Version 8.2.1

Maintenance and Job History

This service is used to define the Adabas Fastpath optimization parameters.

Maintenance Menu

Selecting option code 1 from the main menu or entering the command 1 on the command line displays the Maintenance menu.

18:21:37 ***** A D A B A S  FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 *****         2006-05-19
                 -  Parameter Maintenance  -                       F11000M1

               Code   Service
               ----   -----------------
                1     Buffer Parameters
                2     File Parameters
                3     Client Runtime Controls
                .     Exit
               ----   -----------------
       Code ..: _

  Command ==>
       Help        Exit                                                  Menu
Parameter Maintenance

Select an option code to invoke the corresponding menu for the type of parameters to be defined/modified:

Before proceeding, you may wish to review the section Adabas Fastpath Parameters which provides a complete list and description of each parameter type.

Top of page

Buffer Parameters

Selecting option code 1 from the Parameter Maintenance menu or entering 1.1 on a command line displays the Maintain Buffer Parameters screen.

The currently defined Adabas Fastpath buffers are listed.

For an existing buffer, you can enter any of the option codes described below.

You can use PF10 to add a new buffer definition as described in section Adding a New Buffer.

12:36:27 ***** A D A B A S  FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 *****          2006-05-19
                 -  Maintain Buffer Parameters  -                   F11100M1

    <----- Buffer ----->  Coordinator   Size    Direct   Read-
 C   Name     SVC   DBID     Group      (k)     Access   ahead   Comments

 _  AFPDAEF   255  11001    AFPGROUP    4096      ON      ON
 _  AFPDA2F   255  11002    AFPGROUP    4096      ON      ON
 _  AFPDA3F   255  11003    AFPGROUP    4096      ON      ON
 _  V811ME01  244   8111    V811GR01    8192      ON      ON
 _  V811ME02  244   8112    V811GR01    4096      ON      ON

 Mark with D(isplay),M(odify),P(urge),R(ename),C(opy),F(iles)

End of List
 Command ==>
      Help        Exit  Refr                                Add         Menu
Maintain Buffer Parameters

The following information is provided:

C Option code (D: display buffer parameters, M: modify buffer parameters, P: purge buffer, R: rename buffer, C: copy buffer, F: file parameters, E: expand to show member buffers). For more information on the Modify function, see Modifying Buffer Parameters.
Name SVC DBID The buffer name, the Adabas SVC used by this buffer, and the database used by this buffer.
Coordinator Group The name of the Adabas System Coordinator group in which this buffer is to be a member. Adabas Fastpath buffers operate as members of an Adabas System Coordinator group.
Size The memory size for this buffer.
Direct Access Indicates whether or not direct access optimization is to be used for this buffer.
Read Ahead Indicates whether or not read-ahead optimization is to be used for this buffer.

Adding a New Buffer

To add a new buffer, press PF10 on the Buffer Parameter Maintenance screen. The following screen appears:

11:59:24                        2006-05-19 
            Add Buffer           F11110MB 
    Size(k)     : 4096 
    System Coordinator
     Group Name : V811GR01       
     Member Name: X811ME03       
   (Leave empty to select)  

Command ==>                       
       PF1 Help   PF3 Exit   PF5 Add
Add Buffer

You must provide values for the following fields:

Size The size of the buffer to be added.
Group Name The name of the Adabas System Coordinator group in which this buffer is to be a member. Adabas Fastpath buffers operate as members of an Adabas System Coordinator group. The group must have already been defined using Adabas System Coordinator Online Services.
Member Name The member name is the job name of the Adabas System Coordinator daemon under which this buffer is to operate. The member name may have already been defined. If not you will be prompted to define it by entering the unique Node ID by which this member is to be identified.

Modifying Buffer Parameters

Buffers are added with default parameters. After a buffer has been added, you can view/modify all the default settings by using the d or m option code on the Maintain Buffer Parameters screen. The following sample screen lists the general parameters for buffer A8P17004.

