct
access command (without any intervening "next" commands).
Excluded |
Attempts: the number of commands which were excluded from optimization, and percentage (number of excluded commands divided by total number of commands). Note: |
Total |
Attempts: the total number of commands encountered by Adabas
Fastpath. |
Pressing PF6 from any of the buffer information screens displays the Excluded Command Analysis screen:
13:05:49 ***** A D A B A S FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 ***** 2010-10-22 Run-mode: 17004 - Excluded Command Analysis - F12100ME Buffer: A8P17004 Node Id: 17004 Statistics for commands that have optimization potential but were unable to be optimized: Unsuitable command type: 23 Disqualified: 258 Optimization was disabled: 0 Multi-fetch was already set: 0 Command details exceed Set-id limit: 0 Record Buffer exceeds the limit: 4 Command ==> Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit Refr Serv Gen Parm Zero Node Menu |
This screen displays the following information:
Information | Description |
Excluded - Reasons | The total number of commands excluded from optimization for the listed reasons. For more information, see Excluded Commands. |
This same analysis can be displayed for jobs, databases, and
Pressing PF9 from any of the buffer information screens invokes the General Parameters screen:
18:31:41 ***** A D A B A S FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 ***** 2008-11-21 Run-mode: 17004 - General Parameters - F12100MF Buffer: Global A8P17004 Node ID: 17004 Initial Commands Main Parameters Value Allocation Peak Usage Ignored Size(k)..Min: 1023 1024 1023 24% Maximum Jobs: 12 1 0 RB Length Limit: 2048 0 Set Length Limit: 1024 0 Other------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fast cache attempts: 32 Fast set create attempts: 25 Coherence Limit (per sec): 1 Suspension Period (mins): 10 Default pacing rate: 10 Set Concurrency: 2 Freespace Index Entries: 512 Average Item Size: 256 Async coherence messages: Y Log every n minutes: 60 Keep for n days: 30 Restart every n Hrs: 0 Restart Time: 24:00 Direct Access: ON Read-ahead Processing: ON FIND SX/L1: ON READ LOGICAL L3: ON READ PHYSICAL L2: ON HISTOGRAM L9: ON Command ==> ______________________________ |
For description and use of these parameters, see section Adabas Fastpath Parameters.
The following PF keys are available throughout the series of buffer information screens:
PF Key | Name | Function |
PF4 | Refr | Refreshes the statistics |
PF5 | Serv | Invokes the function Asynchronous Buffer Services |
PF5 | Parms | Displays the file parameters for this buffer |
PF6 | Excl | Displays the Excluded Command Analysis screen |
PF6 | Look | Invokes AFPLOOK |
PF7 | Gen | Reverts to the General Information screen |
PF9 | Parm | Displays the General Parameters screen |
PF9 | More | Displays the next file or job detail display |
PF10 | Cntl | Displays details of the master control set for the file |
PF10 | Conc | Displays set concurrency information |
PF10 | SysJ | Toggles from the User Job Summary to the System Job Summary screen |
PF10 | UserJ | Toggles from the System Job Summary to the User Job Summary screen |
PF10 | Zero | Resets the display counts to zero and automatically refreshes |
PF11 | Node | Displays the Buffer Statistics menu |
Selecting option code 2
on the Current
Activity Displays screen, invokes the Database Summary screen.
You can also access this screen by entering
2.2 on the command line.
For each database, a summary of activity is displayed as shown on the following example screen:
13:10:07 ***** A D A B A S FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 ***** 2010-10-22 Run-mode: 17004 Databases from A8P17004 : 17004 F12200MA Buffer Session: 113 Started: Oct 22,2010 12:46 Size(k): 1023 C DB SVC Attempts Optimized Set Usage(k) Status _ 17003 254 1391 823 34 Optimizing _ 17015 254 DB Down Totals: 1391 100% 823 100% 34 100% Mark with F(ile),D(etail),I(nformation),S(ervices),Z(aps) Command ==> Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit Refr Node Menu |
The following information is provided on this screen:
Field | Description |
Buffer Session | The buffer session number. |
Started | The time at which the buffer was last started. |
Size | The memory allocation for the buffer. |
C | Option code. The following options are available:
DB | The Adabas database. |
SVC | The Adabas SVC. |
Attempts | The total number of optimization attempts. |
Optimized | The total number of successful optimization attempts. |
Set Usage | The number of direct access sets used. |
Status | The status of the database. |
If the option code s
is selected for a
database, the following window is displayed:
13:11:00 2010-10-22 F12200MC Stop/Start Optimization for: Database 17003 S Stop Optimization R Start Optimization . Exit Code..: Command ==> PF1 Help PF3 Exit |
Using this window, you can stop/restart optimization for a database.
