Version 8.2.3

Installing the Recovery Aid (ADARAI)

This section describes how to install the Adabas Recovery Aid (ADARAI).

ADARAI Installation Overview

To install the Adabas Recovery Aid, it is necessary to:

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ADARAI Installation Procedure

Except for customizing the skeleton job stream, the specific installation steps are as follows:

Start of instruction setTo install the Adabas Recovery Aid:

  1. Define and format the DDRLOGR1 file.

    Use the ADAFRM RLOGFRM function to format the RLOG.

  2. Add DDRLOGR1 DD or DLBL statements to the nucleus job stream and to any utilities that update or save the database and thus write to the RLOG file.

    Whenever these utilities are executed while ADARAI is active in the database (that is, after the PREPARE function has been executed), the DDRLOGR1 or DDDLBL statements must be included.

    The following utilities update the database and therefore write to the RLOG:

    ADAORD (all STORE and REORDER functions)
    ADALOD (all functions)
    ADAINV (all functions)
    ADASAV RESTORE (all functions) and RESTPLOG

    The following utilities save the database and therefore write to the RLOG:

    ADASAV SAVE (all functions)

    The following utility functions have an impact on recovery and therefore write to the RLOG:


    Additionally, the Adabas nucleus writes to the RLOG during startup and termination. The nucleus also writes checkpoint information to the RLOG when ADADBS or Adabas Online System functions are processed, ensuring these events are known to ADARAI for recovery processing.

  3. Install ADARAI on the database.

    Execute the ADARAI PREPARE function. ADARAI PREPARE updates the ASSO GCBs to indicate that ADARAI is installed. It also creates a control record on the RLOG file with necessary ADARAI information (number of generations, RLOG size, etc.).

  4. Create the first ADARAI generation.

    Execute ADASAV SAVE (database) to start the logging of RLOG information. See the Adabas Utilities documentation for more information.

Once ADARAI is active in the database, protection logging must always be used.

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