13:26:09     ***** A D A B A S   FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 *****      2011-03-04
                             -  Buffer A8P17004  -                   F11120MA  
      System Coordinator Group Name: RPEGRP1_   Member Name: A8P17004          
      Adabas SVC Number:   254        Designated DBID:            17004        
      Last Modified:       2011-03-04 By User ID:                 UKRPE        
      Last Buffer Address: 1587F400   Length: 001FFC00   Session: 821          
 ----------------------------- General Parameters -----------------------------
      Size(k):             2048       Minimum Buffer Size(k):     0            
      Maximum Jobs:        12         Set ID Length Limit:        1024         
      RB Length Limit:     1024       Message Level(Hex):         00           
      Dataspace Name:      ________                                            
      Additional encodings: All                   _ (mark to alter)            
 Command ==>                                                                   
      Help        Exit        Upd                           File  More  Menu   

You can use this screen to review and, if necessary, modify any of these buffer parameters.

Refer to section Adabas Fastpath Parameters for a description of each of these parameters.

By pressing PF11, you can display the detail parameters for this buffer:

16:00:13  ***** A D A B A S   FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1      *****  2008-09-11
                     Buffer V811ME01                                F11120MB

      Adabas SVC Number:   244        Designated DBID:            8111

      Last Modified:       2006-05-19 By User ID:                 UKSJU
      Last Buffer Address: 00000000   Length: 00000000   Session: 0
 ------------------------- Detailed Parameters --------------------------------
      Fast cache attempts: 32         Fast set create attempts:   25
      Coherence Limit (per sec): 32   Suspension Period (mins):   3 
      Default pacing rate: 10         Set Concurrency:            2 
      Freespace Index:     512        Average Item Size:          256 
                                      Async coherence messages:   Y       

 ------------------------  Operational Control --------------------------------
      Log every n Minutes: 60         Keep for n Days:            30
      Restart every n Hrs: 0          Restart Time:               17:30 
      Direct Access:       ON         Read-ahead:                 ON
      Find       Sx/L1:    ON         READ LOGICAL  L3:           ON 
      READ PHYSICAL L2:    ON         HISTOGRAM     L9:           ON    

Command ==>
      Help        Exit        Upd                           File  Prev  Menu

You can use this screen to review and, if necessary, modify any of these buffer parameters.

Refer to section Adabas Fastpath Parameters for a description of each of these parameters.

Top of page

File Parameters

For each Adabas Fastpath buffer, file parameters can be defined which indicate for exactly which databases/files optimization is to be performed. You can access the File Parameters maintenance function:

By pressing PF10 on either of these buffer modify screens, you can access the File Optimization Parameters screen.

8:21:37 ***** A D A B A S   FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 *****           2006-05-19
      - File Optimization Parameters for: Global AFP311A -           F11200MA

                             Start  End        Update               DBID: _____
    C   DBID   File   SVC    Time   Time       Sensitivity          File: _____
    _     11      7   254                      Record
    _     12      7   254                      Record
    _     13      7   254                      Record
    _     14      7   254                      Record
    _     71      7   254                      Record
    _    111     66   254    12:00  16:00      Record
    _    193      1                            Record
    _    193      2                            Record
    _    193      3                            Record
    _    193      4                            Record
    _    193      5                            Record
    _    193      7   254                      Record

  Mark with D(isplay),M(odify),P(urge),C(opy)

 Top of List
  Command ==>
       Help        Exit  Refr                    Fwd   Bot   Add         Menu
File Parameter Selection

This screen lists, for the specified Adabas Fastpath buffer, all databases and files curently defined for Adabas Fastpath optimization.

You can use the Repostion function to position to a specific database/file in the list.

Field Description
C Option code (D: display file parameters, M: modify file parameters, P: purge file parameters, C: copy file parameters).
DBID Adabas Database ID.
File Adabas File Number.
SVC Adabas SVC.
Time The specific time period during which Adabas Fastpath optimization is to be in effect. See parameter Start Time.
Update Sensitivity Controls how Adabas update commands are to be processed. See parameter Update Sensitivity.