If database optimization is stopped, no further optimization occurs for its files and sets. In addition, all direct access data is removed from the Adabas Fastpath buffer for sets belonging to files within this database.
A similar service is available at the file and file set
If the option code d
is selected for a
database, the Database Details screen is displayed.
This screen contains a performance analysis for the selected database.
13:11:37 ***** A D A B A S FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 ***** 2010-10-22 Run-mode: 17004 Database Details from A8P17004 : 17004 F12200MB Database: 17003 SVC: 254 ---------------------------- Optimization Summary ---------------------------- Access Type Attempts (98%) <----------Successes (59%) Read-ahead: 457 (32%) 320 (70%) Direct: 815 (58%) 384 (47%) RCs: 119 (8%) 119 (14%) Others: 14 (0%) Total: 1,405 (100%) 823 (58%) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Updates: Over-reads: 52 (16%) Status 1: 40 90 00 A0 Bad Response: Lock: 00000000 DBE Addr: 16BC5638 ADABAS Vers: 813 Hex: 08010300 Location: 00000000 DBID from GCB: Nuc ID: Command ==> Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit Refr Excl Zero Node Menu |
The first section of this screen (Optimization Summary) provides optimization statistics for this database. This information is provided in the same format as that provided at the buffer level (see section Buffer Information). The statistics shown at the database level are exclusively for commands that are eligible for optimization. The excluded count therefore differs from the buffer level count.
The second section of this screen provides the following information:
Field | Description |
Updates | The number of update commands processed for this database. |
Over-reads |
The number of read-aheads performed but not needed by the application, and the percentage of non-needed over-reads to the number of successful read-aheads. Non-needed over-reads represent overhead that may reduce the effectiveness of read-ahead optimization. In general, over-reads should not exceed 25% of read-ahead successes. |
Status ... Nuc ID | These fields are reserved for Software AG use. |
Pressing PF6 on the Database Details screen displays the excluded command analysis for the selected database:
13:12:22 ***** A D A B A S FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 ***** 2010-10-22 Run-mode: 17004 Database Details from A8P17004 : 17004 F12200MG Database: 17003 SVC: 254 Statistics for commands that have optimization potential but were unable to be optimized: Unsuitable command type: 2 Disqualified: 4 Optimization was disabled: 0 Multi-fetch was already set: 0 Command details exceed Set-id limit: 0 Record Buffer exceeds the limit: 4 Command ==> Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit Refr Gen Zero Node Menu |
The information is provided in the same format as that provided at the buffer level (see section Buffer Information).
A similar analysis can be displayed from the file detail
If the option code f
is selected for a
database, the File Summary screen is displayed.
You can also access this screen by entering
2.2.1 on the command line.
This screen displays a summary of activity for each file in the selected database.
13:13:00 ***** A D A B A S FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 ***** 2010-10-22 Run-mode: 17004 Files from A8P17004 : 17004 F12210MA Database: 17003 SVC 254 C File Attempts Optimized Set Usage(k) Status _ Optimizing _ 9 1391 823 34 Optimizing _ 10 Optimizing Totals: 1391 100% 823 100% 34 100% Mark with D(etail),F(ile Sets),S(ervices) Command ==> Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit Refr Node Menu |
The following information is provided:
Field | Description |
C | Option code. The following options are
File | The Adabas file number. |
Attempts | The total number and percentage of optimization attempts. |
Optimized | The total number and percentage of successful optimization attempts. |
Set Usage | The number and percentage of direct access sets used. |
Status | The status of the file (optimizing or not optimizing). |
If option code d
is selected on the File
Summary screen, the File Details screen is displayed.
This screen contains optimization performance information for the selected file.
