Version 8.2.3
 —  Utilities  —

ADAPRI Syntax and Examples


This document describes the syntax and parameter of the ADAPRI utility.

Essential Parameters

FROMRABN/ TORABN: Range of Blocks to Be Printed

The beginning and ending numbers of the RABNs to be printed. Both values must be specified; there are no defaults.

Printing begins with the block number specified with the FROMRABN parameter and ends with the block number specified with the TORABN parameter. Each block in the range is printed in hexadecimal format.

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Optional Parameters

BATCH: Output Format

Controls the line length of the printed output. If BATCH is not specified, the default line size is 80 characters. If BATCH is specified, the output line size is 120 characters.

DEVICE: Device Type

The device type that contains the data set to be printed. This parameter is required if the device type is different from the standard device type assigned by the ADARUN DEVICE parameter.

NOUSERABEND: Termination without Abend

When an error is encountered while the function is running, the utility prints an error message and terminates with user abend 34 (with a dump) or user abend 35 (without a dump). When NOUSERABEND is specified, it must be specified as the first parameter (before all other parameters) for the utility function.

If NOUSERABEND is specified, the utility will not abend after printing the error message. Instead, the message "utility TERMINATED DUE TO ERROR CONDITION" is displayed and the utility terminates with condition code 20.

NUMBER: Command/ Protection Log Data Set Number

The number of the multiple (two through eight) command log (CLOG) or protection log (PLOG) data set from which the blocks are to be printed. NUMBER can only be specified when CLOGPRI or PLOGPRI is specified. When NUMBER=2 is specified, DD/CLOGR2 blocks are printed; if the CLOGPRI or PLOGPRI function is specified without NUMBER, the blocks are taken from DD/CLOGR1 (the default).

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Example 1:


Blocks 1 and 2 of the Associator (which contain the general control blocks) is printed.

Example 2:


Blocks 8000 to 8120, inclusively, of Data Storage are printed.

Example 3:


Blocks 1 to 100 of the Adabas Work are to be printed. The output line size to be used is 120.

Example 4:


Blocks 1 to 100 of the command log data set DD/CLOGR2 are printed in 120-character-wide format.

Example 5:


Block 1 only of the DSIM data set is printed. The DSIM data set is only used if Adabas Delta Save Facility is installed.

Example 6:


Block 1693209 of the Associator is printed. Note the use of hexadecimal values in the FROMRABN and TORABN parameters.

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