ERROR-121 | ERROR-122 | ERROR-123 | ERROR-125 | ERROR-126 | ERROR-127 | ERROR-128 | ERROR-129 | ERROR-130 | ERROR-131 | ERROR-132 | ERROR-133 | ERROR-134 | ERROR-135 | ERROR-136 | ERROR-137 | ERROR-138 | ERROR-139 | ERROR-140 | ERROR-141 | ERROR-142 | ERROR-143 | ERROR-144 | ERROR-145 | ERROR-146
ERROR-121 | Error counter reached maximum (ERRLIM) |
ERROR-122 | Invalid value for parameter file |
Explanation |
A range of file numbers must be supplied in ascending order. |
Action |
Supply the correct parameter value and rerun the job. |
ERROR-123 | Invalid or missing FROMISN/TOISN parameter |
ERROR-125 | Invalid block length for DS block xxxxxxxx (nnnn) |
ERROR-126 | AC Element contains DS RABN xxxxxxxx (nnnn) (duplicate ISN) |
ERROR-127 | AC element contains DS RABN xxxxxxxx (nnnn) |
ERROR-128 | ISN xxxxxxxx (nnnn) not found AC element contains DS RABN xxxxxxxx (nnnn) |
ERROR-129 | Wrong value for first unused ISN found in FCB |
Explanation |
FCB+ISNU (offset X`44') contains xxxxxxxx (nnnn) Actual first unused ISN = xxxxxxxx (nnnn) |
ERROR-130 | Invalid datastorage block/record length. DS RABN = xxxxxxxx (nnnn) |
Explanation |
The sum of all record lengths in the block must be equal to the block length minus 4. |
Action |
Run ADADCK to obtain more information. |
ERROR-131 | ISN found in DS record is greater or equal to the first unused ISN in the file. |
Explanation |
The ISN found in a Data Storage record is greater or equal to the first unused ISN in the address converter. |
ERROR-132 | Invalid secondary ISN values in FCB |
Explanation |
When spanned records are enabled, the first unused secondary ISN in the secondary address converter (used to map secondary ISNs to the RABNs of secondary records) must not be more than one higher than the maximum ISN included in the secondary address converter. In addition, the maximum ISN included in the secondary address converter must be the same as the highest allocated ISN for the secondary address converter. |
ERROR-133 | AC2-element contains DS-RABN xxxxxxxx ( nnnn ) (duplicate ISN) |
Explanation |
When spanned records are enabled, a secondary address converter element contains a duplicate ISN. |
ERROR-134 | AC2-element contains DS-RABN xxxxxxxx ( nnnn ) |
Explanation |
When spanned records are enabled, a mismatch exists between the secondary address converter elements and Data Storage. |
ERROR-135 | Wrong value for first unused AC2ISN found in FCB |
Explanation |
When spanned records are enabled, the first unused ISN allocated in the secondary address converter and the first unused ISN in the secondary address converter do not match. |
ERROR-136 | AC2 ISN found in DS-record is greater or equal to the first unused AC2 ISN in the file |
Explanation |
When spanned records are enabled, the secondary ISN found in the Data Storage record is larger than or equal to the first unused ISN in the secondary address converter. |
ERROR-137 | Spanned data storage record is invalid DS-RABN = xxxxxxxx ( nnnn ) |
Explanation |
When spanned records are enabled, the Data Storage RABN listed in the message is invalid. |
Action |
Run the ADADCK utility for further details. |
ERROR-138 | Invalid rotating ISN isn-num |
Explanation |
This ISN is outside the valid range. |
Action |
Research the problem and contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance. |
ERROR-139 | Cannot keep more than 500 million ISNs in core |
Explanation |
The number of ISNs requested for the ADAACK utility exceeded the limit that can be requested. |
Action |
Limit the ISN range and rerun the ADAACK job. |
ERROR-140 | Invalid ISN values in FCB |
Explanation |
The first unused ISN must not be higher than the maximum ISN (MAXISN) plus 1. The maximum ISN must correspond to the highest allocated ISN. |
ERROR-141 | AC2 table overflow |
Explanation |
When spanned records are enabled, a secondary address converter table overflow occurred. |
ERROR-142 | ISN xxxxxxxx ( nnnn ) not fount AC2 element contains DS RABN xxxxxxxx ( nnnn ) |
Explanation |
When spanned records are enabled, a Data Storage RABN was found in the secondary address converter, but not in Data Storage. |
ERROR-143 | Invalid rotating AC2 ISN isn-num |
Explanation |
This secondary address converter ISN is outside the valid range. |
Action |
Research the problem and contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance. |
ERROR-144 | AC2 RABN nnnnnnnn (nnnnnnnn) is invalid |
Explanation |
The secondary address converter RABN listed in the message is invalid. |
Action |
Print the contents of the Associator blocks using the ADAPRI ASSOPRI utility function. Then contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance. |
ERROR-145 | Invalid ISN values in FCB |
Explanation |
Invalid ISN values were found in the FCB.
Action |
Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance. |
ERROR-146 | Invalid secondary ISN values in FCB |
Explanation |
Invalid secondary ISN values were found in the FCB.
Action |
Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance. |