13:13:39 ***** A D A B A S FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 ***** 2010-10-22 Run-mode: 17004 File Details from A8P17004 : 17004 F12210MB Database: 17003 SVC 254 File: 9 ---------------------------- Optimization Summary ---------------------------- Access Type Attempts (98%) <----------Successes (59%) Read-ahead: 457 (32%) 320 (70%) Direct: 815 (58%) 384 (47%) RCs: 119 (8%) 119 (14%) Others: 10 (0%) Total: 1,401 (100%) 823 (58%) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Updates: Over-reads: 52 (16%) Set Limit(k): 1023 Update Sensitivity: R Set Id Length Limit: 1024 RB Length Limit: 1024 Set Concurrency: 2 Status: 00 D0 Last RC: Next Event: 0:00 Addr: 16BCC5A0 Command ==> Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit Refr Excl More Zero Node Menu |
The first section of this screen (Optimization Summary) provides optimization statistics for the file. This information is provided in the same format as that provided at the database level.
The second section of this screen provides the following information:
Field | Description |
Updates | The number of update commands processed for this file. |
Over-reads |
The number of read-aheads performed but not needed by the application, and the percentage of non-needed over-reads to the number of successful read-aheads. Non-needed over-reads represent overhead that may reduce the effectiveness of read-ahead optimization. In general, over-reads should not exceed 25% of read-ahead successes. |
Set Limit ... Set Concurrency | The current settings for various file optimization parameters. For a description of each parameter, see the section Adabas Fastpath Parameters. |
Status ... Addr | These fields are reserved for Software AG use. |
Pressing PF9 invokes the second File Details screen. This screen shows whether or not optimization has been defined for the Adabas command/descriptor pairs which are used to access the file.
10:37:21 ***** A D A B A S FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 ***** 2006-05-19 - File Details for File 19 DBID 198 SVC 240 - F12210ME Expanded File N On/Off Adabas Field Overrides ........Direct Access...... L1 On L3 On L9 On S1 On S2 On Over-reads Default Adabas Field Overrides ........Read-ahead......... L1 On L2 On 34 L3 On L9 On S1 On S2 On S8 On S9 On Command ==> Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12 Help Exit Excl Gen Node Menu |
The two sections of the screen provide optimization information for direct access and read-ahead commands respectively.
The following information is provided:
Field | Description |
Command | Adabas command. |
On/Off | Indicates whether or not optimization is in effect for the command. |
Adabas Field Overrides | Indicates whether or not Adabas field overrides have been defined. |
Over-reads |
The number of read-aheads performed but not needed for the command. Non-needed over-reads represent overhead that may reduce the effectiveness of read-ahead optimization. In general, over-reads should not exceed 25% of read-ahead successes. |
If the option code f
is entered for a file
on the File Summary screen, the Set Summary screen is displayed. This screen
contains summary information for each Adabas command/descriptor pairing:
You can also access this screen by entering
2.2.2 on any command line.
You can also access this screen using PF9 from AFPLOOK
File Details or File Parameter Maintenance. In addition, this screen gives hot
key access to AFPLOOK (PF6) and File Parameters (PF5).
Pressing PF10 displays details of the master control set for the
13:14:49 ***** A D A B A S FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 ***** 2010-10-22 Run-mode: 17004 Set Summary from A8P17004 : 17004 F12220MA Database: 17003 SVC 254 File: 9 Number of Items.... Memory (k).... Growth C CC De Sets In Use Peak Optimized In Use Peak Mode _ L1 1 20 25 60 2 3 _ L1 I 1 20 25 136 2 3 _ L3 AA 1 20 25 64 3 4 _ L9 AE 1 20 25 64 4 5 _ S1 AE 3 20 59 60 3 10 _ S2 AE 2 34 6 Mark with D(etail),F(ull Set List) Command ==> Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit Refr Parms Look Cntl Node Menu |
The following information is provided:
Field | Description |
C | Option code. The following options are
CC De | The Adabas command/descriptor pair for which information is provided. |
Sets | The number of sets that have been added together to make the summary. |
Number of Items | The number of items (records) in use at the present time, the peak number of items used, and the number of times items in the set were used for optimization. |
Memory | The memory in use to hold the data in the sets (in k) and the peak memory usage for all sets. |
Growth Mode | Fastpath regularly assesses the worthiness of all direct-access sets as being high, medium or low. Based upon this assessment Fastpath is likely to award more memory to sets assessed highly, when there is memory available, and to remove memory from the less worthy sets. The regular reassessment means the assessment of a set will quickly change according to current system activity thereby making sure the most appropriate optimization levels are maintained at all times. |
If the option code f
is selected for a
command/descriptor pair on the File Set Summary screen, the Set Summary screen
will be displayed.
