Version 8.2.3
 —  Messages and Codes  —

ADACDC Utility Error and Warning Messages

Overview of Messages

ERROR-121 | ERROR-122 | ERROR-123 | ERROR-124 | ERROR-125 | ERROR-126 | WARNING-127 | WARNING-128 | ERROR-129 | WARNING-130 | ERROR-131 | WARNING-132 | WARNING-133 | WARNING-134 | ERROR-135 | WARNING-136 | ERROR-137 | ERROR-138 | WARNING-142 | WARNING-143 | ERROR-144 | ERROR-145 | ERROR-146 | ERROR-147

ERROR-121 Open failed for filename file

ADACDC attempted to open the file filename but the open failed. Processing cannot continue with this file; utility execution is terminated.


Provide the missing file in the ADACDC job.

ERROR-122 Read error for filename file

An error occurred reading the file filename; utility execution is terminated. This error generally occurs when the format of the file indicated is not valid.


Ensure that the file in question has a valid format as specified in the ADACDC documentation. In addition, check any special considerations for the operating system where the utility is being executed.

ERROR-123 Write error for filename file

An error occurred writing to the file filename; utility execution is terminated. This error normally occurs when the output file is full, but it may also occur when the format of the file indicated is not valid.


If the file is full, increase the size of the file and rerun the job. Otherwise, ensure that the file in question has a valid format as specified in the ADACDC documentation. In addition, check any special considerations for the operating system where the utility is being executed.

ERROR-124 Unable to write data to filename file

The ADACDC utility was not able to write data to the file filename because the amount of data to be written exceeded the maximum data that could be written to this file. Additional input in the message indicates the length of data that was to be written and the maximum data that can be written to the file.


Increase the block size on the file to accommodate the largest record that may be written to the file.

ERROR-125 Invalid transaction file `CDCTXI'

The ADACDC utility opened the CDCTXI file and successfully read the first record; however, the first record is not a transaction file record produced by the ADACDC utility.


Supply a valid input transaction file to the utility or specify the RESETTXF so that the CDCTXI specification is ignored if the file name is correct.

ERROR-126 Inconsistent PLOG input provided: current DBID=olddbid PLOG=oldplog BLOCK=oldblock received DBID=newdbid PLOG=newplog BLOCK=newblock PLOGS provided to ADACDC must be in sequence

The ADACDC utility encountered inconsistent input while processing the input PLOG data. It was expecting the next block based on the values olddbid, oldplog, and oldblock, but found that the next block to be processed was newdbid, newplog, and newblock. This can occur if

  • a PLOG is encountered that was produced by a different database ID;

  • newplog and oldplog are the same, but newblock is not 1 more than oldblock, or newplog is less than oldplog.


PLOGs must be provided to the ADACDC utility in the chronological order in which they were created. Provide the PLOG input in the correct chronological order. If this has occurred due to information on the input transaction file and you still wish to process the PLOGs provided, specify the RESETTXF option.

WARNING-127 Conversion error, Response Code=55.
Length error decompressing field file=file ISN=isn fieldname=name PE-INDEX=peindex
The record for the ISN will be written with a flag indicating that the record was not decompressed successfully.
This occurs when the decompressed value for the field is longer than the default length for the field in the FDT. Data can legally be written longer than this value or the FDT definition may have changed.

An error occurred while decompressing a record (on file file for ISN number isn, field name name, and PE Index peindex) before writing it to the primary output file. The record cannot be decompressed. This can occur if

  • the FDT for a file has changed; or

  • a data area longer than the default for the field in the FDT has been written, which can legally occur.

The record is written with an indication that decompression failed.


If the FDT has changed, the record cannot be decompressed unless the FDT is changed back. If the record(s) being written are longer than the default value for the field in the FDT, either increase the default value to accommodate the larger field sizes or avoid writing fields longer than the default value.

WARNING-128 Input transaction file is empty

The CDCTXI file was successfully opened but was empty; no transaction information is available.


If you are aware that the input transaction file is empty, you can ignore this warning; however, if you expect the input transaction file to contain some data, you need to determine why ADACDC is seeing an empty file.

ERROR-129 value invalid for PHASE parameter

The value specified for the PHASE parameter is invalid.


Specify "1", "2", or "BOTH", as appropriate.

WARNING-130 FDT for file file not found

A data record is decompressed before writing to the primary output file. Before the record can be decompressed, the FDT for the file file must exist in the database. In this case, the FDT was not found; so the record could not be decompressed. Processing for the file is disabled after this message is issued.


Make the FDT for the file available again in the database and rerun the job with FILE=file to process the records for the file in question.

ERROR-131 Database ID mismatch ADARUN DBID=rundbid, extract file DBID=extdbid

The first record was read from the extract file provided for a phase 2 execution of the ADACDC utility. This record indicates that the extract file was generated for the extdbid database; however, the ADARUN DBID is rundbid.


Run the phase 2 job using the correct database.

WARNING-132 Inconsistent NOET specification transaction data on CDCTXI ignored

ADACDC detected that NOET was specified on the previous run of ADACDC, but not on this run-or vice versa. Changing the NOET parameter between runs renders the data on the transaction file redundant; therefore, this data is ignored.