Adding File Parameters

In the File Optimization Parameters screen, use PF10 to add a new file parameter. The following screen will appear:

12:30:07                      2006-05-19

  Add File Optimization Parameter
   Buffer Name:   V811ME01
          File:    0  
                  (0 = DB default)
          in DBID:    _____
          using SVC:  _____  (Optional)
   Optional Time Window
   Start(HH:MM): _____ End: _____
   (Leave empty for 24 hours)
 Command ==>            
   PF1 Help   PF3 Exit   PF5 Add 
Add File Parameter
File The Adabas file number for which Adabas Fastpath optimization is to be defined.

By not specifying a file number, you can define a default parameter set for all files in a database (in this case only read-ahead optimization but not direct access optimization can be applied). Individual file parameters override a database default parameter.

in DBID The Adabas database in which the file to be optimized is located.
using SVC The Adabas SVC number.

Normally, the SVC parameter is only used at z/OS, MSP, and VSE/ESA sites where multiple Adabas SVCs are required; otherwise, it need not be used. If multiple SVCs are in use, all databases defined for optimization in the same buffer must use the same SVC as the buffer (and the Adabas System Coordinator hosting the buffer).

Time Window Optimization is only to be in effect within the specified time window. See parameter Start Time.

After a file parameter is added, the File Parameters Maintenance screen can be used to define further optimization parameters which are to be in effect for the file. This is described in the following section.

Maintaining File Parameters

The File Parameters Maintenance function can be invoked by/from:

The following screen appears:

  15:30:34 ***** A D A B A S  FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 *****           2006-03-14
        - File Optimization Parameters for: A8P17004 -                 F11220MA

  File: 9     DBID: 17003   SVC:           Last Modified: 2006-03-13 by: UKRPE
  Start Time (HH:MM):  _____ End Time: ______   Update Sensitivity: D Distributed
  Initial Status:      ON        Set Limit (k):   0         
  Set Id Length Limit: 0         RB Length Limit: 0         Set Concurrency: 0
  Expanded File:       N         Cache secure file:  N      Pacing: 0
  Password for secure file DA-caching (not recommended): 
  Additional encodings: Default               _ (mark to alter)
  ---- Direct Access ------ Optimization Summary ----- Read-ahead -----------
  L1 Get/Read by ISN  ON               |   L1 Read by ISN        ON
  L3 Read Logical     ON               |   L2 Read Physical      ON
  L9 Histogram        ON               |   L3 Read Logical       ON
  S1 Find Records     ON               |   L9 Histogram          ON
  S2 Find Sorted      ON               |   S1 Find Records       ON
                                       |   S2 Find Sorted        ON
                                       |   S8 Process ISN List   ON
                                       |   S9 Sort ISN List      ON
  PF10 to Modify Direct Access         +   PF11 to Modify Read-ahead

  Command ==>
       Help        Exit        Upd   Look              File  Dir   R-a   Menu
File Optimization Parameters

The following parameters can be maintained using this screen:

Parameter Description
Start Time, End Time

Optimization is only to be in effect within the specified time window. See parameter Start Time.

You can enable optimization for a different time window by creating a different parameter set for this file.

Update Sensitivity Indicates how Adabas Fastpath is to process commands which result in database updating. The following values are permitted:

N (none). Ignore all update commands.
R (record level). Remove data by identifying single records.
F (file). Remove all data for the file held in the Adabas Fastpath buffer.
D (distributed record level). Use only on advice from Software AG support.

Initial Status By setting this field to OFF, you can indicate that the file parameters being defined are not to be activated until this field is changed to ON.
Set Limit Adabas Fastpath creates sets of direct access command models. This parameter limits the size (in k) of data items within a set.

Set ID Length Limit
RB Length Limit
Set Concurrency

These parameters can be used to decrease (but not increase) the values of the equivalent buffer parameters. These parameters are described in section Adabas Fastpath Parameters.
Expanded File This field must be set to Y if the file is defined to Adabas as an expanded file. If so, direct access optimization cannot be defined for L3/L9 commands.
Cache secure file If the file is password protected, but direct access caching is still required, then set this parameter as ‘Y’. Use of secure file caching is not recommended.
Password for secure file D-A caching If the file is password protected and direct access caching is still required, and the cache secure file parameter is set to ‘Y’, then the password needs to be given here. Use of this parameter is not recommended.
Additional Encodings

The setting for direct-access optimization for data of a different character encoding from that used by Adabas to store the data internally. Settings:

  • Default: Inherit the buffer-level setting.

