Administration Version 2.6.1
 —  Using Event Replicator Administration  —

Maintaining Subscription Definitions

A subscription definition defines a set of rules to be applied to replicated data. Subscription definitions include at least one SFILE definition and at least one destination definition. They may also specify a resend buffer definition to expedite the retransmission of a transaction.

At least one subscription definition, with its associated destination and SFILE definitions, must be created because these definitions are used to determine how replicated data is processed by the Event Replicator Server. If a subscription definition is not specified, data replication will occur, but the data will never be processed by the Event Replicator Server and, therefore, will never be delivered to the target application.

This document covers the following topics:

Listing Subscription Definitions

Start of instruction setTo use Event Replicator Administration to list the subscription definitions stored in the Replicator system file:

  1. Select an Event Replicator Server in tree-view as described in Selecting Event Replicator Databases.

  2. Click and expand Replication Definitions in tree-view under the selected database.

  3. Click on Subscriptions in the tree-view under Replication Definitions.

    A table listing the subscription definitions in the Replicator system file appears in detail-view.

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Adding Subscription Definitions

To use the Event Replicator Administration to add a subscription definition in the Replicator system file, complete the following steps:

Step 1. Access the Subscription Definition Area of the Event Replicator Administration

Start of instruction setTo access the subscription definition are of the Event Replicator Administration:

  1. List the subscription definitions in Event Replicator Administration, as described in Listing Subscription Definitions.

    The subscription definitions are listed in detail-view.

  2. Right-click on Subscriptions in the tree-view under Replication Definitions.

    A drop-down menu appears.

  3. Click on Create New Subscription in the drop-down menu.

    A blank New Subscription panel appears in detail-view.

    The list of incomplete items on this screen identifies information (definitions) that must be supplied for the subscription definition before it can be read at Event Replicator Server startup. In the example below, the new subscription definition still needs the following information before it is a valid subscription: at least one destination definition, at least one SFILE definition (File-Related Parms), and format buffer specifications (either as individual format buffers or using global format buffer (GFB) definitions).


Step 2. Supply General Subscription Information

Start of instruction setTo supply general information for the subscription definition:

Step 3. (Optional) Modify the Transaction Logging Values for the Subscription, as Necessary

Start of instruction setTo modify the TLOG values for the subscription:

Step 4. Specify One or More Destinations for the Subscription

Start of instruction setTo specify one or more destinations for the subscription:

  1. Click OK on the New Subscription panel. (Click Cancel if you want to cancel creating the subscription definition.)

    A Save Option panel appears in detail-view.


  2. Indicate whether you want to save the subscription definition as the current definition or as a scheduled definition on the Save Option panel. Then click OK to continue. (Click Cancel if you want to cancel creating the subscription definition.)

    The Subscription panel appears again in detail-view.


  3. Click the Modify button.

    The parameters you can modify become editable again in detail-view.


  4. Click on the checkmark in the Value column of the Destination Name List field.

    The following destination list table appears in detail-view.


  5. Specify at least one destination for the subscription in the destination list table. The first time you access this panel, no destinations are listed in the table.

    The fields in the Destination List table should be specified as follows:

    Parameter Name Use the selection box to select Default

    The name of a predefined destination definition. For more information about destination definitions, read Maintaining Destination Definitions.

    An Adabas destination can be referenced by no more than one subscription.

    Initial-State Data Whether you want the destination to receive initial-state (I) replicated data. Valid values are "Yes" (receive the data) or "No" (do not receive the data). Yes
    Normal Data Whether you want the destination to receive normal (N) data replicated data. Valid values are "Yes" (receive the data) or "No" (do not receive the data). Yes
  6. When all destinations have been specified correctly in the destination list table, click OK to save the subscription definition.

    The destination list table panel closes and you are returned to the Subscription panel.

Step 5. Specify One or More SFILE Definitions for the Subscription

Specify an "S" in the File-Related Parameters field to create the SFILE definitions for the subscription. When you enter an "S", a List of Subscription SFILEs panel appears listing the SFILE definitions currently assigned to the subscription definition. At least one SFILE definition must be specified on the List of Subscription SFILEs screen:

Step 6. Save the Subscription Definition

Start of instruction setTo save the subscription definition:

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Modifying Subscription Definitions

Start of instruction setTo use Event Replicator Administration to modify a subscription definition in the Replicator system file:

  1. List the subscription definitions in Event Replicator Administration, as described in Listing Subscription Definitions.

