Version 8.2.1

Special Services

This section describes the special services functions provided by Online Services.

Special Services Menu

Selecting option code 5 from the Online Services main menu or entering the command 5 on the command line displays the Special Services menu.

10:45:13     ***** A D A B A S   FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 *****      2010-10-25
                           -  Special Services  -                    F15000M1  
                  Code    Service                                              
                  ----    ----------------------------                         
                   1      Asynchronous Buffer Services                         
                   2      Database Component Services                          
                   3      Local SYSAFP Services                                
                   4      Fix Display                                          
                   .      Exit                                                 
                  ----    ----------------------------                         
          Code ..: _                                                           
 Command ==>                                                                   
      Help        Exit                                Recon             Menu   

The following services are available, and can be invoked using the appropriate option code.

Code Service Provides communication facilities for the...
1 Asynchronous Buffer Services selected active Adabas Fastpath buffer.
2 Database Component Services database(s) for which Adabas Fastpath has been installed.
3 Local SYSAFP Services job (a TP monitor, for example) in use when executing the functions.
4 Fix Display display of applied fixes for all Adabas Fastpath components.

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Asynchronous Buffer Services

Selecting option code 1 from the Special Services menu or entering the command 5.1 on any command line displays the following window:

10:45:53              2010-10-25
        Special Services        
for ABM Node Id: 17004 A8P17004 
      Status Active             
        R Restart..(Stop/Start) 
        S Stop.....(Terminate)  
        N Newcopy..(and Restart)
        P Snap                  
        L Log                   
        I ABM Information       
        . Exit                  
Code..: _                       
Command ==>                     
      PF1 Help   PF3 Exit       

Asynchronous Buffer Services communicates with the buffer indicated at the top of the window. If the job is connected to a buffer, that buffer is shown when the window opens. You can override the default buffer by changing the database number to the one defined for the required buffer. All actions are a request to the Asynchronous Buffer Manager (AFPABM) to perform the function.

Option Code Description
R: Restart Stop the buffer in an orderly fashion, and then restart it again. Both primary and alternate configuration files (if used) must be available for this operation. (See note 1)
S: Stop The Fastpath cache management service within the System Coordinator daemon is stopped. The configuration file and alternate (if used) must both be available for this operation.

This operation is not reversible without a complete recycle of the daemon.

N: Newcopy Reload the Adabas Fastpath modules for the buffer and every other component connected to the buffer. AFPABM also performs a buffer restart. Both primary and alternate configuration files (if used) must be available for this operation. (See note 1)
P: Snap Produce a snap dump of the buffer.
L: Log Write a statistical log to the Adabas Fastpath configuration file.
I: ABM Information Display general diagnostic information for the Adabas Fastpath buffer job.


  1. Multi-task clients (such as RPC and NDV servers) are not compatible with the dynamic Restart or Newcopy. Such jobs should be stopped before issuing the Fastpath operator command and restarted after the action has completed.

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Database Component Services

Selecting option code 2 from the Special Services menu or entering the command 5.2 on any command line displays the following window:

10:46:24               2010-10-25
     Special Services for:-      
        DBID: 0____              
  SysCo Node: 17004              
        I Connection Information 
        . Exit                   
Code..: _                        
Command ==>                      
 PF1 Help   PF3 Exit   PF5 Action

The following fields are provided:

Field Description

Database Component Services provides services for the database indicated at the top of the window. This can be any active database for which Adabas Fastpath has been installed.

If the function is invoked from the System Job Summary screen as in the above example, the database for which communication is required is already established and is shown on the screen. Otherwise, the database number must be entered.

SysCo Node

The Adabas System Coordinator Node ID. This is only required for clustered databases:

  • If the Node ID is known, a screen follows showing a cluster map for the database.

  • If the Node ID is not known, you must enter it in this field.

Option Code The following option code may be used:

I: Connection Information. Displays connection information between the selected database and the Adabas Fastpath buffer to which the database is connected. See the Connection Information screen as described in the next section.

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Local Services

Selecting option code 3 from the Special Services menu or entering the command 5.3 on any command line displays the following window.

Local Services provides service request communication for a local job with the TP monitor in use.

