Administration Version 2.6.1
 —  Using Event Replicator Administration  —

Reviewing Active Replication Parameters of Event Replicator Servers

If you are reviewing the active parameters of an Event Replicator Server, you have the option to review the active replication parameters of that database.

Start of instruction setTo display the replication parameter settings for an Event Replicator database:

  1. Select an Event Replicator Server in tree-view as described in Selecting Event Replicator Databases.

  2. Click and expand Active Parameters in tree-view under the database name.

    The active ADARUN parameters for the database are displayed in tables in detail-view.

  3. Click and expand Replication in tree-view under Active Parameters.

    The general (global value) replication parameters for the Event Replicator database are listed in detail-view.

    For explanations of each of these replication parameters, read Setting Global Values.

  4. If you want to review the replication parameters for specific types of definitions, select the appropriate definition type in tree-view under Replication.

    A table listing the definitions of the type you selected appears in detail-view. To see detail statistics for a given definition, click on it in the table.

    For explanations of each of the replication parameters, read Maintaining Replication Definitions .

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