This screen contains an activity summary for each direct access set used by the selected command/descriptor pair.
13:15:28 ***** A D A B A S FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 ***** 2010-10-22 Run-mode: 17004 Set Summary from A8P17004 : 17004 F12230MA Database: 17003 SVC 254 File: 9 CC: S1 De: AE Number of Items...... Memory (k)..... Growth C SSID In Use Peak Optimized In Use Peak Mode _ 3 20 25 60 3 4 _ 1 17 3 _ 9 17 3 Mark with D(etail),S(start/stop) Command ==> Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit Refr Cntl Node Menu |
The following information is provided:
Field | Description |
C | Option code. The following options are
SSID | SSID (Short Set ID) is a number used internally to identify different sets. The lower the number, the older the set. |
Sets ... Ratings | The remaining fields on this screen are as described in the previous section File Set Summary. |
The Set Detail screen can be invoked by selecting the option code
for a set or pressing PF10 on the File
Set Summary screen:
13:15:57 ***** A D A B A S FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 ***** 2010-10-22 Run-mode: 17004 Set Detail from A8P17004 : 17004 F12230MB Database: 17003 SVC 254 File: 9 Command: S1 Primary Descriptor: AE SSID: 3 Items - Optimized: 60 Growth Mode: Current: 20 Added: 20 Removed: Peak: 25 RLU: Overwrites: Free: 5 Resets: Collisions: Memory - Used(k): 3 Peak(k): 4 Free(k): Status: 00 04 0E 08 Expansion: 1 Acc.Mask Entries 2 Used FB: 1 RB: Indexes: 3 Address: 16BDCF28 Lengths: SB: 8 VB: 20 Code: Lock: 00000000 SetID Length: 21 Reject: SB AE,20,A. FB . Command ==> Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit Refr Conc Menu |
The following information is provided:
Field | Description |
Growth Mode | Fastpath regularly assesses the worthiness of all direct-access sets as being high, medium or low. Based upon this assessment Fastpath is likely to award more memory to sets assessed highly, when there is memory available, and to remove memory from the less worthy sets. The regular reassessment means the assessment of a set will quickly change according to current system activity thereby making sure the most appropriate optimization levels are maintained at all times. |
Items ... |
Optimized: the number of successful optimizations from data
records in the set. |
Memory | The memory in use to hold the data in the sets (in k) and the peak memory usage for all sets. |
Status ... Reject | These fields are reserved for Software AG use. |
Press PF10 to display set concurrency information.
Selecting option code 3
on the Current
Activity Display screen, displays the Job Summary screen.
You can also access this screen by entering
2.3 on the command line.
This screen displays a summary of activity for each job.
13:17:32 ***** A D A B A S FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 ***** 2010-10-22 Run-mode: 17004 Job Summary for A8P17004 : 17004 F12300MA Buffer Session: 113 Started: Oct 22,2010 12:46 Size(k): 1023 C Job Name Number Job Type Attempts Optimized Mem(k) Status _ UKRPE U54670 TSO 1391 823 Active _ Unused _ Unused _ Unused _ Unused _ Unused _ Unused _ Unused _ Unused _ Unused _ Unused _ Unused Mark with D(etail),S(ervices) Command ==> Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit Refr Sysj Node Menu |
The following information is provided:
Field | Description |
C | Option code. The following options are available:
Job Name Number Type | The job name, job number and job type. |
Attempts | The number of optimization attempts. |
Optimized | The number of successful optimization attempts. |
Memory | Memory used by the job. |
Status | The status of the job (active, unused,
Note: |
Press PF10 to display the System Job Summary screen.
Selecting option code d
for a job on the Job
Summary screen displays the Job Details screen.