    The subscription definitions are listed in detail-view.

  2. Locate the definition you want to modify in the table in detail-view and click the check mark in either the Current, Scheduled, or Old columns, depending on which version of the definition you want to maintain.

    The detail-view lists the current settings for the subscription definition you selected.

  3. Make sure that Modify is selected in the drop-down box at the bottom of detail-view. Then click Execute.

    The subscription parameters you can modify become editable in detail-view. For information on modifying these parameters, read the description of Adding Subscription Definitions.

  4. When all modifications have been made, click OK to save the changes or click Cancel to cancel the changes.

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Copying Subscription Definitions

Start of instruction setTo use Event Replicator Administration to copy a subscription definition in the Replicator system file:

  1. List the subscription definitions in Event Replicator Administration, as described in Listing Subscription Definitions.

    The subscription definitions are listed in detail-view.

  2. Locate the definition you want to copy in the table in detail-view and click the check mark in either the Current, Scheduled, or Old columns, depending on which version of the definition you want to copy.

    The detail-view lists the settings for the version of the subscription definition you selected.

  3. Click the Copy button.

    A copy of the subscription definition is created and its parameter values appear in detail-view.

  4. Specify a new, unique name for the copy of the subscription definition in the Value column for the Subscription Name parameter.

  5. If you wish, modify any other parameters for the new copy in detail-view. For information on modifying the parameters, read the description of Adding Subscription Definitions.

  6. When all modifications have been made, click OK to save the changes or click Cancel to cancel the copy.

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Activating and Deactivating Subscription Definitions

You can use Event Replicator Administration to activate and deactivate subscription definitions.

Be careful when you activate and deactivate replication definitions and databases, especially if replication is ongoing at the time. Whenever you activate or deactivate definitions or databases, you run the risk of altering what data is replicated and how that replication occurs. If the Event Replicator Server receives data from an Adabas database for which it has no active definitions, replication simply does not occur.

This section covers the following topics:

Activating Subscription Definitions

Start of instruction setTo use Event Replicator Administration to activate a subscription definition:

  1. Select an Event Replicator Server in tree-view as described in Selecting Event Replicator Databases.

  2. Click and expand Active Parameters in tree-view under the selected database.

  3. Click and expand Replication in tree-view under Active Parameters.

  4. Click on Subscriptions in the tree-view under Replication.

    A table listing the subscription definitions in the Replicator system file appears in detail-view.

  5. In detail-view, click on the name of the definition you want to activate.

    Details about the subscription appear in detail-view.

  6. Click the Activate button.

    This button will not be available if the definition is already activated.

    The subscription definition is activated.

Deactivating Subscription Definitions

Start of instruction setTo use Event Replicator Administration to deactivate a subscription definition:

  1. Select an Event Replicator Server in tree-view as described in Selecting Event Replicator Databases.

  2. Click and expand Active Parameters in tree-view under the selected database.

  3. Click and expand Replication in tree-view under Active Parameters.

  4. Click on Subscriptions in the tree-view under Replication.

    A table listing the subscription definitions in the Replicator system file appears in detail-view.

  5. In detail-view, click on the name of the definition you want to deactivate.

    Details about the subscription appear in detail-view.

  6. Click the Deactivate button.

    This button will not be available if the definition is already deactivated.

    The subscription definition is deactivated.

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Deleting Subscription Definitions

Start of instruction setTo use Event Replicator Administration to delete a subscription definition in the Replicator system file:

  1. List the subscription definitions in Event Replicator Administration, as described in Listing Subscription Definitions.

    The subscription definitions are listed in detail-view.

  2. Locate the definition you want to delete in the table in detail-view and click the check mark in either the Current, Scheduled, or Old columns, depending on which version of the definition you want to maintain.

    The detail-view lists the settings for the version of the subscription definition you selected.

  3. Click the Delete button.

    A confirmation panel appears verifying that you want to delete the definition. If you click Yes (indicating that you do want to delete the definition), the definition is deleted. If you click No (indicating that you do not want to delete the definition), the definition is not deleted.

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