  • None: Only data for Adabas internal encodings.

  • All: All the possible encodings allowed by Fastpath.

  • Single byte ascii: This additional character encoding.

  • Single byte ebcdic: This additional character encoding.

  • Double byte ascii: This additional character encoding.

  • Double byte ebcdic: This additional character encoding.

Pacing: Controls the rate at which housekeeping is performed for this file.
Optimization Summary

The current direct access and read-ahead optimization settings for each Adabas command used for this file.

Optimization can be defined for the following commands:

  • direct access: L1,L3,L9,S1,S2

  • read-ahead: L1,L2,L3,L9,S1,S2,S8,S9

Sx commands are generally followed by L1 commands in order to retrieve subsequent records. Although it is the subsequent L1 commands that benefit from read-ahead optimization, control is through the initiating Sx command.

Use PF5 to commit all changes. Use PF3 to exit without applying any changes.

Use PF10 and PF11 to modify the direct access and read-ahead optimization parameters as described in the following sections:

Direct Access Optimization Parameters

The following screen is displayed when you press PF10 from the File Optimization Parameters screen:

15:42:29     ***** A D A B A S  FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 *****          2006-03-14
           - File Optimization Parameters for: A8P17004 -               F11220MB

  File: 9     DBID: 17003   SVC:            Last Modified: 2006-03-13 By: UKRPE

  Start Time (HH:MM):  _____ End Time: _____         Update Sensitivity: R Record
  Initial Status:      ON    Set Limit (k):   0      
  Set Id Length Limit: 0     RB Length Limit: 0      Set Concurrency: 0
  Expanded File:       N     Cache secure file: N    Pacing: 0
  Password for secure file DA-caching (not receommended): 
  --------------------- Direct Access Optimization -----------------------------
                     On/Off    Except for:     Field level overrides
  L1 Get/Read by ISN  ON
  L3 Read Logical     OFF      Now Optimizes   AA  AB  __  __  __  __  __
  L9 Histogram        OFF                      __  __  __  __  __  __  __
  S1 Find Records     ON       Now Excludes    BB  __  __  __  __  __  __
  S2 Find Sorted      OFF                      __  __  __  __  __  __  __

  PF11 to Modify Read-ahead

  Command ==>
       Help        Exit        Upd   Look              File  Back  R-a   Menu
Field Description
Command Adabas read or query command (L1/L3/L9/S1/S2).
On/Off Indicates whether or not optimization is to be in effect for the command. In the screen example, L1 commands (all fields), L3 commands (for fields AA nd AB only) and S1 commands (excluding S1 commands in which field BB is used as the primary descriptor) are to be optimized. The default is OFF.
Except for The comments Now Optimizes and Now Excludes are displayed when the Enter key is pressed to illustrate the effect of field level overrides.
Field level overrides Used to include/exclude certain fields from optimization. In the screen example, L1 commands (all fields), L3 commands (fields AA nd AB only) and S1 commands (excluding field BB) are to be optimized.

Use PF5 to commit all changes. Use PF3 to exit without applying any changes.

Read-Ahead Optimization Parameters

The following screen is displayed when you press PF11 from the File Optimization Parameters screen:

15:45:35   ***** A D A B A S  FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 *****          2006-03-14
        - File Optimization Parameters for: A8P17004 -                F11220MC

 File: 9     DBID: 17003    SVC:          Last Modified: 2006-03-14 by: UKRPE

  Start Time (HH:MM):  _____ End Time: _____   
  Initial Status:      ON
  Expanded File:       N
--------------------- Read-ahead Optimization --------------------------------
                      On/Off    Except for:     Field level overrides
  L1 Read by ISN       ON
  L2 Read Physical     ON
  L3 Read Logical      OFF      Now Optimizes   AA  __  __  __  __  __  __
  L9 Histogram         OFF                      __  __  __  __  __  __  __
  S1 Find Records      ON       Now Excludes    CC  __  __  __  __  __  __
  S2 Find Sorted       OFF                      __  __  __  __  __  __  __
  S8 Process ISN List  OFF
  S9 Sort ISN List     OFF