10:47:10              2010-10-25
      Special Services for:     
        Local Job UKRPE         
        I Connection Information
        S Job Statistics        
        C ReConnect             
        D Disconnect from Buffer
        N Newcopy               
        . Exit                  
Code..: _                       
Command ==>                     
      PF1 Help    PF3 Exit      

The following fields are available:

Field Description
Local Job

The local job for which the request is to be made.

Option Codes The following option codes may be used:

I: Connection Information. Displays connection information for the job.
S: Job Statistics. Displays statistics for the local job when it is not connected to a buffer because read-ahead optimization may be taking place even when the buffer is not active.
C: Reconnect. Attempts to connect to a buffer for the local job.
D: Disconnect. Disconnects from the buffer for the local job.
N: Newcopy. Temporarily disconnects the local job before reloading the Adabas Fastpath modules. Software AG does not recommend using Newcopy from Local SYSAFP Services. The preferred method is to use Newcopy from Asynchronous Buffer Services.

Connection Information

The Connection Status screen, which can be accessed from any of the Service options, displays connection status information:

10:47:50     ***** A D A B A S   FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 *****      2010-10-25
 Run-mode: 17004            -  Connection Status Information  -      F1CNXSMA  
 ***** Information Request *****                                               
 Status Indicators: 00 1E 00 20             Owner: 0000000000000000            
 Jobname: UKRPE     No: U12954   Type: 29   Amode: 00                          
     Address List: 2633C1D8          Initialization Code: ok       RC:         
     Linker Stub:  263E3960                  Retry Count: 1000  Limit: 1000    
     Connection-0: 2642F420                   Linker SVC: 254                  
     Connection-1: 263EDDA0                        Event:                      
     Connection-X: 263E75A0            System File:  SVC: 254      DB: 17003   
     AFPKRN        A6457F78                                       FNR: 34      
                                            Buffer:  SVC: 254      DB: 17004   
     Anchor:       16BAE400                 Pool Address: 00000000             
     Session:      16BBB3B8          User Exit 4 Routine:                      
     Reserved:     0000000000000000               CLOGIO: 00                   
 This Information Screen may be useful to Software AG Technical Support        
                  Exit                                CodeI                    

Connection Information Screen

Although this screen is primarily intended for Software AG use to assist in identifying connection problems, some of the following information may be helpful to users.

Field Description
Linker Stub Load address of the Adabas Fastpath module that was linked with the Adabas link routine.
AFPKRN / AFPDEP / AFPCFG Load addresses of the Adabas Fastpath modules. A zero address indicates that the module could not be found.
Anchor Address of the Adabas Fastpath buffer pool, if it could be located. This address is usually zero if connection could not be made.
Session Address of the job area (BSA) within the Adabas Fastpath buffer.
Initialization Code “ok” indicates connection was successful. If connection was unsuccessful an error code relating to job initialization is shown.
RC If there is an error when reading the Adabas Fastpath configuration file, this field shows the Adabas response code received.

Job Statistics

The Local Job Statistics screen can be invoked by selecting option code S from the Special Services for Local Job window:

10:52:38     ***** A D A B A S   FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 *****      2010-10-25
                            -  Local Job Statistics  -               F15310MA  
 Job:    UKRPE Type: TSO       Number: U12954        Started: Oct 25,2010 10:21
 ---------------------------- Optimization Summary ----------------------------
    Access Type               Attempts  (15%)    <----------Successes  (90%)   
    Read-ahead:                  2,071  (10%)                   1,776  (85%)   
    Direct:                        815   (4%)                     800  (98%)   
    RCs:                           314   (1%)                     314  (38%)   
    Others:                     15,742  (85%)                                  
    Total:                      18,942 (100%)                   2,890  (15%)   
  Memory(k):             RA Memory:              Over-reads:                99 
   Status: 00 1E 00 20    System Id:      TSO     Area Address: 2642F420       
 Command ==>                                                                   
      Help        Exit  Refr                                            Menu   

This screen is useful when the job is not connected to a buffer to show the read-ahead optimization, which can continue even when the buffer is not connected.

The information provided is in the same format as that described in the section Detailed Job Information.

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Fix Display

Start of instruction setTo display the applied fixes

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