Version 8.2.3

Installing The Error Handling And Message Buffering Feature

This section describes how to install the error handling and message buffering feature.

Start of instruction setTo install the error handling and message buffering feature:

  1. Specify ADARUN SMGT=YES. If message buffering is to be used, also specify ADARUN MSGBUF with a value greater than zero.

    When ADARUN SMGT=YES is specified to activate the error handling tool, the initialization module ADAMXI is loaded by ADARUN and is then called during session open:

  2. Decide which exits are critical (the default) and issue SMGT,XNOTCRITICAL=exit-code operator commands for those that are not critical.

  3. Customize ADASMXIT if necessary, particularly if PINRSP or PINAUTOR are to be activated or output is to be directed to DDTRACE1 rather than DDPRINT for the PIN routines. Reassemble the exit and ensure that it resides in the Adabas load library or is available in a load library that is available at startup time.

  4. Decide which PINs to activate.

    The following table lists the available PINs and how to activate them:

    PIN Routine To install ...
    PINAUTOR rename NOAUTOR in the Adabas load library to PINAUTOR
    PINOPRSP rename NOOPRSP in the Adabas load library to PINOPRSP
    PINUES issue operator command SMGT,ADDPIN=PINUES when the nucleus is active (see note below)

    Since PINRSP and PINUES handle some of the same response codes, perform the ADDPIN function last on the module that is to acquire control. For example, PINRSP and PINUES both handle a response code 55 (ADARSP055). If PINUES is to acquire control, the ADDPIN must be done on PINUES after PINRSP.

At this point error handling is fully operational and SMGT operator commands may be issued.

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