  PF10 to Modify Direct Access

  Command ==>
       Help        Exit        Upd   Look              File  Dir   Back  Menu
Read-Ahead Optimization Parameters
Field Description
Command Adabas read or query command (L1/L2/L3/L9/S1/S2/S8/S9).
On/Off Indicates whether or not Adabas Fastpath optimization is to be in effect for the command. In the screen example, L1 commands, L2 commands, L3 commands (only when field AA is used as the primary descriptor) and S1 commands (excluding S1 commands in which field CC is used as the primary descriptor) are to be optimized. The default is OFF.
Except for The comments Now Optimizes and Now Excludes are displayed when the Enter key is pressed to illustrate the effect of field level overrides.
Field level overrides Used to include/exclude certain fields from optimization. Field overrides are not applicable for L1/L2 commands. In the screen example, L1 commands, L2 commands, L3 commands (only when field AA is used as the primary descriptor) and S1 commands (excluding S1 commands in which field CC is used as the primary descriptor) are to be optimized.

Use PF5 to commit all changes. Use PF3 to exit without applying any changes.

Top of page

Client Runtime Controls

Selecting option 3 from the Parameter Maintenance screen or entering 1.3 on a command line displays the Client Runtime controls screen:

13:12:32     ***** A D A B A S   FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 *****      2011-03-17
                        -  Client Runtime Controls  -                U11300M1  
                                                 Reposition to Type: ________  
                                                               Name: ________  
                              Client Controls                                  
 C Type         Name       AFP   AVI   ATM   COR       Comments                
 _ CICS (DTR)   CICSPROD                      Y                                
 _              CICTDTR     Y                 Y                                
 _              CICTDT1     Y                 Y                                
 _ Misc.DTR     UKRPE       Y     Y     Y     Y        Overrides               
 _ Batch        RPE*****    Y           Y     Y        Overrides               
 _              NATPBAT                       Y                                
 _              RPEAWG      Y                 Y                                
 _              UKRPECMD    Y                 Y                                
 _ COM-PLETE    DAEFCODE    Y                 Y                                
 _ CICS         CICSRPE     Y                 Y                                
 _              CICSTST1    Y                 Y        Overrides               
 _              CICST1      Y                 Y        Overrides               
 Mark with Display,Expand,Modify,Purge,Rename,Copy,Overrides,Information       
 Command ==>                                                                   
      Help        Exit  Refr                    Fwd   Bot   Add   Prods Menu   

Maintain Client Runtime Controls

The following information is provided:

Field Description
C Option code (display, modify, purge, rename, copy). For more information on the Modify function, see Maintaining Client Runtime Controls.
Type The job type.
Name The control name. For non-DTR or API type, this will be the same as the job name.


Shows which products have Client Runtime controls defined.
Comments Highlights existence of Session Overrides or Site Information (Info).

Press PF10 to add a new job.

Press PF11 to switch between products for maintenance of client runtime controls.

Adding Client Runtime Controls

When you press PF10 on the Maintain Job Parameters screen, the following window is displayed for adding a new job definition:

11:45:54     ***** A D A B A S   FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 *****      2006-06-09
                      -  Add Client Runtime Control  -               U11310M1  
 Select (mark one) :                                                           
                          _ Batch                                              
                          _ COM-PLETE                                          
                          _ CICS (DTR - Dynamic transaction routing)           
                          _ CICS (Standard)                                    
                          _ IMS (DTR)                                          
                          _ UTM (DTR)                                          
                          _ TSO                                                
                          _ CMS                                                
                          _ TIAM                                               
                          _ more choices for type or                           
                          _ API controlled                                     
 Command ==>                                                                   
      Help        Exit                                                  Menu   

Select Job Type

Name The control name.

For non-DTR and API types, the control name will be the same as the job name.

A control name can include one or more asterisks (*) to indicate a wild card. For example, the client runtime control for a type of BATCH with the name UK**E is found by any job with the name UK in positions 1-2 and E in position 5, no matter what the characters are in positions 3-4. If an asterisk (*) is the last character in a control name, the remainder of positions in the name through the eighth are padded with asterisks. Wilcards are not permitted for DTR or API types.

