Version 8.2.3


Each Adabas utility is described in a separate part. For a single-function utility, the part begins with a syntax diagram showing the utility statement and all possible parameters. Parts for utilities with multiple functions begin with a brief overview of the functions, followed by the individual function syntax diagrams and descriptions.

Each function description contains:

Following the function descriptions are job control examples for the BS2000, z/OS, and z/VSE operating systems.

Data set names starting with DD are referred to in the Adabas documentation with a slash separating the DD from the remainder of the data set name to accommodate z/VSE data set names that do not contain the DD prefix. The slash is not part of the data set name.

This documentation is organized in the following parts:

../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif ADAACK Utility: Check Address Converter Describes the ADAACK utility, which allows you to check the address converter for a specific file or range of files or for a specific ISN or range of ISNs.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif ADACDC Utility: Changed-Data Capture Describes the ADACDC utility, which allows you to produce a file containing the delta of all changes made to the database over the period covered by the input protection logs. You can also use this utility to produce a file that lists each individual insert and delete transaction made to the database over the period covered by the input protection logs (without producing a delta of these changes).
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif ADACMP Utility: Compress-Decompress Data Describes the ADACMP utility, which allows you to edit and compress data records that are to be loaded into the database. This utility also allows you to decompress individual files in the Adabas database.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif ADACNV Utility: Database Conversion Describes the ADACNV utility, which allows you to convert an Adabas database to a higher version of Adabas or to revert an Adabas database to a lower version of Adabas.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif ADADBS Utility: Database Services Describes the ADADBS utility, which allows you to perform many database definition and maintenance functions.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif ADADCK Utility: Check Data Storage and DSST Describes the ADADCK utility, which allows you to check Data Storage and the Data Storage space table (DSST) of specified files in the database.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif ADADEF Utility: Define a Database Describes the ADADEF utility, which allows you to define a database and checkpoint file or define a new Work file. It also allows you to modify file encodings for the database.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif ADAFRM Utility: Format Adabas Data Sets Describes the ADAFRM utility, which allows you to format Adabas database components.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif ADAICK Utility: Check Index and Address Converter Describes the ADAICK utility, which allows you to check the physical structure of the Associator.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif ADAINV Utility: Inverted List Management Describes the ADAINV utility, which allows you to create descriptors in a file and identify the descriptors used to couple two files.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif ADALOD Utility: File Loader Describes the ADALOD utility, which allows you to load a file into a database and to add or delete a large number of records (ISNs) to or from an existing file.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif ADAMER Utility: ADAM Estimation Describes the ADAMER utility, which allows you to produce statistics that indicate the number of Data Storage accesses required to find and read a record when using an ADAM descriptor.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif ADAORD Utility: Reordering Functions Describes the ADAORD utility, which allows you to reorder the Associator or Data Storage for a database or specified files. This utility also allows you to restructure a database or file.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif ADAPLP Utility: Protection Log/Work Print Describes the ADAPLP utility, which allows you to print data protection records contained on the Adabas Work data set or the Adabas data protection log.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif ADAPRI Utility: Print Selected Adabas Blocks Describes the ADAPRI utility, which allows you to print the contents of a block (or range of blocks) contained in the Associator, Data Storage, Work, temp, sort, multiple data set command log, multiple data set protection log, or the recovery log data set.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif ADARAI Utility: Adabas Recovery Aid Describes the ADARAI utility, which allows you to manage recovery logging.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif ADAREP Utility: Database Status Report Describes the ADAREP utility, which allows you to produce the database status report.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif ADARES Utility: Database Recovery Describes the ADARES utility, which allows you to perform database recovery functions.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif ADASAV Utility: Save/Restore Database or Files Describes the ADASAV utility, which allows you to save or restore a database or specific database files.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif ADASEL Utility: Select Protection Data Describes the ADASEL utility, which allows you to select and decompress information in the Adabas sequential (SIBA) or dual/multiple (PLOG) protection log and write it to a print data set (DDDRUCK/ DRUCK) or a user-specified output data set.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif ADAULD Utility: Unload Files Describes the ADAULD utility, which allows you to unload an Adabas file.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif ADAVAL Utility: Validate the Database Describes the ADAVAL utility, which allows you to validate any or all files within an Adabas database except the checkpoint and security files.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif ADAWRK Utility: Work Area Recovery Reports Describes the ADAWRK utility, which allows you to produce reports from records in the autorestart area of Work part 1. This information can be used when the database autostart fails and the database will not come up. It can help you determine how to handle database recovery.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif ADAZAP Utility: Display or Modify Asso, Data, and Work Data Sets Describes the ADAZAP utility, which allows you to display (in hexadecimal format) and optionally change the contents of the Associator, Data Storage, or Work data sets.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif ADAZIN Utility: Print Adabas Maintenance and SVC Information Describes the ADAZIN utility, which allows you to print Adabas maintenance and SVC information.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif ADABAS Sequential Files Describes the sequential files used by the Adabas utilities as well as characteristics of file and device definitions by operating system..
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Libraries and File Procedures for z/VSE Examples Lists the Adabas libraries and files that should be cataloged into an accessible procedure library for the z/VSE examples.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Adabas Personnel Demo File Provides the FDT for the Personnel demo file distributed with Adabas.

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