13:19:03 ***** A D A B A S FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 ***** 2010-10-22 Run-mode: 17004 Job Details from A8P17004 : 17004 F12300MB Job: UKRPE Type: TSO Number: U54670 Started: Oct 22,2010 12:29 ---------------------------- Optimization Summary ---------------------------- Access Type Attempts (64%) <----------Successes (59%) Read-ahead: 457 (21%) 320 (70%) Direct: 815 (38%) 384 (47%) RCs: 119 (5%) 119 (14%) Others: 709 (36%) Total: 2,100 (100%) 823 (39%) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Memory(k): RA Memory: Over-reads: 52 Status: 00 00 00 00 System ID: TSO Area Address: 16BBAB88 Command ==> Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit Refr Excl More Zero Node Menu |
The first section of this screen (Optimization Summary) provides optimization statistics for this job. This information is provided in the same format as that provided at the buffer and database level (see section Buffer Information).
The following additional fields are displayed:
Field | Description |
Memory | The total memory, in kilobytes, of all memory classes used for this job. |
RA Memory | The total memory, in kilobytes, of all read-ahead areas allocated to this job. |
Over-reads |
The number of read-aheads performed but not needed by this job, and the percentage of non-needed over-reads to the number of successful read-aheads. Non-needed over-reads represent overhead that may reduce the effectiveness of read-ahead optimization. In general, over-reads should not exceed 25% of read-ahead successes. |
Status ... Address | These fields are reserved for Software AG use. |
PF9 on the Job Details screen can be used to display the second job detail screen.
13:19:29 ***** A D A B A S FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 ***** 2010-10-22 Run-mode: 17004 Job Details from A8P17004 : 17004 F12300MC Job: UKRPE Type: TSO Number: U54670 Started Oct 22,2010 12:29 Job Information--------------------------------------------------------------- CID Areas: In Use: 3 Peak: 4 Client Runtime Controls------------------------------------------------------- System Coordinator (Buffer) Group Name: RPEGRP1 Fastpath ON/OFF......: ON Read-ahead Optimization Control: BAT Direct Access........: ON Read-ahead Memory Limit(k).....: 0 Tracing..............: N Command time (Hex).............: 00000000 End-of-job-statistics: None Daemon messages X File history with maximum records........: 5 Command ==> Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit Refr Excl Gen Node Menu |
The first section of this screen (Job Information) provides the following information:
Field | Description |
Peak Concurrency | The number of command work areas allocated to this job. |
User Areas |
In Use: the number of user areas currently in use. Peak: the highest number of user areas which have been concurrently in use. Recovered: the number of times an old user area was recovered (reused) to satisfy the requirement for a new user area. |
CID Areas |
In Use: the number of Command ID areas currently in use. Peak: the highest number of Command ID areas which have been concurrently in use. |
The second section (Read-Ahead Memory Categories) provides the following information:
Field | Description |
Size(k) | The four sizes available for read-ahead memory allocation from the Adabas Fastpath buffer. |
Peak No | The highest number of read-ahead areas, by size, allocated to this job. |
Usage | The number of times the size category was used. |
Failures | The number of times the size category request could not be satisfied. |
The third section contains the current values for the client runtime controls. See the section Adabas Fastpath Parameters for descriptions of these parameters.
The parameter values currently being used by the job are displayed.
Once a job is disconnected, these values are reset automatically to the default
parameter values.
PF6 can be used to display the Excluded Command Analysis screen as described in the section Buffer Information.
Selecting option code 4
on the Current
Activity Display screen invokes the System Job Summary screen.
You can also access this screen by entering
2.4 on the command line.
This screen contains a list of system job areas for the active Adabas Fastpath buffer. This is normally the Asynchronous Buffer Manager task and any database components.
15:53:10 ***** A D A B A S FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 ***** 2008-11-26 Run-mode: 17004 Jobs for A8P17004 : 17004 F12400MA Buffer Session: 567 Started: Nov 26,2008 10:25 Size(k): 1023 C Job Name Number Job Type SVC DB Nuc ID Status _ AFPADA 254 17015 DB down _ N8C81003 C34417 AFPADA 254 17003 Active _ A8P17004 C32991 AFPABM Active Mark with D(etail),S(ervices) Command ==> Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit UserJ Node Menu |
The following information is provided:
Field | Description |
C | Option code. The following options are available:
Note: |
Job Name Number Type | The job name, job number and job type. |
SVC | The Adabas SVC used for this job. |
DB | The Adabas database used for this job. This is the "external" DBID (DBID used by the application program). |
Nuc ID | This ID is used by a member of Adabas Parallel/Cluster Services. These services may have "internal" DB numbers. |
Status | The status of the job (active, unused). |
PF10 can be used to display the Optimized Job Summary screen.