Type The job type. Each different job type has a different characteristic so it is important to select the correct type.

If you are using CICS/MRO with dynamic transaction routing, or CICSplex, you must select the job type (DTR - Dynamic transaction routing). The standard CICS job type is used for CICS/MRO without dynamic transaction routing or for other CICS environments.

If you mark the selection None of the above, another selection window appears with additional job types. If you need to use a job type from the second selection window, contact Software AG for advice.

Once you select a job type, a screen will ask for the job name. In this example, controls for a TSO type job are being defined.

10:44:09     ***** A D A B A S   FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 *****      2010-12-16
                      -  Add Client Runtime Control  -               U11310M3  
         Type: TSO                                                             
         Name: ________ (* for default controls for this type)                 
 This is a standard type of runtime.                                           
 Command ==>                                                                   
      Help        Exit        Add                                       Menu   

Adabas System Coordinator runtime controls will then be required (see the Adabas System Coordinator documentation for further details).

10:45:32     ***** A D A B A S   FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 *****      2010-12-16
                  -  System Coordinator Runtime Controls  -          U11310M5  
                                         Operation mode (mark one):            
 Type: TSO                                    Use normal autodetect approach: X
 Name: UKRRRR__                               Enable COR even if no products: _
                                          Disable all products including COR: _
 General Settings                                                              
     Statistics externally viewed using group: ________                        
     Refresh statistics every: _______ commands or _____ seconds               
     API runtime overrides....: N (Y/N)                                        
     Use additional exits.....: N (Y/N)                                        
     Maximum idle time (sec)..: __________                                     
     Runtime messages         : Y Console message job log (default)            
                                _ Local (DDMSG) file                           
                                _ Forward to the Daemon (DDMSG) file           
 Command ==>                                                                   
      Help        Exit        Add                                       Menu 

Refer to the Adabas System Coordinator documentation for more information.

The group name will then be required.

10:45:55     ***** A D A B A S   FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 *****      2010-12-16
                    -  Adabas Fastpath Runtime Controls  -           U1132FM2  
 Name: UKRRRR                                                                  
 Type: TSO                                                                     
 Fastpath ON/OFF for Job: ON                                                   
 Using Group Name: ________  (Leave empty to select)                           
Please add Job Parameter details for Fastpath                                  
 Command ==>                                                                   
      Help        Exit        Upd                                       Menu   

Normally, the absence of client runtime controls for a job implies that optimization is not applied. Thus, you can implement optimization gradually by defining only specific jobs to receive optimization.

Alternatively, this can be reversed. Client runtime controls can be defined for default jobs so that optimization is applied to all jobs of a specific category. Then, you can specify only the jobs that are not to be optimized and those that differ from the default.

A specific job definition overrides any wild card job definitions or any default definition.

Maintaining Client Runtime Controls

To maintain client runtime controls, on the client runtime controls screen, enter the option code m next to the job for which parameters are to be maintained. In the sample screen shown below, the job parameters for batch job KM27WD are displayed.

The following screen will be displayed:

17:44:06 ***** A D A B A S  FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 *****           2010-10-21
               -  Adabas Fastpath Runtime Controls  -               F11320M1

 Name: KM27WD                                        Last Modified: 2010-10-21
 Type: Batch                                             by Userid: UKSJU

System Coordinator (Buffer) Group Name.: SYSCO33          

Fastpath ON/OFF........: ON      Read-ahead Optimization Control: TP 
Direct Access..........: ON      Read-ahead Memory Limit(k) ....: 0         
Tracing................: N       Command Time (Hex).............: 00000000  

End-of-job statistics..: X None 
                         _ Daemon messages
                         _ File history with maximum records.....: 0 


 Command ==>
      Help        Exit        Upd                                       Menu

Detailed Client Runtime Controls

Parameter Description
FASTPATH ON/OFF If OFF is specified, Adabas Fastpath optimization will be not be performed for this job.
Job End Statistics If Y is specified, Adabas Fastpath performance information will be sent to the operator console when a job ends.
Direct Access If OFF is specified, no direct access optimization will be performed for the job, without regard to other parameters.
Read-Ahead Optimization Control If OFF is specified, no read-ahead optimization will be performed. In addition, you can choose between the read-ahead factor algorithms for TP monitors (TP) or for batch (BAT). While both algorithms accelerate the factor as the sequence length increases, the batch algorithm accelerator is faster than the one for TP monitors. Normally, the default setting is the most efficient.
Read-Ahead Memory Limit Used to restrict the memory allocated to the job for read-ahead optimization.
End-of-job Statistics

One of the following options may be selected:

  • None: No information will be displayed or saved.