If this is expected, the message may be ignored. If it is not expected, you should determine why the ADACDC utility is being run with different options.

WARNING-133 Decompressed record too long. Response Code=53
Length error decompressing entire record file=file ISN=isn
The record for the ISN will be written with a flag indicating that the record was not decompressed successfully.
This will occur when the maximum length available on the CDCEXT/CDCOUT output file is insufficient to contain the decompressed record. Increase the maximum record length for the output file.

Before writing the the ISN (isn) for the file (file) to the primary output data set, an attempt was made to decompress the data. This attempt failed because the maximum length of output that can be written to the primary output data set is not large enough to accommodate the decompressed record. The record is written to the primary output data set with an indicator in the CDCO/CDCH header that the record is still in compressed format.


Increase the block size of the primary output data set. If the data record requires more than 32K when decompressed, it cannot be supported by the ADACDC utility.

WARNING-134 Error occurred during the data decompression for File=file, ISN=isn, SeqNumber=seqnum.
RC=rc, ResponseCode=rspcode, ResponseSubcode=subcode was given from the decompression routine.
Report this to your DBA.
The record will be written with a flag 'Still compressed'.

A decompression error occurred while decompressing the data record for the unique sequential number seqnum for ISN isn on file file prior to output to the primary output data set. The return code (rc), response code (rspcode), and subcode (subcode) are given in the message. The record is written to the primary output data set with an indicator in the CDCO/CDCH header that the record is still in compressed format.


Report the error to your DBA.

ERROR-135 Error limit exceeded

The error limit is exceeded if the combined number of WARNING-127, WARNING-133, or WARNING-134 messages exceeds 99. This error generally indicates a fundamental problem with FDT definition(s) that should be corrected.


Correct the reason for some or all of the warning messages and rerun the job.

WARNING-136 PLOG(S) may be missing current=currplog next=nextplog

While reading the input PLOGs, ADACDC detected that the PLOG number jumped from currplog to nextplog indicating that PLOG numbers in between may have been skipped.

This can legally occur during online saves because they increase the session number without the PLOG number being changed. This causes the next PLOG started to use a number more than 1 greater than the previous PLOG.

If that does not explain the difference, verify that all appropriate PLOGs for the database have been provided in sequence.

ERROR-137 PLOG plognumber not of current version

ADACDC cannot handle protection logs (PLOGs) from previous versions.


Use the ADACDC from the load library of the appropriate version.

ERROR-138 PLOG plognumber was produced by a cluster nucleus session and has not been merged yet

The protection log (PLOG) was created by an Adabas cluster nucleus and has not yet been merged with other PLOGs using an ADARES PLCOPY procedure.


Use the ADARES PLCOPY function before extracting data using ADACDC.

WARNING-142 IGNORESPANNED parameter specified, Spanned record has been skipped

The IGNORESPANNED parameter was supplied. All spanned records found in the PLOG will be ignored.


If processing spanned records is required, omit the IGNORESPANNED parameter and rerun the ADACDC job. Otherwise, no action is required for this informational message.

WARNING-143 Secondary spanned segment without associated primary spanned segment encountered for File = file, Primary ISN = isn, SeqNumber = seqnum. Such spanned record cannot be decompressed.
The record will be written with a flag 'Still compressed'.

A standalone secondary segment (that is, a secondary segment without a primary segment) of the spanned record identified with the unique sequential number seqnum for primary ISN isn on file file was encountered in the protection log (PLOG). This segment cannot be decompressed. The record is written to the primary output data set with an indicator in the CDCH header that the record is still in compressed format.


No action is required for this informational message. Probably Adabas was started with the ADARUN nucleus parameter SRLOG=UPD, which instructs the nucleus to write to the PLOG only modified spanned record segments. If it is necessary to include all spanned PLOG records into ADACDC processing, restart the Adabas nucleus after changing the ADARUN SRLOG parameter to ALL or PART.

ERROR-144 ISN chain for spanned record is not intact.
File=file, Primary ISN = isn, SeqNumber = seqnum.
Report this to your DBA.

The primary and secondary segments of a spanned record are connected using their ISNs. A secondary segment was found in the PLOG with a different ISN from what was expected.


Report this problem to your DBA.

ERROR-145 Length of compressed spanned record exceeds the maximum PLOG/TXI record length multiplied by SEGLFAC value.
File = file, Primary ISN = isn, SeqNumber = seqnum.
Report this to your DBA.

The length of the buffer for assembling spanned records is not large enough to contain the complete spanned record.


Report this problem to your DBA.

ERROR-146 Number of segments in spanned record exceeds SEGLFAC value.
File = file, Primary ISN = isn, SeqNumber = seqnum.
Report this to your DBA.

The number of segments of a spanned record exceeds the SEGLFAC value (maximum number of spanned record segments allowed in one spanned record).


Report this problem to your DBA.

ERROR-147 MAXLOGRECLEN value less than minimum.
Must be at least 32768 bytes.

The value specified for the MAXLOGRECLEN parameter is too small. Valid values must be at least 32768 bytes.


Correct the parameter value and rerun the job.

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