  • Daemon messages: Fastpath performance information will be sent to the operator console.

  • File history: Statistics will be saved in the configuration file.

File History is only an option for wholly named jobs (it is not an option offered for *default jobs or jobs that use a wildcard).

Maximum Records The number of records (up to 16) to be kept on file for end-of-job statistics.

Specifying Overrides to Client Runtime Controls

Overrides to the base-level client runtime controls may be specified. This provides the possibility for a greater granularity of control, allowing controls to relate specifically to particular logins, job steps or transactions.

Enter ‘O’ next to a job which already has AFP client controls in the Client Runtime Controls screen.

Not all job types will support overrides.

Then enter PF10 to add some client runtime control overrides.

The following screen will be displayed:

15:54:06     ***** A D A B A S   FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 *****      2010-10-21
                   -  Add Client Runtime Control Override  -          U11381M1  
  Type: Batch        Name: BLAH1                                                
  Select the override type ....: _ Login id                                     
  (mark one)                     X Stepname                                     
  and specify the override name: AFPTEST1                                       
  Command ==>                                                                   
       Help        Exit        Add                                       Menu   

In the example an overrides to a job of type batch is being created, for a specific step.

The following screen will be displayed:

15:55:56     ***** A D A B A S   FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 *****      2010-10-21
                -  Client Runtime Controls Override Summary  -       U11380M1  
 Type: Batch        Name: BLAH1                                                
 C Type         Name       AFP   AVI   ATM   COR       Comments                
 _ Stepname     AFPTEST1                               *Added (empty)          
 Mark with Display,Modify,Purge,Rename,Copy,Information                             
 Command ==>                                                                   
      Help        Exit  Refr                                Add         Menu   

Select M to modify the override client runtime controls.

The following screen will be displayed:

15:59:56     ***** A D A B A S   FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1*****      2010-10-21
                    -  Adabas Fastpath Runtime Controls  -           U1138FM1  
 Control Type : Batch        Name: BLAH1              Last Modified: 2006-04-05
 Override Type: Stepname     Name: AFPTEST1               by Userid: UKRPE     
System Coordinator (Buffer) Group Name.: RPEGRP4          

Fastpath ON/OFF........: ON      Read-ahead Optimization Control: TP 
Direct Access..........: ON      Read-ahead Memory Limit(k) ....:           
Tracing................: N       Command Time (Hex).............: 00000000  

End-of-job statistics..: X None 
                         _ Daemon messages
                         _ File history with maximum records.....: 0 

 Command ==>                                                                   
      Help        Exit        Upd                                       Menu   

These runtime controls may be modified and saved using PF5.

In the Client Runtime Controls screen ‘Overrides’ will appear in the comments.

These overrides will now apply in preference to the base-level controls for the specific login, job step or transaction.

Top of page

Job History

Save Job History

That Job history information be kept may be specified in the Client Runtime Controls.

The end-of-job statistics control may be set to save the Adabas Fastpath end-of-job statistics to the configuration file.

18:26:18 ***** A D A B A S  FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 *****           2011-03-17
               -  Adabas Fastpath Runtime Controls  -               F11320M1

 Name: RPEAWG                                        Last Modified: 2011-03-17
 Type: Batch                                             by Userid: UKRPE

System Coordinator (Buffer) Group Name.: RPEGRP1          

Fastpath ON/OFF........: ON      Read-ahead Optimization Control: BAT
Direct Access..........: ON      Read-ahead Memory Limit(k) ....: 0         
Tracing................: N       Command Time (Hex).............: 00000000  

End-of-job statistics..: _ None 
                         _ Daemon messages
                         X File history with maximum records.....: 8 


 Command ==>
      Help        Exit        Upd                                       Menu

A maximum of 16 history records may be specified.

History is not supported for wildcard job names.

Display Job History

To display saved Job History information enter "H" on the Client Runtime controls screen next to a job which has AFP client controls.

13:12:32     ***** A D A B A S   FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 *****      2011-03-17
                        -  Client Runtime Controls  -                U11300M1  
                                                 Reposition to Type: ________  
                                                               Name: ________  
                              Client Controls                                  
 C Type         Name       AFP   AVI   ATM   COR       Comments                
 _ CICS (DTR)   CICSPROD                      Y                                
 _              CICTDTR     Y                 Y                                
 _              CICTDT1     Y                 Y                                
 _ Misc.DTR     UKRPE       Y     Y     Y     Y        Overrides               
 _ Batch        RPE*****    Y           Y     Y        Overrides               
 _              NATPBAT                       Y                                
 H              RPEAWG      Y                 Y                                
 _              UKRPECMD    Y                 Y                                
 _ COM-PLETE    DAEFCODE    Y                 Y                                
 _ CICS         CICSRPE     Y                 Y                                
 _              CICSTST1    Y                 Y        Overrides               
 _              CICST1      Y                 Y        Overrides               
 Mark with Display,Expand,Modify,Purge,Rename,Copy,Overrides,Information       
 Command ==>                                                                   
      Help        Exit  Refr                    Fwd   Bot   Add   Prods Menu   

If history has been saved for the job then the following screen will be displayed:

13:26:07     ***** A D A B A S   FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 *****      2011-03-17
                      -  Adabas Fastpath Job History  -              U113B0M1  
     Name: RPEAWG                                                              
     Type: Batch                                                               
 C   Date         Time                  C   Date         Time                  
 _   2011-03-03   17:33:21              _   2011-03-03   12:56:46              
 _   2011-03-03   15:58:31              _   2011-03-03   15:58:32              
 _   2011-03-03   15:58:32              _   2011-03-03   15:58:33              
 _   2011-03-03   15:58:34              _   2011-03-03   17:31:18              
 _   2011-03-03   17:33:18              _   2011-03-03   17:33:19              
 _   2011-03-03   17:33:19              _   2011-03-03   17:33:20              
 Mark to display history information                                           
 Command ==>                                                                   
      Help        Exit                                                  Menu   

In the example a job of type batch has 12 history items.

An individual history item can be selected and the following screen will be displayed:

13:27:41     ***** A D A B A S   FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 *****      2011-03-17
                      -  Adabas Fastpath Job History  -              U113B0MB  
 Job:   RPEAWG Type: Batch        Number: B45852     Started: 2011-03-03  15:58
 ---------------------------- Optimization Summary ----------------------------
    Access Type               Attempts  (58%)    <----------Successes  (61%)   
    Read-ahead:                          (0%)                           (0%)   
    Direct:                          9  (40%)                       4  (44%)   
    RCs:                             4  (18%)                       4  (44%)   
    Others:                          9  (42%)                                  
    Total:                          22 (100%)                       8  (36%)   
   Status: 00 00 00 00    System ID:    BATCH                                  
 Command ==>                                                                   
                  Exit              Excl                                Menu   

This information is provided in the same format as that provided by the Current Activity Displays at the Buffer level (see section Buffer Information).

Then enter PF6 to see the exclusions.

13:29:10     ***** A D A B A S   FASTPATH SERVICES 8.2.1 *****      2011-03-17
                      -  Adabas Fastpath Job History  -              U113B0MD  
 Job:   RPEAWG Type: Batch        Number: B45852     Started: 2011-03-03  15:58
     Statistics for commands that have optimization potential but were         
     unable to be optimized:                                                   
           Unsuitable command type:                             0              
           Disqualified:                                        0              
           Optimization was disabled:                           0              
           Multi-fetch was already set:                         0              
           Command details exceed Set-id limit:                 0              
           Record Buffer exceeds the limit:                     0              
 Command ==>                                                                   
                  Exit                    Gen                           Menu   

The information is provided is in the same format as that provided by the Current Activity Displays at the buffer level (see section Buffer Information).

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